Subaru Dianne sent this great clip to a few of us. I don’t think I’ve seen it in a post yet, and it looks like we could use an open thread.
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Open thread.
by WaterGirl| 46 Comments
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Subaru Dianne sent this great clip to a few of us. I don’t think I’ve seen it in a post yet, and it looks like we could use an open thread.
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A post shared by 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐚𝐜𝐡, 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫, 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐨 (@ebasicsdiction)
Open thread.
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IMHO he’s wrong about “firstly”.
Salty Sam .
Fucking hell, this is so Balloon Juice it’s hilarious!
”…at the risk of sounding pedantic…”. HAH!
Up there with the pedantic Latin centurion in Monty Python’s The Life of Brian.
She was very patient. I think I would have kneed him in the groin after about the second or third correction.
That was a fun skit.
I thought “firstly” sounded odd, too. Of course consulted the google and found a fun explainer on Merriam-Webster
@Scout211: Of course there’s a pedant conspiracy!
@jonas: I don’t recall that. There must be a link somewhere, I will have to look in the morning.
@Salty Sam .: Correctissimo. One does not SOUND pedantic, one is/is not pedantic. Sheesh. People who try to SOUND pedantic just sound stupid. Ipso facto ergo sum demonstrandum.
Alison Rose
@noncarborundum: Sure, but from now on, no more “Frist!” First commenters must now say “Firstly!”
Am I mistaken or is that Hugh Bonneville? The Earl of Grantham himself?
@WaterGirl: Wut? It’s like the most famous scene in the movie. Well, ok, along with “What have the Romans done for us lately” and “Always look on the bright side of life!”
This is so wonderful, and I’m sure the comments will be equally so. Unfortunately, it is past my bedtime, so I will enjoy reading them early tomorrow morning. Onward and upward, pedants all.
@jonas: I swear I don’t remember that scene at all. Strange!
Teacher left NO CRUMBS 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Old School
@Alison Rose:
No, you are not mistaken. That’s who is playing the vicar.
I enjoyed that.
I was gonna do a long run tomorrow, but it’s supposed to rain all day. So I’ll stick to the Peloton.
Salty Sam .
@Hoppie: Well played, although I must, in fairness, point out that the error you so expertly pointed out was, in fact, produced by the original sketch.
@jonas: My wife’s church does their unashamedly gay Christmas play with a set piece with ‘Romanes eunt domus’ written all over it.
It’s lovely.
Alison Rose
@Old School: Hilarious. Slightly different tone!
Oh, did I ever know where that was going😆! (Actually she might have missed her cue on “literally.”)
Yeah, no.
@Alison Rose: I watched it several times while I tried to place him. The comedy angle threw me off. Although he was in a rather odd BBC sitcom about government bureaucracy that I saw a bit of.
@Salty Sam .:
You beat me to it! I literally burst out laughing… The priest is an undercover Jackal 😂
Another Scott
ICYMI, a good piece by driftglass on late-stage TV brain:
Even if you see where he’s going, it’s worth a click.
Internet brain, and FB brain, and Twitter brain, and TikTok brain, and all the rest are related to TV brain. Structures that kept us from being eaten by giant cats, or impaled by invaders, may not be all that useful in protecting us from TikTok. And we, as a species, need to think about what that means for us if we want to be able to construct sensible governments and social structures that address our common problems…
@Alison Rose: Wouldn’t that be more correctly “Fristly”?
Sister Golden Bear
@rikyrah: 10/10 no notes.
Brings back memories of high school band. I wasn’t in the drum line, but we had an excellent one — imagine a dozen drummers shoulder-to-shoulder, doing that sort of routine in unison.
Drum lines!?!
We got drum lines!
More drum lines!
Due to the irresponsible, thoughtless, and extraordinarily stupid action of my PCP, I now stand a very good chance of going into unnecessary and forced opioid withdrawal. I take opionds, and have for years, because of a a life-changing, severe chronic pain condition. The only thing that has helped has been opioids. While I was in the hospital for 25 days, they used my medication to treat my pain. I ran out shortly before discharge. While I was in the hospital i missed my next pain management appointment.
Upon discharge, the hospitalist wrote me a “bridge” prescription for seven days. Problem. I got out at the end of November and the first available appointment was not until Dec. 22. Oops. I made my PCP aware of this — he only works three days a week, so getting through to him from Friday PM until the following Wednesday doesn’t happen. Apparently, he has told his staff not to contact him during his time off. There is no functional backup system in place. (Big surprise.)
I pressed the issue and I finally was able to get an appointment for 12/13 with a different doctor, whom I was told could write opioid prescriptions. But the 13th was also AFTER I would go into withdrawal. Great solution. Then I was told that there was a full prescription on hold for me at the pharmacy I used to go to before I moved. I called them and they only had 30 tablets on hand and, due to ongoing (many months now) shortages they said they couldn’t complete the prescription within the required 72 hours (more stupidity from the people who make the rules).
On Saturday (12/2) I drove 15 miles to the old pharmacy only to be told that my PCP had canceled that prescription on 11/29. WTF? Unless I can work something out between now and Wednesday, I will be forced into withdrawal solely because my PCP is an incompetent idiot. My gastroenterologist’s office (in Seattle) told me that I had an appt. with my PCP on 12/4. The problem? My PCP doesn’t work on Mondays and there is no record that such an appointment exists.
