ETA: This seemed appropriate to this post somehow
A couple of quick hits. As you may know, I listen to CBS Sunday morning while doing all those Sunday chores. These two stories had me going back to actually watch:
Some additional links:
More on the Knepp Castle Rewilding
I want to check this one out more: Mossy Earth
And as always, Kiss the Ground for a great primer on regenerative farming
And this young girl gives me hope for the future…
Open thread
Alison Rose
I love bees and that girl is awesome. I’d be terrified to do that, though. I’ve never been stung and I don’t ever want to experience it!
@Alison Rose: I’m not allergic, so a sting from a bee isn’t that bad for me. BUT freaking wasps – dang those hurt.
Won’t do the wasps much good if it didn’t hurt.
Alison Rose
@TaMara: I don’t think I’m allergic, because I had immunotherapy for my monstrous hay fever as a kid, and I presume beestings would have been tested for, too. BUT I was always the one getting bitten to all hell by mosquitos, and I just have this fear that if I were around a swarm, every last one of them would descend on me.
She was a rare thing
Fine as a beeswing
So fine a breath of wind might blow her away
She was a lost childShe was running wild, she said
As long as there’s no price on love, I’ll stay
And you wouldn’t want me any other way
@raven: can’t argue with that
@Alison Rose:
Well why don’t you boast about it? Not all of us can have such delicious blood. 😁
Runnin’ Wild.
Rewilding works. Where the Richfield Coliseum and its acres of parking lots once stood is now a meadow, part of Cuyahoga Valley National Park. People just have to decide nature is more important.
Math Guy
Growing up in a small town in Nebraska, I remember the swarms of bees and butterflies in our yard every summer. The fact that we had plenty of dandelions and little, yellow sorel flowers had a lot to do with that, I’m certain. We also had plenty of cicadas and lightning bugs which we loved to catch. I don’t see as many bees and butterflies now, though that might have more to do with living in Minnesota now.
@Alison Rose: my daughter is like that, too. We can all be together and she’ll get bitten so badly by mosquitoes when the rest of us don’t.
@BruceFromOhio: we drove by there recently and tried to remember where it was. It really is remarkable.
I’ve watched dozens of videos on people who have made serious efforts to restore some balance to denuded areas. A woman in China who turned some desert into woodlands, the continuing effort of river restoration projects in the UK, (Mossy earth is a great follow), Aussies restoring ranches and watersheds, and all sorts of small families going back to the land and homesteading, like Offgrid Bruce.
Ms F is a mosquito magnet; it puts a crimp on sitting outside on our patio. I, on the other hand, am a tick magnet. Last hike I went on, I ended up with 12. My hiking companions had 2 or 3.
Alison Rose
@mrmoshpotato: My parents always tried to soothe me with that. “It’s because you’re SO SWEET” and I’d be like I DON’T WANNA BE ANYMORE.
Geo Wilcox
@Eunicecycle: I have to wear long sleeved shirts and long pants with a bee keepers hat on and gloves in the spring summer, and part of fall. I look like w weirdo but I do not get bit by the skeeters.
We rewilded our farm from old corn fields to forest and meadows. We have millions of insects, hundreds of birds, and so many wild animals it isn’t funny. It was a lot of work the first few years but then you can relax and let Mother Nature do her thing. Oh and we get a wonderful property tax break too, I only pay $5 per year on that 20.3 acres.
Alison Rose
@Eunicecycle: I could have the damn citronella candle in my lap and they’d still be all over me. Amazing how itchy the bites could be from such tiny little things.
Another Scott
@Alison Rose:
Rewilding is an excellent thing. But it requires a lot of active management to actually be successful since our existing landscape is to fractured and there are so many invasive plants and animals. You often have to do things like controlled burns and active eradication of invasive species to get back to some semblance of undisturbed landscapes.
Scale is also immensely important, especially for large species like wolves, bears, bison, elk, etc. One of the most interesting recent trends is wildlife corridors across interstate highways. They are an excellent thing that we should do more of.
Talk about re-wilding, here’s the Lawrence Welk show and its take on One Toke Over the Line.
And if that’s not enough to make your entire month, here’s the Lawrence Welk clan performing California Dreaming.
(You can blame Soonergrunt for the rabbit hole)
Speaking of mosquitos, are we seeing the Nile virus anywhere?
