JoyceH tells us about her new pup, Whimsy.
Monday I drove five hours up to PA, spent the night in a hotel, and the next day drove home with my new pup. I went back to Jazzy’s breeder because I like her Samoyeds.
I fretted SO much about this trip before it was over.
I haven’t driven that far for years and worried it would be crippling and exhausting, I worried that Jazzy would feel supplanted and neglected – and turns out the drive was easily doable (I’ve been working out and am in better shape than I’ve been in years) and Jazzy is just utterly thrilled with her new puppy. They chase one another around the yard and have a wonderful time. (This is the first time I’ve had more than one dog at a time.)
For the next week or so I’m just going to be a Puppy Minder, we’re working on doing her business outside, and what are toys and what aren’t.
Whimsy is a very bright and curious and energetic little thing. Those beautiful Sammy eyes and soft soft fur! But I’ve just accepted that the living room will look like a play pen for the next few months, and I am NOT putting up a tree this year!
Look at that face!
Jazzy and Whimsy
Jazzy & Whimsy playing together (click to watch)
Open thread.
Wonderful story, and thanks for sharing your good news!
@schrodingers_cat: I take it that my marking your 4 comments as NOT SPAM and releasing them has you able to comment again? Or are you using a different device or browser?
Be sure to click on the video – it’s just a few seconds, but it’s totally adorable.
Sammys are smart and cute as all getout. Is there a floofier breed? I think not.
Friends in spring would take theirs to the front yard and begin her annual brushing–brushing that would yield dozens of Samoyed tumbleweeds rolling down the street. When she’d emerge from swimming, there was a LOT less dog than when she entered–you can’t tell petting one where the fur ends and the dog begins.
Enjoy that puppeh!
Good for you for making the trip and getting your baby. You three will have so much fun together.
@WaterGirl: There was typo in my email address, which I noticed and fixed. So I am now commenting from my laptop.
Thanks for releasing my comments from moderation.
Looks absolutely adorable :)
Whimsy is gorgeous and such a great name. Jazzy will help with training her.
That ear! OMG, I remember when Scout’s ears went every which way, before the cartridge firmed up. I hope you have lots of fun…she’s adorable.
The freakin’ cuteness is too much.
Whimsy is so beautiful and cute! Well done JoyceH!
Alison Rose
You can practically feel how soft that fur is through the pics :) Adorbs!
Dorothy A. Winsor
What a cutie!
The wayward ear is adorable. Bisket has the toy in the first picture, and grabs it by the tail and swings it around. You do not want to be hit in the head by the knotted end.
Oh squee.
In more somber news
zhena gogolia
Whimsy is my fourth Samoyed! I’m relearning puppy stuff. She wolfs her food like a little piglet! And she hasn’t yet accepted that the cats want to ignore her.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: FFS
Alison Rose
@Baud: “Fellas, is it gay to *checks notes* drink a beverage through a straw?”
Dan B
Years ago we had a White Shepherd, Honky, that we bred with a Samoyed. It was great to have the two of them in the house – sleek and fluffy. The pups were incredibly gorgeous and smart!
@Alison Rose: Remember when insecure straight men got all freaked out by the smaller shopping carts at Whole Foods?
Harrison Wesley
@Baud: Eye-watering stupidity. They should hire me – I can be dumb as a stump (and offensive, too!) for a fraction of what they pay this bozo and his ilk.
Harrison Wesley
@Alison Rose: Surely he must be drinking a wokeshake!
Dan B
@Alison Rose: There are pictures of Jesse Watters drinking through a straw. His method was 1000% gay. He delicately caressed the straw.
Alison Rose
@Suzanne: I wish Whole Foods had responded by painting them pink and adding those sparkly streamers like you see on the handlebars of girls’ bikes.
Alison Rose
@Dan B: Probably reminded him of his own junk.
(Usually I don’t make jokes like that, but fuck him.)
@Baud: Some purity progressive will agree and tell us how drinking from a straw makes him look old. Then a self appointed representative of “young”people will inform us that drinking from straw is corporatist. Real Communists only drink your milkshake, they don’t buy their own milkshake.
Harrison Wesley
Maybe the blog needs a separate post on gender markers in fluid consumption.
Oh my gosh, what an adorable fluff ball and apt name! 🐾❤️
What a beautiful puppy! So glad your Jazzy is enjoying playing with Whimsy. Perhaps she can teach Whimsy proper dog etiquette? Or they might be partners in crime, lol?
So, what does your cat think about the new baby?
@Alison Rose: Maybe RAINBOW. And they could have a speaker in them that plays Erasure and ABBA and showtunes.
Those pics are so cute!
@Baud: I need to get a gig like Jesse Watters has — a huge salary just to make dipshit comments! I can do that all day long and twice on Sunday!
Harrison Wesley
@schrodingers_cat: And then Our Liberal Media will pick it up with “Many people are saying…”
What an adorable puppy! So glad the trip went well, and that the long drive and overnight stay were worth it!