When I finally see this “doctor” I will have to be very careful. Otherwise, I will be escorted out of the building by security. The hospital he works for demands that patients show respect for their doctors and nurses. How does one respect someone so boneheaded?
There is more to this than I’ve written, but the comment is already too long. None of the rest does anything but make the situation even worse. Given the amount of totally unnecessary harm our “health care” system has caused me over the last 23 years, I can now fully understand why someone with a crappy life, no impulse control, and with violent tendencies would pick up a gun and start killing people. That is a terrible thing to say. What I’ve never been able to accept is why, instead of going after the perceived source(s) of their problems, they so often attack random innocent people including children. That only compounds the tragedy. I don’t own any firearms, won’t try to acquire any, and have no desire to threaten or harm anyone physically or psychologically. However, I might consider keying the doctor’s BMWl or letting the air out of his tires.
Nope, I won’t even do that. But I will tell him (with all expletives deleted) what I think of him and his pretending to practice medicine.
No time to proofread, I have to get my 12 hour IV started.
UMich drumline, Nov. 4.
@TriassicSands: I am sorry this is happening to you because of your doctors incompetence and our current US society going round the bend on the ‘opioids bad’ backlash. Chronic pain is the absolute pits and I hope things get better soon for you.
Ohio Mom
@TriassicSands: Oh dear. That is terrible. It’s something I’ve heard about, how legitimate pain patients get shafted because of rules put in place to discourage and punish abusers but I’ve never known anyone personally who fell into that group until now.
I understand completely the fantasy about shooting something or someone up. There have been plenty of times I have looked at Ohio Son at his intransigent worse and thought, “If only I could beat him.” Of course I wouldn’t, the fantasy is an escape valve for deep and ongoing frustration.
I wish I had some solution for you but your situation is beyond my ken. Keep us posted if you can.
@Scout211: The controversy over “first/firstly” is both transatlantic, and, appropriately, ecclesiastical:
The strongest proponent of firstly I’ve encountered is H.W. Fowler, Modern English Usage (1926):
grammar – First, … Secondly, … &c – English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Fowler is the pre-eminent British authority, but that is followed with many American sources advocating “first” (and “second” and “third” to follow it).
Ain’t no pedant make me tow the line!
@jonas: Yess…as someone who took Latin in HS from a female teacher who delighted in waiting till you were up at the blackboard (remember those?) to start in on what you were doing wrong, I LOVED this scene…I can only assume Latin teachers are the same worldwide, and that the Pythons based the sketch on their personal experiences LOL
zhena gogolia
@RedDirtGirl: He’s in Paddington! And Notting Hill! He was known more as a comic actor before Downton. (He sometimes gets to show comedic chops on there too.)
Central Planning
I learned first/second/third, nothing with -ly at the end. If writing is supposed to be transparent to the reader, those words distract me when I’m reading. The struggle is real!
@Alison Rose: Brilliant idea! This might also quiet the commenters who are tired of This Internet Tradition. We’ll start a new one!
@Jackie: VICAR! Not priest. Vicar.
(In the spirit of the skit.)
Good morning, jackals.
Does BJ maintain an Honor Roll of posters who have scored first?, firstly?, frist?, fristly? Just curious.
Daoud bin Daoud
@Hoppie: isn’t “sounds pedantic” part of the joke? The vicar doesn’t care that he is being obtusely pedantic, he just cares if he sounds that way.
Daoud bin Daoud
@evodevo: think Pink Floyd’s The Wall and its depiction of abusive teachers. That style of pedagogy has been around far too long.
@zhena gogolia: Not to mention Twenty Twelve and W1A, mockumentary TV series he did around the same time as Downton Abbey, satirising the 2012 Olympics and BBC management. A lot of good British actors who do both comedy and drama were in them.
@evodevo: That was certainly my experience of Latin teachers and I went through the same system as the Pythons a few years after them. Gradgrind had nothing on English public school Latin teachers. In one sense it worked, I can still do Latin conugations in my sleep despite never having used them in 50 years. You could carve Amo, Amas, Amat, Amamus, Amatis, Amant on my tombstone
@TriassicSands: oh, man. Much sympathy to you. Much rage towards the health-care system that is causing you and other chronic-pain patients distress rather than alleviation.
Uncle Cosmo
@TriassicSands: I was going to start this with I feel your pain but…no. I do definitely share your despair at the mindless arrogance of MDs. If you have a couple of minutes, allow me to share a story from many years ago:
I explained this to the new doc & he once again refused to prescribe the Valium that had worked so well. So I dug up another rheumatologist and never went back to the arrogant sonofabitch.
I guess we need to remember that med school is by & large 4 years of rote memorization, and that –
BC in Illinois
Yup. I still remember — from the years of the Nixon administration — how to conjugate the verb λύω.
[To the tune of “Louie. Louie.”]
@kalakal: I’ll see your “amo..” and raise you
A, ab, absque, coram, de
Palam, cum and ex and e
Sine, tenus, pro and prae
Add super, subter, sub and in
when state not motion ’tis they mean.
That’s from 40 years ago.