Holy fuck!
Trevian Kutti to Ruby Freeman: “You are a loose end for a party that needs to tidy up.”
S/he must be some kind of political fixer?
I hope that this Trevian Kutti is about to go through some things.
This video of Trevian Kutti trying to intimidate Ruby Freeman is astonishing.
"I cannot say what specifically will take place. I just know that it will disrupt your freedom."
"You are a loose end for a party that needs to tidy up." pic.twitter.com/j5KeU36cGi
— Tami Burages (@tburages) August 17, 2023
Open thread.
Mike Pence gets plaudits. Ruby Freeman should get twice as many, as least.
Justice needs some speed.
Oh, and Lionesses Yeah!
Reposted from overnight:
Just Security Names of Unindicted Coconspirators Fulton County Indictment Trump
The link is to a scribd document with a handy chart of the co-conspirators. The original article is here.
What was done to Ruby Freeman was appalling. What they were attempting was not at all unlike the coerced confessions and show trials from Soviet Russia. I hope nobody involved in this will be allowed to plead out without prison time.
So much for getting a black guy to pressure her because she’ll trust his shady ass.
I hear the surface of the Sun tidies things up real good. So sick of the GOP.
May all these awful people rot in hell. That’s the kindest thing I can think of to say at the moment. Once I got past holy fuck! at least.
Flat-out mob-style intimidation. “Something might happen to someone.”
But Trevian is the one doing the threatening, albeit in a quiet, calm voice. Trevian is a female. The guy sits and watches.
@Scout211: I think it’s even creepier that she is saying it in that (shudder) deliberately quiet, calm tone of voice.
I mean, they DO openly and explicitly prefer Russia to this country. And I’d venture that anyone who was of age in the 70s or 80s had at least one conversation with a conservative who said “I WILL say ONE thing for the Soviet Union” followed by about five minutes of unstinting praise for the Soviet Union. I know I had several.
As for Ruby Freeman,
The only (dark) LOL in the Ruby Freeman case is that the SOOPERGENIUS Trevian Kutti went to continue her shakedown at the police station and does not seem to have ever considered that she might be on video.
In conclusion, only the best people.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
From TPM, via Digby:
Only the best people, indeed…
Not disagreeing with any of the negative things said here about the msm, but it won’t take too many of these type stories for them to begin a feeding frenzy that we’ll appreciate.
One particularly odious aspect of this was that they thought all they had to do to get her to go along was to get some Black people to do the dirty work. The idea that all that was needed was to get someone with the right skin color is first cousin to the idea that they all look alike.
Don’t know if this was already covered here, but it was headline news on the local newscasts, since she’s from Denver. Someone needs money to stay out of jail:
Jenna Ellis crowdfunding for legal fees
And the rubes are obliging.
West of the Rockies
Nice little election booth ya got here… be a shame if something happened to it…
@West of the Rockies:
I find myself hoping for a version of hell ala Dante, with multiple levels. So they can get sent to one of the most serious ones. No mere “isolated from God” white collar criminal facility.
But then, I may be biased by having been an election poll worker myself for the last couple decades.
@TaMara: She’ll get enough local whackjobs to cover at least a month or two of her lawyers’ fees. A year or more? One can only hope karma comes calling, finally.
She was forced to admit that she lied to the Colorado courts about the election…wonder how that will affect her in GA.
Well, well well. Just look what keeps happening.
well, that and idiots, but. . .
Doug R
I hope she does time for this.
I am not familiar with that piece of the story, can you explain?
Because I have zero context WRT who these mooks are, this.
“Everything Donald Trump/or whatever he’s calling himself today touches, turns to shit. And if they BOTH touched it….”
@TaMara: Any money they send to keep Ellis out of jail is money not going to the increasingly insane CO rethuglican party. Too bad, so sad.
Maybe we’re about to reach such saturation of grifting R’s that there will be far too little $ left to fund R efforts to buy enough string and chewing gum to hold their state parties together. One can hope, while also planning to do everything we can to win against these people.
@smith: That attitude’s not condescending at all. //
And i was totally gonna vote for Sarah Palin because she had a vagina. Parts is parts.
@WaterGirl: TPM has the whole story here.
All this stuff about Trevian Kutti and the quotes attributed to her came out quite some time ago, well over a year or so past. I remember being smacked in the gob reading about it at the time and then it disappeared under the water, probably pushed to the back burner by all the other brouhaha coming out at the time, mostly as a result of the J6 committee investigations.
@WaterGirl: Here’s another contemporary take on the story.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: That’s pretty much where I’m at, too!
So it looks like Fani Willis has asked for a March 4 trial date. That’s clearly inspirational, but if if gives TFG even a little extra heartburn, I’ll take it.
Betty Cracker
@smith: DeSantis has raised that technique to an art form in FL. Practically all of the people involved in coming up with the shitty new black history standards are POC. The state’s crappy education commissioner is Latino. When DeSantis fired state attorney Monique Worrell, a black woman, he replaced her with a black Federalist Society stooge.
They almost pull off the look of a multiracial fascist government down here, but sometimes they run short of POC to serve as the face of their corrupt schemes. For example, one member of the state’s toothless ethics watchdog group was also appointed to DeSantis’s Disney World district board ($400K annual salary!), creating a conflict of interest. Oops!
What’s striking to me is that even with 18 co-defendants, the GA case still isn’t casting a wide enough net to get anything close to everyone involved.
I hope we can do something about that. It’s really important we decommission the entirety of the networks and especially the funding that allowed this to happen.
The Pale Scot
Such a shame that Hurricane Hilary is a Pacific storm. In a just universe it run up the east coast of FL and stall over the Turd’s property for 72 hours and wash it out to sea.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Eolirin: it will be interesting to see whether Kutti’s White House contacts can be traced. The TPM article is very detailed and gives tantalizing hints.
@Eolirin: I really don’t think that Jack Smith or the DOJ are done yet. They’ve gone after the J6 rioters, the foot soldiers at the bottom, and the big cheese and the cabal at the top (who I am sure will get their own special indictments eventually), but there are a fair few middlemen yet to be dealt with. Why would they let them off the hook? And if DOJ has enough prosecutors to try 1000+ rioters, I’m sure they can come up with enough to try a few dozen more.
@The Pale Scot: Plus, it’s alliterative as all getout.
@Scout211: Thanks. I will not watch, I don’t have the stomach for bullying. I have thought all week that Trevian was a guy.
@StringOnAStick: Agree. I’m totally ok with the rubes’ disposable income being set on fire, because giving it to Jenna is just about the least politically effective use to which it could be put.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: She worked for R Kelly. Oh that explains quite a bit about how she honed her “technique” for intimidating blameless people trying to live their lives without caving in to the demands of predatory monsters.
Doesn’t it strike you as — I don’t know — astonishing that these people all seem to find each other and operate in the same way?
All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.
And, for what she did, I hope DA Willis and her team prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law.
So, the next folks thinking that they are gonna shuck and jive will think twice.
Alison Rose
@Barbara: WOW. R Kelly. Jeez, that’s almost too on the nose, isn’t it? Truth is grosser than fiction…
From TPM:
I remember when this video was originally released shortly after the election. It was fucking disgusting then, still just as disgusting. Jail time isn’t enough for these people.
While this is unsurprising, the gall and chutzpah rank a 10. Now imagine how much power your gas utility wields in Texas.
“Thurr gonna take mah stove and mah grill!” is not as grass-rootsy as one might think. BTW, the State PUC are generally industry lapdogs so when they actually smack a utility’s corporate wrist, they had to have done something really, really bad.
this guessing or do they really know who they are?
@Mr. Bemused Senior: Along the same lines, apparently when Smith finally prevailed on Xitter to hand over TFG’s data, there were DMs to be had. There had been speculation that TFG, who famously says he doesn’t use emails, doesn’t do direct messaging either, but in fact he does (or his staff does from his account). Could be very interesting.
On the other hand, emptywheel has a post in which she implies that Elmo may have used the delay in complying with the subpoena to remove data that might implicate Elmo himself. It’s just speculation, but as long as we’re wishing for unicorns, and actually getting some, why not that as well?
