On the 33rd anniversary of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act let us embrace the spirit of the ADA.
We must continue promoting equality of opportunity for all so that millions of Americans can participate in public life with the dignity & respect they deserve. #ADA33 pic.twitter.com/l8TbgDQ6lE
— Steny Hoyer (@RepStenyHoyer) July 26, 2023
#ThanksToTheADA, I can roll down the halls of the Capitol and represent Illinois in the Senate.
But 33 years later, we still have so much to do to make sure we live up to the promise of the ADA. I won't stop working toward a better future for Americans living with disabilities.
— Tammy Duckworth (@TammyDuckworth) July 26, 2023
Improving our mental health system means addressing the “three Cs:” coverage, care, and causes.
Yesterday, we took a big step on coverage.
Now, we must expand care, and confront the root causes of pain and trauma that many are feeling. pic.twitter.com/IYLevDTIba
— President Biden (@POTUS) July 27, 2023
… We choose to… do [these] things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.
Congress must pass a bill to create a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS holders, and farmworkers.
And when they do, @POTUS will sign it.
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) July 26, 2023
Inbox: Biden picks MARTIN O’MALLEY to run Social Security.
O’Malley may be best known nationally for his failed 2016 presidential bid, though locally he had been a political star (rising from Baltimore city council to mayor to Maryland governor). pic.twitter.com/BaeyIiKh7G
— Dan Diamond (@ddiamond) July 26, 2023
Instead of chasing Trump conspiracies and fanning culture wars, Democrats are tackling real issues:
Cutting costs. Increasing wages. Creating jobs.
We’re growing prosperity for everyone — and rejecting the GOP agenda of division.
— Katherine Clark (@WhipKClark) July 26, 2023
very humbled & excited to rejoin team @JoeBiden, but best of all is that I get to do it alongside one of the greatest there's ever been, @_Schwenzfeier https://t.co/21YNZVhVvR
— Becca Siegel (@beccasiegel) July 24, 2023
Becca was a star in the 2020 campaign on whom we all relied in the days before / after the election to understand the election data! https://t.co/Kco4kW3yAB
— Ronald Klain (@RonaldKlain) July 25, 2023
For many, the root cause is the GOP.
My yenta wagon and I greatly appreciate the curb cuts when I am schlepping groceries home.
Acting Commissioner of SSA Kijakazi has been great, she implemented a lot of subtle things that will have real impact going forward. But she was never going to make it through a tight Senate confirmation with Manchin/Sinema without a hell of a fight. So O’Malley is good, local, and confirmable for a 5 year term that will end at the end of the next presidential term. Good decision in case of electoral disaster.
I keep hoping that more people will pick up the fight for disability marriage equality. The financial penalty that prevents people on disability from getting married hurts a lot of people who don’t have a lot of political power, and it’s sad.
The real troll would be celebrating the ADA today and making Mitch the poster-boy.
Good Morning, Everyone😊😊😊
Good morning.
@rikyrah: @Baud: Hey, y’all!
Heading sideways from the topic, as is my wont, I wanted to highlight this from Beau of the Fifth Column: Alabama and SCOTUS
They aren’t your representatives, they’re your rulers.
There’s some big changes coming to accessible design. I know that normies, if they see this at all, with think this is NBD….. but it will absolutely change the built environment significantly.
Going to see Barbie today at 1! My first trip back to a theater since the before times.
@eclare: have fun!
I didn’t like seeing movies in theaters in before covid times, so I can wait until it streams somewhere.
@eclare: Have fun. It was my first venture out also.
Of course instead of what Katherine Clark said, the Fascist Enabling Quislings of the Consort Media lead off the Today Show this morning with the Hunter Biden story (brought up from previous thread below).
There are not enough words to describe my loathing and contempt for most of the mainslime media.
The media is trying to distract you from the UFO story!
Ten Bears
Hey! No fair posting quotes only old-farts recognize!
Looking at FTFNYT opinion page this morning, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but:Diversity Programs Miss the Point of a Liberal College Educationby Christopher F. Rufo
Evidently the Times’ editorial staff believe in diversity a great deal more than Rufo, since they’ve provided him a first class platform from which to dispense utter swill.
@Kathleen: I can’t with American news media at all any more. Especially broadcast news.
@Ten Bears: I remembered it right away, and I was 7 when he said it.
@danielx: FTF(ascist) NYT
@Suzanne: These sound great! I am with elderly people who need and use accessibility features. I’m sometimes shocked at how bad things currently are, even in places where accessibility design should be one of the highest priorities, like retirement communities.
@satby: I’ve been meaning to mention that along with everything else that’s happened this past month, we also had to put Miss Kitty down. This left us with 68 pouches of Whiskas cat food (the gravied chicken flavor variety packs) some dried cat food and some kitty treats.
Every time I look at the pile I think of you and your cat rescue work. If you can make use of it, you can contact me at karstedm2 at gmail dot com.
Speaking of Mitch McConnell, as usual there’s a story behind the story: “McConnell has fallen multiple times this year, sources say.” And that “minor” fall that inexplicably kept him out of sight for six weeks?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@eclare: Are you going to wear pink?
Oh I’m so sorry about Miss Kitty.
I’m sorry.
Betty Cracker
@danielx: The chickenshit Times isn’t allowing comments under Rufo’s essay, the lily-livered fuckwits. This sentence from Rufo’s piece has massive theological implications:
That the slouching, neck-bearded, corduroy-jacketed fraud didn’t burst into flames when he typed that is all the proof needed that there is no benevolent, justice-interested deity.
The highest priority of retirement communities is profit. I will use every tool at my disposal to avoid them.
@Yarrow: They will be good changes. They will be expensive.
To note: this will apply only to new builds, because it’s absolutely infeasible to implement this in existing buildings.
Accessibility stuff is a thing owners and developers really hate. It inflates the amount of space required for a lot of functions that don’t generate revenue. The only way to make it happen is with the force of regulation and enforcement behind it.
@Betty Cracker:
“In this respect, Universities are fundamentally different from the State of Florida under Ron DeSantis.”
