When do we not have legal news lately?
This does not appear to be good news for the good guys. But I trust Judge Chutkan, so she must feel that this is what she needs to do in order to cross all the “T”s and dot all the Is. “I”s. I wonder if this is the same ruling she would have made if Jack Smith hadn’t petitioned the Supreme Court.
As a general rule, when a lot of critical things are in flux, it’s never a bad thing to hold tight.
Judge Chutkan will hold all deadlines “in abeyance.”
She will enforce the gag order for now, but will await further instruction from DC Cir on that one, uncertain if she has even that power. Basically, Trump wins on almost all of the stay pending appeal.https://t.co/GKYixeqETj— Roger Parloff (@rparloff) December 13, 2023
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 13, 2023
Jack Smith’s response to Trump’s opposition to an expedited appeals court briefing schedule has been filed a day early. It was due tomorrow. It obliterates Trump’s opposition.
This is for the appeals court, not SCOTUS. https://t.co/oa3ONOf5eE
— Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) December 13, 2023
Supreme Court agrees to review a case (not the Jack Smith Jan 6 case) related to obstruction of an official proceeding.
I think this is a good thing, as it is better for DOJ to know sooner rather than later what if anything the S Ct is going to say the law requires to hold someone criminally liable for obstruction. https://t.co/cXROck9ZPH
— Andrew Weissmann (weissmann11 on Threads)🌻 (@AWeissmann_) December 13, 2023
I don’t feel like I can begin to explain this case, but Harry Litman an explain it to you if you have 7 minutes.
I am filing this under WTF?
A Republican who previously acted as a fake elector for former President Donald Trump has been appointed to the Wisconsin State Elections Commission.
This development is notable as it involves an individual directly linked to the controversial attempt to overturn the 2020…
— Brian Allen (@allenanalysis) December 13, 2023
Open thread
Fact: This Wisconsin Dude wasn’t supporting Trump. He was supporting Chesebro.
Trivia Man
Thanks, everyone for the new judge in Wisconsin. Hope it’s enough to shut down the next attempts at fake elector shenanigans.
Trivia Man
Is this one Of those who gave a pinky swear not to be an elector again? Can we force recusal for an decision involving Cheeto?
@Trivia Man: I don’t recall which state made that a part of the settlement. It was a civil case, though, brought by the real electors, so that should narrow it down pretty well.
I am getting ready for company for dinner, so I don’t have time to google right now, but maybe one of you guys will have time!
I’m confused with all these filings and rulings and responses. Which one of these rulings/filings mentioned above have to do with the Trump team’s filing today calling Jack Smith a grinch for spoiling their holiday plans? The Mueller She Wrote tweet?
@Trivia Man:
Clap clap clap clap
@Scout211: Since they are talking about opposing the fast-tracking of the immunity fight, I would say that this was in reference to the Jack Smith petition for the Supreme Court to pick up the immunity case.
Trump’s response to the Jack Smith’s response was due today at 5 pm eastern, so that fits with the timeline, too.
@Scout211: I haven’t seen Trump’s social media response or the Official Announcement from attorneys, but the grinch comment does not sound very lawyer-like!
Trivia Man
Story: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/06/wisconsin-fake-electors-admit-biden-won-2020-election
adding the Election Commission details
@WaterGirl: Thanks. I found it on NBC News as an addition to the original news story that I posted downstairs. (The Jack Smith is a meanie old Grinch filing from the Trump team).
. . .
Old School
@Trivia Man:
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
“Who gives a fuck about the Christmas stuff” ~ Melonie Trump
Trivia Man
@Old School: thanks for more details, we are still trying to dig out of the shit storm caused by redistricting in 2010.
Trump team filing: NBC
@Trivia Man: So they agreed not to be electors in 2024 or in any election involving Trump.
But the fine print didn’t say they couldn’t serve on the Wisconsin State Elections Commission?
All i can think of to say are things the nuns in grade school said we would go to hell for saying.
Trivia Man
@WaterGirl: I forgive you
LMAO, I was reading one of those gift guides that are so prevalent right now, and there is a Dyson pet grooming attachment for your vacuum.
Tagline: “Groom. Suck. Gone.”
Old School
I see the Dow Jones closed at an all-time high today – breaking 37,000 for the first time.
When is Biden going to do something about this horrible economy?!?!