Not your money. not my money.
The rubes…they be rubing.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@smith: Jesus.
I have a suspicion that kind of stunned shock is something I’m going to be feeling a lot over the next coming months as we find out all the details Fani Willis, Jack Smith et al have uncovered in their investigations.
However bad we think it is right now based on what’s in the indictments, it is much much worse.
I still think that these are the small donation people that are sending their monies to the grifters, and have nothing left over for actual GOP candidates.
Daoud bin Daoud
“You are a loose end for a party that needs to tidy up.” Nope, doesn’t sound at all like a death threat!
Alison Rose
Sure, you do that, Ronnie: Defend Trump and ‘Hammer’ Ramaswamy: DeSantis Allies Reveal Debate Strategy
I love that they refer to him as something you’d pronounce as “GIRD”. Pretty fitting! Also, what “positive vision” does he have??? Everything he says is just doom doom doom all the time.
Betty Cracker
Speaking of what the fuck, does anyone know why Fulton County officials could not change the rule about releasing the names of the grand jurors? Maybe it’s a state thing and the statehouse wouldn’t go along with it? It’s so unfair to expose ordinary people who served on that jury (or anyone unlucky enough to share the same name) to Trump’s deranged mob. What’s happening now was 100% predictable.
CATO Institute is not the place I’d normally go for a take on TFG’s chances at trial. But this looks to me like an informed opinion (via TPM).
Alison Rose
@Alison Rose: LOL gotta add this too:
Jiminy crickets.
@Alison Rose:
@smith: THIS!
Miss Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss have endured horrendous abuse, threats, intimidation, financial and reputational harm for being election workers- an honorable, truly patriotic endeavor. They are the embodiment of the crimes committed in Georgia and to voters everywhere. We owe them a debt of gratitude and respect. They deserve every speck of recompense that can be marshaled. When the new Voting Rights Act is passed, they best be looking over President Biden’s shoulder at the signing ceremony.
@Alison Rose:
I’m picturing something out of an old SNL coneheads sketch.
@Alison Rose:
@trollhattan: Here in Massachusetts, I’ve been trying to find out how to use the federal matching funds to swap out my gas stove for electric, but can seem to find that info anywhere. Then I found out MassSave, which is the main administrator for this sort of thing, is run entirely by the utility companies…
Is Nitter browser extension for reading “Twitter” threads working for anybody ATM? It has been borked for me since yesterday but you know…paranoia. And viewing a “Twitter” account in a plain browser works but is not chron-sorted, just random posts plucked from several years.
Nice work, Elmo. Feeling the warm glow from your cash fire.
Alison Rose
@Baud: That’s about his level of human, yes.
@rikyrah: I KNOW RIGHT? Imagine being reminded to show emotion.
Tom Levenson
@TaMara: last time I looked she’d raised ~$35,000. Run of the mill criminal attorneys in Colorado run $250-500 an hour. Assuming she’ll need at least a lead lawyer and an associate, she’s looking at a $750/hr run rate without getting top talent. She’d run through her current stash in three weeks. Maybe a month. She’s heading into second mortgage territory, and pretty fast.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Maddow covered this quite a bit back in 2021, but I suspect that we’re going to find out just how much worse it was due to how interconnected/widespread the fuckery was.
Betty Cracker
@Alison Rose: #2 is a nonstarter since “GIRD” doesn’t have a positive vision. We probably won’t find out if he’s dumb enough to take on Christie in response to an attack on Trump since Christie will likely thrash DeSantis right out of the gate and recite every shitty thing Trump has said about DeSantis. I might have to tune in to see that circus.
Chief Oshkosh
@MattF: Another rat swimming away from the sinking ship. Fuck ’em.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@rikyrah: strategery
Apologies if already posted: ETA: goddamnit who’s the competent lawyer over there!🤬
@trollhattan: hasn’t been working for me. I miss Stonekettle and Ragnorak Lobster.
Alison Rose
@Betty Cracker: As much as I loathe Christie, I would enjoy seeing him turn his ire on Ron for a bit.
@Alison Rose: Didn’t Trump have some kind of handwritten note (that could be read by the cameras) that told him to look sad when he was meeting with some gun violence victims?
@The Pale Scot:
I can’t wish bad weather on baddies anymore. There are too many bad weather “incidents” like the firecane in Hawaii. Because we’ve got a Jupiter climate now.
Alison Rose
@Eunicecycle: Yepppp. They really are soulless.
@p.a.: Not to worry, Donny. The networks will go live with shots of the empty dais with the giant Trump sign, in front of 100 US flags, probably keep it there and chat for two hours.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Alison Rose: (Holds up index card and reads in a monotone)
“This reminds me of an amusing anecdote involving family, kids, and Casey showing emotion. I will now go off script and tell the story spurious… sporadic… (I can’t read your writing, what’s this word? Oh)… sorry, spontaneously. Laugh warmly and make eye contact with crowd.”
@oatler: If we’re Jupiter now–a gas giant–that would explain Trump.
@TaMara: The chef’s kiss of this is because she said nice things about DeSantis, Trump has turned his back on her and won’t offer a dime to help.
@Alison Rose: Could they (the PAC) also be trying to rescue their collective reputation by posting this online, I mean “Look, we’re telling him to close his unhinged jaw and remember to breathe, but . . . It’s not our fault!”
Christie should tell a joke that’ll make DeSantis laugh. That’ll horrify the audience and destroy DeSantis’s campaign once and for all.
@laura: Thanks, it’s annoying as hell but helps to know that others have the same issue (so I can stop trying to make it work, for starters).
Does Musk think the way to make more money with a restaurant begins with blocking the doors? Literally cannot see his end game here.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: He seems to be the second coming of Santorum, and family as props is a big part of it. Lacks the Osmond-like matching of outfits, however.
Ohio Mom
@MattF: That’s a good link. Explains in clear language all that Trump’s legal teams are up against. I found it reassuring, too.
@Jess: Trump’s descriptions of his phone calls to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and Geogia Secretary of State Raffensperger as “perfect” fit his gangster mentality. What he really meant was that he went right up to the line of illegality but was shrewd enough not to cross it.
A friend who carefully studied the transcript of the Raffernsperger call was struck by how Trump seemed to know exactly how far he could go. It was a careful performance by a cunning career criminal. I could not say if my friend’s assessment was correct, but in this case there are plenty of other corrupt actions that cast a harsher light on Trump’s “perfect” phone call.
Alison Rose
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Eye contact with Ron DeSantis would make me feel like I was in a tropical remake of The Ring.
Alison Rose
@scav: Haha, maybe! “Look people, there’s only so much we can do with this guy…”
@The Pale Scot: patience, the water is warming in the Gulf
@Alison Rose:
This is like some really bad 1980s movie about a robot trying to become human.
Or Mitt Romney’s similar struggles in the 2012 race.
@Alison Rose: I absolutely loathe giving public speeches, and even I remember that is basic intro advice in Public Speaking 101. How could anyone ever get elected to public office without knowing it already?
“Texas woman” enters the discussion.
Now where do you suppose she got those crazy ideas?
I just noticed that Ruby Freeman has a Gofundme page. She’s doing pretty well, but I’m sure she has legal bills to pay (and I doubt she’ll ever squeeze a penny out of Rudy), so I made a donation. I’d do it even if she had raised millions, just on principle.
Alison Rose
@dmsilev: Time for a remake.
@dmsilev: R-Money’s “Say fellows, which scamp released the canids?” video remains Peak Cringe these many years later.
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: Cripes, this guy is dumbass dickweed on steroids.
Villago Delenda Est
@p.a.: You just hate to see it. There will be no EXONERATION on Monday. Drat.
The idea that all that was needed was to get someone with the right skin color is first cousin to the idea that they all look alike.
I think first cousin is too far removed.
Alison Rose
@Villago Delenda Est: This made me cackle.
I’m not sure Ellis is going to do too well on fundraising — TFG and his flying monkeys are attacking her because she has endorsed DeSantis, so she’s not going to be able to count on grubby Goober dollars.
