Despite one of every five Oklahoma children living through food insecurity, the state won’t participate in a new federal summer food program for children, reports @denwalt
— Ben Felder (@benfelder_okc) January 3, 2024
Guess the GOP has its latest campaign slogan: Those kids wanna eat, let ’em find a job!
Despite one of every five Oklahoma children living through food insecurity, the state won’t participate in a new federal summer food program for children.
Gov. Kevin Stitt’s office cited uncertainty about how the federal government will administer the program.
The Summer EBT program would have doled out $40 per month this summer for children who get free or reduced price meals during the school year. Families would be able to purchase groceries using an electronic benefits transfer, or EBT card. It’s similar to the pandemic-era children’s food program that recently expired, which gave eligible families $120 per child to buy food during summer months.
Chris Bernard, president and CEO of the nonprofit Hunger Free Oklahoma, said the governor’s decision was extremely disappointing.
“We are always in the bottom 10 in the country in terms of food security,” Bernard said. “Families and kids are struggling for sure, and the (summer food) program was something we’ve supported for a long time.”
Estimates vary, but Oklahoma has about half a million children who could qualify for the Summer EBT program. USDA estimates there could be 403,000 children who are eligible, while the number of children eligible for a similar program launched during the pandemic was about 640,000…
Maybe some of y’all are visual learners! 🤞Here’s a visual of why it’s a bad call for the gov to not opt in to a summer food program (paid for by OUR federal taxes) 👀 ⬇️
*For y’all who hate maps/graphs: Oklahoma has the 2nd highest food insufficiency (think hunger) rate!
— Rep. Jacob Rosecrants (@jacobrosecrants) January 4, 2024
I am an Oklahoma teacher and I feed my students out of my own pocket because I can't teach a hungry child. They come to me at 9 am and by 10 I am feeding them in my classroom. Every morning. And our Governor can't shell out the funds when me a teacher finds a way.
— Kimberly Blodgett (@Cabal_Educator) January 4, 2024
Govenor Stitt (R-Greedy Old Pismires) has his own priorities…
Both the Cherokee Nation & Chickasaw Nation have agreed to pick up Stitt’s Slack. They have arranged for any student attending a public school on their reservation territories to receive the $ the Fed program would have offered to feed Oklahoma’s starving children.
— GeeGee (@GeeGeeAkili) January 3, 2024
The first time I had access to breakfast and lunch, every single day no matter if I had the money or not, was in a school on tribal land in Oklahoma. I was never hungry in grades 4-7 thanks to the Cherokee Nation. They’ve always shown compassion to native and non-native kids.
— Jess Piper (@piper4missouri) January 4, 2024
Look at that hunger map. Mississippi and Oklahoma… Goddamn.
Mississippi Goddamn.
Liberals eat food. You don’t want to be like those godless animals, do you?
What an asshole. Let’s see him cut the taxes as he promised. Bet you, it’s on the top 2% not regular Oklahoma folks.
Dems need to rally and get this guy out of there. Maybe they can start by going in and raising funds and feed those kids themselves. 500k kids without food? Shame on the GOP party for letting that happen.
Most of the states that opted out of the program are the usual suspects. But Pennsylvania? Vermont?? WTF?!
@Baud: It’s no wonder there is a huge obesity epidemic there – you only have access to cheap food. They have the highest children obesity rates there.
They are #1 in a lot of bad shit. All it takes is 3 years under the Democratic party and things will turn around.
Alison Rose
BS. You just don’t want teh poors to get anything at all.
Glad this was its own post. For some reason, sort of all of a sudden, a number of red states are just doubling down on punishing children. Along with Dobbs, this should be 24/7/365 ads run against them. Combine it with Dobbs to show a more complete picture. That isn’t the future, this is now. This is Republican policies in effect, now.
Also I don’t give a fuck if these subsidies mean some rich kids get the meals too. I don’t care. If it means 1 rich kid and 10 poor kids get to eat two solid meals a day? Take the money. Sign the bill. Just do it. (Morgan Freeman: ofc the red states didn’t do that. The cruelty is the point.)