Given that they can’t even quote the Grinch correctly, I’d hate to think about the quality of the rest of their brief.
Rotating tag material if ever there wert.
@Suzanne: With a husky or malamute they will have to empty that dyson every thirty seconds. That dog will escape.
@Old School: blasting that far and wide, and rubbing many, MANY noses in it ;)
“wasn’t there some sort of, oh, ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ or something a year or so ago? whose idea was that again? who voted against it, again? hmmm….”
Back to the legal thing…isn’t it just amazing that Mr. Innocent wants to delay his moment of COMPLETE VINDICATION so far into the future?
Why, you’d think he would want his various trials to take place next week!! I mean, why waste his valuable time and money like this, since he’s, well, soooooo innocent? Totally.
Doc Sardonic
Since a lot of pets do not particularly care for the vacuum cleaner, especially the small handhelds, maybe they should change the tagline to Groom, Suck, Go to ER. However we did have one cat that liked to be vacuumed, and would get insulted if you didn’t get the little dusting brush attachment and give her a good vacuuming.
Mallard Filmore
@Old School: I wonder how much of this rise is from the money fleeing from China.
@Suzanne: Groom, suck, gone. With a lot of dogs, they would be gone before you began. And forget about cats, there’s no way they would stand for that.
@Mallard Filmore: I wonder how much is the manufacturing of replacements for things we are sending to Ukraine. More workers in factories, more wages, more money to spend.
Trickle up!
@NotMax: That is Balloon Juice After Dark material right there.
Daaaaaaamn, give that copywriter a raise!
@Doc Sardonic: My dearly departed Luna used to attack the vacuum cleaner. My big scary black dog, never attacked a single person or other animal. Nor any other household implements.
@Old School:
But how does Mr. Jones feel about the economy.
@Doc Sardonic: Had a cat that loved the vacuum 40+ years ago. Same thing with the brush attachment. Our current cats stay as far as possible from the running vacuum cleaner, fleeing from room to room as necessary.
Rulings like these are perfect for a judge who wants to nail someone to a wall without any way to wiggle out and doesn’t care if the remedy is served cold.
New Deal democrat
@Old School:
The Fed strongly suggested that they were done raising rates, and are likely to make 3 rate *cuts* in 2024.
And yes, that is good news for Biden.
@New Deal democrat:
On the flip side, whenever I see a mention of the stock market here, whether because of highs or lows, I take that to be a contrary indicator at least in the short term.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, … PetaPixel.com:
New Deal democrat
@BR: To be clear, the “good news for Biden” is if there are Fed rate cuts, not whatever gyrations the stock market undertakes.
@Another Scott: There goes my next astro shoot.
@Another Scott:
We will sue you in court.
We will sue you for sport.
We will sue you here and there.
We will sue you everywhere.
Villago Delenda Est
I signed up for my 2024 ACA plan today, I’ve used the marketplace for several years. My plan cost increased about $10 per month after the subsidy. Thanks Obama! And Nancy! And Harry!
Villago Delenda Est
@Another Scott: Taking a page from the greedmongers of Disney, I see.
Good health to you.
Why the fuck is the attempt to commit a Coup and seize power being described as “controversial”?
Who thinks there is “controversy” about this, and why do they think it is anything other than “an abject horror for which justice should be brought and further attempts prevented at all cost”?
Re – Wisconsin elector story
What annoys me about this is that the immunity and double jeopardy arguments are pure BS. The Constitution is clear that impeachment is not the only remedy for crimes committed by a President and that there is no double jeopardy bar created by the impeachment process.
The last paragraph of Section 3 of Article I of the Constitution provides:
“Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.”
The media handbook says “controversial” is the most negative description that can be used for a Republican.
Florida women denied health care. This is coverage that will reach older normie women (they vote):
I’m sure Brian Allen was snarking about the “secret” community thing, but I don’t see how that helps.
This is naked, totally unsecret corruption. There could be no doubt that Robin Vos is involved.
@New Deal democrat:
I agree. I just meant in the past when I’ve seen political blogs start talking about the stock market, it’s usually a sign of a trend change. (I remember you writing as much about comments made by Digby back in the day.)
@Baud: I just had to see this again!
@Old School: Good gracious. Sh*t like this makes me want the Democrats to just go hog wild in redistricting New York. Push it to the very edges the Supremes seem to think are ok.