She shouldn’t feel too bad, though. Rudy has been ever-loyal, but the boss is stiffing him too, and doing it to his face after Rudy made a pilgrimage to MAL to plead his case.
Uncle Cosmo
Just FTR, in that “part” of the world where my folks grew up (& I spent “parts” of many childhood summers) – i.e., north central WV to southwestern corner of PA – “Parts” is the name of the MLB team that plays home games in Pittsburgh, e.g.,
These are the same good ol’ boys what go feeshing down the crick…
@p.a.: Oh, gee + gosh + golly. What a shock.
@Tom Levenson:
Oh well.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Anybody who wants to be reminded there are good people out there, check out the top donations. As well as the total donation.
Sure Lurkalot
@Tom Levenson:
Well, she could sing. That’s what a lot of people do when they are thrown under the bus by those they crimed for.
Betty Cracker
During a recent NBC interview, Tacky O vouched for her spouse’s alleged humanity by describing how he helped out when she was battling breast cancer:
He probably even babysits sometimes too!
@Sure Lurkalot:
I keep thinking about that statement- you are a loose end for a party that needs to clear up that sounds like something you’d hear just before you’re taken to the “second location.”
Ken B
@Alison Rose: I was pronouncing it as ‘Gored’ in my mind.
A few of our billionaires are rethuglicans. Not few enough.
They don’t need to spend what they consider a lot and it will still be, a lot. Now the only thing that tells me this might not work for them now is that a number of normally (un)reasonably financed rethuglican state entities seem to be rather short on funds. That means their normal money launders seem to be stepping back. Which would also mean they-republican entities, likely have gone too far, and become/gone way past normal conservative, into the idiot mafia.
@Betty Cracker:
So who’s the father?
If I’m reading the page correctly, it has raised $300,000 against a $30,000 goal. And the money is still rolling in. Gives one faith in the world.
Big Mango
Trump Campaign filed 18 lawsuits in PA
Eighteen of those lawsuits were filed in Pennsylvania, and most focused on mail-in and absentee voting, extended pre-election deadlines, or technically deficient ballots.
His three legal victories, all in Pennsylvania, threw out 270 provisional ballots lacking signatures, separated Election Day provisional ballots from those cast afterward, and moved back Pa.’s deadline for absentee voters to present voter ID by three days.
Act 6: November 21, 2020 Meadows texts Rep Scott Perry (who later askes for a pardon) for numbers for leaders of Pennsylvania Legislature. “POTUS want to chat with them”
ACT 8: November 25,2020 Rudy G and Jenna Ellis attend meeting with PA legislators and push fake electors. DJT joined the meeting by phone.
ACT 10: November 26, 2020 Rudy G and Jenna Ellis call Speaker of PA House imploring him to unlawfully appoint electors.
ACT 11: November 26 Rudy G calls President Pro Tem of PA Senate asking him to unlawfully appoint electors.
ACT 12: November 27, 2020 Rudy G and Jenna E leave a voice mail for call Speaker of PA House asking him to unlawfully appoint electors.
ACT 13: November 27, 2020 Rudy G and Jenna E call President Pro Tem of PA Senate asking him to unlawfully appoint electors.
ACT 14: November 27, 2020 DJT calls President Pro Tem of PA Senate asking him to unlawfully appoint electors.
ACT 15: November 28, 2020 Rudy G leaves a voicemail for Speaker of PA House asking him to unlawfully appoint electors.
ACT 16: November 29, 2020 Rudy G leaves a voicemail for Speaker of PA House asking him to unlawfully appoint electors.
ACT 28: December 3, 2020 DJT met with PA House of Rep Bran Cutler to discuss a special session of the legislature.
ACT 44: December 8, 2020 DJT John Eastman call RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel asking for help to gather fake electors.
ACT 46 December 9, 2020 Kenneth Chesebro writes a memo about the specific state-specific staturory requirements for GA, AZ, MI, NV,PA, WI. Plan for the fake electors would cast fake electoral votes for DJT on December 14, 2020
“On Dec. 14, the fake electors met in the offices of Quantum Communications — Gerow’s Harrisburg-based public affairs firm — to cast their votes for Trump. Pennsylvania law requires that the electors meet in the state capital. Biden’s electors also met in Harrisburg to cast their votes on this day… Unlike in other states, Pennsylvania’s fake electors added an important caveat to the certificate that likely shielded them from the consequences faced by their counterparts in Michigan.
“On Dec. 14, the fake electors met in the offices of Quantum Communications — Gerow’s Harrisburg-based public affairs firm — to cast their votes for Trump. Pennsylvania law requires that the electors meet in the state capital. Biden’s electors also met in Harrisburg to cast their votes on this day… Unlike in other states, Pennsylvania’s fake electors added an important caveat to the certificate that likely shielded them from the consequences faced by their counterparts in Michigan. …
Pennsylvania’s certificate said the votes they were casting should only be counted if a court found that they were the “duly elected and qualified Electors.”
According to testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson, former aide to Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, multiple Republican U.S. House members asked for a pardon, including Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Louie Gohmert (R-TX).
The last name she mentioned in her testimony was Pennsylvania U.S. House Rep. Scott Perry.
What reasonable person would conclude this was all on the up and up?
@Betty Cracker: Driving with humility! be still my beating heart. classic romance ending.
I love his TikTok account. My mother taught adult literacy for years, so him being so honest about his journey has been amazing.
The video he did about that learning how to read more, has opened him up to thinking about things in the world that he never considered..was damn deep.
colorfullstory (@colorfullstory) posted at 8:55 PM on Wed, Aug 16, 2023:
I constantly reference the study that came out about the avg American adult reading on the 6th grade level. This gentleman has been showing the vulnerability of learning to read as an adult. He says he should know this but he should’ve been taught please send him encouragement https://t.co/WW51BUzuN9
@laura: Or… maybe the person watching this live on video puts a short note in the log file. “Openly threatening behavior on cam three.”
@Big Mango:
I am trying, totally without success, to come up with a reason, any reason, to ask for a pardon if you’ve done nothing illegal. Not just wrong, but flat illegal.
Musk wants to flip not-Twitter to an Everything app like WeChat. Consensus in the industry is the attempt will fail. Bigly.
@Betty Cracker: you mean he PARENTS his own kids? Wow big of him.
@Betty Cracker:
“He did it with humility” can only mean Ron was humiliated finding himself at the wheel of a minivan. “Don’t I have people to do this?”
DeSantis. Humility. cannot coexist in a book, much less the same paragraph or so help us, sentence.
Alison Rose
@Betty Cracker: PICK UP MY KIDS????? Wait…are they his stepkids? What the fuck?
I don’t know if anyone would be successful with a WeChat clone, but who except Nazis would trust Musk with anything more than a tweet?
@wjca: Can Lord-President Trump pardon future criming?
Followed by “No worries. We’ll fix it in post.” Too bad the prosecutors have access to the dailies.
Alison Rose
@trollhattan: Minority Report 2: RICO Boogaloo
@Betty Cracker: Yeah, opening their private lives up to harassment. Jurors should be wary and record and all interactions – and then give it to the FBI.
I mean – might as well hand out some more indictments for those who care to fuck around.
@Anoniminous: But first, he has to pay back everyone who dared to disrespect him. And then, a miracle occurs.
Started re-reading Culture novels by Iain M. Banks. Liberals with big guns. Mmmm.
There is always a middle and it usually is the last to go down because the bottom almost always goes too far, because that’s it’s only voice and the top tries very hard to stay out of the light because they know the light that will shine on them will be very big and bright, like a searchlight. The mafia always had goons to do the dirty work because that kept them at arms length.
I’d guess they believed him when he claimed he could. They’re really just more of the rubes that he’s been conning all his life.
@Alison Rose: “Just don’t laugh. For the love of all that’s holy, Ron, don’t pretend to find mirth in any situation ever again!”
All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.
And, for what she did, I hope DA Willis and her team prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law.
So, the next folks thinking that they are gonna shuck and jive will think twice.
This needs repeating.
People are finding out they can’t trust Musk with a X-it.
X user “super pissed” that Musk ordered takeover of his @music account
@Daoud bin Daoud:
Yes, but in their projecting minds, the threat is from the Democratic party, and Biden’s hitmen will take her out, now that she has done their vote changing skullduggery.
