Sometimes, even the most professional garden can use a little color assistance. From commentor SkyBluePink:
Dale Chilhuly!
From a recent visit to Columbus, Ohio (Franklin Park Botanical Gardens)
What’s going on in your garden (planning / prep / retrospective), this week?
Wonderful photos, SkyBluePink! And how perfect with your nym! Saw a similar Chihuly show in Fairchild Tropical Gardens when we lived in Miami years ago, and it was truly magical. He had all the elements you’ve captured, and fantasy “fruit” in the trees, but I especially loved the exotic fronds like your blue ones up top. Thanks for refreshing such sweet memories!
Very nice SkyBluePink! Love Chihuly’s work.
I just woke up after sleeping almost 10 hours after the market yesterday. Yep, it was busy.
And the Baker Creek seed catalog arrived this week. I said I wasn’t buying anything this year; but damn, purple tomatoes?? I’m in!
Very nice SkyBluePink.
I love blown glass. I have a few solstice ornaments from Astral Glass hanging in the Zen garden redbud. Speaking of which, I am making my annual pilgrimage to Astral Glass this week to buy a few solstice gifts for the family.
Wonderful photos! Similar to Wendy above, I’ve also see Chilhuly’s work – when I was visiting family in Phoenix.
Such gorgeous pieces, and I enjoyed exploring the botanical gardens to see what pieces I’d find.
How timely this post is. Only late last month it was announced that my state capital will host an exhibition of Dale Chihuly’s ‘Garden Cycle’. Only the third outside the USA, after London and Singapore, the exhibition will run from late September next year until late April, 2025. The last time we got to see his work ‘live’ was back in 2000.
We saw Chihuly at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens!
This being a garden thread, Lost in space no more: missing tomato found in space station after eight months
See? Gardening provides food for the soul as well as the stomach.
Just not so much food for the stomach in space.
Ten Bears
I’ve done a couple of water features. Not as nice as that …
What happened to the tomato … ?
It’s warmed up again so yesterday I was potting up some cuttings that had rooted so they had more room to grow bigger over the winter, planting out some winter seedlings I started a few weeks ago, and watering them in, putting things away for the cold weather to come. When real cold arrives in a few weeks, I hate it and won’t do anything, so I need to have things tucked away. Fixed the watering timer for my nursery area. Planted out the beets and lettuce seedlings.
winter is a veggie season in Florida. It’s also when a lot of wildflowers start growing. They stay small, but set up their roots, and after the “cold” is over they grow out fast. If you wait till spring to sow, they never seem to get started. A lot of the tame flowers work the same way. Our spring is pretty dry too so you have to water a lot more if you start in the spring. Spring is also really short before it gets hot most years. I start most of my flower seeds beginning in October and plant them out as soon as they are big enough to leave the packs. Yesterday was rudbeckias saved from last years plants. They usually get about 4 feet tall.
Today I plan to up size some cuttings i rooted from my uncles garden when his wife dies last year. My cousin is selling their house and my mother and aunt wanted camellia and azaleas from his garden and asked me to attempt it. He did not keep his plants labeled after decades in the same house. Later on I will have to try to find names of his favorites.
Oh yes, you may not thank me but I found a new catalog.
they claim 1500 veggie seeds. I found them looking for a rare Florida conch pea which even southern exposure seed exchange and Baker seeds didn’t have.
@terben: Where are you?
It was a nice trip to see one of my oldest friends I hadn’t seen in many years.
Don’t know if its just my devices, but the images are shortened – clicking on them gives the full images.
@Ten Bears:
They haven’t said where they found it.
Me too! It was a gorgeous installation!
I love Chilhuly‘s work but however does one clean it?
if I make it out before the rain starts I want to divide and transplant some annual poppies I started in one big pot into the ground for next May/June.
@OzarkHillbilly: I wonder how much of the enjoyment of eating the fresh veggie is offset by knowing you’ll have to take a quiz to report how much you enjoyed it?