@OzarkHillbilly: I’m so sorry Ozark! She had a good life with you. And on top of all your other sadness over your brother, that’s terrible. Condolences again.
I will; if you’re sure another four-ped isn’t in your near future. We do go through it quick around here. Thanks for thinking of us.
That makes them like, well, everything else.
Agreed on avoiding them, tho!
@Betty Cracker:
Reposting from last night in case you missed it.
Sorry to hear about Miss Kitty. 🌈🐾
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I don’t have pink, so I’ll wear my lavender shirt!
Most everything else doesn’t get paid by some third party to service a highly vulnerable and largely invisible population.
Their favorite subject! Their article about him a couple of years ago was unintentionally hilarious it was so ass kissing PLUS they added this photo of him in an outdoor setting, gazing moodily at the horizon, thinking Big Thoughts. They all think he’s a genuis – although -and this is the kicker- the Rufo agenda has been a disaster for DeSantis nationally. It isn’t popular. It isn’t even a clever or effective political tactic. It’s a big flop. If Christopher Rufo actually had his finger on the pulse of America Ron DeSantis’ campaign would be successful. Republicans would have won the midterms.
Technically, they did win some, but it was a major bust for them given the context.
@satby: Send me a physical address I can mail it to and I will UPS it in the next week or 2.
So, in fairness, I mostly only see the bad NYT stuff that gets circulated here and on social media. Does the NYT actually feature strong op/eds from our side of the “debate.”
Dorothy A. Winsor
Pope Hat says the judge was right to make the two sides rewrite the Hunter Biden plea agreement.
Some reasons:
@Betty Cracker:
Oh, fuck them. That’s not even “both sides”. They have printed thousands of words by these ninnies about “cancel culture” and how liberal law students are not deferential enough to Right wing power brokers.
They need to do some editorials on conservatives using state power to quash speech they don’t like.
They need to at least cover that with 1/00th of the insane obsessiveness they showed with “cancel culture”
While it’s unpleasant to have to deal with…I’m fine with the GOP mouth-breathers continuing with Rufo’s line of “attack”. Same with their continued embrace of trump. Do what feels good, Republicans! It will keep costing you elections, but you do you.
@Kay: I can’t believe Rufo actually wrote this with a straight face, metaphorically speaking:
In the context of a midterm they lost – and they lost on battling “woke”, specifically. No one normal gave a shit. They won on wildly exaggerating crime (and the NYTimes helped them along with that too) but where they ran on battling “woke” 22 year old social workers and kindergarten teachers, they lost.
@OzarkHillbilly: I am sad to hear about Ms. Kitty. My cat, Toast, got me and my son through some very hard times just by being around, allowing petting, requiring scheduled feeding and door openings…. I hope the dogs you can distract from the missing meows.
btw the Times has a piece up by one “David Broder” and I think I actually gasped.
it’s not that David Broder. (no need – most of the snooze media is still doing that David Broder’s “both sides” schtick to a tee)
I think DeSantis flailing is the bigger defeat of the War on Woke. He is Mr. Antiwoke. Or Antiwo for short.
Maybe they’re finally, finally figuring out this isn’t actually popular. They can’t get qualified high quality people to work at that small public college they ruined. Some segment of parents – +50% I bet- are going to start worrying about a pro-slavery position being taught in FL public schools. So now we get this pack of lies about what they were trying to accomplish.
Too bad. I think “NYT Classics” would be a big hit.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
Coupla thoughts for today:
Horrible as Mitch is I think the worst offender is Abbot. A man who, despite requiring a wheelchair, is not only anti anything for disabilities but rigged up a military grade system of buoys and razor wire at the Mexican border.
The system is ridiculous. Any actual “invading” military would make short work of it and it won’t stop a fucking thing. They buy time, they don’t stop crap. And even a halfway competent swimmer can get around it. All it does is kill and maim the weak, sick, crippled, old, and small children. We are also not going to be invaded by Mexico. They tried that once, it didn’t end well for them. They are also a close ally and the border is not some hell hole.
It’s a system to keep out cripples like Abbot, also pregnant women. Not to keep out strapping young men. Which is what I thought the whole fuss was about? And we gleefully name our deserts stuff like Death Valley because they are all lethal beyond belief. If someone is not scared of American deserts razor wire isn’t going to impress them.
I say we celebrate the disabilities act by tossing Abbot in the Rio Grande and making him navigate his contraption and then crawl through the desert. Since it’s not cruel, he should have no problems doing it.
This is how pretty much all medical and behavioral health care is handled in this country, cradle to grave.
It just blows my mind….. all this really important, critical work, that was mostly the domain of unpaid women: childcare, elder care, housework, Meals on Wheels, the PTA….. I really do not get why we just don’t pay people directly to do it. The right wing wants to take us back to the time when women were supported by their husbands and thus were under their control. We could just….. pay people to do this work for their own families and communities, much more successfully, I might add.
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Thanks! I’m pleased that they used braggadocious quotes from his own dumb book as evidence of the 1A violation.
@Baud: But of course! Silly me!
btw the Pitchbot tweeted (X’d?) a link to a piece by a Fred Bauer who is pushing for DeSantis to launch a “normie insurgency”
Sure thing – the guy trying to run to trump’s right is going to ‘go normie’ all of a sudden.
Because when I think of sanity and normalcy…the very first person who pops into my head is Ron DeSantis. =)
I think the elderly are different in kind from other adults, no matter how crappy it may be for everyone. YMMV.
Agree about what the GOP wants.
they can start with that one from 1933 where they opined that Hitler didn’t really mean all that stuff about the Jews, he just said it to get elected, the scamp
Even by the FTFNYT’s piss-poor standards, this is appalling. Rufo’s claim to fame is that he’s good at coming up with turning what should be trivial issues into big scary shit for the entire right wing to get mad about, and yell at their local school boards about.
That’s who the FTFNYT just decided their op-ed page would benefit from the presence of.