“Hey look Sister, Imma just tryin to help you out of bind.”
The Trumpies really believe we are The Evil Ones. And therefore, any actions they take are justified and sanctified.
Remember, Trevian Kuti was recruited by some white preacher up north who tried to contact the victim at her house, to council her but was rebuffed.
Yeah, this list. Why did they need pardons?
@Betty Cracker: WTAF “he picked up HER kids and he did it with humility”
While holding back tears – wtf is this? That’s just the bare minimum he’s supposed to do as a spouse?
Sandia Blanca
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Reminiscent of Chris Cooper as Tex Richman in the Muppets movie; every time he did something evil, he would say “maniacal laugh.”
I wouldn’t trust the little fuck with a red hot stove so I’ll only note other people’s mileage differs.
@misterpuff: Mr White Preacherman with his tactical Bible. “Shoot First and let Dad sort ‘em out” in bright red.
@Betty Cracker: …”my kids”? Are they not Ron’s kids too?
I actually hope, for the kids’ sakes, that they don’t share DNA with that piece of shit.
Outward human appearance, but needs to feed.
If someone can explain this to me, great, but I don’t necessarily expect any answer. When you vote in a presidential election, technically, you are voting for a candidate’s slate of electors. But when I read about the “fake elector” schemes, they all seem to involve recruiting people who are willing to go along with this scheme but who were not actually on the ballot as electors for Trump, who had a complete slate of electors. Stupid question, but even if these fake electors were put forward, how could anyone say that they represented the will of any voters anywhere? Is the idea that they are appointed by the state legislature? Because as far as I can tell, they are basically just self-appointed.
I know that it was the merest fig leaf — but it still strikes me as completely bonkers that they thought they could get away with this. Thank heavens at least two of these states are no longer candidates for this insane gambit.
@Betty Cracker: I think pretty much anybody could thrash Pudding Boy in a debate format. He’s more accustomed to using state power to hit back at people who say mean things about him.
Are you suggesting that a former president is just one big fart?
That’s… it’s….. actually seemingly true.
@sdhays: Chimeras do, in fact, exist.
@Barbara: I wondered the same thing. Why would these states not just put forward the slate of electors assembled before the election? Maybe they did but it seems like they were new ones recruited especially for this deception.
Literally cannot see his end game here.
You don’t think he knows do you?
Ever watched him do one of his commercials? Hear him speak? He’s far more awkward than I’d be trying to walk on an I beam 40 stories up on a skyscraper being built.
@Alison Rose: Gossip is that “screaming arguments” between Ronnie and Casey have been heard lately.
@TaMara: Hope the maga world continues to shell out money such that there is nothing for candidates or for the local GOP GOTV.
Hopefully the whole thing is so uninteresting because of no Trump that even teh gerrymandered districts are going to be in trouble causing them to spend even more money.
May our adveraries find themselves bankrupt.
Alison Rose
@Bex: I don’t usually wish ill on anyone’s marriage, but in this case, BAHAHAHAHAHA.
@Barbara: AFAIK, it all hinged on the election being declared fraudulent in some way or another. If they were successful in finding all those votes that they claim went to Biden fraudulently, they then could turn them into Trump votes. Then the fake electors (that were chosen to be part of the conspiracy) could step up and replace the Biden electors and magically become un-fake electors.
But I could be way off in my meager understanding of the criminal conspiracy.
@Anoniminous: if Elon Musk were to really be bold, he should take over catturd2.
She is SOOO gonna ditch him, and find someone else who can help her fulfill her TackyO fantasies.
It was an attempted campaign resurrection using a modern spin on the “Checkers speech”. Except he is so bad at communications they had her try it, and.. oh boy.
She blew past empathetic, went straight through soy boy, and landed him on cuck.
@rikyrah: Thanks for sharing this–what an awesome thing for him to do!
At least in some cases, e.g. Pennsylvania, there were electors who declined to participate in the fake elector scam. So recruiting new dupes became a necessity.
I don’t know. Where else is she going to find a man that’ll pick her kids up from school?
Tim Curtin
Before she worked for Kanye, she worked for R Kelly. My mind keeps coming back to Ghislaine Maxwell…
Matt McIrvin
@trollhattan: One of Newt Gingrich’s many terrible ideas was the idea that you could send people out with preemptive pardons in hand as licenses to commit war crimes. Actual legal experts don’t seem to think highly of this.
Fixed it for you. Let’s go ahead and call them what they are now.
@trollhattan: Her cancer was in 2021 and early 2022. There is no way a sitting governor of a major state ever picked his kids up from elementary school. Just the security detail would make it a lot easier to send someone else to do it. She’s lying.
Right, I assumed as much, but it doesn’t really answer the question. When you claim to represent the will of the voters that means someone besides yourself chose you. More than anyone else, almost, I want these fake electors to go to jail. It’s like they were trying to prove their bona fides for gang membership by volunteering to pull off the next execution.
@Baud: Nobody would be successful with a WeChat clone unless it was backed and mandated by something like the Chinese government.
@Shalimar: I’m beginning to suspect she’s no better at this appearing human thing than her humility-hubby.
@rikyrah: Rupert Murdoch is available!
@gwangung: If it’s starting from nothing sure, but I think if Twitter under the old management tried something like this, albeit by slowly and gradually expanding features instead of trying to remake the app, that it might have had a chance of succeeding at growing Twitter and would have provided much needed alternative revenue streams to advertisement.
I can’t see this working with Musk involved though.
The Pale Scot
@Alison Rose:
Girdle? That works. I haven’t thought about word since the late 60’s, nana had
Can’t see any reason for us to adopt the loathsome and sexist tropes of right-wingers. It accepts their misogynist premise that female = bad.
When you are looking to recruit them, they are dupes. Only after they buy your con and become involved do they achieve co-conspirator status.
@Shalimar: Right. My niece lives near the school and says there are security people around all the time.
By George I think he’s got it!
One of the reasons a lot of crooks get caught is that they don’t really think they might be caught because they did such a good job of criming – in their minds anyway. It’s like SFB, he thinks he’s so good that his shit doesn’t stink. But we all know it does because we’ve been exposed to it – everything he does/says is shit, because he doesn’t know better. And of course he got rich. Of course if he was at all smart he could have been far richer by not being himself and thinking how smart he supposedly is. He stole/inherited $400 million. Putting that in most any investment fund would have made him about 8 times more money than anything he could/did accomplish.
I think that was true in some states, but, according to this, in PA they were the duly designated TFG electors. In all cases, though, what made them fake is that they actually gathered, voted and prepared a certification to send to Congress representing their vote as legal.
In PA, they made that certification conditional on TFG winning his court cases:
@scav: Kari Lake with a lower-power gauze filter.
@Eolirin: I dunno. That assumes a lot to hope to become a player in a crowded market that almost has to appeal to fascist elements to make money. Constantly looking at a product that is in a monopoly market is just not comparing apples to apple.
But, as said, irrelevant when dealing a Musk demolition.
Jen Rubin notes that the threat of violence was an integral part of the attempted coup. And it’s not only the threatened election workers (although that’s bad enough), it’s the Eastmans, the Clarks, and those state-level bureaucrats— including the fake electors— who accepted the notion that violence to keep Trump in power was OK.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Haha, exactly!
“Game recognize game.”
David Fud
Considering that GA can pull in any and all things from other states, not very well. It will undermine almost any argument that she might have in her defense, I would think.
@OverTwistWillie: Cuckservative, shortened to cuck has once again shown itself as projection.
TL/DR cuckold transformed into an insult against non white supremist republicans.
@MattF: By Jan 6, the threat of violence was really all they had left. Pence wasn’t playing, the courts had already shown clearly that they weren’t buying TFG’s nonsense, the military had signaled they wouldn’t go along with installing TFG as president-for-life, and they had only 147 votes in Congress, not nearly enough to throw the election. All the centers of institutional power they would need to make the coup stick weren’t there for them. The violence on Jan 6 was a Hail Mary with which they hoped to create enough chaos to ram the plot through. I believe it also crucially depended on mob executions of key players who stood in the way.