Mike in Pasadena
Whimsy looks like a beautiful pup.
If you have not already read Kagan’s piece in the Washington Post, please make time to do so. It’s overly long, but if you cannot spare the time necessary, read the second half. Although somebody already posted the free link, here it is again.
@Harrison Wesley: Wokeshake is hilarious. Now I want one, “Can I get the wokeshake, and fries too? No sprinkles, glitter.”
Alison Rose
@Suzanne: Randy Rainbow medleys.
Miss Bianca
The Squee-o-Meter pegged into the red and just blew up. Welcome, Whimsy!
Ian R
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of a real dog that looked as much like an (adorable) plush toy as that one.
What a sweetie. I had a Samoyed in college but my boyfriend took her when we broke up. What I remember most about her personality is that she was very independent. I don’t know if that is common for the breed.
That 44 stands for Obama, of course.
Miss Bianca
@trollhattan: Finnish Lapphunds are pretty floofy – in fact, my Lappie Susi looks an awful lot like a Sammi – she is a dilute sable (I think) and kind of cream-colored with ashy highlights.
Does Whimsy squeak if you hug her? (Couldn’t resist.)
Beautiful!!!! Congratulations!!!
Floofdom!! Floofitude!!! Flooficity!!!!
EDIT: have I mentioned I’m close to my last day in my current office?
zhena gogolia
I love the one with the cat.
zhena gogolia
@Yutsano: No — congrats!
Yay! A pee AND a poop in the yard! So I can somewhat relax the hyper-vigilance for a little while.
What a great name! I remember you second guessing a second pup til the last minute, I’m so happy it all worked out. May they be BFF’s, forever!
@Harrison Wesley:
I’m pretty sure when we had that explosion of tags a week or two ago, one of them was “John Cole Presents These Old Gender Markers in Fluid Consumption.”
Oh, my, what gorgeous beasts.
Whimsy is flippin’ adorable.
Congratulations! When do you start the new job at the new location?
According to the DNA test the Bohdi was a Samoyed-Siberian Husky mix. Here’s the shot from the day we found him, he was pure white until he was about five and then began to yellow a bit.
@JoyceH: If by a little while, you mean 20 minutes, yes. :-)
I love that picture so very much 💕🥰
@raven: I always click on that, even though I know the photo by heart. :-) Such a sweet tiny little ball of fluff.
OT: But how about Florida man?
But Raven is not thinking “sweet ball of fluff.”
Nukular Biskits
@Harrison Wesley:
This makes for a great physics question: Are milkshakes fluids?
Old School
Glad to hear Jazzy and Whimsey have hit it off well!
I love it that she is the one wanting to decide what other people’s children can read. Irony much?
Miss Bianca
@raven: oh, that Bodhi photo always sends me, with Raven turning up his snooty snoot in disdain. Good times!
When I saw the first blurb about this, I thought it was some sort of parody, like The Onion. But no, just your typical FL GQP man and his psycho wife. Has Betty commented on this? I’m dying to hear her take.
@Josie: Raven is most definitely not pleased. That look says it all, doesn’t it?
@geg6: I think there has been a link about this in the comments of virtually every thread today. If Betty commented, it would have been in one of the early threads.
edit:oops, got that wrong, just one thread down.
@geg6: You can’t make this stuff up.
Happy Pup is HAPPY! congrats to all the heartbeats in your household.
Sister Golden Bear
Adorbs! <squeeeeees>
Old School
She has. One thread down, comment #36.
@Baud: I just got back from having a wisdom tooth extracted and the big no-no for my post-op instructions is: no sucking through a straw. So I’m especially triggered by this.
So FLOOFY and adorable. Very cute!
@Alison Rose: Having spent some time recently in some kink-related subreddits, it really is astounding (and sad) how common statements like these still are in 2023.
What an adorable addition to your home. And at the perfect time of year for a snow shot with a “Find the puppy!” caption.
Mai Naem mobile
I love sammys. I knew a lady who had had several sammys. They’re beautiful dogs. I wouldn’t want to be doing the daily brushing but they’re adorable.
When Whimsy grows up, if I can manage to walk her and Jazzy together, I’ll feel like a Grand Duchess!
@JoyceH: what a fabulous addition to your furry family 😍 Welcome, Whimsy!
Mark Arnest
Congratulations, JoyceH! My mother owned – and was owned by – a string of eight Samoyeds from 1971 until her death in 2017. One was a best-in-show dog who got invited to Westminster one year; showing Puckett there was one of the highlights of my mother’s life. Genrikh earned a CDX obedience degree, which is actually more impressive, because as sweet as Samoyeds are, they are somewhat impervious to training. All were sweet-tempered, attention-loving dogs, and aside from the fact that they need a lot of brushing, I’ve never understood why the breed isn’t more popular.