But I guess now he’s Somebody, and if he’s a Somebody on the right, they’ll give him space. If Adolf fucking Hitler was resurrected and became an important figure on the right, they’d give him an op-ed. Because they’d figure he was an important voice who needed to be represented there.
Fuck the fucking NYT.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Its a lawyerese quibble. I don’t completely agree with Ken – I think the phrasing is correctly tailored by the government, and that the problem is really the defense team making a massive stretch as to the wording and context which made the judge say “whoa”.
Why is white is quotes?
Is it because they’re supposed to be colorblind?
@satby: I only watch local news. Never got into cable talk shows and stopped broadcast “news” when Bush was “elected” and the news media yawned and shrugged its collective shoulders at the Brooks Brothers riot.
In light of the current mania, from 2002:
Barbie movie, for the record, is being withheld by Warner Brothers from release in Russia along with all other company product due to the invasion of Ukraine.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
Nate Hochman to join the NYT Editorial Board and the Harvard Institute of Politics…..
@OzarkHillbilly: So sorry to hear about your kitty. You have had more than your share of sorrow.
They keep going around in circles on this but their problem is if they drop their social issues focus they don’t have anything to offer.
He essentially admits that in his piece -he says DeSantis was popular in FL for environmental issues and more pay for teachers. Those are liberal issues. If you care about the environment why wouldn’t you just choose the liberal rather than some weak imitation of one?
They act as if they CHOSE this anti woke agenda and they can choose something else. That isn’t what happened. They had nothing BUT social issues. That’s where Rufo came in – he gave them something, at least.
IMHO, the reason, especially in the South, is hatred of black people.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: Go, Disney. Let’s put that reputation for being litigious to good use.
I’m amused too how he describes the riidiculous anti woke panic they all ginned up as “very online” – that means “out of touch with normies”.
I mean, it IS “very online” – looking at actual elections voters don’t seem to give a shit – but every single political pundit and analyst ALSO thought it was a winner. They’re ALL very online.
@Baud: I truly have no idea why the author did that, and my guesses are not good ones.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’m so sorry, that’s tough, especially on top of everything else.
I guess there’s a real world component where they pay the Moms of Liberty folks to dominate lightly attended Board of education meeting to intimidate officials.
@Betty Cracker: Boy, that is a chickenshit move. They know what the comments would be if they allowed them.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
LOLing – the ultimate troll is to cite 303Creative and Citizens United back at right wing authoritarians.
This right here.
The free market worshippers can’t begin to compete in the blessed ‘marketplace of ideas’.
We could, conceivably, have two parties competing for votes on the basis of who has the best plan for addressing runaway climate change. Instead we have one party with pretty good ideas about how to address runaway climate change, and another party intent on showing your kids pictures of Hunter Biden’s schlong…on tv…live from the halls of Congress.
@Betty Cracker: Unless, of course he agrees with them, then the university should use every vehicle available to advance political interests. I agree, he should have burst into flames when he wrote that, the cognitive dissonance was so great.
Yeah, usually they like trolling their readers for engagement. So I wonder what they’re afraid of.
Maybe they had to promise Rufo that he wouldn’t receive any push back.
Trivia Man
Credit where it’s due: the ADA may be the best thing to come out of the GHW Bush administration. I seem to recall even he saw the value in it and helped it pass against the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the usual suspects.
it costs money! Every company will just do these things voluntarily because otherwise they’ll be at a competitive disadvantage! REGULATIONS OF ANY KIND ARE OF THE DEVIL!
Movie houses are definitely different after lockdown. 6-8 screens is now the sweet spot, with reserved seating, recliners, maybe one screen with food service, a liquor license and an in-house branded large format screen.
Mostly abandoned ticket booths and the lack of employees at the front of the house gives a tumbleweeds blowing in the wind vibe.
@Kay: But Kay, he has his finger on the pulse of the only places they believe actually matter – small towns in rural America, where not that many people live but they have “real values”. *rolleyes* This is how they think, that they are actually the majority but even if they aren’t they’re right so of course what they want should prevail everywhere. “It’s for your own good, you don’t know what’s actually best for yourself” they say to all the places where people actually live.
In Griftopia, things get a life of their own. It’s true on the liberal side, although we have way fewer. There’s no real analysis of whether Momsfor Liberty are winning any more school board races than normal Righties would. The only people who collect the race results are liberal education people on Twitter. Moms for Liberty seem to lose as many as they win. I have no idea if they’re popular or effective and either does anyone else. I know out very online media cover them a lot but that’s not “winning a school board race”. That’s a successful grift.
@Dorothy A. Winsor
Two steps forward, one step back.
I don’t know if their effective either. I’m just saying they operate in the real world.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Thanks for posting that link to Popehat, it was informative. I miss him on Twitter.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: Last night I was engaging in a fantasy in which contracts required reduction of CEO compensation along with a raise in compensation for workers. It would be so satisfying.
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg:
“I am a corporation….If you prick us, do we not lose value? If you disparage us, do we not laugh at you? If you take away our special district in retaliation for our speech, do we not sue? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”
Speaking of ‘always moar progress’…while this is just a drop in the bucket (of what should be a GOP anti-trump firehose blasting away), every little bit helps:
GOP group is running anti-trump ads in Iowa featuring disillusioned trump voters who won’t back him in 2024
Republicans, y’all better hurry up – it’s almost August, y’know.
I’ve got to learn to proofread my comments before hitting post.
So I was pissed at Diane Feinstien for staying too long – and you all have heard my rant about Ginsburg – WHICH I STAND BY :)
BUT. There’s a double standard in the coverage of Feinstein and McConnell. They knew McConnell was in bad shape- come on.
Our Media are just super sexist, in addition to all their other failings. It’s such a shit industry. Packed with sexual harrassers and other trash.
@satby: That was good–thanks for the link.
@M31: Hitler being all “mavericky” and stuff plus “firing up his adoring base”!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I wore a shocking pink skirt to watch Oppenheimer, the blouse was a sedate navy blue.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’m so sorry. That sucks
The media know Republicans don’t care a bit about the age of their politicians. So who would they be writing such stories for?