Not as long as there are Hunter Biden dick pics they won’t.
Magas are garbage people.
Nitter has been nuked for a while, longer than just since yesterday.
@smith: I think you’ve summarized the whole mess accurately. It only fell apart AND became something that would be prosecuted because they were flailing around wildly by the time it hit Hail Mary level. By then they got extremely sloppy. We will likely never see an investigation into Jared’s $2 billion “investment” from the Saudi’s because they weren’t under immense time pressure to cover their tracks.
I’m just wishing hard that the R’s who asked for pardons after J6 didn’t work out for them are identified publicly, and especially that charges are brought against every one of them.
So my wife’s Dad died yesterday in only his second day in hospice. It’s a bummer but nothing like her Mom passing (in April) who she was much closer with. We knew her Dad likely only had a couple weeks to a month at best but it happened really fast. More than anything we are just relieved that he didn’t have to suffer long and that now we can finally go back to concentrating on OUR lives after putting everything on hold for the past 18 months.
I got a bonus for working so many Summer tennis camps so we decided to add a couple days to our annual Fall Foliage trip to the E. Sierra with a couple nights in a cabin at Convict Lake. Already looking forward to the cool, dry weather, fall color and killer restaurant :)
Villago Delenda Est
@jlowe: “Special Circumstances” are just written all over the Georgia RICO indictments.
My sympathies to you and especially your wife. What a hell year for her.
Eastern Sierra fall colors won’t be far off. Also, too, creeks typically dry by now will be still running. I hope you have a lovely trip.
@UncleEbeneezer: It’s still difficult.
Remember to take pics on your vacay to share with us.
@Betty Cracker:
”MY” kids? Wouldn’t “our kids” or even “the kids” be more in keeping with the family-friendly image she’s trying to convey here? JFC, she’s every bit as robotic and detached as he is.
Also too, “hold[ing] back tears.” LOL. Give me a fucking break.
ETA: Scrolling belatedly through the comments, I see that the “MY kids” thing also jumped out at several other jackals!
Villago Delenda Est
@UncleEbeneezer: Condolences. I know the feeling, my dad was deteriorating and it was so sad to see…he was a state champion basketball team member in his teens, quite athletic, but towards the end he was constantly losing his balance, falling down, just pathetic.
@Steeplejack: For whatever reason, yesterday was the day it done gone broked on me, but I expect there are alterations that don’t necessarily promulgate in real time.
Tacky O’s tears are real, triggered by the realization that Ron will never lift her to queendom and she now has to start over, with newer fresher manmeat.
@UncleEbeneezer: I’m sorry for what you’ve both had to go through with your wife’s parents. It is a good thing to be in the other side of that though I’m sure there’s plenty of complex emotions to work through. Peace to both of you.
@trollhattan: We’ll be there the second week of October so there should definitely be color in the Sierra by then. We went to Convict Lake last Fall and loved it. It will be nice to finally take a vacation without having multiple calls a day to ICU’s to check in on family.
Bill Arnold
@Daoud bin Daoud:
It doesn’t just sound like a death threat. It was a death threat. People delivering death threats, and those that sent them, should themselves be treated as mortal threats.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
What a doormat. But hey, he turned off Twitter Blue!
@StringOnAStick: I think if there hadn’t been violence, and Biden had been declared the winner with 147 opposing votes, the whole episode would have been written off as just more Republican ratfuckery, like stealing SCOTUS seats. There would not have been any investigation, and the whole extent of the planning and widespread participation in the conspiracy would never have been uncovered. In fact, even with the violence I think lot of people wanted to write it off as just one of those stunts that got out of control. The idea of a serious coup attempt in America was just too anxiety-provoking.
@StringOnAStick: One upside of the whole last two years is that all of this helped us connect with a lifelong friend of my wife’s Dad who lives in Kingston, NY. We’ve been wanting to move to Hudson Valley so now we have a place we can stay if we want to visit to scout everything out before making a huge decision to actually move.
@UncleEbeneezer: It’s a lot all in not much time. My condolences to you and your family.
Have a restful, restorative, restaurant-filled trip!
Truth, and why I am happy that the counter-protestors stayed home.
They would have killed Pence, Pelosi for absolute sure.
Sorry for her loss. :(
Ruby Freeman’s daughter, Shaye Moss, also has a GoFundMe. I gave to both a year or so ago.
That’s tough, Have some love from the North Coast for you, your wife and family.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
My condolences for you and your family
The Pale Scot
Trevian Kutti etc, call them what they are, “JAPOs”
My sympathies to you and especially your wife on this second loss. I’m glad for you both that you can resume your life now after such a long and disruptive hiatus. Have a lovely vacation.
The Pale Scot
So your average Fox Lies watcher
@The Pale Scot: They’re never violent until they are, like the guy in Utah recently who decided to stand his ground against the FBI.
@Alison Rose: Former Trump Tower/now Butner FCI resident, in a nice touch.
Thanks everyone, for the kind words ❤️
@Baud: Yeah, but telling a joke about barbecuing babies won’t look good, on Christie.
Has anyone heard anything from Mike Lindell and how he fits into all of this crap? I mean aside from selling his MyPillow™ as MyPillow2.0™ these days. Seems he should at least be on Jack Smith’s radar.
And one regrettable “benefit” of the Writer’s Guild strike is seeing all of Seth Meyers’ A Closer Look segments again, one of which mentioned Lindell’s role in the criming.
I was a better husband than that, even when I was asleep.
Those dicks got something right? I’ll be jiggered.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I read a headline this morning stating that DeSantis is winning sympathy among similarly awkward voters. I wonder what their number might be.
hedgehog mobile
Am listening to Ali Velshi read the indictment (only partway through Part 1). I did not think I could despise these fucks any more than I already did. I was wrong. Rocket ship into the sun with all of them.
Which, TBF, made those morning drives to drop the kids off, a lot more entertaining.
hedgehog mobile
@UncleEbeneezer: I am so sorry.
Alison Rose
@UncleEbeneezer: I’m so sorry. It never rains but it pours, huh? True for me too. Sending love your family’s way <3
“Where does DeSantis go to get his
My condolences.
I was just grumbling because I’m going through withdrawal. There are still people I want to follow on that godforsaken site!
Trump has taught his followers that threatening people is acceptable. And, until now, virtually nothing has been done about it. Better still, see Governor Greg “Bodyslam” Gianforte of Montana. He attacked and punched a reporter after “bodyslamming” him to the floor. Gianforte was charged and pleaded guilty to “misdemeanor assault.” He received a sentence of “…40 hours of community service, 20 hours of anger management therapy, a 180-day deferred sentence, and a $300 fine along with an $85 court fee.”
This thug is now Montana’s governor. Republicans are such nice people
As if Tubby Ten Burgers could bodyslam Twiggy.
@UncleEbeneezer: Condolences to you and your wife both. It’s a good thing you were able to assist your in laws in their hour of need and spend time with them at the end.
@Steeplejack: Same. I’ve never owned an account and never posted, but there are valuable resources that if they exist elsewhere, it’s Facebook, which you can’t access w/o an account. Would Sierra Foothill residents like to be able to access the CAL FIRE Nevada-Yuba-Paacer Unit account, for example? How about the CalTrans and CHP regional office accounts? The Weather and Forest Services?
There’s not yet a like-for-like substitute and it’s been a decade and a half building to what is now being destroyed in a scant few months.
I hadn’t heard of this woman before. Or had I? Jeebus, there are so many KKKrazies out there! (From NPR)
OT: I’m an archaeologist. This is where I’ve been working for the last seven weeks…
I believe the stock phrase is
“Even a blind pig gets an acorn now and then.”
C Stars
@Betty: I read that too and was incensed!
First, more pretzel logic to bothsides DeSantis’s collapse. And second, I’m hella awkward and I have no fellow feeling toward that goon. Awkward isn’t synonymous with awful.
@rikyrah: I really feel sorry for her kids, getting raised by one shitty parent and a chauffeur who drives “with humility”.
Sorry to hear about your FIL. 🙏 Hope you and your wife can rest and recharge on the upcoming vacation.
