I heard from J.R. in WV, and it’s been a rocky road for him these past few weeks, but he is hanging in there. J.R. said I could share his update so you guys don’t have to wonder what’s going on.
In J.R.’s own words:
Late last night I saw a regular commenter wonder what happened to JR in WV, who disappeared. BJ has been a wonderful tool while I was so ill.
I have been viewing posts and comments on a small tablet, and have recently been discharged from the hospital after some serious side effects from my chemo infusions, and thought I would write up a description of those treatments and my hospital stay.
Trigger warning, I was really sick!
My chemo treatments last 8 hours, the first 4 are IV drugs to counteract severe side effects of the Cisplatin and gemcitabine, which are administered all afternoon, two sessions a week apart.
Until last Tuesday after Memorial day I tolerated these sessions pretty well with fatigue as my worst side effect, but that most recent treatment kicked my ass hard!
My cousin, who has been coming to these sessions around noon to relieve my wife, and bringing me home, could tell I was whipped, I had trouble walking the 230 feet from the car up to the front door, and he helped me to bed.
By Thursday I was convinced something was bad wrong, and I asked cousin to come Friday morning and take me to the Cancer Center’s walk-in clinic. There a very professional Nurse Practitioner listened to my chest carefully, and then said “You need to go across the road to the ER right away!” Another medical person who helped save my life! Off we went.
It was early afternoon, and I was seen right away in a very professional ER setting. They did CAT scans which showed massive blood clots up one leg and into my lungs. I was moved to an ICU ward for cardio-pulmonary issues, where they put me on IV Heparin for several days, followed by a move to a recovery ward where I was started on an oral medication called Eliquis.I was told just having cancer is a giant risk factor for clotting, who knew? and I would be on Eliquis for the rest of my life.
My blood work showed my platelet levels were dropping, and they gave me a platelet infusion, which looked like a big bag full of milky ditch water, and lasted several hours. Over night my blood work improved quite a bit, and the next morning a hospitalist Dr came into the room and said they were going to turn me out. So I called cousin to rescue me again.
That afternoon I was able to walk up the path, using the Rollator walker, which even has a stool feature so you can sit and rest to catch your breath. And now I’m home with the dogs and my dear wife, who has been wonderful and caring.
After a couple more sets of chemo, which they are delaying a little to let me recuperate a little bit, they intend major surgery to remove pretty much everything below my kidneys and install a port to remove urine, which I am informed is fairly tolerable. The oncologist tells me he expects me to have a 50/50 chance of long term survival.
And that’s my medical review. As I said, BJ has been a real blessing and I have been keeping track of comments right along.
Balloon Juice Jackals, thanks so much for caring and all your great comments !!!
Let us know what we can do to help, Bill. I’m sure people will chime in below with their good wishes.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Thanks for posting this. I’ve been wondering about JR. Man, he needs for things to be easier for the rest of the treatment.
Central Planning
Good luck JR, and as someone who has had it: Fuck Cancer.
O. Felix Culpa
Wishing you all the best in your recovery! Glad you had help when you needed it.
Glad to hear from you J.R.!
Please let us know what we can do to help, anything from help with expenses to items on an Amazon wish list, to music suggestions o listen to during chemo. We are pulling for you and you have friends here. Good things can happen, my sister in law is on year 3 + after her stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis, made it through chemo(it total sucked) and is now retired and doing what she wants (traveling) My son in laws younger sister was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer about 2 and half years ago. It has been a rough road but she is now cancer free and just ran her first 5K. I am hoping for light and life for you,
Oh my. Hang in there, bud.
Rileys Enabler
Best wishes for a strong recovery with minimal side effects. Fuck cancer, sideways.
Sending all the good vibes your way!
Great to hear from you. I look forward to when you’re back commenting.
Hang in there swabbie!
Best wishes to JR in WV. Good to hear some encouragement in the news.
Thanks for giving us an update, J.R. Cancer sucks and chemo sucks, and I’m sending you all my best wishes for a smoother road going forward and the best possible outcomes. It’s good to know you’re hanging out in the comments with us.
Omnes Omnibus
Good thoughts heading your way. Keep on keeping on.
I spent a week in “intermediate ICU” once because of blood clots. No fun at all. I too am on blood thinners for life. Not a big deal until I hit the doughnut hole. I hope your Eliquis is more reasonable than my Xarelto.