I think I understand where Stitt is coming from. He looks at that map and says, damn, we’re number two. If Mississippi takes the aid we can slide up to number one. In his mind he’s just looking for Oklahoma to finally being number one in something.
Seriously, I believe in karma, and there is a boulder on a hill that has Stitt’s name on it for all eternity (Sisyphus can finally get some rest once Stitt gets down there).
Let them eat campaign slogans.
eta, and then, just who do liberals think they are, infringing on parents’ god-given right to not feed their or other peoples’ kids!
@lowtechcyclist: Pennsylvania still has plenty of right wing assholes in the legislature, but this is kind of surprising considering the governor.
Where as if the program was free money for Bankers, Republican states would be sending it through, toot sweet.
Programs like this would probably be more popular if they were straight-up non-need-based. So subsidize everyone to eat. You know, like all people do.
The link to the picture yesterday this was in the Reddit comments. Relevant quote bold’d by me:
Abstaining from the program to feed kids. The Bible itself seemed to have predicted the demise of their own faithful.
I live in the Kansas City suburbs. In 2020 a couple were worried about people displaced by the pandemic, and put out a little cupboard in front of their house. They had one of those Little Free Libraries, and built another and called it the Little Free Pantry, thinking they’d help out a little. They are now averaging putting out 18,000 POUNDS a month. This is just an average couple with this thing in front of their house. They’re getting a bigger space in a nearby church – the neighbors complained about the traffic. They now have volunteers and arrangements with nearby restaurants and grocery stores. I’ve rarely dropped anything off there where one of the couple didn’t come out to chat. It’s astonishing what two people who saw a need are doing, but it’s a shame they have to do it. And we have a Democratic governor, but a backwards, greedy legislature. I think MO and Iowa also refusing the summer food program.
@Leto: It gets to be more expensive to keep track of which kids get free lunch, which get reduced, which have lunch debt and refuse them, than just feed them all and drop the paperwork.
The funny thing about Iowa refusing is that the program was designed in part to help farmers move their product.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Can’t be giving away free stuff as it might go to “those people”.
Jeeeesusfuckingkeeristonabike, the right wing in this country never finds a bar too low enough to slither under.
@Suzanne: they were giving everyone free lunch when schools reopened during the pandemic and it was certainly popular with my daughter.
So why can the Dakotas feed their kids?
Oh right. Tribal land.
Don’t tell me Noem took that long awful welfare money!
In India the BJP ruled state governments promptly stop serving eggs in school lunches. These people who want to take away food from the mouths of children can be described in one word. Evil.
I can’t believe my state, TN, opted to take the money. I am very glad about that.
This showed up a bit back.
What wasn’t reported on is that the CA school lunch, like the VT one down the page, is almost certainly participating in one of the various farm-to-table programs in the state, which are pretty common. I have an organic farm two miles from my house that participates in the city’s program and has partnerships with other organic farms around SoCal and trade crops to round out the offerings. In season, you can get an avocado for a quarter.
CA provides free breakfast and lunch to all students in state, regardless of ability to pay.
Note the link – low income schools are *required* to participate in the federal program.
The program in question is the summer funding program – the meals kids would have gotten during the school year getting funding directed to their household when school isn’t in session. The challenge with that program as I understand it is that it requires a certain administrative infrastructure to operate by the state, which CA easily has given how big it is, but which smaller states like VT may not have.
Dorothy A. Winsor
To score a political point, he’s letting children go hungry. How evil do you have to be?
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
These people believe that food and other charity should be provided by the churches on condition of conversion to their faith. That is how they interpret that passage. They have a problem with secular charity because then it interferes with them using it as a weapon to force people to conform to their religious beliefs. At least that’s how the Christofascists think. The B-school types just want low taxes.
Are there any breakout numbers to see how many of the food insecure children live on the reservations vs the rest of the population? Native American communities tend to be poorer. Though the governor is obviously exacerbating that.
Plugging my Twitter friend’s documentary series. Its about Modi’s second term and the response to it.
The series is called Resistance and is on YT
@Leto: Pennsylvania has problems and plans, but also a Republican Senate.