@BeautifulPlumage: CDC has info on where West Nile virus has been reported this year. Scroll down for the map. Link.
@Another Scott: Huh, yeah, I am a mosquito magnet – and my summers in India is why I have scars up and down my legs and arms.
@Another Scott: there has to be something similar with fleas, which never bite me even when others are getting bit (ankles from the carpet in a home with multiple dogs).
OT. Russia has a ‘Security Council’, and Putin has just delivered a tirade there that suggests he’s getting further detached from reality.
@HumboldtBlue: the Lawrence Welk show is like one of the few shows where everyone looks wholesome and sexy at the same time.
Mr. Bemused Senior
A palate cleanser
H/t Paul Krugman
@BeautifulPlumage: well, there has been no screaming from the media and right wing echo chamber so not a problem. Otherwise, you know it is an existential threat – just mentioni there are vaccines or something haha :)
@Yarrow: thanks! And OMG Arizona, what is going on there?
West of the Rockies
Who is the host/narrator on that CBS bee story? He sounds a little like David Sedaris.
Faithful Lurker
The rewilding projects seldom mention the need for predators. Or maybe they do but I just haven’e seen it. I don’t know what large predators are left in the UK. Or maybe the surrounding humans will count as the largest predators. The balance of nature depends on a number of predators, small and large. It ain’t pretty ( our local coyotes love preying on fawns) but not all of nature is pretty.
@cain: well, there wasn’t any in The Laptop, so they’re not interested.
@BeautifulPlumage: South Boston, this week.
@AnotherScott: Thank you very much, from yet another mosquito magnet (And shared with someone not on BJ, who needs to read it too.)
@Kent: I was at the farmers market and idly asked if they had english ivy and the look I got from the ladies there was one of deep offense and horror. It turned into a funny moment as some other guy was like “I got a bunch of ivy that i’ll pay you to take !” –
I suppose I’m glad my wife was not there – she would have been very embarrassed and likely publicly lambasted me. :)
I was also at some beer booth and we were talking about the heatt and climate change and mentioned that if we got this control it would be mankind’s greatest accomplishment. The guy was like – in short while this planet is not even going to remember mankind. Most of our efforts around climate change is to protect the species (something our right wingers don’t seem to understand) and food supply. In scheme of things humans on this planet is barely a blink in the geo life of this planet. We are only 300,000 years old of a 4.5 billion age so far. Whatever happens, if we kill ourselves off – life continues. The only remnant of our existence will likely be a box of hostess twinkies.
@BeautifulPlumage: The true scandal is that Hunter Biden had the cure to cancer in his laptop and didn’t tell us.
If you’re thinking you can’t do a big rewilding job, because you aren’t allowed to or you only have a small space, consider a pocket prairie. They have so many benefits including serving as a “waystation” for bees and birds as they go from larger area to larger area.
Make a pocket prairie
National Park Service InstagramCrouching bear hidden salmon
DeSantis’s failed campaign is being rebooted – he’s not going to get anywhere – but if he misses his chance to get the nomination – I think his time in Florida is only going to get worse thanks to climate change. All those ‘anti-woke’ laws he’s put in place, some of them anti-corporate is going to come to bite him in the ass.
The man only knows how to strong arm stuff – he has no sense of how to negotiate. He has the emotional maturity of a 2 year old. I’m going to enjoy 2025 as he tries to deal with the multitude of shit – he’ll take his legislature with him.
@Faithful Lurker: Returning apex predators is definitely a point of discussion in rewilding in the UK. Lynx and wolves. It’s complicated as they’ll attack livestock and pets and possibly people.
There are other predators around, such as eagles.
@BeautifulPlumage: Haven’t heard anything about Nile virus here, but dengue fever has joined malaria in Florida’s current mosquito repertoire.
Liberace gets jiggy.
@HumboldtBlue: we HAD to watch Lawrence Welk every week. Apparently, he got his start playing around North Dakota and my parents used to go dance to his orchestra.
@Alison Rose: Hurts like fuck. There’s the poke, which is not dramatic, then a pause when you think “hey, not so bad”, then fire, only the fire is inside your body.
And yes, wasps can be far worse and unlike honeybees can sting multiple times then fly away shouting “Ha-ha, fuck you human, now I’m off to sting something else.”