And yes, I know WI & NY are different places, but the Republicans play dirty everywhere. We can at least skate right to the very edge of clean.
@Baud: You are in fine form today, and you seem to be in especially good spirits. Whatever you ate for breakfast, keep eating it. :-)
New Deal democrat
@BR: Thanks.
Better than that, I once called a stock market bottom *in real time* when a Doomer at the Orange Place posted a triumphalist diary!
Based on my vast expertise from listening to Preet Bharara, it’s not a big deal. Since the appeal on immunity, if successful, would dismiss the entire case, it’s pretty normal to pause any action that requires the defendant to do anything (i.e., anything that requires paying lawyers.) The government was asking to only proceed with things they could do on their own, like producing discovery material, and motions already pending. So it’s not a big loss, and probably worth it to have less chance of an appeal succeeding.
@sab: Oh. Well I was going to say that our Std American Eskimo would shrink by half when he got wet he was such a furball, but I see now, decades later, that he was German and not related to Huskies or anything frozen North American! Rather a Spitz offshoot.
I’m trying to think how we’d have said Fairbanks will a thick-fake German accent.
@oldgold: The double jeopardy appeal is complete BS, yes. The “absolute immunity” one apparently isn’t, only because the courts have never ruled in it. It’s not likely to succeed, but it’s not unreasonable for defense lawyers to try it.
@Kay: Florida is one of the nine states working to get a ballot initiative expanding abortion rights for 2024. Link
With the help of many registered Republicans, they are close to getting enough signatures by the February 1 deadline.
Have we been talking about the stock market though? Someone just noted that it reached an all-time high, which is not an indicator of an economy in shambles, as the media would portray. No one here is following the market day to day.
I hope Biden calls Trump the “Architect of Dobbs”.
Oh, good. The more the merrier.
It was genuine pleasure to work on Ohio’s referendum. Highly recommend. Just a great group of women.
I get Gov Whitmer’s social media on Threads and every time she (or her employee) write about abortion they say “Donald Trump overturned Roe” somewhere in the message.
She knows how fucking stupid people are. You have to hit them over the head.
zhena gogolia
@Kay: Good for her.
House Republicans vote in a solid bloc to formalize the Biden bullshit*t impeachment.
Time to roast the 18 jagoffs in Biden-won districts. Just infuriatingly stupid and destructive.
Captain C
@Redshift: Supreme Court: Presidents have absolute immunity for everything.
Biden: *licks chops* Oh, really…
Two days later: The house passes an excellent budget, including a shitload of Ukraine aid, 212-0, and the Senate does the same 49-2 (Manchin and Umbridge voting no), and pretty much the entire rest of the Biden agenda.
Two days after that: The Supreme Court, in a series of 3-0 votes, overturns all the Republican nonsense that the court has put through over the last several decades, except the case that has allowed Biden to have every Republican congresscritter and Supreme Court Justice summarily arrested and stashed on an iceberg near Antarctica, guarded by a couple Navy destroyers. Trump, meanwhile, is preparing to be the slug in a new railgun test, while a chorus of volunteers takes turns telling him how much Ivanka hates his guts.
Hopefully, she remembers not to say out loud how stupid people are.
This was always one of the consequences of restrictions on abortion. And many men and women who oppose abortion accept this. They will dismiss the best available medical advice and instead depend on prayer and “God’s will.”
The tragedy is that they seek to force all other women to submit to religious ignorance, even to the point of forcing doctors to lie to their patients.
@Redshift: I do not think so. If there is immunity, the provision I cited makes no sense. Plus, the the idea the President is immune is antithetical to the entire construct of the Constitution.
NYT actually writes a social media post (Bsky) that didn’t make me blow my stack:
Breaking News: The House approved an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, as the GOP pushes ahead with a yearlong investigation that has turned up no evidence of wrongdoing.
Some intern is getting fired.
@Baud: Unpaid intern, probably. “Think of the experience you’ll gain.”
“Not a single cloud or shadow in sight. You’ll never make it in this business, kid.”
The Nurse Praytitioner gives the story an uplifting aspect.
@Baud: Of course the GOP ‘case’ against Joe doesn’t even have an emanation or a penumbra, much less a shadow.
Mallard Filmore
She would not die before the current shift ends.