Sending you nothing but good thoughts. Stay strong.
zhena gogolia
Oh, so glad to hear from you! We love you! 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for posting, Water Girl, and oh my, J R of WV, you have been through the ringer. I hope it lifts your spirits and strengthens you to be back home with your beloved wife and dog, and your cousin, who is a trooper! We’re pulling for you here. Good luck with the next round of treatment and keep us posted on what’s happening via Water Girl. We miss your voice in this neck of the woods.
Hang in there – and I hope you beat this thing long term. Fuck cancer.
It’s very good to hear from you, JR!
Medical care can be pretty.damn ruthless when they’re saving your life. Sounds like you have a good, responsive team.
Fingers, toes, and other things crossed for you to beat this.
I’m glad that you found a good NP at the walk-in clinic. The level of competence for staff at the stand-alone ERs can be pretty spotty, and I’m glad you were seen by somebody who knew what she/he/they was/were doing. If you can tolerate walking, you should do so, because you’re less likely to throw a clot if you’ve been using your leg muscles.
Old School
Best of luck to you, J.R. in WV!
I’ve done platelet donations and they’ve been bothering me to make another donation. I’ll do that sooner than later now.
I hope all the treatments work. I’ve greatly enjoyed reading your comments.
Thank you for sharing this messy, difficult part of your life. I’ve missed reading your posts, in which the humor, overall love of life and home, helped by the optimistic outlook were obvious and welcomed, always.
And always appreciated the warm hat-tips to your wife and the close life you share. I strongly agree with whomever above that mentioned you have friends here, pulling for you.
Mike in NC
Best of luck, JR.
Betty Cracker
Whoa, that’s rough going! I figured you were merely taking a break from this kvetch-fest to focus on your health and did not realize you were laid up to that extent! Glad you’re on the mend and have a caring spouse and cousin nearby and compassionate professionals to look after you. I am wishing you lots of courage and strength for your recovery. Fuck cancer!
Thanks very much for the update news. My best to you and your family.
Fair Economist
JR, all the best. You have a great attitude and I know that will help.
Hope you’re feeling better soon, and can hold on to a good quality of life.
Fuck fucking cancer!
Sorry you have had such a tough time. We are all rooting for you!! Sending healing your way.
JR: you are one tough bird, and I am betting on you, not on the disease, to prevail in the end. Glad you are getting some wife and pups time. That is as restorative as anything else they can do. Please keep us posted, as you can.
Fuck cancer, and have some love and support from the North Woods.
doc here: coming out of lurking mode to give you this FYI: please do not sit on rollator much, they are unstable, and my sister broke her hip when she tipped backwards.
Hope you are feeling better!
Raoul Paste
It sounds like you’re handling this as well as anyone could. Wishing you well, and keeping a good thought.
Paul in KY
Hoping for best for you J.R! Saying a prayer for your complete recovery!
Thanks for the update! Sending good wishes and thoughts your way, J.R. Hope this was just a blimp on your road to recovery!
Wishing you a smooth path going forward. Thanks for checking in
@lowtechcyclist: Agree!
What a tough climb! May you and yours have an easier time of it.
… cisplatin. I think I heard a report on generics that cisplatin is one of the ones in short supply.
JR, I’m glad we heard from you! A lot of us were concerned by your absence – knowing you were dealing with chemo treatments. Take care of yourself, and know there’s a TON of good wishes and positive vibes headed to you.
white light and good wishes and luck from Paris. you’ve always seemed a real mensch to me and i hope it gets and stays better. my husband finished his chemo & radiation 23 months ago tomorrow and is doing well so … it does work sometimes. to echo the refrain, fuck cancer.
West of the Rockies
Excellent idea! Let the ravening pack know your wishes!
West of the Rockies
We’re all pulling for you, JR!
Alison Rose
Sending lots of love your way, JR <3
Cathie from Canada
I had an ilieostomy for 2 years while recovering from bowel problems, and a friend of ours had a urostomy. We found there is an invisible but huge community of “ostomy” people who are knowledgeable and very willing to help people learn how to manage with these life-saving devices — the companies manufacturing the bag components also have staff who can help get everything set up for home care.
Changing the bags seems intimidating at first but now I compare it to learning to drive — pretty soon it becomes second nature and you can’t remember when you didn’t know how to do it. Best of luck with everything!
KayInMD (formerly Kay (not the front-pager))
Maan! That’s a tough road you’ve been on. I’m glad you’ve had your wife and cousin to be able to depend on. Knowing you have good people at your back makes a world of difference, doesn’t it? I hope you continue to make forward progress, knowing all the support you have here.
Please take care and know we are thinking about you.
Hey J.R., wishing you strength in your continued fight. It sounds like you have a good medical team and a good support team. Check in here when you can. ❤️
And yeah, f*ck cancer.