Write a story about old Democrats, however, and you get engagement from both sides.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: You’re right — DeSantis did get credit for raising teacher pay and spending on the environment before the pandemic. Covid denial was a gateway to all kinds of anti-government crackpot stuff for lots of people, and Rufo and DeSantis are cashing in on that. For now. Looks like a loser nationally though.
@Baud: In Florida, anti-communist hysteria is part of the package too.
@Baud: But but but then we would be denied the challenge and pleasure of successfully translating them to something that makes sense. Might not be what you intended to say but dems da breaks.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
The Bard has eternal truths to speak. No wonder the Klingons found him to be so profound they claimed him as their own.
OT – the contractor started on my bathroom renovation/repair yesterday. He got the bathtub and 2/3 of the floor in the bathroom torn out yesterday. There was a lot of termite damage to the wood behind the tub – one board was deteriorated and barely sitting on the concrete support underneath the tub! Today he’s going to tear out the rest of the floor and the vanity, and then start rebuilding the floor. He kind of wants to tear out the cultured marble that surrounds the tub, but I said no because if he did that I’d have to get a cheap tub surround. I may talk to him about doing that at a later time when I can plan for it – I figure that would be a one day job. That cultured marble is nice – it was a splurge for us when we redid the bathroom, but we didn’t want the hassle of tile around the tub/shower. So it’s going to be a PITA for a couple of weeks because while we have a toilet in the workshop outside we don’t have another bathroom, so no other shower or bathtub.
On another note, we had the initial intake appointment for my husband’s neuro psych testing on Tuesday. She was able to have him tested Tuesday afternoon, because she needed to have it done then in order to have the results by the time he goes back to the doctor on August 21st. I had to fill out a questionnaire about changes in behavior I had noticed in him. I had been told by a friend that this would be verbal questioning in front of him, so I was EXTREMELY relieved to fill out a form instead. I also e-mailed some information to the doctor yesterday; it was things that weren’t asked about on the form or things I thought would be helpful, like when the first thing happened that made me think he might be having a memory problem. I guess in August we’ll find out what the doctor thinks the diagnosis actually is. I don’t know if much about our lives will change after that, but at least I’ll have a name to put to what’s happening to him. I feel both relief and dread at the thought of that. It’s so cruel and unfair for this to happen to him, but life surely isn’t fair at all.
@Betty Cracker:
In fairness to the racists, at least black people exist in this country.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: if you do that, you have no business posting here!
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
“Corporations should reflect all the characteristics of the people in charge of them, so long as they agree with right wing talking points.”
– Future SCOTUS Opinion
Dorothy A. Winsor
@schrodingers_cat: Cool!
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg:
Corporations are white conservative people, my friend.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Soprano2: That sounds like progress on both the bathroom and getting a diagnosis.
@Jeffro: The problem with DeSantis trying a “normie insurgency” is that he has no idea what normal people are actually like or what they want.
@Soprano2: My sympathies. Mr. Scout was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s early this month. The neurologist was surprised with the results of the MRI because his symptoms are currently mild, but his MRI showed moderate atrophy. He’s on two memory medications now.
My mother had Alzheimer’s so I know how this goes. But as a spouse, you are never prepared.
@Baud: That’s what I think too, Rufo insisted on no comments because he knows what they would say. We can’t have white conservatives having their feelings hurt. /s/s/s/s
Does anyone know what that coverage reference in the Biden tweet is about?
Paul in KY
@OzarkHillbilly: My condolences on Ms Kitty’s passing. Know it had to be done. If it was anything at all like with Mongo, she passed quickly and very peacefully.
@Trivia Man: I had a female customer ask me why the toilet in the “regular” stall was so low compared to the one in the handicapped stall, and why didn’t I put a tall toilet in there too. I told her “because we have to have a tall one in the handicapped stall, and because they cost $500+ while a regular toilet is a lot cheaper. If you want to pay for a tall toilet, I’ll put one in there”. Of course, she doesn’t want to pay for it!
Retirement communities are not the same thing as nursing homes, although they can include nursing sections. Independent living sections of retirement communities, or places like The Villages that are 55+, are retirement communities but for the most part the people who live there pay to live there.
Even so, residents who live independently in any of those types of places often need assistive mobility devices, whether as simple as a cane or all the way to a scooter. And it’s shocking how bad some of the design is around those issues at places that are specifically built for older people.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Eolirin: I think it might be this. It’s a proposed rule to require parity between coverage for mental and physical health.
I ♥️ handicapped stalls.
Paul in KY
@Jeffro: He’ll make the trains run on time.
@Eolirin: Here’s the statement from WhiteHouse.gov
Link Link to complete statement.
@Suzanne: That’s the part of the Build Back Better plan that Manchin killed. There seems to be a consensus around that need from the Dems. We just don’t have the numbers to do anything about it yet.
@satby: Yarr, mateys! Yarr! Go Cubs!
Omnes Omnibus
Paul in KY
@Soprano2: He’s just doing what his idol Goebbels did: lie, lie, lie & the bigger the betterer.
Paul in KY
@Kay: Agreed. Also agreed on Justice Ginsburg.
Betty Cracker
@Soprano2: & @Scout211: Best of luck to both of you.
@Kay: The “Moms” are trying their stuff here, but there’s a lot of pushback to it. That’s one thing that tells me Springfield is more liberal than it used to be. Of course, there are also three good-sized universities here, so education is important to people in this city, and they don’t want these grifters screwing up their kids’ education.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Are you through with glass as a fictional subject? The reason I ask is because I saw this headline in the Jerusalem Post and thought, “This story might make for a good YA historical novel!”:
The site contains artifacts from the La Tene Period, ca. 450-100 BCE.
On the other hand, another Jerusalem Postheadline did not suggest a very good YA storyline:
@Kay: Oh yeah, how often do they talk about Chuck Grassley’s age? Mitch McConnell can have an obvious health problem and they barely comment on it. If Grassley and McConnell were female, they would mention their age in every story. Once women are past a certain age, they think we should just go away out of the public eye. They don’t think that of men – they’re the “experienced elder statesmen”. I also notice that they rarely talk about Bernie Sanders age – isn’t he as old as Biden, or even older?