I got a Facebook account years ago for exactly that reason. I’ve never posted anything. I’ve never “friended” (if that’s even the right term) anyone. Totally an inactive account. Just a way to look at stuff, typically because someone linked to it.
“There’s not yet a like-for-like substitute.”
That’s it right there!
C Stars
@Leto: That’s awesome, the model is incredible.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Leto: Very cool. We visited an Anthropology Museum in Nice, France, that had a big Neanderthal exhibit. I’m used to thinking of these kinds of sites as in faraway lands, so it was kind of fun to read on the museum plaques, “these artifacts are from the Neanderthal settlement that was about 200 meters that way -> along the shore”
Which restaurant do you have in mind?
I’ve been east of the Sierras a couple of times in this century, but only passing through … never camped out, stopped once at the Whoa Nellie Deli because we’d already been on the road all day without a break.
Will be a good year for fall colors if no wildfire smoke.
Back in the early teens I tried to open a Twitter account, but once it was time to log back in, nothing. They kept telling me “user already exists, choose a different username”, or something like that. I tried a few more times, but soon gave up and never looked back.
But like you, I miss the accounts I followed using bookmarks, which are all in my handy dandy Twitter folder
ETA that Nitter no longer works for me.
How long before Trump calls for nationwide insurrection to combat the “witch hunt?
Sorry, “aspirational nationwide insurrection.”
Well, she can have fun in jail
Great and optimistic thread by Magdi Jacobs (link to ThreadReader, not Xhitter). And I agree. I also feel like there’s something happening here…to quote a great song:
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@TriassicSands: Watched a clip of a Trump rally in Iowa where Matt Gaetz was warming up the crowd with statements like “the only way to win is by force”. (I don’t remember the exact quote but “by force” was definitely part of it)
How many ways are there to interpret that?
Quick question: I have acquired an iPad Pro (details to follow), and I wonder which browser you Apple peeps prefer?
Sure Lurkalot
@UncleEbeneezer: Condolences to you and your wife. I hope you find both solace and joy on the fall trip you have planned.
I haven’t read all the comments, so sorry if this has already been said, but:
If you’re someone caught saying “You are a loose end for a party that needs to tidy up” on video, you might suddenly become a loose end that same party needs to tidy up.
@Leto: It’s amazing that it’s in such good condition after 5000 years.
@hotshoe: Convict Lake Resort (where we will be staying) has a world-class restaurant. Went there a few years ago and it was a meal that truly blew our minds. It probably deserves a Michelin star, if it doesn’t already have one. I had the beef Wellington and Kelly had the trout. And bananas Foster for dessert. Everything was absolutely perfect.
I read the GA indictment. It felt like a churchy call-and-reponse with the repetition of “This [speech/meeting/etc] was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.” repeated in every paragraph.
It was also fun to read “… despite the fact the DONALD JOHN TRUMP lost the Nov 3, 2020, presidential election…” over and over again.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Leto: I’m a little vague on the history of this part of the world. (I’m a little vague on the history of ALL parts of the world, to be honest). Who were the builders of this site? Was this the Celts? Same people who were in England till the Saxons took over, if i have that right?
@Sure Lurkalot: Thanks. We definitely will. We always have a lovely time in the Sierra in the Fall, and this time, we are gonna not rush things. We often drive up (5-6 hours) spend 2-3 nights and then have to drive home, regretting how quick the time went, but this time we are gonna do 5 nights so we’ll have some real time to relax.
@Steeplejack: I use Safari. This means the browser on my iPad communicates easily and shares its state with the Safari browsers on my iPhone and Mac. I keep Chrome and Firefox handy everywhere in case something goes wonky. Also, downloading PDFs from Vanguard requires Chrome.
@Leto: Very cool! Was there some kind of mortar used or were the stones merely stacked?
Thanks. Android phone and Win11 computer here, so connectivity is not an issue, but I know people have differing opinions on browser convenience and functionality.
ETA: I use Firefox on my computer, so maybe I will start there.
Sure Lurkalot
@UncleEbeneezer: Most of my travels have been in the fall. Having had no children helped that scheduling. Cooler weather, less crowded, foliage, recently harvested vegetables…it’s a great time to tool around.
More than zero, but none of them include the use of force…in court, anyway.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Leto: Oh wow. It makes the people’s lives so much more real.
Alison Rose
@Leto: That is so freaking cool. I love this kind of thing, seeing bits and pieces from how people lived so long ago. It’s just fascinating!
Villago Delenda Est
@smith: Law abiding gun owners until they pull the trigger.
Doc Sardonic
@Steeplejack: I use the native Safari app with Adblock and private relay turned on for most stuff, but I also use Firefox as well because it has good private browsing and some sites do not work well with Safari and private relay.
ETA: I don’t use Google Chrome because I don’t like it, and have used/tried it on mobile and desktop/laptop since it inception.
Frank West
So sorry for all you’ve been through. My father passed in his second day at hospic, too (’08). Mom checked out two days later.
A vacation in nature sounds like a wonderful thing to be able to focus on soon
Oops… put my actual name up instead of West of the Rockies. Can’t seem to undo it.
@Leto: Wow. I’ve visited that area. It was June, and we nearly froze to death. Very windy and cool. But the site was amazing. How wonderful that you get to work there.
@Doc Sardonic:
Thanks for the details.
Rebel’s Dad
@smith: Most whites aren’t familiar with “not all skin folk are kinfolk”.
Then again, white privilege is not having to think about things like that.
I read this thread earlier today, and I do think Gen Z is the key.
Never has it been more clear.
You want nice things – never vote Republican.
It’s the series of nice things, lined up, one by one.
And on the side opposing said nice things are Republicans.
I do think that folks haven’t had their Dobbs reckoning yet.
You take away my body autonomy, and I’m supposed to vote GOP because of tax cuts?
Rebel’s Dad
I think Trevian watched too many episodes of Scandal. There’s only one Olivia Pope.
West of the Rockies
@Rebel’s Dad:
Well, I can’t say I look at every white person as a friend or simpatico.
@Steeplejack: One thing I’d recommend is having some sort of file-sharing mechanism. The iPad doesn’t have a visible file system, so things downloaded to the iPad are only visible by poking through folders in the ‘Files’ app. Apple’s iCloud service is visible everywhere for me, so I can move files from the ‘On My iPad’ folder to the ‘iCloud’ folder and from there to my Mac desktop. I’d assume something similar works on your setup.
No One You Know
@laura: I think they should hit a list for a public honor. At least invite them to Congress for a public recognition. They served as much as police officers did, in the same cause, a cause higher than any individual, but which requires that individuals risk themselves. And that wasn’t even part of the job, unlike police.
Rebel’s Dad
@rikyrah: Many people expected Millennials to be the ones to turn things around. I was skeptical (I’m an Xennial) because we all grew up in The Before Times, when things still seemed somewhat decent, and we could have a bright future ahead of us. To paraphrase Maury, that was a lie that disillusioned/demoralized most of us.
Unfortunately, Gen Z has never really had it good. 9/11 really did change everything; climate change chaos is all they know, then the hundreds of school shootings and Trump’s rise cemented our rapid descent into hell. I’m proud of these kids because they said OH HELL NO, NOT ON MY WATCH.
Rebel’s Dad
@West of the Rockies: Me neither, but we are probably in the minority on that.
@Villago Delenda Est: I once had a friend who was a criminal defense lawyer. He used to say something similar — a lot of his clients were law-abiding citizens until they found a gun in their hands.
Doc Sardonic
Definitely second MattF on using a file sharing app or 3, because the Files app needs a little refinement. iCloud is great but unless you speed some cash to upgrade your storage space it can fill up rapidly. Personally, I use iCloud, Box and Dropbox and can find whatever file or photo I want on all my devices.
Rebel’s Dad
@JWR: Alvin is a cesspool. It’s the white trash capital of Texas.
But a surprising number of white racists do assume you’re simpatico if your skin is sufficiently light.
Is there an annual battle to claim that crown, ’cause I’m betting the competition is fierce.