I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you the very best, J.R.!!!
Cisplatin is a killer of cancer but hard on the patient. Sending you buckets of strength, comfort and good wishes.
Joy in FL
sending you all kinds of good thoughts, JR in VW. Thank you for sharing a tough part of your life.
Pieceofpeace at comment #23 beautifully expresses sentiments that I also feel. Though your treatment path may be tough, I hope there are no more unexpected boulders on the road.
Fuck cancer. Holding you in my thoughts, J.R. Every day. My sister is on her last immunotherapy treatment this Friday. May you come through as well as she has so far.
Miss Bianca
Oh, JR! That all sounds horrible, but you are still with us, and that is wonderful! Please keep us posted as your strength allows it. We love you!
Sending you good thoughts and best wishes, JR. I hope the roughest part is over.
Almost Retired
Oh my, what a tough road you’ve traveled. I’m blown away by your positivity, which will serve you well in the recovery process. Fuck cancer, indeed. Also….too…. fuck blood clots.
Thank you for letting us know! Fingers and paws crossed here for an easy recovery from surgery. Keep us posted as you can, we will be thinking of you!🙏
Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
Thanks for reaching out to JR for an update …
JR, all good wishes from Way Out Here. You don’t know me from Adam’s off ox (obligatory “not that Adam”), but I’ve been thinking of you; I imagine that many other folks here have been too.
Hoping that everything is a lot more straightforward and all to the good from here on.
Sending you and your wife so much love. There aren’t words to express how sorry I am that you are going through this. I have wondered how you are doing, and figured that you chemo and the side effects meant that you needed to conserve your energy, rest, and put non-essential stuff on immediate hold so that you could focus on getting through this hard, hard phase of treatment and on to healing.
But, oh, my word, what you have been through.
I have always looked forward to reading your comments and hearing about what’s going on at your homeplace. For a displaced old country girl and hubby living in the city, it’s a joy. And who the hell else here (except maybe Ozark!) knows how to make a truly great pot of soup beans?!?
So, what can we do? Because we all might be online neighbors, but we’re neighbors here on BJ all the same, and neighbors take care of their own. Are there any groceries , or better yet, restaurants that you and your wife like that would deliver, and have gift cards or online pay available?
Are there any treats that you and your wife especially love that I could make and send to you? Southern Ohio and WV are just a day or two FedEx away, and since I’m on CellCept and hubby’s on arthritis biologics, we keep a superclean kitchen, and would be happy to send a treat package. Sometimes, the only thing that could perk up my appetite on chemo meds was a little bit of childhood comfort food. Oatmeal cookie, apple handpie, ginger cookies, icebox sugar cookies. If you or your wife want one of the above, just ask Watergirl to let me know which and where to send, and I will send them.
Best wishes for better health to JR.
My mom was prescribed Eliquis, too. It’s really expensive ($700+) for a 30-day supply, but the manufacturer will give you a year free if you have traditional health insurance. Unfortunately, you can’t get any help if you’re on any government program (Medicare, Medi-Cal, etc.).
JR, we missed you and worried about you. Thank you for checking in.
Love makes a difference. You have love in your life.
Reach out when you can, want to, or need to, we are here.
Oh, JR in WV, sending you enormous healing beams and daily virtual hugs!
J R in WV
Thanks for all the encouragement and well wishes. We’re still being hermits ever since COVID spread far and wide. I have trouble typing on my little tablet and so will mostly be lurking…
You all take care
ETA. great neighbors too, helping us with stuff I can’t do right now!
@stacib: It is expensive, for sure. I have a Medicare advantage plan, and they balked, but my Dr. submitted a really well- worded authorization appeal, and it knocked the copay down to about $48 a month. If your mom’s drug company assistance program / card has a year limit, it might be good to get the authorization appeal process rolling a few months before that ends, since the insurance company likely will drag their heels on the process. Best to your mom, and I hope that she is feeling and doing well.
@OzarkHillbilly: I am on Eliquis, I am very luck to have good insurance and its 50 bucks copay for me for one months worth. I believe the full cost without my insurance would be 500 a month….
What a harrowing experience. So happy to hear you are doing much better and have a positive prognosis. Best wishes to you and your wife – and your cousin!
Kayla Rudbek
I hope you’re doing better, and fuck cancer!
Thank you for the update JR. Hang in there and keep us jackels in the loop.
🙀 Holy hell, what an adventure! I’d ask for a refund from the travel agency.
All my best J R, from far away California. Here’s hoping you land the correct 50.