Atrios says this kind of thing about TFG, that reporters could label him “disgraced former president” in every story, but for some reason they don’t do that. They shape people’s perceptions of politicians whether they want to admit it or not.
@Soprano2: @Scout211: My best wishes for you both.
I debated putting this here, because it’s pretty personal, but here goes. I’m 70. When I was a kid in the 50s my Mom did something unusual, she worked part time. She had been a librarian before I was born and wanted to keep working. So two days a week she ran the book cart at our local hospital. For those who are saying WTF, people stayed in hospitals for a much longer time back then and the library would bring books that could be checked out to the patients during their stay. Anyway, my Mom had MS. She still showed up for her 2 day a week shift. She finished her rounds every day. She needed to lean on the book cart to help her get around, but she did it. Then one day they called her in and told her that it was “too depressing” for people to watch her “struggle” to do her work and they fired her. It broke her heart. She died 2 years later, and I have always believed that being told that she was worthless because she was ill, well maybe it didn’t cause it, but it sure didn’t help.
The ADA would have protected her and kept an employee who was DOING THEIR JOB on the job. I thank God that it exists and that other people have a chance to continue to be productive and not feel that they are “too depressing” because they are ill.
Paul in KY
@mrmoshpotato: Go Sox!
Be prepared for the possibility of a muddled diagnosis. Sometimes these things aren’t so clear cut.
ADA remediation is hella expensive, y’all. Like, staggeringly so. If we want it done, we need to subsidize it.
BTW, houses of worship are exempt from the built environment portions of the ADA. This is pretty limiting for older people.
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg: Our Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft (the son of Shrub’s Attorney General) had an op-ed in last Sunday’s paper saying ESG needed to be “reined in”. His assumption was that companies using it as part of investing were always giving up returns in favor of politics. He never entertained the idea that investing in that way could lead to greater long-term returns, and only at the end of the article did he grudgingly admit that because companies are part of the free market, they were free to invest in this way if they want to. He seems to think the government should rein this in though, and dictate to investment firms how they can invest their client’s money. Republicans have changed a lot because of TFG, but to me this is one of the most jarring changes – how they’re willing to interfere with the free market now to impose their views on business and industry.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Geminid: What a cool historical find.
All I can say about the naked woman is, she apparently has anger issues.
I’m not writing anything at all at the moment. I have a draft of a sequel to Glass Girl with my editor. But at the moment, it all feels pointless. It’s possible I’m depressed. But it’s also possible I just don’t have another book in me.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I told the contractor that I was ready for him to start so that he could finish!!! I’ve been planning this for 6 months, and we’ve needed to do it for two years, so I’m definitely ready for it to be done. I’ll be taking a few showers in the locker room at work, though. If I had known when he was going to do it a month ago, I could have gotten a key from the neighbors and borrowed their bathroom, because they’re on a trip to California until sometime in August.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Percysowner: Your mom sounds awesome. It’s too bad the hospital couldn’t see that.
I’m just not sure this is true. I used to read them on Twitter – they complain about their politicians a lot and it’s the flip sideof liberal complaints -in their world Biden wins every battle because Republicans are weak. I didn’t see the age thing specifically, but as a general rule they really do criticize their politicians. It’s just not for what we think it should be for – it’s for a lack of manly decisiveness or Biden “outsmarting” them.
And they do hate McConnell! Trump told them to.
@Scout211: My sympathies to you, this is hard. I always knew it was a possibility I would have to deal with this, because I’m 14 years younger than Mr. Soprano and his father had some kind of dementia (back in the early ’90’s I don’t think they differentiated among the different types as much). And yeah, even though I’ve known for at least 1 1/2 years that something was wrong, I’m still not ready for it. I’m not ready to go to a support group yet, because I’m not ready to see my future.
Also, I just want to note FYI…. the built environments portion (“Accessible Design Guidelines”) changes every few years. And there are other accessibility codes that are stricter in some jurisdictions. So updating to current standards is always an endeavor.
@suzanne: I understand that. The places I’m thinking of have been built recently, like lots of these mushrooming retirement places have been, so they’ve gone up well after the ADA has been law. Still shocking. I can’t go anywhere now without looking at trip hazards, wheelchair ramp access, grab bars, etc. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.
@Soprano2: After my dad’s neuro exam, I went online and found a pdf or jpg of the Montreal cognition test. It might be helpful for you to look at that before his eval just so you can see what the doctor’s checking. link to a .gov site
Paul in KY
@Percysowner: I am so sorry for your poor mother. Makes me very mad to hear what was done to her!
@OzarkHillbilly: No kidding. And the very last thing you want is to be the “interesting patient.”
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker: ARRGH!!!
Dorothy A. Winsor
The John Lewis stamp
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
“What do you mean, your business supports inclusion of all demographics, ethical business practices and responsible environmental responses? What the hell is wrong with you??!?”
I think the ADA is great too and I’m sorry about your mom. I can’t believe we did that to disabled people for all those years- monstrous. I had an older customer at one of the rural post offices where I worked who was in a bad car wreck as a little kid – head injury, brain damage. He never went back to school. There was no disabled program of any kind. He sat at home from 4th grade on.
I liked when Fetterman got sick after the election because I felt like it was a put up or shut up moment for Democrats and we “passed”. We talk a good game but in that case we had to show it and I think we (mostly) did. You either support these people with health challenges or you don’t. We say we support them.
Miss Bianca
Color me naive, but this is a subject I know very little about. Can you say more? Is it a matter of losing benefits/disability payments if you get married?
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Yes, but not often. They had a takedown of the Supreme Court yesterday (at least it was yesterday in the paper-paper).
@Percysowner: That had to be rough for her.
Bernie Sanders is a year older than Joe Biden.
Betty Cracker
@Percysowner: Wow — the people who told her that were heartless jerks!
Totally understandable. This is hard, scary stuff and a big responsibility. Sometimes it’s too hard to look at it right away.
