Literally name one person who thinks Trump can't win and Biden's win is guaranteed. You all keep making up a strawman to get mad at.
Democrats are already the biggest worriers on the planet. They don't need garbage polling to make it worse.
— It's Biden AND Harris 2024. Deal with it. (@What46HasDone) September 25, 2023
Our Very Serious Media believes there is a contract, there are rules, one of which is that Democrats are required to panic into a defensive crouch whenever some GOP-supporting ‘poll’ gets pulled out of bad methodology the year before a national election. (Susan Baker, in the tweet above, is a NewYorker bigwig — and also married to Peter Baker, NYTimes‘ current top-ranked Republican promoter.)
For people triggered by a single poll ask yourself this: Are more people supporting Trump now than in 2020 after he was charged with 91 felonies, been caught committing espionage and looks even more deranged than he looked in 2020? If you think the answer is yes then
— Tim Hogan ?? (@TimInHonolulu) September 24, 2023
you fear?
— Tim Hogan ?? (@TimInHonolulu) September 24, 2023
TFG could win, given sufficient rat-f*ckery and a media willing to go along with it! Which is part of the problem, Mrs. Baker!
Latest poll: Trump leads Biden by 91 felonies
— Lalo Alcaraz (@laloalcaraz) September 24, 2023
The poll is problematic on multiple fronts, but let’s just take the most obvious – Trump who has NEVER garnered over 47%, who has never had a majority behind him is some how now garnering 51% of the vote. Come on guys… it’s stuff like this that hurts the entire industry. Stop it
— Cornell Belcher (@cornellbelcher) September 24, 2023
All I’ll say re: the R+10 ABC poll is that in the last seven elections, Republicans have won the popular vote once, and that was R+2 in 2004.
Donald Trump has never won it — he lost by 2 in 2016, 4.5 in 2020, and is now more unpopular than ever. Believe what you will.
— Lakshya Jain (@lxeagle17) September 24, 2023
Maybe they’re right, but that’d require believing that ABC has picked up something that no other datapoint is reflecting anywhere in polling, special elections, regular elections, or anything related.
My guess is that something is fundamentally broken in their methodology.
— Lakshya Jain (@lxeagle17) September 24, 2023
More polls(s)…
…national polls of Latino aren’t particularly useful in understanding election, bc what matters is Mexican-Americans in Orange County or Laredo, Puerto Ricans in Pennsylvania, Cubans in New Jersey, Venezuelans in Florida, etc.. These are _very_ different populations /2
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) September 25, 2023
Also a robust poll of 1400 rather than a subsample….2022 should have taught politics twitter to be careful assuming another tectonic shift among Latinos just on a few subsamples
— Nick Riccardi (@NickRiccardi) September 25, 2023
Also horse race with Latinos if you’re into that sorta thing:
BIDEN: 58%
TRUMP: 31%BIDEN: 57%
DESANTIS: 28%1401 Latinos, the largest bipartisan poll of Hispanics so far this cycle. A good poll for Biden, better than the 2020 final results of 59% to 38% according to Pew…
— Adrian Carrasquillo (@Carrasquillo) September 25, 2023
This song from a couple of years ago is a better barometer for the youth vote than that weird ABC News poll yesterday. Should count equally in the 538 index.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) September 25, 2023
Nukular Biskits
Good EARLY mornin’, y’all.
Nukular Biskits
I hate horse race political analysis by our media.
It ill serves the public.
Nukular Biskits
I have the first AND second comments?
Did hell freeze over?
Chris T.
@Nukular Biskits: And I’m ice skating in it!
If these trends continue, Trump will garner 110% of the vote by November.
@Nukular Biskits:
Good morning.
Nukular Biskits
Who are you and what did you do with the real Baud?
@Chris T.:
Normally I am up this early on weekdays but I haven’t made it to BJ yet. Today, I’m up earlier than usual, about to get underway on a ship for a week.
Good mornin’, y’all. Actually slept decently last night, so still trying to gain consciousness. About three sips into my first cup of coffee.
Just not worrying about the polls at this point. Most people just aren’t thinking about it that much yet. The thing for Dems to do this year is tell the stories, plant them in the back of people’s minds, so that they can build on them next year. Biden’s team is doing a good job, IMHO. No surprise, they’ve been good at practically everything else.