Also, LOL at ditch water.
Heidi Mom
Late to the thread but wishing you all the best, J R, as you travel this rocky road.
Damned at Random
Best wishes for an uneventful recovery, JR. The upside of recovery is that you can indulge your guilty TV pleasures. My husband started watching all the Mystery Science Theater episodes in order during chemo. For me (post knee replacement), it was various Bigfoot hunt shows. If it raises your spirits, it’s the right thing to do. Whatever tempts your appetite is the right thing to eat. And enjoy the loving relationships you’ve nurtured all these years.
Hang in there!
A charity called “Good Days” helps me pay for my HIV drugs. They help out with other medical conditions as well.
Thanks for the update and fuck cancer.
Ohio Mom
Another latecomer here. Sorry to hear about all these twists and turns on your way back to health.
It may be small consolation but it sounds like everything you are going through, the doctors have seen before and have a plan for. The last thing anyone wants to do is stump the doctors.
Fuck cancer and remember we are all pulling for you. Please keep us updated, we missed you.
JR, we have a lot in common and yet you always manage to upstage.
I’m very glad my fellow navy vet has come home and gotten through this battle. You know the drill, follow the rules and do as you are told and get through the rest of them.
I’ve had cancer but then so has all but one in my family. He had Alzheimers. The others had different types but still cancer. I did 9 weeks of radiation treatment. Yours sounds a bit less fun. My sister just passed from cancer last week, my other sister did 15 yrs ago. Mom had cancer but it was caught early enough. I’m now the oldest in this and the extended clan. Cancer is THE bitch. And no I do not use that word lightly. I personally/not in a car, have been hit head on by a vehicle. Cancer was worse.
All the best JR, do the work, follow the plan, win.
Great to hear you’re back home. What a scary experience, I hope the rest of the treatment goes better than that. Fuck cancer. I’m fortunate to not have that in my family – we have heart disease instead.
@J R in WV: wishing you all the best. Fuck cancer forever.
So glad you are back home! I think we all heal better physically and mentally when we are surrounded by the comforts of our home.
Sending good thoughts to you and your lovely wife! Your Balloon Juice family is here for you, dear friend.
Sending you good wishes and healing! I hope this turns out to be the worst of it, and the chemo does its thing rapidly and without additional drama. If there’s anything we can do, even if it’s just providing bad jokes and cheap humor to take your mind off things, please let us know.
There go two miscreants
Sending wishes for good luck your way, JR. Hope you continue to improve.
Tom Levenson
Only the best for you going forward. Thanks for letting us know what’s happening.
Tenar Arha
Best wishes going forward J.R. in WV.
Thank you for the update. Holding you in light.
Thanks for posting this. Sending positive thoughts. So sorry you are having to go through this.
Fuck Cancer.
De-lurking to send you more love and healing wishes, JR in WV!
Sending healing & pain-free thoughts~
So many best wishes, JR.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Get well, valued commentator.
Your humor and insight are sorely missed by this community.❤️
Keep strong J.R.! We can’t afford to lose any progressives in WV earlier than scheduled , ya’ know. ;-)
Sending healing vibes your way via the Sky Kitty.
We love you and we’re pulling for you, J.R.!
C Stars
Hi J.R. just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the update, I’m glad you’re back home now, and sending big warm comfy healing thoughts for the rest of your recovery.
So glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery! Stay strong!
Best wishes J.R.! Get better soon!
I was diagnosed with colon cancer in my 40s, as a single parent whose son had just finished his first year in college. There were indignities, discomfort, pain, worries and illness. Every time I asked myself, will you put up with this or are you willing to die? The answer was always that I wanted to live. But I developed a great new appreciation for the beauty of each new day, for the preciousness of my friends and family, knowing that I might not. It has now been more than 25 years. My son is now a successful professional and I have two lovely grandchildren I would never have known, so I know how fortunate I am. I am wishing the best for you and your family too, and that you will conquer this and enjoy many more sunrises with them.
YY_Sima Qian
Oh man! Best wishes to you JR, for a speedy recovery!
Debbie (Aussie)
JR, I hope the remainder of this, before surgery, treatment goes well. I too have missed seeing your nym amongst the comments. Take Care. Fuck cancer.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Adding my best wishes. Take care, good luck.
Another Scott
Feel better J R in WV. We need you, not least to close out threads. :-D
Good luck!
Best wishes,
@stacib: I have a UnitedHealthcare Medicare supplement plan and a 30 day supply of Eliquis is about $150 (once you’re in the donut hole.)
Be well JR.