Nothing about food mentioned here:
Anyone mention this? I was gonna post it last night, but forgot to. First link is Politico’s take, the second link is to a short, Youtube video, (which is wild!):
“Airborne defendant” is right! This morning I heard something about maybe elevating this judge, and perhaps a few others, (are you seeing this, Judge Chutkan?), just a wee bit higher.
Nice to know he has a competent staff.
@Urza: the numbers are different in Oklahoma. A huge portion of the state is considered tribal land, including large population areas like Tulsa. The tribes’ offers to cover meals for all schools on tribal land will cover a huge number of native and non native kids. As a Cherokee nation member myself, I am very pleased to see the tribe (again) stepping in where the state falls short.
@Spanky: For those of you not familiar with Pennsylvania’s governmental structure, school districts are (outside of the cities) organized at the borough and township level. You get 2 or 3 townships, at best, within a single school district. No economies of scale, and individual school districts have zero political clout. I grew up in the system during the Boomer years, and we did OK, but moving to Maryland made me see what potential for a shit show the Pennsylvania model is. And the shit show seems to have gotten rolling along.
I would think the OK tribal school districts would have an easier time navigating/sidestepping the state DOE’s stance on feeding kids than a place like PA.
@cain: No Nixon fan, but remember him being shocked at pictures of white kids going hungry in Appalachia. So he effectively ended hunger in America. It ain’t hard. From Wiki found this Nixonion act particularly interesting:
Mandate food assistance programs in the remaining 440 counties nationally which had so far declined it.
How dare he force food down poor people’s throats.
@cain: “wanting to have their ears tickled”
I love it! No, people don’t actually read the thing, or they read it with certain unwarranted assumptions.
C Stars
@Gretchen: Exactly–I can only assume that it costs schools more NOT to opt in. I don’t have any studies to back it up, but before CA instituted lunch for every student and I was paying for lunch for my kids, even I noticed the administrative burden to the school: they had to keep track of the ID cards (which had to be scanned in specific ways whether the student was chosing a meal, just a milk, etc.), manage inventory (varying every day depending on which kids opt in), track parent payments, etc. Now their schools just get enough food to feed every student (there’s never any left over, and in fact if kids get in line late for lunch the food selection will be greatly reduced) and all of that administrative stuff is gone. The kids in our city (and maybe all of CA, I’m not sure) also get free breakfast. There’s always leftover breakfast food, usually fruit, muffins, cereal, etc., and teachers use these for snacks throughout the day. I have also noticed them giving bags of leftover fruit or bread items to students to take home.
I feel like there must also be some element of “trickle up” here. Paying for my kids’ lunches was not a huge burden, but it also was not cheap. Having them pack a lunch was not a cheaper option because my kids always seemed to pack way more than they needed–lunch items are expensive, and there was a LOT of waste. The lunch in schools program was not insignificant for us in terms of monthly food budget.
And you can bet that every last one of the Oklahoma Republicans claims to be proudly pro life.
@gratuitous: On the back of my truck I have, “PRO-LIFE MY ASS”. Nobody has refuted it yet.
@JWR: Yeah I saw that – the way that man sailed across the desk – his body didn’t even touch it!
The man has serious anger issues – he turned his 90 days sentence into a years long sentence because he couldn’t contain his temper.
Sure Lurkalot
Food for children, medical care for women, what’s the takeaway from conservative white men?
Alison Rose
If men have nothing else, they have the audacity:
I would greatly enjoy watching Serena send tennis balls right into those dudes’ faces so they could smell their own tiny little brains.
@cain: Here’s the uncensored video, which I’d meant to post. It’s pretty brutal.
@Alison Rose:
I mean, she could double fault.
Alison Rose
@JWR: Men are so emotional.
@Alison Rose:
Oh f**k that sh*t! We are not!!1! Dammit.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I see that the next crop of GOP presidential candidates are hard at work building their “starve the poor children” credentials. A fucking measly $40 a month and these cruel conservative fuckers say “Starve, Kids”. Why do conservatives only love unborn children only to turn on them once they are born? I’m trying to figure out how people can knowingly withhold food from kids and think that it’s something to boast about.