No One You Know
@dmsilev: I find it easy to think of DeSantis as a pilot project for Gen AI, The Human. Except he apparently can’t even read the room, let alone the web.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Going back that far, probably the predecessors of the Picts or Caledonians, both there before the Celts.
@rikyrah: Agreed. While some voters will become more conservative as they age, Gen Z is voting for Dems at %’s that are unheard of, for this country. So even with some of them turning into Republicans in time, it won’t be nearly enough to counter the vast majority who will stay Dems/Progressives.
Rebel’s Dad
@trollhattan: Yes. It used to be highly competitive statewide, but lately the crown (heh) shifts every year between Alvin and Cut-and-Shoot. Every now and then Cleveland and Dayton will pull off a win, too.
Captain C
@Betty Cracker:
She either has extremely low expectations or she’s lying through her teeth.
Captain C
@hedgehog mobile:
Send them out of the solar system, never to come back. It takes about half the delta-V to do so. I want to get rid of them too, but no sense wasting perfectly good propellant.
@Rebel’s Dad: That pithy saying is rikyrah’s, not mine. Credit where credit is due.
All of the points you list are right wing
talkingwhispering** points. And the reasons behind their increasing desperation.They know their positions aren’t popular, however loudly they proclaim otherwise. They know that demographics are against them — thus their positions are going to get less popular. And the chances of reversing any of those are minimal at best. “Desperate” and “dispair” have the same root for a reason.
** Can’t call them “talking points” because they can’t be said in public. Racism, sexism, etc., etc. — all OK to shout from the rooftops, thanks to their Dear Leader. But not this stuff.
The Thin Black Duke
@smith: More to the point, white people need to know how to recognize when a black person spewing Republican talking points is being manipulated by their white puppet master.
Just had a thought. To be fair, I think Casey DeSantis may be referring to the actual act of picking up and holding in her arms her children. Most mothers will tell you how difficult it is when you can’t hold your kids in order to, for example, comfort them when they are crying. I know Mrs. Japa, after she broke her wrist 4 years ago, was devastated she couldn’t pick up her youngest grandsons for a while.
Still awkwardly said.
Shut up, stupid woman. Trying to boff-sides Tuberville-Biden is the “cake, or death?” bit as performed by a quarter-wit.
Thanks for the tip. I’ll look into that.
So sorry for your wife and her parents.
My dad lived for years with Alzheimers, died with my arm around him in a hospital. Can’t say I endorse this example but it was after over a decade with the disease and he hadn’t been able to speak for about 6 yrs.
It is no comfort that this is life, this is the way that it often works, parents get to see us born and grow up and we sometimes get to say goodby one last time.
@trollhattan: And I must apologize for bigfooting your post about Alvin, TX.
Whenever I see a few hundred comments already up when I jump in, I usually do a quick word search to see if it’s already been mentioned. Didn’t work out so well this time around, did it. ;)
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
You do it Krysten. You find a middle ground between a policy your entire caucus supports and the one person who thinks they can hold up the entire military over it. You’re a fucking Senator for Chrissake. This is your job.
Tony Jay
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Way pre-Celtic. I think I’m right in saying the Celts are believed to have crossed over to the British Isles around 1500/1200 BCE, rather forcibly displacing the previous culture of megalithic builders with their astronomical rituals and stone circles.
One thing I heard that made my jaw drop. The religion/culture that drove Britain’s Neolithic/very early Bronze Age people to build stone monuments started, not in the fertile south, but way up north, probably Orkney itself. Those stone cities in the article are thought to be the mature expression of a religion/culture that had been there for millennia before it’s southern spread culminated in the construction of Stonehenge.
Isn’t that mental? An entire megalithic culture building incredible ritualised cities in stone, with complicated maths and astronomical systems that lasted thousands of years – and it all started on a windswept, North Atlantic island about as far from the ‘Cradle of Civilisation’ as you can get without falling off the map.
Is Alvin adjacent to Simon and Theodore?
I have OneDrive on my computer. I think there’s a way to interface with iCloud, so I’ll look into that.
It does work the same. It is one of the advantages of Apple. iCloud and files. I delete emails on my phone they are also gone on an Apple computer.
@Rebel’s Dad: thank you, I was wondering what sort of place it is. Figures.
@Steeplejack: I have Safari and Chrome installed. I find Chrome easier to use because I am already familiar with it from Windows desktop. But be forewarned, some things are wonky on an iPad. Like PDFs.
@Kathleen: but not correctly so it all has to be redone
@Tony Jay:
“[. . .] about as far from the ‘Cradle of Civilisation’ as you can get without falling off the map.”
Harrumph. Fewer distractions and temptations!
Thanks for the warning!
@The Thin Black Duke:
I do not want to take any agency away from Ms. Kutti, who I hope will have an excellent lawyer and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for being part of threatening and endangering those poll workers. I hope those two, mother and daughter, are protected for the rest of their lives!
Since you’re a writer and thinker, I was wondering if you have read Pam Colorado’s poem, What Every Indian Knows. (included on this page)
Survivors know
the oven door stands wide
and some like the mouse
cat crazed and frenzied
and run into the jaws
Come on, Aileen . . .
(Music by Dexys Midnight Runners, of course!)
Definitely OT
What does the trump fear most when turning himself in, the mug shot or the height and weight?
I’m with number 2
The Thin Black Duke
@Lyrebird: Whoa. Thank you. Shared.
@Tony Jay: We tend to forget what a busy place the North Atlantic was when the most efficient way to travel was by boat rather than airplane.
@Scout211: OMG I’m shocked, just shocked.
She knows that is the easiest to try and convict.
@The Thin Black Duke:
Yay! I’m gonna go thank the colleague who shared it with me again.
Assuming he has been lying about them, which I admit is likely, he fears the second much more. They are concrete numbers, external proofs, which are critical to a narcissist’s ego. He needs to have numbers saying how impressive he is.
He should be more worried about the mug shot, if a photo I saw of him once really was what he looks like without makeup. He looked hideous, pallid, unhealthy, his real age and maybe then some.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
Won’t it be nice next year, when we no longer have her to kick around anymore? ;) Keep in mind that she’s just building up her chops as a Centrist and soon-to-be resident guest on Fox.
What possible need does De Oliveira have to gain access to classified material? He is not charged with retention or dissemination of classified documents. He (as well as Nauta) should not be a consideration in the CIPA hearings(s).
Cannon way out over her skis on this.
Nope. Simon and Theodore are libs.
DeSantis : I want Florida to be more biblical.
God: I am sending you leprosy.
@NotMax: I think Cannon’s going to find she’s been too clever by half. In her zeal to push the documents trial off as long as possible, she’s just made it feasible for the J6 and GA RICO trials to go first. By the time she gets to him TFG may very well be toast anyway.
Tony Jay
Absolutely. We simply could not expect the Orcadian proto-druids to work in those crowded conditions. Off to the Islands!
That’s the puzzlement. As far as I know there’s not much evidence of a Maritime culture up there at the time. They had boats, sure, but more coracles than anything of any scale. Great civilisations with architectural legacies tend to hark from (comparatively) dense population regions because they need scale to allow for specialisation. Orkney… isn’t one of those regions, at all.
Burns me there’s no record of what they actually thought. No writing, no real descriptive art to go on. Historians are basically guessing (in an educated way) when they talk about ‘Neolithic Orkney’. I’d dearly love to know why they built what they did where they did, and what it really meant to them.
Well poop. Just heard back from a company I really wanted to work for & had 2 interviews with, and they’ve decided to hold off on expansion for now.
I answered the ad in mid July, had a zoom interview, then had to wait 2 weeks for an in-person interview. That was on 8/8. I slowed down my job search because I knew I was a great candidate. Now I’m a month behind and need employment soon.
@Frankensteinbeck: That’s what I think.
West of the Rockies
Good point.
Can hear it now.
“Face front, Mr. Trump.”
“Now turn to your right.”
“No, your other right.”
How frustrating it must be for Idaho to be part of the 9th Circuit.
Good. Baby steps, but good. Now then, about keeping those trans [checks one last time with news director] chess players sneaking into the wimmin’s locker room.
Whee, woke chess!
sounds great!