Special shoutout to yellowjackets/meat bees, which can bite AND sting you, sometimes simultaneously.
Your daily reminder that nature does not care.
For the Love of Ivy.
@Mr. Bemused Senior:
That’s wonderful (even with the Mumford and Sons ending)
I read a blurb just last week that scientists suspect the solar system is closer to 25-26 billion years old, but I can’t find the link right now, primarily because I’m not gonna go a-looking.
@Cameron: the CDC map Yarrow linked to shows very few human infections this year (to July 18) for Nile. Good on Florida for protecting the endangered dengue & malaria viruses, though.
@frosty: I get invited camping as bait. It’s a role I grudgingly acknowledge because it’s true. Sigh.
All of Bill Gates’ money will not outsmart mosquitoes, there are too damn many.
Saw this amusing piece on US retirement spots on Facebook, and (sorry!) had to pass it on. Looks like PA blows FL out of the water, at least according to these folks:
Sacramento region getting a big uptick in West Nile.
I love some boogie-woogie, and here is some impromptu music with some impromptu dancers!
We had to endure that post-Sunday dinner when grandma came over each week.
It appears Elon has made another decision destined to destroy what’s left of Twitter.
From now on, if you wanna watch videos on Twitter, you’ll have to go to x videos. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
For those who don’t know, Xvideos is a rather popular porn site.
@Yarrow: Something they discovered in the Yellowstone-Glacier Parks region was returning wolves made the elk herds more wary and as one result, fed much less on saplings and young trees which, in turn, helped forest health.
Did not see that coming.
Thank. you for this post, TaMara! I’ve done a quick look into rewilding projects here in Washington State, looking for ones I can participate in.
Alas, I can’t do much as a homeowner, since I live in a townhouse complex. I have many decks, but also a cat, so setting up a microenvironment for birds is straight out.
It is wonderful so see there are many, many humans spearheading many, many projects to heal what can be healed. I am seriously thinking of devoting more time, energy and headspace into something along those lines.
@trollhattan: Yep. It’s an ecosystem. Take out a piece and it doesn’t work as well. Just like that massive Yellowstone fire several decade ago now. People thought it was going to destroy Yellowstone. Instead it revitalized it. Fire is an important part of that ecosystem, although not all the fire all at once.
Sure Lurkalot
Like many, we are in the process of removing the grass in our backyard. We live in a townhome, so it’s not a ginormous amount but it is a decent size.
About 1/3 was removed and a new oval bed created. A “garden in a box” was purchased with about 50 plants “made” for Colorado. It was planted late May.
We have more bees than ever and several butterfly types never seen before. And hummingbirds, which the yard never attracted despite flower beds and a special feeder.
No, this isn’t rewilding except in the reintroduction of native species but the results really are recognizable.
And thanks, TaMara for the interesting links.
@HumboldtBlue: Lawrence Welk grew up on a North Dakota farm, and while a teenager he persuaded his father to buy an accordion for him. That cost a lot of money but Lawrence promised to work it off and he did. Welk left the farm when he turned 21, and ten years later he was a rising radio star in LA and then nationally.
Welk’s family were Volga Deutsche, descended from Germans who migrated to Russia and later to North America.
John Duesendorf was another Volga Deutsche musical star; we know him as John Denver.
@CaseyL: You can still plant pollinator plants, even in pots. Attract bees, moths, butterflies, etc.
And this folks, is why we read this blog.
And cannabis!
That was a lovely human interest story, but it was focused on honeybees. Honeybees are fine, and it is great that those people are working on them, but even more important are wild bees.
This youtube has a great video on how people can create wild bee nests in their yards. We can all contribute our part without needing the elaborate honey bee setup.
@HumboldtBlue: Elon Musk: The X Vile.
@Yarrow: Excellent idea.
I currently have many potted plants on the big deck: strawberries, and a lonely blueberry (the other one died), but have a few planters with nothing in them because I was on vacation and didn’t plant the usual lettuce and peas.
I’ll see what pollinator-attractors I can add.
After 30+ years with no trouble whatsoever, paper wasps hit me 3x during the summer of 2021’s serious drought—the heat and lack of water seemed to enrage them. By the time the last sting occurred, I was feeling my throat tighten almost immediately. Repeat stings over a short period of time can lead to development of allergies, and that’s what happened to me. I’m an epipen person now.
