Today was actually a good day for liberals at the Supreme Court.
The biggest news is that the Court did not gut the Voting Rights Act in a case that was being brought by the State of Alabama. The big health policy news is that individuals who are on Medicaid do have a general private cause of action to sue when they are getting screwed by a clinical provider that is not following Medicaid rules:
Victory in #Talevski! The Court found that the FNHRA provisions at issue unambiguously create § 1983-enforceable rights, & discerned no incompatibility between private enforcement under §1983 & the remedial scheme that Congress devised. #SCOTUS
— Madeline T. Morcelle (she/her) (@madeline4health) June 8, 2023
But it is not unusual for Medicaid beneficiaries to receive services that don’t meet Medicaid guidelines or requirements or to not receive services that they are legally entitled to. It has been very common for these beneficiaries to sue on their own behalf to force the provision of appropriate services. A nursing home (remember, Medicaid pays for a substantial portion of all nursing home days) failed to provide appropriate care. They got sued. The nursing home argued that there was not an express authorization for Medicaid beneficiaries to sue for services in the law that regulates Medicaid paid nursing home care. The nursing home argued that the only penalty was a spending clause clawback and not a behavior change.
The Supreme Court said NOPE! There is a private right to sue for appropriate service provision.
Congratulations to the lawyers involved.
This is why you fight every battle, even when the deck is stacked against you.
OT. Take this with lots of grains of salt.
I know I won’t be the first, but Hallelujah he has croaked
Anonymous At Work
Nursing home lawsuits are fraught as is, but this will be helpful. I doubt the patient sued the nursing home but the majority interest controlling the holding company that served as the sole stockholder for the outside consulting firm that also managed key operations at the nursing home facility. (Technically speaking, there’s like 10 people involved, in a thousand companies, all shells, to avoid liability.)
Alison Rose
Thomas and Alito dissented in the Medicaid case. I swear to God, there could be a case about whether or not puppies are cute, and these fuckwagons would be like WELL ACTUALLY.
Was pleasantly surprised to see that Kavanaugh joined the majority in the voting rights case, though if memory serves, he has actually ruled well in a couple other cases of this type. I suppose in his case the stopped clock is right twice a year instead of twice a day, but hey…
It seems CJ Roberts has been noticing that the usual esteem with which the public holds the Court has in fact been eroding (plummeting?). I’m a tad surprised that he managed to drag Kavanaugh along, though, on the VR case.
Whatever. This will be a fairly big deal for AL. Apparently it may impact several other recalcitrant/racist southern states. Good!
Omnes Omnibus
You are too generous.
@Baud: The other 3/4 were out buying their 2nd or 5th AR-15.
Alison Rose
@Omnes Omnibus: ???
Omnes Omnibus
@RaflW: It will definitely affect MS (there is a case on hold there waiting on the result of this case) and probably TX. Could be around five or so new AA majority districts as a result of this.
@Baud: I started to read that article, and felt like saying to whoever the baby Republican was who was wringing his hands about this, “why bother banging your head against a wall when you could, you know, just vote for the Democrat.” So maybe he won’t do that, since he is evidently already part of the party’s infrastructure but I hope others increasingly will.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose: Saying they would “Well actually” a puppy case is too generous. I would guess they would dissent and say puppies should be kicked if not simply poisoned.
Alison Rose
@Alison Rose: One case I was thinking of was about racial bias in jury selection, where SCOTUS ruled that a prosecutor in Mississippi had tried to whitewash the jury in a murder case against a Black man. Kavanaugh wrote the opinion, and I loved how John Oliver put it: “You know you’re doing something wrong when it’s so flagrant, even Brett Kavanaugh has a problem with it, a man who’s done exactly two good things in his life: This decision, and making it acceptable to spend your entire job interview screaming and crying.”
I guess now he’s done three good things. He still sucks though.
Alison Rose
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh. My point was just that they would loudly disagree even on an obviously correct point.
I think you just Well actually’d my use of Well actually.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose: Let me mansplain this….
ETA: I just was pointing out that you had, if anything, understated their shittyness.