Omnes Omnibus
@Scout211: I once cited the Lorax in an appellate brief.
Tom Levenson
Seems that the DC circuit has accepted the Grinch’s schedule in Trump’s appeal of Chutkan’s order denying his claim of presidential immunity.
@Kay: I just posted about this in the dead thread above. I’m glad this is getting national attention.
Mallard Filmore
How odd that they don’t go with “God’s will” when they get tuberculosis.
@Baud: Some of us are. But I don’t think the market is particularly relevant to the economic concerns. The upper half of society isn’t struggling. They’re pulling away.
The problem is the bottom half. Not poor people – god no – nobody cares about them. But the kids of the upper half who are just getting going – many of whose parents thought they did everything right – got them to college, they got jobs, and they’re struggling with bananas rent increases or homes out of reach, or their ‘good’ jobs are getting them jerked around with random downsizing or job replacement by AI, permanent positions replaced by contract, etc.
At least some of the perceived job growth is fake – at least on the listings side. A lot of employers are posting job listings they have no intention of filling – but if they get a superstar in the pool, they’ll recruit them.
Paul in KY
@Kelly: My cats always hated the vacuum cleaner. I assumed it was the noise it made.
Gin & Tonic
@Baud: Some of us are.
@Gin & Tonic:
I should have said “talking about,” not “following.” I haven’t noticed much discussion of it.
Anyway, I’m of the view that high stock market and low unemployment are good things. But I realize I’m in the minority.
Paul in KY
@Baud: I certainly think they can be robustly sold as good things!
@Paul in KY:
And that’s exactly what Trump will do if he’s president in January 2025, just as he did in January 2017.
I had a #65 Weimaraner that was convinced the vacuum was a puppy eating machine.
Omnes Omnibus
@oldgold: While I agree with you on the proper end result of the immunity claims, it is not insane for defense counsel to give it a shot. “The horse might learn to sing.”
@Tom Levenson: Wow, that was fast. The Grinch rules!
Lol we were never in the minority until about 2017 when everyone else lost their minds :)
Alison Rose
@RaflW: That’s about as salty as they are mentally able to be. I suppose we gotta take what we can get…
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: The pantsless often are. In this case though, I agree with you. No economy is good for all people. There are people who are going through rough times. If people are waiting for that to say the economy is good, they will wait forever.
Where are we goin’? PAAAAARRRRKKKKK!!!!!
@Kay: That sounds like the Pitchbot wrote it.
Remember when unemployment was high in 2016 because U6 instead of U3? Good times.
We are all DougJ now.
Another Scott
From the CBS story:
(Emphasis added.)
Back in the neolithic when I was job hunting, in the late 1980s, if I responded to an employment ad, my inquiries would get a postcard back, if I was lucky, saying they’d keep my resume on file for a year. AFAIK, and the story doesn’t seem to provide more than anecdotes, only the ease of spreading ads everywhere is new – not them advertising for jobs that they won’t be filling anytime soon. I would ass-u-me that the folks at the Treasury and the Fed are smart enough to know that 20 identical ads for the same position don’t mean there are 20 openings that will be filled…
(The CBS story reads to me like an attempt at edgy contrarianism rather than attempt to inform. YMMV.)
Advertised job openings have been at historically high levels for a long time. Here’s why that’s bad news for Joe Biden… – DougJBalloon, probably.
@Old School: I didn’t read the article but from what I saw in the Comments “reporting” was classic genre “bad news for Joe Biden”.
@Kathleen: Imagine if it was the same media back in WW2 – “Hitler beaten back, bad news for Truman”.
We should do some retro pitchbot – tweets.
“In this, Ohio diner – discussion over the latest war news indicate that while everyone agrees the war is going well, they still aren’t sure about Truman.”
@cain: That would be funny! “Don’t guiltmail me into voting for Jesus over Barabbas because Jesus will be crucified if he loses. He has to earn my vote”.
@Another Scott:
Some amount of those ads / openings are there because we have to open a position if folks want a green card.
I have somebody on my work team in that position. Here on an educational visa, which includes a built in ‘you can work in the US for X years’ part.