Republicans have completely lost it. They have nothing to offer the people of this nation other than hatred, divisiveness, hunger, death and misery. If it’s horrible then they are offering it in spades. They must be stopped in order to save our country.
I saw the YouTube video. It was crazy. Not sure how seriously injured the judge was, but she was clearly shaken, maybe in shock.
The punches thrown to subdue the defendent were brutal.
Citizen Alan
@Baud: I think I might be able to score a point against her. I mean, the sun could get in her eyes. Or she might sneeze at just the right moment. Something like that.
@Alison Rose: I used to do this with my younger Airmen. The first run they’d want to go out “hard”, thinking they’d simply put a lead on me and coast along. They’d go out hard, breathing all heavy, then turn to look over their shoulder and I’d be right there, smiling, even breathing. About half way through the run, I’d simply start to increase the pace. About 3/4 of way through they were no where to be found, except walking along with their hands on their heads. I loved doing stuff like that.
But a D1 athlete? I’d say, “Please don’t hurt me too much”. If they’re in a D1 program, they can f’ing move. Only a dumb fuck would believe they could beat them. (But we’re repeating ourselves here.)
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Jeeeesusfuckingkeeristonabike, the right wing in this country never finds a bar too low enough to slither under.
When all your positive policies are thinner than one sheet of paper and your negative policies are actually cruel and inhuman, your bar is so low that diarrhea can’t slither under it. But shitheads manage to slither under it and think it’s positive government. But then kickbacks help push them under.
My other take is that many modern day variations of religions are really not about religion in the least but celebrating racism because of course jesus couldn’t have had dark skin – ever imagine what it was like where those religions were devised, where being poor and hunger were the commonalities of all of them, and where many in the congregation were lucky to have a shitty 3rd grade education?
@Brachiator: she wasn’t hurt, but her legal assistant (I can’t remember the proper title) had to go to the hospital to treatment.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Alison Rose:
I read somewhere that they are against the program because the feds are administering it, not them. They are being asked to pay part of the administrative costs and they don’t want to unless they can control the money and where it goes. I think these states have been playing hijinks with fed money in the past and this time the government wants to make sure that the money goes where it’s supposed to.
Follow the Benjamins, as usual…
Nukular Biskits
Someone may have already covered this but it’s more than Oklahoma.
I’m ROYALLY PISSED (but totally not surprised) that MS also refused to participate in this program.
Here’s the list of states who WILL participate:
American Samoa
Cherokee Nation
Chickasaw Nation
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
New Jersey
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
West Virginia
2024 Summer EBT Implementing States, Territories, and Tribes
Now, guess what state is even worse than OK? That’s right! Good ol’ “pro-life”, “pro-family” Mississippi:
Citizen Alan
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
They don’t. None of the red states are taking any steps to provide medical treatment for at risk pregnancies to make it more likely that a child could be born healthy. Because they don’t care about that.
I think it all comes down to one thing, one simple religious principle: Eve ate the apple. And in response, god became angry and cursed all women to bring forth children in pain.
And now, every fundamentalist Christian deep down believes that the main reason for the existence of pregnancy is to torture women for Eve’s sin. Whether the pregnancy results in a healthy and loved child or a severely disabled child who suffers in wretched poverty his whole life or simply a blob of bloody goo that gets flushed down the toilet is completely irrelevant to the goal of torturing women.
@Alison Rose: omg… looooooooooool; watched the video and that’s just hilarious. “Just doing my workout… byeeeee…” I’m glad he brought out his entire family/friend network to witness that. Parents: this is the dumbass you raised. You did everything wrong. We’re sending him back so you can fix this. Friends: find someone better. See that rock over there? That’s a better friend. Go grab the rock. That’s your new friend. Boyfriend? We need to have a serious talk.
@Alison Rose:
What’s the big deal? I’m an old man and I could play tennis against Serena Williams.
That is, I could stand at one end of the tennis court and try not to scream too shrilly while she hurled aces at my sorry ass.
But I would have a good time and be thrilled just to be there.
I’ve brought Jazzy home and for the next two weeks I need to be her minder and keep her from doing too much, and keep Whimsy from being a pest. Her limp is SO pathetic. Remind myself that if I’d lost two toes and had to walk the next day, my limp would be pretty pathetic too.