Ohio Mom
@Anonymous At Work: My first thought was, It must be extremely difficult to sue a nursing home and win, that’s why the SC felt comfortable ruling this way. IANAL but i think your comment supports my cynicism.
We are driving to (actually, Ohio Dad is behind the wheel) and I am getting a little woozy, trying to read my phone as this little Kia bounces along the interstate. I will be back much later this afternoon when I am back home and the floor beneath me is no vibrating.
@Omnes Omnibus: How about Florida?
I may be mis-remembering, due to my DeSantis Derangement Syndrome, but I thought the state had come up with their redistricting map, a court had said it was illegal, and the state just ignored them and used the map.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: I am not sure.
MSLA and TX were ones I knew off the top of my head.ETA: I confused LA and MS. I am a northerner. It happens.
Maybe good news, in time, for North Carolina too? That state legislature is out of control. (As David well knows.)
Outlived his epoch.
Disney never did pony up to clear the 700 Club off the Family Channel. He wanted big bucks and they were like… no. His heirs will settle for chicken feed.
Loomis over at LGM can often be unapologetically and spectacularly wrong, but his eulogy is -chef’s kiss-
Alison Rose
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s probably impossible not to. Their shittiness truly knows no bounds.
@Alison Rose:
I like BEER! is a political hack first and foremost. Part of that is not trying to turn over the turnip truck for Theocracy NOW and destroy the institutions you need for your party.
It’s probably only a matter of time before Beer! like Roberts is being complained about for not being conservative enough.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose: A fair point.
New Deal democrat
I wouldn’t dance a jig just yet. The decision was 5-4, with Kavanaugh only joining the majority in part.
And this is from CNN’s synopsis:
“Roberts wrote Thursday that Section 2 ‘may impermissibly elevate race in the allocation of political power within the States is, of course, not new,” but he said the opinion “does not diminish or disregard these concerns’he said.
“‘It simply holds that a faithful application of our precedents and a fair reading of the record before us do not bear them out here,” Roberts said. Alabama’s argument “runs headlong into our precedent.’l
in other words, if a State develops the correct record, Roberts is still ready to strike down Section 2. And striking down Section 2 pretty much writes the 15th Amendment out of the Constitution, since only explicit and stated targeted discrimination against race would be the only thing forbidden.
Omnes Omnibus
@New Deal democrat: We have the Court we have. From this Court, this was a win.
Mike E
@Elizabelle: the only good news for NC would be the Court rejecting the pending redistricting maps and keeping the current ones in place… we’re 7-7 at the moment but it can easily be 10-4 repub in ’24 if they have their way
For anyone looking for historical distractions for current events, here’s
New England’s “Dark Day.” May 19, 1780. No Supreme Court tie-in — and the Shakers are only alphabetically close as a possible substitute — but the atmosphere holds true.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Florida too?
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: See my comment at 18.
In other SC news, they pooped all over the poop dog toy:
“The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled in favor of Jack Daniel’s in a trademark fight over “poop-themed” dog toys that resemble the company’s famous whiskey bottles.”
“The justices on a 9-0 vote ruled against VIP Products LLC, which argued that its products — including the “Bad Spaniels” toy shaped like a whiskey bottle — are obvious parodies and should therefore be protected as free speech under the First Amendment.”
“In a narrow ruling, the court returned the dispute to lower courts for further proceedings.”
I was rooting for the puppy 🐶
zhena gogolia
@Jackie: Campbell vs. Acuff-Rose is being gutted.
@RaflW: Seems that it could impact Florida, where DeSantis deliberately drew districts that made two black Democratic seats white Republican seats instead with an extreme gerrymander. When I saw the decision on this case I said “What, how did that happen!”.
Legal Defense Fund (@NAACP_LDF) tweeted at 8:31 AM on Thu, Jun 08, 2023:
The number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills signed into law so far this year is more than double last year’s tally. They include pronoun refusal laws, forced student outing laws, anti-drag bans and “don’t say LGBTQ+” laws.
@MazeDancer: Meh. Roberts is an asshole who likes to be writing in the majority so he can try and steer the opinion. Never think for a moment he’s on the side of anyone other than rich right-wing scumbags. A win like this is good, but he’s almost guaranteed to flip the other way on the next case to ensure there’s no trend of black people winning voting rights cases.
