From commentor Delphinium:
This is a continuation from a previous garden post, sharing more photos of the beauty that can be found in the transition into winter here. These photos were taken in November around my yard and the neighborhood.
Bare Tree
What’s going on in your garden (planning / memories / indoor), this week?
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Beauty is all around us. My daffodils are popping up and it won’t be long before I start seeing other signs of an early spring.
Beautiful pics Delphinium, thanx.
Love the textures pictures Delphinium! I did a texture series on windswept sand on the winter’s beach once.
After almost all of January was chilly, rainy days in the 40s, I woke up to an inch of snow this morning. Leaving in the morning for a week away, so I guess good timing, because now the temps are going down to 20s highs for most of the next two weeks. Edit: and the day is 1/2 hour longer than it was in the beginning of the month. 😊
@satby: Is this your train trip? Where are you going?
@eclare: a much shortened version for now, because I was pretty sick for several weeks with asthma. Heading to Auburn CA to visit a friend. Later on will take the longer trip I originally planned, hoping to see more of the country by rail.
Good morning everyone! Has been more rain than snow here so far in January, remains to be seen if February will be just as soggy.
That sounds lovely. Have a wonderful trip to CA! Sorry to hear you had to shorten your trip and hope you are feeling much better now.
@delphinium: thanks for the lovely photos
@delphinium: What part of the country are you in?
@JPL: No daffodils here yet-always look forward to seeing them and hyacinths in spring.
@eclare: I’m in Central NY (between Rochester and Syracuse), near several of the finger lakes.
Rainy cooling weekend in north Florida after a really nice week. I went camellia hunting yesterday at farmers market and an out of the way wholesale nursery. Old front moving in so I will wait to plant. I am promising to finalize my Geo seed order. Select Seed sent email that order is in the mail. Browsing catalogs. These stupid cold fronts keep coming on weekends so I can’t do certain projects.
it is time to place orders for coleus so they won’t be out of what you want even though they don’t ship till April.
Anyone else want to tell about good garden companies?
Rose Petal Nursery antique roses. Local to me but nation wide mail order
supposedly we can only post 3 links without a problem.
@delphinium: I am, thanks.
@satby: I saw in an earlier thread that you’re officially retired – congrats!
Are you officially done with the market, too?
@delphinium: Thanks! I like to know where people are. So far gray and 40 here in Memphis.
@Mousebumples: not quite! I have someone interested in buying the booth, but until I sell it I may do Saturdays only. At least enough to earn my yearly assessment fee.
I’ve got daffodils poking out of the ground.
We had warm-ish winter weather spilling over from the atmospheric rivers to the south, so the nectarine is preparing to bloom, as usual far too early for any buds to survive the coming cold. It never should have been planted here and was sorely neglected in terms of pruning. 1/3 of the trunk had the bark burned away by sun scale years ago and it looks to be splitting there, so a neighbor with more experience and me are going to do a very aggressive prune, and if it survives, ok and if not, that’s ok too.
I realised the self watering pots that I stored in the garage to dry out the soil actually get quite a bit of light from the garage door windows and the low angle sun, so I used up last year’s remaining spinach and radish seeds in one of them. The geranium stored out there is not only still going strong, it is getting ready to bloom, so I figured it was worth a shot and use up old seeds.
Being as sharp as a marble, last week I left my sunny, sandy, seaside shack on Ponce de Leon’s peculiar peninsula for my home tundra on the outer rim of the hardy twilight zone.
My progeny think I did so as a result of the cheese having slipped off the cracker. Perhaps. They are full of warnings, “You are going to fall on the ice and break a hip.”
In my mind, what is left of it, I flew north after giving Mark Twain’s sage advice due consideration. “Go to heaven for the climate, hell for the company.” I chose the company.
Once the snowbirds leave and the place mellows out, on the Fourth of July or so, I plan to return to the Sunshine state for an extended stay. Then, the warnings will be, “You are going to burn yourself on the seatbelt buckle.”
Still very much winter in my part of Colorado, all is frozen and not even the weeds are up and growing yet. And the weeds usually get a jump on everything else.