OT Art update: I scored a barely used set of Faber Castell Albrecht Durer watercolor pencils in an eBay auction at an unbelievable price
@Alison Rose: See, I’d argue I could score a point, simply due to stochastics. In a women’s match, there’s a minimum of 48 points to score in a two set match. So scoring a point means just succeeding, no matter how accidentally on 2% of those. Those are pretty good odds.
I’m a decent player, and I don’t presume I could score a point on merit, but I’ve scored a lot of points in tennis unintentionally. The return of serve that you have no control over but hits the tape and dribbles over. Done. A single point also means she needs to play pretty conservatively, as a single mistake loses, which evens things out a bit – I can play as aggressively as possible but she can’t.
The 400m race is an entirely different thing. There’s one action, and short of a very aggressive pelican attacking her, I’m not winning that ever, no matter what. But tennis both lets your opponent lose independently of your actions, and gives quite a few chances to succeed despite your skills. So put me in that 12%. That’s not a reflection of my skill vs Serena – that’s no contest – but a reflection of the nature of the game. It’s a difficult sport to execute mistake-free. I’m banking on that mistake.
@Alison Rose: No shit. 30+ other governors figured out how the feds were administering the program. Stitt could have asked one of them, except that he’s lying through his teeth.
@Alison Rose: I’ve seen hilarious videos of professional baseball players repeatedly struck out by college fast pitch softball pitchers. Different pitching, but still funny watching pros swinging and missing!
Alison Rose
@JoyceH: Hugs for Jazzy <3
Alison Rose
@EarthWindFire: Plus, like…”oh noes the administration tho” when we’re talking about feeding children is just giving real “we can’t let these poors share the same Titanic lifeboats as the upper classes” energy.
Well shit! No wonder! They’ve gotta be, what, 600 years old?
Harrison Wesley
What a disgrace. My last full-time job before I was exited from the work force was as grant writer for a food bank. This country has overflowing wealth that it squanders in horrible, meaningless ways. To starve anybody; to starve children; there’s nothing I can say.
Just like Jesus would have wanted, because if there was anything he hated it was hungry, moocher kids. To hell with the poors like it says in the good book.
WTF is wrong with these cruel Republicans?
@Avalie: if you know how to get a monetary donation to them, feeding kids is one of my biggest priorities as far as what the government should provide. Kevin Stitt is a shit-human.
Awwww, poor doggie. Scritches to Jazzy.
Even Florida has some standards!
Apparently the venue was told it was going to be a book signing event.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@cain: That video was amazing. That guy’s anger issues will not serve him well in prison, i’m thinking, unless he turns into the biggest dog of all and everyone else is scared if him. Even so, i bet the prison guards DO NOT put up with any shit.
Some day, maybe, the voters of Oklahoma will understand that they’re being abused by their officials and try a different strategy. Mind boggling if this is considered tolerable by the citizens.
@Baud: I found that odd. Also I thought someone claimed that ISIS was defeated.
@Alison Rose: Well then, are the governors equally unclear about how the dreaded “feds” administer Social Security benefits? VA benefits? Christ, what about the “feds!” administering entire army bases in some unknown and dangerous fashion?! Have the cautious and pious governors fulminated against and cast out such dangerous programs from their holy soils?
eta certainly can’t have FEMA polluting their jurisdictions! Make a note!
Hungry Joe
@Martin: If I were to play Serena I’d have a decent chance of winning a point — for several reasons: 1) After she’d won the first 25 or 30 points she’d start getting bored and her mind would wander to stuff like, Where should I go for dinner tonight?, and she mis-hits a shot long or into the net. 2) Every time she serves I guess where it’s going, take off early, and take a wild swing. If I’m right 1/3 of the time I could get lucky once or twice and crack the ball off the frame, sending it with wild spin at an improbable angle to a part of the court far away from her. 3) I do the same with my serve: Charge the net, and the few times she hits it within reach I punch volley as hard as I can to try to put it away.
Add the relatively low probability of these three tactics and I’d say I have maybe a 50-50 chance at winning a single point off her.