Just FYI, there are courses for caregivers that can be helpful. That’s not quite a support group and has a defined start and finish, as it’s a course. Online support groups can be good and you can dip in and out of those as needed. Also a great place to get resources.
Chief Oshkosh
@Steeplejack: That’s one explanation for the concussion and broken ribs. Until proven otherwise, I agree with the growing body of scuttlebutt* that his dom wife got a little rambunctious. Not kink shaming; it happens to the best of us.
*voices in my head count, right?
PS: I hope that the Senator has a peaceful recovery, surrounded by family and friends who encourage him to keep up the good fight and continue to make clear what a shitty, shitty party he’s running.
100% true. I am nerdy, so I am constantly spotting it. It’s so bad that I see many more places do it wrong than right.
Trip hazards and thresholds even have their own section in the guidelines!!!
The thing I see all the time is an accessible restroom, designed with no storage or counter space, and then the tenant goes and buys a little cabinet at Target or Hobby Lobby or whatever to hold their TP and soap, and then they stick it right in the clear space between the toilet and the sink, which is supposed to be left clear for a person in a wheelchair to pull up next to the toilet.
@Percysowner: How awful. So sad for your mom. The ADA has done amazing things. It’s always eye opening to visit other countries that don’t have the same kind of laws and see just how hard it is to get around if you’re not completely able to walk without needing any assistance, and sometimes even then it’s a challenge.
Chief Oshkosh
@OzarkHillbilly: I’m sorry to hear it and you have my heartfelt condolences.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yarrow: I worked in accessibility to polling places for two years over a decade ago, and it is amazing how much I continue to notice those things. BTW wider doors, wider hallways, lever door handles, etc., improve quality of life for people who do not have disabilities as well.
@Jeffg166: And everyone with a stroller, those who are ambulatory but do better with a ramp, null deliveries, and guide dogs can use them as training cues.
They benefit everyone.
I am so sorry for your loss :(
that’s why I thought he has a stroke back then
@suzanne: Oh, lord. Thresholds! A dangerous issue for sure! Don’t even get me started. I can’t not see it. I understand in older places that it’s hard to bring it up to code but new builds really have no excuse. But here we are. Ugh!
Is there an ADA compliance hotline? There should be! I’d be calling it all the time. LOL.
A family member built a house on some property. It was supposed to be their retirement house. The husband is NOT an architect and used some guy he knew who built barns to design it. The master bathroom is so inaccessible that two of them can’t be in there at once. They have to go sideways to get around each other. She can’t go in the bathroom at night without having a light on because she’s always whacking herself on the counter that sticks out too far and in the wrong place. It’s AWFUL. And the door isn’t wheelchair compatible so if one of them ever needs a walker or a wheelchair it’s going to be a nightmare.
People! Get an architect who’s experienced in building the kind of building you want! Don’t hire a barn guy to build your house! And think ahead! If you’re thinking of retiring there, plan for accessibility.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@WereBear: The one thing I do notice around my over-55 building is that the ramps have bumps on them to notify those with limited sight that they’re approaching a street, but the bumps make it hard on people with walkers and wheelchairs. I having trouble wrestling my shopping cart over them.
There’s good stuff you don’t even think of. For instance, the elevator doors are slow to close to accommodate people who are slow for a variety of reasons.
@Percysowner: Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman. I am sorry the world of the time did not appreciate her enough.
@Omnes Omnibus:
They really do. We all benefit.
There is a Sinead O’Connor article today in the Middle East Eye (@middleeasteye.net):
Sinead O’Connor canceled a 1997 Jerusalem concert organized by Jewish and Arab women after threats of violence. Ben-Gvir bragged that his hate group had deterred her, and Ms. O’Connor told him off in a public letter.
Ben-Gvir is in the news a lot these days. Although as an 18 yer-old he was rejected for military service in the IDF because of his radical, Kahanist views, Ben Gvir now is Netanyayu’s national security minister, in charge of Israel’s national police force.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Does the whole ramp have bumps? That’s not good. There’s one at a building I have to go to that is that way and it’s awful. Even hurts to walk on if you don’t have thick soles on your shoes.
The ones I usually see have a small, maybe 2-3 foot section of bumps as the ramp gets to the street. Other than that the ramp just has grooves so it’s not slick when it rains.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Thanks it was my first outing to the cinemas since COVID-19. Felt like an occasion to dress up,.
@OzarkHillbilly: Thanks for the advice, you’re right that sometimes medicine is more of an art than a science. His MRI showed evidence that he had a stroke at some time in the past, I’ll be interested to see what part of the brain that was. I’m betting that this is vascular based on his until recently poorly-controlled diabetes. It’s still not great, but it’s a lot better now that I know how he should take insulin and we have that 24-hour monitoring meter. Those things are a game changer for diabetics.
Dorothy A. Winsor
We built our house 15 years ago with universal design/aging in place design. It’s been great since we are now, uh, not young anymore. The bars in the tubs and showers are great. I thought it would be years before I used them but I actually have used them for 15 years. We don’t have bars around the toilets but we have enough room for a wheelchair transfer and reinforced walls in case bars are needed in the future. We have three doors with zero thresholds and several other aging in place features.
15 years ago we had to push our builder to add all of these universal design features in our home because he felt that it would cost so much more and take away space that could be used for other things. I can’t imagine how much it will cost for commercial buildings.
@Suzanne: A dark thought: after I realized one of the reasons wingers don’t want sex ed is because their children would understand their parents shouldn’t be raping them, wingers also wouldn’t want anyone other than family in their homes to observe the elder abuse and domestic violence they are committing.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Yarrow: It’s the last bit before the street, I think. I’ll have to look.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Assuming they’re maintained. If not, they can kill you, like happened to me recently when the elevator at one of those places closed on me and the elderly person I was with, as we were in the elevator doorway.
I had to throw myself in front of the door and push against it with my entire body using my legs as leverage to keep it from crushing us, as I eased the elderly person out so they wouldn’t be crushed and then leapt out of the way as the doors closed……and the elevator went nowhere. Hadn’t been called to another floor. Just decided it had to close when we were in the elevator doorway and almost kill us.