Meanwhile, shine a light on what a clown show the R’s have become. Anyone read C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength? Watching the GQPers reminds me of when the bad guys in that book lose the capacity to put coherent sentences together.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
I saw a blurb somewhere on Twitter (I’m sorry, but as far as I’m concerned, X is a reference to a series of Elite-style space games if it’s not a reference to pornography) that the deeper purpose of all those polls showing The Former Guy in the lead is to lay the groundwork for him to claim fraud if he loses next year, and to give MAGA Nation a pretext to once again attempt to resort to violence in their rejection of the election results.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
Seems like it will be significantly harder to pull off since Biden will be president and we’re now on to them.
Right. We can’t control polling. The only thing they’re useful for is course correction. And what would we have Biden correct? His age? Seems like the media is really upset Dems, for the most part, aren’t taking the bait and are not seriously entertaining having an open primary.
Also, too, I’m proud of libs for (mostly) learning from 2016 and its aftermath how the media operates.
Not about polling, just came here to say – just how perfectly On Brand is it that the Glock that Trump either bought or pretended to buy has his ugly mug etched on the grip?
The C.S. Lewis thing that hits home for me about the modern GOP is Tash. Where they build a false god and it all of a sudden manages to manifest and kills everyone. Aslan shows up and saves some people but to the rest gives a giant “nope, you summoned this up, this is what ya get” and yawns.
They summoned up Trump and now he’s going to eat them. That’s what they get for consorting with Christians as their base and Goldwater of all people warned them about this.
Good morning! Reminder that we’re doing most postcards and music tonight. Thread at 8pm blog time (7pm central), I believe.
WaterGirl has addresses for Ohio (issue 1), as does Postcards to Voters, and there were a few VA postcard options in Saturday’s thread.
Hope to see you there!
Biden won the electoral college by 42,844 votes in 2020. Forget the 8 million more popular votes. That’s the part that makes me nervous. It’s not a done deal until the day after the election in 2024.
My hope is TFG drops dead. Most the the GQP officials and donors feel the same I am sure.
Nothing is a done deal. No one should talk in absolutes. But 2020 was pre-Dobbs and during the pandemic where we didn’t do as much outreach. Trump’s win in 2016 was almost as close BTW.
@Baud: TFG a carry the electoral college by 77,744 in 2016.
@Nukular Biskitsi: Excellent timing on your ship journey. You’ll miss Cruising the Coast.
Send him more fillet o fish. I swear of all the heart exploding nasty ass food it’s an odd pick. Then again ordering up 80 buck NY strip steaks and having them well done then slathering then in ketchup is also odd to me.
Send me a ribeye, rare.
One whole Hell of a lot of factors that hugely benefited Trump in 2016 no longer apply.
Thor Heyerdahl
Don’t stare at the national polls…the design of the electoral college means it’s a race for every neighborhood and congressional district. Push on and win over your neighbors.
If voting results leave media eating a buffet of crow *yet again*, may we be so fortunate that this pole-a-rama focus on shitty outliers gets shot into the sun.
Matt McIrvin
I hate this type of argument. The fear isn’t that more people will support Trump. It’s that fewer will turn out for Biden.
The Thin Black Duke
Dobbs is the wild card in the deck.
By 2024, almost everyone will know someone who has been negatively impacted by it.
It’ll be mostly women.
Women won’t need the polls to know who they should be pissed at.
And not paying attention to women will have disastrous consequences for the GOP.
@Matt McIrvin:
So far, the evidence is that more people will show up to be angry about Dobbs. Plus, Biden will have the incumbency advantage. I don’t understand how that works or why it exists, but it does.
There was a story on “Morning Edition” earlier that made it clear the looming shutdown is the fault of Republicans in the House. No both sides crap at all. It’s encouraging to know that they can do it right. I only wish they would point out that some crazy Freedom Caucus member can try to boot McCarthy, but that doesn’t mean it will be successful!
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
I don’t understand why people are obsessed with poles. Poland will have no affect on this election.
Betty Cracker
@Soprano2: I’ve seen a surprising number of articles, op-eds, etc., with accurate framing lately, i.e., that correctly blame Repubs rather than “the current political climate,” blah blah blah. I’ve spotted real journalism in the wild mostly on the shutdown but also on some other issues, including abortion and the Dems’ response to the Menendez scandal vs. Repubs’ reaction to the Santos scam. Let’s hope it’s a trend!
I personally think stenography has worked in our favor this time. The Democrats are saying it’s the Republicans’ fault for being incompetent and fractured. On the other hand, the Republicans are saying it’s the Republicans’ fault for being incompetent and fractured.
@Frankensteinbeck: One component of the incumbency advatage is that incumbents typically do not face a strong primary challenge. That saves a lot of money for the general election.