@CaseyL: I’ve found that planting for pollinators has increased my food garden yield. More pollinators means more pollination, I guess. One advantage of native plants is they should be more able to withstand your local conditions. Heat, rain, cold, whatever. Need less watering. I find that a bonus!
Thanks for this! And thanks to the commenter above for the Pocket Prarie link. Our house is on about a third of an acre. Might look into starting in the front yard, maybe, and seeing how it grows and develops. I’d love to mow less, or not at all, but some grass is good for the kids to run and play.
Ours raspberry plants in the backyard berm are a pollinator heaven. Saw a bunch of bees (*not hornets or wasps) when I was picking them earlier today. Yay for pollinators and Yay for berries!
Alison Rose
@Another Scott: So they liked me because I stunk? Dang it, I bathed more often than my brothers!
@HumboldtBlue: per Kara Swisher
“Rebranding HBO to Max was the dumbest rebrand in recent history. Elon: Hold my beer and/or whatever is being partaken at 3 am.”
And from her timeline (Lou Paskalis)
The Twitter blue bird logo is beloved, ubiquitous and has nearly 100% unaided awareness globally, something most brands never come close to achieving. Virtually every newscaster, reporter and byline features the logo, exclusively, giving the brand $$$ millions of free marketing
@HumboldtBlue: Cannibals?
Novelty number from English music halls titled (say it aloud) She Sits Among the Cabbages and Peas.
Alison Rose
@HumboldtBlue: Wait, seriously????? So what will a tweet be called now? I am convinced this man has a whiffle ball where his brain should be.
@Alison Rose: LOL! Awwwwww
Alison Rose
I had no interest in the Barbie movie (can’t go to theaters anyway and also I’m just kind of tired of this “let’s make a movie based on a toy” thing). But seeing how massively dickhurt so many dudes are about it, I might watch it when it’s available to stream somewhere
@Alison Rose:
That’s a terrible thing to say about whiffle balls.
@Alison Rose: A fart.
@HumboldtBlue: I mean “X” is so unique and hasn’t been used for games, comic heros, tv shows, etc 🙄
(and since Elon prefers ketamine rather than ecstasy he really should have gone with “K”)
@Alison Rose: these are good! I might go see it now.
@Alison Rose
@japa21: What you got against farts?
If anyone is looking for wildflower seeds American Meadows is a good source. They have seed mixes by region and say what zone they work in.
zhena gogolia
@Alison Rose: Based on the trailer, it looks really good. But I will wait for streaming.
@NotMax: Xits (pronounced “exits”, but “zits” also works)
Yikes! Cautionary tale for us all.
Have allergies galore but luckily the worst effect I’ve seen has been a large welt at the sting site. Fingers remain crossed it’s never worse than that.
@Cameron: Wish he’d transition to the Ex-Musk. Perhaps Trump can lead by example.
The 40 acres I am fortunate to live on became a rewilding project 20 years ago. My landlord planted 18 acres of apple trees on it in the late 1970s. He later moved to town, and tenants tended the apples until warm winters caused early blossoming. April frosts would knock out the crop and the orchard failed. There was never much money in it anyway.
Now the place has gone back to forest. Bill, my landlord has gotten interested again and has declared war on the Russian Olives that infest the place. He’s spent at least 100 hours this year tramping around the woods and injecting them with Roundup. Bill has a harpoon-like device that pumps a roundup cartridge into the trunks, 1 cartridge per inch of trunk diameter.
The harpoon holds 4 tubes of 20 cartridges each, and Bill orders 500 cartridges at a time. There are a few Ailanthus that he also poisons. I think he’s stopped for the summer, but the Russian Olives keep their gray-green leaves into November and are easy to spot, so he’ll cut loose on them then.
What, no mule?
@trollhattan: If I had my way, The Skeeter District would raise public awareness by hosting this band around the tri-County area:
Can it also be pronounced “Throw yourself down an emerald mine shaft, Elon!”?
Expletive Deleted
@Sure Lurkalot: I’m slowly trying to make our new garden wildlife friendly here in the UK. Only cutting the grass twice a year, letting weeds and wildflowers grow, and getting some native plants in. Its slow due to time and budget, but a year and a half in I can see some changes in the variety of wild plants growing, and we seem to have a regular hedgehog visitor now, so it’s that’s exciting!