I had a meeting with management after that. It was terrifying.
Though it should be noted that Baud‘s quote is from the Ferengi edition.
And, to contribute some slight content to the ESG sub-thread, even the Ferengi recognize that there are circumstances where immediate profit should be deferred to achieve a greater long-term profit.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That may be a requirement in your area. It’s helpful for sight-impaired people, as you said. Also can slow down a wheelchair that got away. Which hopefully wouldn’t happen but it does.
@Wapiti: Thanks, I can look at it but he had his evaluation on Tuesday. It was supposed to be August 10th, but the Dr. is going to be on vacation next week and said if he didn’t test this week she wouldn’t have the evaluation done in time for his August 21st appointment.
Suzanne@10: Those look good. Just last night I was out, and encountered all three of those design areas. They are manageable for me, but a little easier is better. The toilet one I solve by parking the chair and walking in on foot — but of course many in chairs do not have that option. Too many doorways and hallways, even the chair-accessible doors, require setting up a straight pool shot. Welcome changes.
@eversor: I’d pay to watch that.
just imagining the kitchen, “OK, the trough we’ll put right here opposite the manger”
Do plan to visit the newly opened Grand Central Madison complex deep, deep, deep beneath Grand Central Terminal.
The escalators to the platforms are wild (two minutes to reach the other end). Also lots of elevators, although have to change from the ones which connect the rail platforms to the underground concourse to ones that go up from there, some of which open directly onto streets outside the terminal proper,
Didn’t that happen a couple weeks ago? With no indictment. It left me disappointed.
Though if Smith is doing this to keep Trump anxious so he keeps confessing to crimes on television, by all means continue.
@Percysowner: not too personal. Important. So sorry your mom’s employer treated her so badly. 😞
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Ken: This.
ESG = greater long-term profit!
@Kay: I was amused by the GQP’s poopooing of the 81 yr old McTurtle’s frozen in place incident, yet lamenting Biden’s choice of footwear for climbing slippery metal stairs.
McTurtle is “fine;” Biden is old and feeble.
@OzarkHillbilly: so sorry to hear this. Sending love.
Universal design/aging in place has many added features that you can conceal until you need them, too. We have a portion of our kitchen counter at wheelchair level that poses as a desk right now. We have a removable cabinet under one of our master bathroom vanities with tile underneath that has enough room for a wheelchair. There are many feature in universal design that are concealed until needed.
But the difficult issue for the majority of people is retrofitting their homes for accessibility because for for them, building a new home is not a possibility.
@Percysowner: I am so sorry about your mom. I am thankful for the ADA and other civil rights legislation that lets people who are not deemed worthy and not considered the default to thrive.
Mr. Noun-Verb-Woke
@OzarkHillbilly: So sorry. We have kitties (always) and it has been a while since death came to visit. It will visit sooner or later.
My sympathies.
@OzarkHillbilly: Its hard to lose them. So sorry about Miss Kitty. I gave away all the kibble and wet food when my lovely ginger girls passed away but I kept the catnip and her bowls etc.
@Paul in KY: Meh. Don’t really care about them until the postseason.
Wow. Only 8 teams are playing today.
Yeah, we typically design to the “front approach” door style. The ADA requires 32″ clear at a door on an accessible route, which means a 36″ leaf size. It is always, always a point of discussion for me with clients to go larger, because so many wheelchairs are big. But going larger with the door requires bigger clear space inside, and bigger space requires…. more space. And that means less space for something else, or more money for more area.
@Jackie: It’s a little harder to acknowledge weakness when your party still has the “that man is weak, I can kill him and take his sheep and women and gold” mindset. Er, metaphorically. Mostly.
I do agree with yesterday’s discussion, that when McConnell goes (for whatever reason) the infighting among Senate Republicans will be epic.
I am maliciously gleeful this morning that as the MSNBC shows report on McConnell’s freeze they leave the complete 20-second clip running in the background while they’re talking about it. His rigid posture and frozen stare are not consistent with “feeling lightheaded,” which is how his staff tried to spin it.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I got mine before the price increase 😊
Now waiting for the RBG stamp, which is supposed to be issued this year.
Many houses can never be successfully retrofitted. Houses are actually the worst buildings we build, in terms of quality and design.
Gin & Tonic
Sy Hersh, who once was a journalist, now completely beclowns himself on the regular.
You’ll have to click through for the full quote, where supposedly an unnamed “US official” refers to Zelensky as a “poor waif in his underwear.” I guess you’re supposed to skip over the fact that this is a phrase never used by Americans, but is a literal translation of the common russian phrase “мальчик в трусиках.”
Another Scott
Progress? Tesla doesn’t want to talk about lack of progress…
CarAndDriver.com’s 40,000 mile long-term test of a Model 3 (from 2019):
83/116 = 28% lower mileage than EPA/Tesla estimates.
(In contrast, my 2023 Kia Niro SX Touring PHEV has a claimed 31 mile all-electric range. I regularly get close to 40 miles before the engine comes on.)
Citizen Alan
It’s 7:45 a.m. and I am nearly shaking with rage right now.
My furniture was picked up in Mississippi on 7/8 (two days late). The “First Available Date of Delivery” (FADD) was 7/15, one week later. I flew into Fresno on the 14th. Next day, no furniture and no one answers at the moving company. I get the runaround for the next 2 weeks until this morning, I finally get a clear statement.
My furniture was shipped to NEW JERSEY where it was put into a warehouse, where it will sit until they come up with a route from New Jersey to Fresno. No indication of when that will be. I am sleeping on an air mattress in an apartment empty save for the folding metal chair and folding card table I bought so I would at least have a place to sit when I ate. I also had to go to DXL and drop almost $500 on clothes since my stuff will not be here before my start date.
I need to hire a lawyer, I think. I mean, I AM a lawyer, but right now I’m too angry to write a coherent demand letter.
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott:
Over-promising and under-delivering. That’s standing business advice on its head. Genius.