There will be a great difference between the Biden campaign’s financial position next Summer and its position in the Summer of 2020. Then, for instance, the Trump campaign had been running ads in Florida Spanish social media for many months. Democrats were sounding the alarm but the Biden campaign did not achieve fundraising parity until August, and had to play catch-up in this area.
But now Biden is in the game, both with a White House social media operation and one in his campaign that can make more overtly political pitches.
Also, primaries can be divisive. Democrats are now as united as I have ever seen them. That unity might not survive a primary battle, which is one reason I think that people advocating for one are either bonkers or arguing in bad faith.
And the office of President tends to magnify the person who holds it. I think that was an advantage for Trump in 2020 and explained part of his surprising (to me at least) electoral strength. Trump won’t have that advantage next year; Joe Biden will.
In a world of manufactured controversies/outrages each and every news cycle, it’s absurd to lose one’s shit more than 13 months out unless that’s just your kink.
Looking ahead, Trump is embarking on a death march of criminal trials in which none of the damaging witnesses is going to be testifying as to Joe Biden’s accumulated birthdays.
Trump ain’t built for a long siege playing defense. I’m confident and am looking forward to savoring the details.
@lowtechcyclist: Yes, but they clearly see it the other way around, e.g. the RWNJ depiction of Fauci (and all of modern science) as the N.I.C.E.
Another Scott
@hueyplong: Your comment needs to be read aloud in Don LaFontaine’s voice.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Off the top of my head, it’s polls they’re concerned about. [channeling NotMax for that one :-) ]
As usual, had a sensible (and snarky) blog post about ignoring early and fallacious political polls:
Matt McIrvin
And the media will be straining for new dirt on Hunter Biden raising clouds and shadows about Joe to bothsides it.
I don’t know, I’ve been burned by EMAILS and 2016. They turned an utterly uninteresting story into Hillary Clinton’s disturbing fatal flaw because she had to have one somewhere.
Polls at this point are a bad joke.
This isn’t news, it isn’t opinion it’s just flailing looking for a target. Nobody except the people talking to their strawmen cares
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
I love those games
The Tim Hogan tweets are cope I fear.
For some voters, yes, the election will be “Trump yay or boo?” and it’s hard to see people who said boo before saying yay now.
But for some voters the election will be “Biden yay or boo?” and there’s a lot of people out there who said yay before and are saying boo now. Not just because they (erroneously) think the economy is bad, but because for genuinely conservative people, Biden has turned out to be way more liberal than he campaigned.
How many of those voters are there? Are they more or fewer than those who have learned to hate Trump?
This isn’t a slam dunk guys. I wish it were.
I was feeling OK about this poll, but now that I’ve read some of the comments here it’s clear we are all doomed. I will cope in the only way possible, by becoming a
cultist of the elder godTrump supporter in hopes that when His eternal reign begins He will destroy me last.Quiltingfool
I read “Why These 13 Republican Voters Don’t Want Trump Anymore” in the FTFNYT. Yikes. Some of them now realize that Trump is worse than a steaming pile of shit, but the amazing thing is that they have suddenly discovered that!
As I read, I was was gobsmacked that it took them so long to figure out who and what Trump is. Where have they been? One guy actually thought TIFG was a great businessman because of the Apprentice. Jesus.
Oh, and each and every one of them thinks Biden is senile. One referred to VP Harris as a “nasty woman.”
OTOH, they can’t figure out why Trump is so high in the polls, as they haven’t come across anyone in their personal life who wants to vote for him. They don’t believe the polling.
@Matt McIrvin:
No disrespect, but I always misread your nym as Matt McMarvin because I always ‘hear’ your posts read in the voice of Marvin the depressed robot in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
I’m a good catastrophic thinker too. But I try not to let my worrywart side suck the enthusiasm for the fight from me or those around me. Bad shit can always happen. Good shit can happen too, don’t forget, if we fight for it.
Bill Arnold
@Matt McIrvin:
We non-Republicans allowed this to happen, because the Republican media/influence operation game in 2016 was better than that of their opposition. It was embarrassing.
This is no longer the case. E..g. in the 2020 election, Republican operatives telegraphed their plans for a Hunter Biden late-election-cycle surprise a year in advance (i.e. 2019). By the time it arrived, the non-RW press was primed to correctly willfully ignore it as an obvious influence operation, maybe even Russia-driven. It was a close thing; but those influence operators lost, and have been complaining about it ever since.