The Biden Accomplishments Guy™ (@What46HasDone) tweeted at 7:33 AM on Thu, Jun 08, 2023:
Tonight President Biden hosts the largest ever Pride celebration at the White House. But it’s not just “talk.” He’s also unveiling a number of actions aimed at protecting LGBTQ Americans, especially LGTBQ youth.
Citizen Alan
@zhena gogolia: To me, the importance of Campbell v Acuff-Rose was always overstated. As a practical matter, it meant that parodies were protected if the parodist had the backing of a large corporation, because defending against a copyright lawsuit with a parody defense is prohibitively expensive for, say, some private individual putting up a parody Youtube video or selling a parody Tshirt on Etsy.
HaniIsSoBirthday (@ArchewellBaby) tweeted at 11:23 PM on Wed, Jun 07, 2023:
Prince Harry wins because he took a cold story that was only paid attention to by a few, and made it GLOBAL.
“It has massive appeal even in America…people who support Harry and Meghan Markle, I think they are called #Sussexsquad…based in the states and all over the world.”
@zhena gogolia:
Jay C
Yeah: when I read about the decision in the Alabama districting case, my first (thoroughly cynical) take on it was that Roberts was right about it being “unprecedented” – and that his reasoning is that if anyone is going to gut basic voting rights in the service of antidemocratic racism, it ought to be SCOTUS, and not some local politicos….
David Pepper (@DavidPepper) tweeted at 7:30 AM on Wed, Jun 07, 2023:
Ohio’s Senate president essentially says in this article that Ohio can combat its population loss by a government policy of forcing pregnant women (rape victims included) to give birth.
He also seems surprised that people don’t like when he says that.
Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) tweeted at 1:15 PM on Tue, Jun 06, 2023:
This is really something. The Biden administration just announced new numbers showing border encounters continue to be *down* after Title 42.
So what are Marjorie Taylor Greene and Republicans doing in response?
Moving to impeach DHS sec Mayorkas. 1/
Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) tweeted at 1:25 PM on Tue, Jun 06, 2023:
Marjorie Taylor Greene and Republicans were salivating at the prospect of a post-Title 42 migrant surge. Now that it hasn’t happened, they’re simply pretending it has. Indeed, a GOP hearing set for this week suggests they’re likely to impeach Mayorkas. 2/
David Anderson
@Mike E: So not a lawyer, but given the current SCOTUS, I think this restricts the NC Leg from redistricting from 6-7-1 (1 truly swingish seat SE of Raleigh that is currently a Dem Congresscritter) to “only 4-10” or 5-9 all safe instead of the GOP dream of 3-11
Zandi (@ZandiSussex) tweeted at 5:11 AM on Wed, Jun 07, 2023:
A reminder that Prince Harry’s fight is not just for the British. The whole world is infected by the scourge that is the Murdoch press. All of us would benefit from the devil & his minions having their horns clipped. #WeStandWithPrinceHarry #GoodKingHarry #MurdochGutterMedia
Mike E
@David Anderson: Of course, the notorious “ticket splitting” voters of NC could buck trends and salvage a district or two for the Dems, just because they can…the current party chairperson Anderson Clayton is 25 years old, looking to successes in WI, MI and MN to formulate a winning strategy here and I say more power to her!
Jay C
On a more-serious level, what, do we think, are the chances of:
Any impeachment resolution coming out of Committee.
A bill of impeachment actually reaching the House floor.
Said bill being approved by the House as a whole.
The Senate actually voting to convict/remove Mayorkas. ?
AFAICT, this is all just more performative Outrage Theater for the hooples: and if it ever gets beyond no 1, I’d be surprised.
@Jay C:
The Senate will not convict. 100%.
zhena gogolia
@Citizen Alan: Or Dumb Starbucks.
FWIW, via reddit. Article is a month old.
Fox News on Wednesday notified Tucker Carlson’s legal team that the former prime-time host violated his contract with the network when he launched his own Twitter show on Tuesday, Axios reported, citing a copy of a letter obtained by the news website.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: 😺
They’re certainly reacting. Looks like he hit a nerve- good for him.