IF she’s having an off day.
@Suzanne: “Programs like this would probably be more popular if they were straight-up non-need-based. So subsidize everyone to eat. You know, like all people do.”
I don’t disagree, but I can hear the screams of “gubmit dependency” from 9,000.
@Martin: aww, bless your heart!
Many thanks.
I know very little of India but it is baffling to me how fast the collapse has come. Likewise, England.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@RaflW: I think I read that it’s cheaper just to cover all kids because you avoid administrative costs.
The governor of Iowa also turned down the food money, and threw in a comment about how there was too much childhood obesity, so hey, no food for you!
@Gretchen: If you give an Iowa kid a $40/mo EBT card, s/he won’t go to work at $7.35/hr in some sh*t job. “You’ve gotta motivate these lazy kids” – Ebenezer Reynolds
@Spanky: You are funny. Its FaberCastell’s line of artist grade watercolor pencils
@Subsole: I don’t think all is lost. The situation is precarious but I have hope.
They are pro-life though.
The thing is, they think life should be cruel. And if life can’t be cruel enough on it’s own, then it is their patriotic, Christian obligation to step in and make life cruel. They truly believe this.
They think pain is the wellspring of all strength and that being cruel toughens people up to survive in an inherently cruel world (the fact they have to step in with their cruelty kind of puts a dent in that thesis, so true to form, they ignore it…).
This is all, of course, insane.
ISIL was for the most part, defeated, (there are some small cells still existing) in Iraq. ISIL is still in Afghanistan, Syria (in small cells), Algeria, (in small cells), but has spread across the Sahel in Northern Africa in larger military formations. They are also in Northern Yemen in larger Saudi and UAE backed formations against the Houthi’s.
@Gretchen: One of the under-appreciated things in this whole societal breakdown being engineered by the GOP is that they seem no longer swayable by formerly heavy-hitting lobby groups like farming or the grocers. In the past I think they would have been on this, and quietly persuaded these shitheels to do what’s right, not because they’re good, but because it moves money.
But these lobby groups also don’t seem to be willing to cross the aisle and get their
legal payolapolicy aims met via Dems, so (ツ)╭∩╮.Odie Hugh Manatee
@Citizen Alan:
How true. I tell my wife and daughter the same thing (regarding god’s punishment for women) and that from day one Christian men have been blaming women for the sins that they commit.
Eve tricked a man into doing a bad thing? Really? Adam couldn’t think for himself? What a weak man.
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
@schrodingers_cat: I’m interested.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan):
He can get as big as he wants. Even Achilles has to sleep some time.
@Leto: People often don’t seem to get just how good experts are at the things they do. My brother went to a college whose gym was used as an NBA camp site, with some sessions public. Under those conditions, that 12th player who never gets into a game hardly ever misses.
@David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch: Conservative pastors are so in thrall to the money changers and the gay-bashers that they justify starving children with the ridiculous notion that government programs are not ‘human generosity’ but rather preach against the godless welfare state.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: This is true about many religions not just Christianity.
There’s a lot of that going ’round.
C’mon, be fair. All Adam could think about was sex. I guess that is because “God” made Adam in “His image.” That explains why there is all that sex and violence in the Bible.
Alison Rose
@Martin: Sure, Jan.
@Jackie: In my career as a broadcast audio tech, I primarily worked professional sports.
I had the opportunity to ask a MLB Hall of Fame hitter what it was like to face a fast pitch softball hitter. He was so gracious he sat me down and described his experience. He explained arm angle and velocity and release point and how difficult it was to translate those factors into his skills. He said it took him 3 at bats before he could make solid contact.
It was a privilege listening to someone who loved what he did talk about what he did.
You gotta give the guy a break, it was post divorce from Lillith, so sure, he “jumped on Eve”.
Another Scott
@C Stars:
Back in the Neolithic when I was in grade school, I hated when they had succotash as the vegetable, but put up with it because after everyone was served the lunch ladies would come around with a huge pot of “sweet rice” and give us a huge spoonful of it if we asked. It was just white rice with a bunch of sugar mixed in (not a pudding or similar thing), but it was great! Filling, lots of calories to get us through the rest of the day.