Newest project is a little half-barrel mini pond.
The DeSantis campaign continues to absolutely step on every fucking rake in the universe.
Sure Lurkalot
@Expletive Deleted: It’s so satisfying when you can see the results! I wish us both continued good fortune on our projects esp. your pond.
@NotMax: No, just three barn cats and a John Deere riding mower. There are about 2 acres of grass on top of the ridge that I keep mowed when I’m not pretending to repair and paint the exterior of the cottage I live in. I’m still not finished after working on it for two years, and it’s not a very big cottage.
Alison Rose
@HumboldtBlue: I’m real close to swan diving into a volcano.
@Expletive Deleted:
I’m slowly trying to make our new garden wildlife friendly here in the UK.
Build a hedgerow!
@Alison Rose: I think others should be thrown into volcanoes.
Care for a list?
@HumboldtBlue: Don’t be alarmed now!
AM in NC
@West of the Rockies: That’s Mo Rocca. He’s also a frequent panelist on NPR’s Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me.
Alison Rose
@mrmoshpotato: I don’t know if there are enough active volcanoes in the world to take care of all the people who need to be feed to the flames.
Staffer: “Governor, you’re still sliding in the polls!”
DeSantis: “We’re gonna need a bigger rake.”
And he doesn’t even need the orange shitstain calling him a loser.
@HumboldtBlue: Uhh… wow. I retract any comment I might have made suggesting that DeSantis has a strategy other than being a kitchen-sink fascist.
A what?
@mrmoshpotato: Plain old, run-of-the-mill, everyday.
@laura: Heh 👍👍👍
@Geminid: @MattF:
It all stems from the fact that DeSantis has all the charm of cancer and the interpersonal skills of an angry wasp (to keep with the thread’s theme) and in addition, the man comes across as perpetually pissed off, angry and snarling.
He has no verve, no jazz, no bounce.
He’s a small man in all ways and it shows.
I wonder if DeSantis is capable of growing a moustache or if he’ll just use a stick-on Hitler stache.
Expletive Deleted
@HumboldtBlue: Hah, that may be a bit advanced for my little suburban garden!
I am trying to improve the current hedges though, by leaving/adding dead leaves on the ground and adding some climbers and hedge-bottom plants. Its slow going but relatively low effort.
@mrmoshpotato: Also, unembellished.
@MattF: Oh. I guess we throw him into a run-of-the-mill volcano.
Cue Mr. Shunderson.
@MattF: An unembellished volcano it is.
Great clip. What movie?
@HumboldtBlue: People Will Talk (1951)
@Kristine: I too am an epipen person.
Allergies can be really specific. I sneer at bees*, they hold no terror for me, I hardly react to their stings and they don’t hurt me much. Hornets hurt but I don’t react much. Wasps ( before I had allergy treatment ) would kill me in 40 minutes due to cardio vascular collapse as I found out 5 years ago. I love SunStar ambulances they saved my life with an epinephrin injection.
*Not really, I like bees
Just for that, here’s where Brewer and Shipley in 2018 talk about what it was like to have your song covered by Lawrence Welk and Jerry Garcia at the same time, while Richard Nixon was trying to have the song banned. (I remember that last part – heaven forbid that the word ‘toke’ should be in a song getting radio airplay!)
They also mention that Garcia played on the B side, “Oh Mommy,” which was actually the first Brewer & Shipley song I got to know, courtesy of a high school friend of mine who hung around the UCM coffeehouse on Kings Highway south of Alexandria, and played it for me on his guitar, along with “Okie from Muskogee” which I would only find out years later hadn’t been written to parody the attitudes described in the song.
In 2021, I removed the very neglected backyard grass and gave away any water hungry plants and shrubs back there, then sourced free local rock and built an assortment of raised beds in swoopy curves, then planted nothing but water wise pollinator plants. It’s year two and it’s been a riot of colour and all kinds of interesting pollinators, including a hummingbird couple raising babies high up in the neighbour’s native juniper tree and claiming the various natural nectar sources as their exclusive territory. They’ve also chased off some scrub jays who would have robbed their nest.