The media is people. A relatively small number of people, compared with the much larger general population.
They can be worked, even by ordinarily-connected people , e.g. using social media. They have egos, biases, doubts, concerns about their chosen profession, and the human need to convince themselves that they are good people. Most of them do not like to be manipulated, and believe that they are not gullible.
My biggest concern would be that he drops dead before November, and somebody lower profile gets the nomination. Thus reducing the size of the “Good God, not him again!”
My second biggest is that he wins in November, and then drops dead. Leaving us with the VP, who is even worse because he cares about remaking the government and the country, not just about revenge on his enemies.
What worries me isn’t Trump’s appeal, that isn’t likely to increase. It’s the fact that third parties are a near certainty at this point, whether “No Labels” or Cornell West or whoever cons up enough money to stay on the radar. And our citizens are absolutely dumb enough to say, “both guys suck, I’ll vote third party” (the ‘don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos’ crowd, if you will). Given our electoral college realities, that’s the real scary aspect of this election. It wouldn’t take many of those types of voters to cost Biden Wisconsin or Arizona, Nevada or Georgia on the second go round.
The biggest unspoken about the polling bullshit is that it continues to give fascists hope to continue to do what they are doing.
Are there more fascists being created in huge numbers…. if so, based on what? What issue is driving this support. What is the reason behind it… gee that information datum is nowhere to be seen as far as I can tell. It’s like a crime of omission, we interviewed and polled more Conservatives and found out that he’s STILL popular.. well gee whiz, that’s a wonder.
While a good many of us want to dismiss the bad faith of this bullshit, it also gives a pass as to what is the biggest issue we face, voter disenfranchisement. We know that State lege level work at making voting tougher and the continued efforts to secure their political power is ongoing. How about some national stories about places like Alabama and Ohio where their racism and gerrymandering are so severe that federal courts have had to step in and they’re being ignored?
Paul in KY
@JoyceH: I’m assuming the retail clerk there had to inform one of TFG’s minions that he couldn’t buy one, or that they could not/would not sell him one. LOLing!!!
Chris Johnson
@Bill Arnold: That’s really the key.
When we see stuff like this it’s more of the same. It’s not a joke and not an accident: there’s practical use to spouting and normalizing this specific kind of bullshit.
I am not claiming it will WORK: I think not.
But what I’m claiming is that, if you get a secret army of Proud Boys and Russians (who face an existential threat by this: they need THEIR guy in power in the US as a hail mary save) who execute a coup, kill all the Democrats and leftists, and sit their butts on the throne… IF you pull that off or anything remotely like it…
…then you must, must, must have laid the groundwork for claiming you have popular support for your fascist dictatorship, and that means you have to start lying NOW and have people take you seriously enough to argue the point as if it is worth arguing.
You are essentially saying ‘OK, so the ground rules are we’re going to have a REAL argument over whether Donald Trump does in fact have the love of all America and the election was stolen from him. We start by re-asking that question. Should Donald Trump’s claims be taken as fact or disagreed with? We note that now he’s claiming all the judges and laws are crooked and corrupt and no fault of his can be counted as real. What if he is right? Now let’s have a serious debate about whether he leads the country and has all America on his side.’
How about the real question is when you call bullshit on a perpetual bullshitter? Willingness to keep doubling down is not an argument. Willingness to bring in Russian hackers and political influencers to get a helpful meme is not an argument, whether it’s a fake sign saying ‘welcome, Urine’ or a poll that says hey presto, more than 50% of Americans not only trust Donald Trump more than before, but want him to rule them.
At some point you have to stop normalizing the claims, because they aren’t claims, they’re weapons to shore up public opinion after a great, planned, crime.
Mike in NC
Been a registered voter since 1972 and I never missed an election except for one time when my ship was deployed to the Persian Gulf. Polls are bullshit from our horse race media.
Paul in KY
@Ken: Sound reasoning…
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: What about Santa Claus, will he and Mrs. Claus have an effect?
Matt McIrvin
@moonbat: It just drives me out of my mind to see people treating Trump vs. Biden as more “normal politics”, a choice between two crusty old guys to do boring stuff, when Trump clearly wants to have his political opposition arrested or shot and become King of America, and he’s got much of the Republican Party agreeing with him.
Last time, there was enough of that sinister “Deep State” pushing back to keep him from doing it, but there’s no guarantee of that holding this time around. No guarantee even that the military would refuse illegal orders.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@billcinsd: Ha. Nice try, but everyone knows there is no sanity clause.