Chief Oshkosh
But isn’t this what we constantly tell those same people? Of course, we happen to be objectively correct, but that’s just a quibble…
Ohio Mom
@Miss Bianca: I admit, I only have a vague idea about marriage penalties for disabled people. Disability benefits law is a vast area and it’s a challenge enough unraveling what applies to Ohio Family. But this article seems a good introduction:
The limits on resources is another rule that needs updating. Have more than $2,000 in unsheltered assets (e.g., money in a bank account) and you can lose your Social Security and/or Medicaid.
Some people go on and off disability programs — for example, they find a job that is accommodating, the business closes and they need benefits again. Or their disabling condition progresses. I suspect they particularly get caught in these traps.
Which is funny, because that’s Rufo’s supervillain origin story – he got his feelings hurt at/felt guilty after a diversity training at his workplace years ago. Awwwwwww
A campaign to mail him a gazillion pacifiers wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world…
@Another Scott:
I love white collar true crime and it’s always a variation on that story:
All the energy and creativity goes into cutting corners and scamming. It’s like they completely lose the plot of normal, productive work.
Tesla did this instead of improving the range or at least halting their practice of exaggerating the range. There’s whole groups of employees in these scammy companies who are like “what do we do in this company, again? Our…job? Is it…lie on the phone?”
Chief Oshkosh
@Baud: Meh, it happens. Don’t sweat it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Citizen Alan: I had something similar happen during my move from Ohio to Wisconsin. I ended up having to sue. Pro Tip: look at CA’s consumer protection laws. I used WI’s statutes to get around mandatory arbitration and choice of jurisdiction clauses. I didn’t win on the consumer protection counts, but they got me into a WI courtroom and I won on the contract claims.
@Citizen Alan: OMG! That’s horrible. I hope you can find a lawyer to help you immediately. Yes, you are a lawyer but you don’t yet have an office right now. Hopefully, it will only take a sternly worded warning letter in legalese. Hopefully, you can find someone soon.
@Yarrow: If either one of us ever needs a wheelchair we’ll just have to move to another house, because there would be no way to make the narrow doorways in our house wheelchair-accessible.
There is an apartment building in my city that was renovated specifically to follow ADA standards for people who need accessibility. I think that’s a smart idea, because there’s definitely a market for it.
Citizen Alan
Update: I just found the email they sent three days after picking up my furniture that was not actually labeled as being connected with my move. It purports to describe the ‘delivery conditions’ and supercedes every single verbal statement made. They have up to 21 days after the First Available Date of Delivery (July 15) not counting weekends or holidays, so AUGUST 14! Another 2 and 1/2 weeks on a fucking air mattress!
Tenar Arha
@Citizen Alan: Damn. I’m sorry you’re going through that. That sucks. And yeah, if you’re that mad, better to offload it to someone else. My best wishes on your new job & home though.
Chief Oshkosh
@Percysowner: That is a powerful story. Thank you for sharing it.
@suzanne: See my comment above. I wouldn’t even try to retrofit our house for anything but the lightest access. The doorway to our only bathroom is 30″ wide – or it might only be 28″. One good thing with our house is that it’s like the older houses in that most doorways don’t actually have doors on them, but the ones that do are narrow. Also, our bedroom is a converted attic upstairs; hubby put in a spiral staircase to it to free up a bunch of space in the living room, but you can see how that would be a problem for someone with accessibility issues. As it is I keep a death grip on the railings every time I go up or down it, because falling down those stairs would be really bad.
@Citizen Alan: Whoa, yeah you need an attorney. That’s not reasonable – they don’t know how to get from New Jersey to Fresno? Are they kidding?
@Chief Oshkosh: We do, but I don’t think we’re trying to pass laws to force them to not go to church, or make their kids read certain books, or anything like that.
“We do know the way to San Jose. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.”
Which is why they are insistent about overturning the will of the BLUE dots in their Red States. Creating laws that strip those Blue Dots of their own autonomy. Overriding the laws that their duly elected representatives think are best for their constituents.
@Citizen Alan: So they changed the conditions retrospectively?
Go see Rent-a-Center and send the movers the bill.
Steve in the ATL
Is there an ADA compliance hotline?
EEOC. Or a class action plaintiff’s firm.
@Steve in the ATL: Nope. ADA compliance (on the physical accessibility stuff) is handled via litigation. It became a huge issue some years back…. multiple disability rights groups started filing lawsuits by using Google Earth to find places that were noncompliant.
HOWEVER, accessibility requirements also live in the ICC/ANSI codes and A117.1 standard, so building inspectors and plan reviewers can enforce those requirements. However, if building owners and tenants are making changes after the certificate of occupancy is provided, then it is unlikely that they would get caught.
ETA: Republicans made it more difficult to enforce the ADA requirements.
I want to thank everyone for their kind words. This has stirred up a lot of emotions, so right now I’m processing.
Prayers for your husband .
You ain’t never lied.
Which is so wrong. I mean, being forced to take some of those tithes to actually HELP people?
Heaven forbid.
They were sold a bill of goods that Biden was a doddering old fool.
But, then, Dark Brandon keeps on collecting wins against them..
so, what does that say about them?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Just ordered some :)
The story about your mother breaks my heart. So absolutely wrong.
My aunt’s closest friend had a older sister that was disabled.
They grew up in Mississippi, which of course, no facilities, if they existed, were open to Blacks.
When her sister passed, she only wished that the programs available now had been available then. But, then, it was families like hers that fought for programs to not only be created but also be available to ALL, no matter the race.
@Baud: How about Comatose?
Paul in KY
@Citizen Alan: The route is: ‘Use the fucking interstate system to get my fucking furniture from New Jersey to Fresno, Pronto!!!!’
The moving company is probably tryng now to put together a fairly full trailer load before they haul it cross country.
Kayla Rudbek
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: without an environment, do we even have an economy?
Kayla Rudbek
@Citizen Alan: you know the joke about a lawyer representing themselves, of course…and it’s one of the jokes that is true.
Kayla Rudbek
@rikyrah: the handicapped stalls are better because the doors open out so one can actually access the toilets!