Reggie has worked out that if he stands on the lavender to pee, the stream won’t reach his front paws. It’s a broken disaster. It’s been raining so much that the ground is like walking on thick wet sponges. Just going to leave it until spring.
But I have an epic poop collection on the lawn to gaze upon in wonderment!
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Lovely photos. Thanks, SkyBluePink.
I’m rooting geranium cuttings from a plant I bought last spring and used in a container all summer. I brought it in at first frost and held it for the last couple of months in a 50-60 degree mudroom. I take 3 or 4 inch top cuttings and plant them in potting soil. I have two ordinary heating pads I use for bottom heat and a shop light I prop up on bricks for light. I don’t use any rooting hormone but I might try Vitamin C in water on the next batch to see if it makes a difference – I saw the Vitamin C tip on a UK You tube gardener’s video.
I started cuttings of a holly and a rhododendron at the Michigan garden in late summer. I did six pots of each. Four of the hollies took and are growing but only one of the rhodo. For stem cuttings like that I use rooting hormone and just keep them outside in a sheltered area.
I ordered seed – just sweet peas and three kinds of poppies.
Good Morning and thank you for the Chihuly flowers, AL
Im going to put this here because everyone loves the flowers, and hopefully will see my thank you:
I want to thank all of you for your kindness yesterday morning after my vent and your most unexpected responses, Watergirl and I spent several phone calls discussing options and ideas. The result is her guidance gave me some clues and settled the serious issue of my job: I will have it. One suggestion even has me updating my resume.
Most of all what happened was the response here, which I keep babbling was unexpected, and had not even crossed my mind, to be honest. Your response gave me such a surprise that it set off a sense of hope that was missing, and also too, ( could it be?) made my grinch-heart grow a little bit larger with the true spirit of the season.
Thank You all
randy khan
His work really is a perfect fit for a garden. It’s kind of amazing how good it looks in that context. We’ve seen it in a bunch of different gardens over the years (including Chihuly Garden and Glass in Seattle), and it’s always great.
@Ken: Heh.
When I see a traveling Chihully installation, I waver between being amazed at the delicate and gorgeous glass, and being amazed that it was transported from, well, anywhere given how delicate it looks and the complicated nature of the pieces.
My apologies Madam, I can assure you that was not my intention.
@OzarkHillbilly: 🎄😉
BC in Illinois
Thanks for the pictures.
I have seen the Chihuly flowers and bulbs and floating things and huge chandeliers at the Missouri Botanical Gardens, in St. Louis. They have had several displays over the years. Always worth going to.
Probably Adelaide, Australia. Exhibition announced there for next year.
Ten Bears
@OzarkHillbilly: Be cool if there’s a mouse onboard …
@Ten Bears: Little mouse turds everywhere…
@SkyBluePink: I just saw your comment. Thanks for letting us know!
I checked the images, since I think Anne Laurie is likely asleep. They were in the post in “featured image” size, which is 800 x 600, and that’s why they were shortened.
I just went in and added the photos in their natural dimensions. They are even more gorgeous when you can see the whole thing!
The orange one is absolutely stunning!
Chilhuly‘s work is all over the Pacific Northwest (I love it!). If you’re ever in Seattle or Tacoma and like his kind of art, you can look up where you can find it.
@WaterGirl: Thanks WaterGirl.
Is there a better way for me to send pics?
@SkyBluePink: The photos you sent are just fine!
It’s just that when we add photos to posts, we choose between thumbnail, medium, large, featured image, full size, etc.
And WordPress remembers what the last previous person chose, which is the wildcard!
So I’m guessing the either someone else had chosen “featured image 800 x 600” and Anne Laurie didn’t notice, or she chose featured image so all the photos would present as the same size.
Your pictures were perfect, and it took me less than a minute to replace the images with the “large” version.
Thanks for sharing – Chihuly’s stuff is great, really enjoyed seeing his work up close when an exhibit came through our little town’s art center.
John S.
His museum next to the Space Needle is terrific. Truly amazing stuff.
One of the many nice things I enjoy about living in the PNW.