Now he would like to keep working here, so… we need to grind thru the system.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishments☘🌈 Koch
@cain: On D-Day, the WSJ wrote on their front page the success meant the war would end soon and end wage controls, which would eat into corporate profits.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I thought this new AI tech was a nothingburger and that it was no different than technological advancements of the past that made people’s jobs/skills obsolete. Is that not true?
Apparently, when confronted with dictatorship – his people are all in. Plus apparently under Biden we already are in a dictatorship.
You know it’s funny because they call my open source project a dictatorship because we don’t listen to our users. Just wild.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishments☘🌈 Koch: WSJ always thinking about the wage earners. 🙄
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Holy shit, so much to unpack.
“My kids call me a dictator….”
“He said he’d only do it for a day”
That woman, who has to hide behind a pseudonym (Sue), literally compared a hypothetical Trump dictatorship to parents being firm to children to clean up the house
The first guy from Tom’s screenshot: “That’s not what Trump really meant, but actually that wouldn’t be so bad because we need someone who will ‘move forward fast’ to clean everything up, and actually Biden is a dictator because he doesn’t do what I want him to do”
Do you ever notice that with Republicans/conservatives, as in rank and file voters, that if you criticize Trump/any Republican for anything they always try to make a false equivalence with something a Dem did? Like, even if it were true, I’d still think it was wrong if a Dem did something wrong. It’s like they don’t get that and just want to swipe at you
David 🌈 ☘The Establishments☘🌈 Koch
Now he was right, but he could have celebrated V-J for a couple of minutes before pouring a bottle of Doom.
I know Adam just put his thread up, but this seems more appropriate in this thread. TL;DR: Über and the other gig platforms in the EU are gonna have to start treating their giggers as employees.
Whoa, that is huge. More huge if it happens here.
The person arrested wasn’t TIFG – as he is currently in Iowa bellyaching about Jack Smith.
Eric S.
@Omnes Omnibus: Not at all the same but in my programming days I’d use famous quotes in my code comments. I was particularly proud of adapting the old Energizer (?) batter commercial, “I dare you to knock this batter off my shoulder” for a warning message.
Matt McIrvin
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishments☘🌈 Koch: Blackett was an interesting guy–the first person to demonstrate nuclear transmutation of elements.
He proposed a correlation (which turned out to be spurious) between an object’s mass, rate of rotation and magnetic field that the science-fiction writer James Blish turned into a mechanism for antigravity in his “Cities in Flight” series. Blish liked throwing Blackett’s name around, along with Paul Dirac’s.
Matt McIrvin
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You can murder so many people in one day. I’m sure things will just go back to normal afterward!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
They live in a completely different reality.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
It is true, but NFTs were valueless garbage and the Metaverse was going nowhere. That didn’t stop a lot of executives from wasting vast amounts of resources on them before the truth finally bludgeoned its way home. They want so badly to fire a bunch of people that they may not wait to find out that no, AI can’t do those people’s jobs.
@Baud: I’m not saying they aren’t good things. I’m saying that they’re only a tiny reflection of the economy – and the market is generally irrelevant to low income people.
@eclare: We tried in CA. Voters overturned it.
As Musk is currently demonstrating, sacking a bunch of people can be extremely effecting . . . if your goal is to trash the value of your company. With careful application, you can sach the value all the way to zero.
effecting => effective
Autocorrect is amazing sometimes. And regularly reminds me of how far AI is from being ready for prime time.
Mike in Pasadena
@Jeffro: Ha ha ha ha ha. Nail head, meet hammer.
Mike in Pasadena
@Jeffro: Ha ha ha ha ha. Nail head, meet hammer.
Rebel's Dad
I’m so scattered lately that I don’t remember if I’ve even showered today. How tf can Trump keep up with FOUR lawsuits? Normally each case would have a bevy of stellar attorneys so all he’d have to do is sign the checks, but we all know it’s tie game of who’s the biggest stupid? with the lawyers and Trump.
If he was even a halfway-decent person, I’d be in awe. But instead I feel bamboozled and lightheaded just trying to keep up with his tonterías.
Paul in KY
@Baud: Obviously, Pres. Biden should tout that too!
Paul in KY
@Kathleen: “Sure Jesus seems to be the son of God & can change water into wine and raise people from the dead, but Barabbas steals from the Romans!”
@RaflW: We had a miniature American Eskimo and it was a Spitz dog. “American Eskimo” was the name of the breeder/kennel that introduced them.