Has anyone seen the latest Fox News poll? It has Biden beating all the GOP candidates by anywhere from from three (vs. Trump) to six % (vs. Haley and Scott). But Trump’s 41% is likely his ceiling (indies presently split 29/29). And the others face the problem that a chunk of MAGA is Trump or bust and won’t vote for another R.
@UncleEbeneezer: yay
And Wonkette has a nice-time story on LA Mayor Bass and HUD secretary Fudge changing rules to house people more quickly.
Fox poll saying that? Are dogs and cats living together?
@trollhattan: Does Sinema have any core values at all (other than the value of a dollar from her corporate friends)?
Another member of the Green (cash) Party.
@Rebel’s Dad:
Dude. You ain’t white trashed in Texas until you’ve been to Lindale. Or Frankston. Let alone any place near Jasper.
@UncleEbeneezer: my condolences on your FIL’s passing. I hope your fall trip goes well.
@misterpuff: FIFY
@RevRick: ‘Way too early. The Foxies are worried, as they should be.
@trollhattan: It’ll be interesting to see where the TERF’s fall on this one*. In order to exclude Transgender Women from chess they have to co-sign the assumption that people assigned-Male-at-birth have some sort of intellectual advantage. Which, to my understanding, is maybe not the most Feminist thing to believe in.
* Actually it won’t. We know damn well they’ll be absolutely fine with this because it punishes Transgender Women and reinforces the myth of the Gender Binary.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@hotshoe: I was curious, too, and googled “Convict Lake” and there is a Convict Lake Resort with a fine dining restaurant (and the posted menu looked good).
@trollhattan: Fox News polls are pretty decent, even given the house bias. Which is why this is such bad news for Biden. It leaves the GOP with a huge predicament: ride with Trump and get routed in the suburbs or go with someone else and have weaker turnout in the rurals.
@UncleEbeneezer: priorities, man.
This Sinema “proposal” tells me only that GOPers are hearing it from military people and are looking for a way plausibly to blame Biden for further delay. Fox needs a talking point, pronto.
Attributing any role to Sinema other than that of cat’s paw gives her credit she doesn’t have coming.
@Yarrow: In tribute to my recently deceased FIL, I nominate Sanger TX. Absolute shithole, MAGA, BlueLivesMatter-infested town, where my in-laws were sadly trapped for 20 years. So glad we will never have to visit that dump again. The only upside was that Denton (which is cool) was just down the road.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): People told us about this restaurant for years. Like EVERYONE we know who visits the E Sierra. It’s really great. If you are ever in the region, it’s very much worth it.
@trollhattan: This simply makes no sense. At all. My guess is that some FIDE troglodytes have been let out of a back room and are now blinking and gasping in the light of day. “What is that large glowing yellow object in the sky… up there…”.
@UncleEbeneezer: I’m sorry for your loss. But oh, lord. Sanger. You are right. It definitely gets on the list.
@UncleEbeneezer: That whole “TERF” terminology really irks me.They have no right to either the R or the F. They are retrogressive, not radical, and no one who argues for strict assignment of identity based solely on your personal plumbing at birth has any right to call themselves feminist. That “personal plumbing reigns supreme” dogma has been the root of oppression of women since forever. Why not just call them transphobes and be done with it?
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@JPL: Oh man, I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to the mug shot and height/weight info. Please, please, please !!
Glory b
@Shalimar: As they say in my community, all our skin folk ain’t our kin folk.
Roberto el oso
@Alison Rose: that last bit, about ‘showing emotion’, could backfire in nightmarish fashion. If his weeping is as peculiar and terrifying as his attempts at laughter!
Looks to be a whole nother round of Holy Fuck devoted to Antioch and Pittsburg PDs.
Guard CBS Bay Area
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@BeautifulPlumage: I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope the job search is very successful soon.
I can hear his whiny voice …
“As I stand hear before you, looking at you all gives me a warm feeling, knowing we share common beliefs, I haven’t felt so happy since the time Casey and I took our little boy to get his first hood. And for those who’d like to know more about our family values I’d like to share this song about our favourite family weekend hobby
Miss Bianca
@trollhattan: why is there even a men’s and women’s divisions in chess?
Because they came up with TERF themselves, like the Teabaggers.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@UncleEbeneezer: I am continually amazed at the OT info I pick up from BJ comments sections. Thanks for the recommendation :-)
@MattF: The president of FIDE is a former vice prime minister of Russia. I don’t think any further explanations are necessary.
@Frankensteinbeck: At least “Teabagger” sounds ridiculous. TERF gives them credibility they don’t deserve. Maybe refer to them as “TERF transphobes”? It may be redundant, but it gets it out in front who they really are.
@Yarrow: Have you been there? Babe’s fried chicken is pretty great, I’ll give ’em that. But otherwise it’s just so damn depressing. Doesn’t even have the cool architecture/charm of Ponder, Decatur or Gainesboro.
For every medical horror story – you peel more families away from the GOP. Especially if it results in a completely preventable death and both die. Leaving the husband bereft or going to jail because you had a miscarriage – leaving the family bereft of a mother and the child. The more it happens in those states the more those stories spread and there will eventually be a reckoning. The GOP will have to give up one of its prized culture war pieces – abortion.
They can thank the Supreme Court for that.
@scav: And the whole thing had such a trivial beginning. From the local paper:
Also this:
And then there the charge of “interfering with an ongoing homicide and attempted murder investigation” These guys didn’t do things by halves.
@UncleEbeneezer: I’ve been through it. Can’t say as I’ve stopped there but may have. Been awhile. Denton is cool, though. But seriously, I’d take Sanger over Lindale any day.
@smith: Or you can just read TERF as Transphobic Extremist Reactionary Fascist.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): thank you. The discussion on Tuesday about resumes and not listing my whole 40+ work history. It was already skill based but removing specific years may help.
I had already picked up the search and sent out a couple replies yesterday. It’s been 12 years since I lasted looked and so much is different now.
@Miss Bianca: There are women’s national and international championships in chess, but almost all other competitions are open to both men and women (including the “men’s” world championship).
Dan B
@UncleEbeneezer: It’s good that you’re planning a treat for yourselves. I had a couple years of my mother’s progressive dementia while she lived in my house. I felt like she died a bit every day. Wrenching.
@BeautifulPlumage: I don’t know if this would apply to you. Advice from my hairdresser 15 years ago when I was last job hunting. If you need to disguise gray hair, try low lights. Those are like blonde hi-lights but the same color as your younger hair. It does not get rid of all the gray but it reduces a lot of it and can knock about ten years off your apparent age.
And after you get the new job you can just let thinks grow back to normal without having to go through the abrupt roots showing phase.
@Dan B: Ugh, that’s hard. MIL’s situation dragged out for a year and that seemed like a horrible eternity. At least FIL’s happened fast and he wanted his body donated to UTSW medical research, so much less to do than planning a service etc.
April, 2026.
Dan B
@BeautifulPlumage: Better luck with your job search. That news was disheartening.
Safari works best – but.
The security of Apple is pretty good but it can get a bit obnoxious once in a while, taking a while to load a site. If you believe that some other sites don’t have your back as well as they could then Safari/Apple might suit you better. I put up with Apple security because it does seem to take that extra step.
El Muneco
@trollhattan: FIDE has a big footprint in trans-regressive parts of the world. Of all the major federations, they’re the one I’m least surprised would, at minimum, punt a decision down the road.
O. Felix Culpa
@Leto: I was there last year. Also saw several other amazing neolithic sites like Skara Brae. Truly impressive.
Thanks for the input. I’m using Safari so far because it was what I could find! (Guess I’ll have to download Chrome.)
Chrome was a decent browser alternative at launch and a period thereafter; it has since grown as burdened and bloated with gewgaws and frippery as a mod scooter.
Posting late – but how great to work there – amazing place & fabulous pictures
Rebel’s Dad
@sab: Does this advice also apply to 45yo men with lots of gray? Asking for myself.
Paul in KY
@Leto: Wonderful stone work. 3000 BC too.
Paul in KY
@Tony Jay: That’s all they had to do up there. That and not freeze.