And it helped make up for those who weren’t able to get enough calories at home.
Yeah, school kids will empty a cafeteria of everything edible given half a chance. And when they don’t get enough to eat, it causes big problems…
Indeed, it should be free for everyone and there should be the bare minimum administrative burden.
@Anotherlurker: At 46 feet.
Odie Hugh Manatee
God later got impatient with his experiment in humanity so he knocked up Mary just to see what would happen.
His followers didn’t learn a fucking thing from it.
Marjorie was going to sign copies of “Mein Kampf.” She’s obviously qualified to speak for Hitler.
@TriassicSands: In reality, Adam fucked a former piece of himself, ‘a rib’. Maybe that’s why white men love ‘ribs’ and go crazy when McDonald’s ‘McRibs’ show up, huh? (comedians, here is a bit for ya!)
Alaska’s Republican Governor sets the bar at the lowest point.
Opting out of EBT isn’t the worst of Alaska’s neglect.
“Let them eat
Yes, these people are fuckers. But the bigger story is why is only 1/3 the amount of funding available now than during the pandemic.
My college fellowship used to sing a song with the refrain:
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.
I have too many opportunities these days to sing that refrain sarcastically.
during the early stages of the ongoing pandemic. many people couldn’t work, only “essential workers”, so a lot of people couldn’t earn paycheques, and financial support varied from State to State.
Here in Canada, the Fed’s had a program for affected businesses to get a Federal loan to pay costs and wages while they were closed. As it was a rushed program, there was a lot of grift involved, (a bunch of Canada Revenue Agency employees applied, and are now fired and charged with fraud).
Now, the loans are coming due, but a huge swath of applicants, have not make enough money yet, to pay back the loans.
Apparently their Bibles read somewhat differently from mine. That’s all I can figure.
Tony G
@Citizen Alan: Exactly. The forced-birth fanatics care about fetuses about as much as they care about children after they’ve been born — that is, not at all. The fetus is just a means to torment the woman. Tormenting women is all they care about.
@Suzanne: One of the states pointed out that kids who aren’t poor might get a sandwich for God’s sake, and said this needed looking into because that wouldn’t be fair. Some of the democrats went along with this nonsense*.
I’ve been saying, shouting, we should feed them all.
*Oops. I think it was Iowa, and I misremembered that the Governor is a Republican. I doubt that any democrat went along with this BS.
Tony G
@lowtechcyclist: A lot of their dimwitted “theology” comes from the Old Testament, with that angry God punishing His creations. The New Testament, with that hippy Jesus guy, is given lip service at best.
@Citizen Alan:
I hate to say this but I seem to agree with you.
Everyone but the chosen people must suffer. I think I read that somewhere once upon a time. And the assholes who get to do the deciding of who lives and dies are ignorant fucks who think their shit doesn’t stink.
I believe I used pretty much that exact paragraph here on BJ before…
Still police brutality, of course….
@Baud: I just saw a report saying that at least 200 were dead now, but reporting is a little sketchy.
I don’t know the reason that ISIS would attack Iran, and so far I haven’t seen an explanation.
@Ksmiami: There’s a volunteer program right there in Oklahoma working on feeding these kids. It’s mentioned in the article.
Also, there’s a general program working to feed all the kids in the US called No Kid Hungry. One of LLoyd Bridges’ boys, Beau?, does an advertisement that ran a lot on MSNBC.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: that’s like discussions on the “Christian” parts of Twitter. Women need to dress modestly because men can’t be expected to have self-control. And women need to do all the cooking because an adult man can’t be expected to have a basic survival skill and feed himself.
Viva BrisVegas
@opiejeanne: Isis are Sunni and Iran is essentially Shia. They have been fighting since the Eighth Century over who is the legitimate heir of Mohammed.
No winner in the debate as yet.
Iran backs the Iraqi Government and most of the militia’s in Iraq, which target ISIL cells remaining in Iraq, and leaves the Sunni Minority in Iraq, that for decades ruled the country, a impotent minority.
It’s always the Confederacy. You’d think people would wonder if there was something systematic about that.