I would hate them if i were him- they killed his mother and they were all set to do the same to his wife.
@Jackie: Reminds me a bit of when Harley Davidson once tried to copyright (or was it patent?) the exhaust sound of a Harley Davidson. “Uh, no” was the decision. Self-parody was never so delicious.
I don’t know “Look, they know we are taking bribes, we have to lay low for a while, then the money can come rolling in again” is a pretty strong argument.
“You farted. Pay me.”
Old School
@trollhattan: Harley Davidson tried to have the sound trademarked.
Has JR in WV posted recently?
@Old School: The trivia one learns on this here blog! From the linked article:
*Origin of “Hog” Nickname
“Beginning in 1920, a team of farm boys, who became known as the “hog boys,” consistently won races for the Harley Davidson factory racing team. The group had a hog, or pig as their mascot. Following a win, they would put the pig (a real one) on the back of their Harley and take a victory lap. The bikes were nicknamed “hogs” as a result.”
@Baud: I don’t believe so – I was wondering, too. I hope his chemo treatments are going well 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Kayla Rudbek
@trollhattan: they tried to trademark the sound of the engine, and it went into litigation and was dropped
@Alison Rose: Maybe he will turn into another Souter now that he isn’t having to please his Federalist overlords.
He voted to overturn Roe.
Alison Rose
@rikyrah: “pronoun refusal laws” Okay cool from now on, I’m calling every transphobe by the wrong pronouns.
@Alison Rose: Anyone so lacking a heart & humanity is clearly an it, so they will have earned their pronoun. No doubt it will whine, but that is what it always does.
@Alison Rose:
Bich is the proper pronoun.
Thanks for that Tweet– I remember that well, and there was a lot of reporting on what Justice Jackson brought to oral at the time (see here and here for examples).
It makes a lot of sense that a lot of the Original Intent-spouting fools on that court got pulled up on with the Justice’s deep and well-documented approach.
I thought it was bih.
New Deal democrat
Asha Rappanga points out the consequences of the Court’s prior behavior in this case:
“Today’s SCOTUS opinion in the AL redistricting case illustrates consequences of what
calls the “shadow docket.” Ct upheld lower court, which itself applied clear precedent…but it STAYED the lower court pending decision, allowing illegal map to be used in 2022!”
And as Steve Vladeck points out:
“If you assume that additional majority-minority districts in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, & 1–2 other states would’ve been safe Democratic seats, then today’s #SCOTUS ruling strongly suggests that the Court’s 2022 shadow docket stays wrongly gave Republicans control of the House.”
Miss Bianca
@Alison Rose: He was on the side of the angels when it came to the Clean Water Act ruling as well, if not exactly part of the liberal team angels.
Never seen this before, but it’s hilarious. Curtesy of NAFO dudes,
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
@Kay: So feebly croaking “I Dissent” while wearing a weird collar may not have been as valuable as previously thought.
It is something to keep in mind.
@Baud: Not saying I like the guy. Just trying to be optimistic.
Alison Rose
This will probably go nowhere, but I appreciate him doing what he can to keep this at the forefront:
Governor Newsom Proposes Historic 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to End America’s Gun Violence Crisis
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Jay: I will hold it against Tucker Carlson forever that he made me root for FOX News.
The ramifications are not just for Alabama. There were also cases in Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Tennessee and North Carolina.
If all are redrawn to decent representation for the Black populations of these states.
That’s the House, once New York and Wisconsin get redrawn.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Frozen Fishstick’s last Twitter rant had more Ruzzian Propaganda than Ruzzian Propaganda. Hope he pulls a Tara Reade.
tee hee hee
@rikyrah: A similar VRA lawsuit in Virginia resulted in a redrawn 4th Congressional District. The old 4th was held by a Republican, but the late Dan McEachin won the new district in 2016 as a Democrat. Rep. Jennifer McClellan holds it now.
Miss Bianca
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg: You know what – fuck you and your cheap shots. You can applaud what Justice Brown Jackson has done without denigrating RBG. I mean, seriously, dude – what have *you* done lately to set the world of jurisprudence ablaze?