I’ve entered our backyard into the list to potentially be on the local garden tour next summer. People need to see that you can make something that looks like an English cottage garden but is quite water thrifty and less than a quarter of the water a lawn requires, something this dry area will have to start limiting sooner or later. This year’s garden tour was sorely lacking in anything but extravagantly watered yards. Growing a lawn in the high desert with a 14″ average annual precipitation is obscenely wasteful. In two more years I will enter the completely native front yard; zero lawn grass, clumps of native grasses and various blooming forbs and shrubs. It needs a couple more years to mature so that green lawn people aren’t immediately turned off by something so different.
What gets me in Florida gardening is how many people seem to spend a load of time/effort/money on trying to recreate gardens from where they came from. Espescially lawns, waste a zillion gallons of water, drain aquifers, and then wonder why you get sinkholes. There’s lots of great plants that llike almost any particular environment. Go with it, don’t fight it
In another 15 minutes someone would be able to declare him, if he wasn’t the head, or is it head asshole of russia.
@HumboldtBlue: Holy shit. Now there’s a way to help the undecided voter make a decision
Easier to have that attitude if you don’t have children. Hell, even if I didn’t, I have co-workers that I’m friends with who are forty years younger than I am. I’d like their world to not be a disaster.
@Alison Rose:
As someone who made molds for Barbie Dolls I have no interest in them either (being a male may have had something to do with it as well….) but considering that they have been in existence for a whole lot of decades and in many versions I think I have to say that it is a very successful toy, so there must be something to the concept.
You can’t hear me but if you could, you’d hear laughter…..
I’ve had cancer. I didn’t like it, didn’t like the “cure,” don’t even actually like talking about it. But there was a cure, and while I’ve never actually met/seen/heard SFB II in person, there is no cure for his level of hate and stupid. He’s worse than political cancer.
@HumboldtBlue: You might recall that he was trying to name the brands of his tesla cars to spell sex. He couldn’t use ‘e’ so he went with ‘3’. That dude is all kinds of messed up.
Just got a message on my phone that it might rain here in SoCal in the next hour. It’s 89 deg, it’s been cloudy today but the clouds they are a building. Seems strange to know it might rain in July in SoCal. I’m sure it has rained here in July, I just don’t remember it. I do remember February 1969
Nooo there is a lot of evidence for the age of the solar system. It is something about the age of the Universe (currently thought to be about 15 billion years old). And it’s one guy’s theory, so take it with a grain of salt until/unless there is more evidence.
This kind of inconsistency has happened before and usually the “new’ theory is wrong. But I’ll wait till I see more data to dismiss it.
They ask 100 Black people
What would it take for you to vote for Trump?
The answers 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
@trollhattan: Years ago there was a yellowjacket nest not far from the house (they live in burrows and they were nesting where some cables went underground). I captured one inside and took it out to release it near there and said something like “go home little one” and it flew off and then another yellowjacket blasted out of the hole and tried to attack me. It was late in the season, near the peak of their population, but since it was cooler back then I was wearing a heavy sweatshirt. The aggressor latched on to my sweatshirt and I could watch it try to simulateously bite and sting me, but the sweatshirt was too thick for it to penetrate. I was afraid to crush it, since that releases a pheromone that attracts the other members of the nest, and I was still pretty close. Eventually I was able to carefully disengage its jaws and it flew off and I went inside immediately.
@raven: Really late to this thread but, man I LOVE that song.
If you want these old mountains, you can have them
there’s nothing here but forty acres and a fool
-Si Kahn, “Take Me Back to New York City”
I don’t tik-tok, but I’ll guess there was a lot of laughter, a certain amount of cursing, and a couple of “getting brain damage”.
Miss Bianca
@Alison Rose: I tried beekeeping for a friend and got stung multiple times. Turns out I *am* allergic, how’s about that, so I will happily let the younger generation be the beekeepers so long as I can get the honey from them to brew my mead!
Miss Bianca
@StringOnAStick: I would like to subscribe to your newsletter! :) Being that you used to live in CO and all, I am sure you would be able to advise me on water-wise pollinator plants.
The Lodger
@Cameron: Lancaster, Harrisburg and Reading? Pennsylvania Dutch food may not be the most heart-healthy cuisine in the world, but you’ll enjoy it as long as you’re around.
The Lodger
@Alison Rose: it’s about quality, not quantity. But you knew that.
The Lodger
@HumboldtBlue: Cannabis honey! Sounds a treat.