The reviews are in! I hope we don’t have to wait long for the release of the most important one.
There are about a thousand people in prison wondering why Trump didn’t just hang Mike Pence himself and claim Presidential immunity.
— Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) January 9, 2024
They just destroyed their own case for absolute immunity 5 minutes into their argument.
It’s not going well.
— Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) January 9, 2024
Following the truth, is why you have four criminal indictments and 91 felony charges.
— Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) January 9, 2024
Trump’s lawyer said Nixon’s conduct, for which he was pardoned, was “private” conduct and thus not subject to presidential immunity. But that concedes the ballgame: Nixon was engaged in illegal campaign activity, which is precisely what is alleged in the Trump J6 indictment.
— Andrew Weissmann (weissmann11 on Threads)🌻 (@AWeissmann_) January 9, 2024
4/ Judge Pan’s devastating hypothetical shows Trump legal position is utterly unsustainable:
“You’re saying a president…could order Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival” and could not be prosecuted, if he hadn’t been impeached and convicted by Senate for those acts.
— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) January 9, 2024
“Two thumbs up!”
– The American People
Can they come up with an opinion that all 3 will sign on to? Ima say yes.
Today was ‘wild.’
Mike in NC
It appears that this country has an inexhaustible supply of unethical scumbag lawyers willing to degrade themselves in service to Orange Hitler.
Henderson is pretty conservative.
I like Weissmann’s point. Couldn’t be more clear.
I hope you are right. And I hope the opinion is so clearly and precisely written that SCOTUS can easily say, “Nope!” to hearing an appeal. (After the full appellate panel also says, “Nope!” to a full panel review).
I still want to know why Dark Brandon didn’t jump on this BS argument IMMEDIATELY and have Seal Team Six show up outside the courtroom, looking impatient as all hell.
@Jeffro: “You about done here?”
@Baud: I would think a conservative justice would have a problem with a President who wants to be able to order an assassination of a political adversary using Seal Team Six to do the deed.
And with total immunity!
@Jeffro: You know, I can almost imagine him actually doing that.
Had the stream on before I drifted into a long nap; sounded like the first TFG lawyer had been sticken with glossolalia.
@WaterGirl: Just as the Framers intended!
coin operated
@Jeffro: No…I want ST6 sitting on the steps of the Supreme Court. They’re playing politics…they’re now ‘political opponents’ and can be put on the target priority list.
Since this is also an open thread, I just want you all to know that
LOL. Wow.
I do know she’s ruled against him at least once.
@trollhattan: “immunity, you say?”
@Scout211: My brain just broke.
Being John
MalcovtchMcCain–The MusicalC Stars
Holy shit, they found someone as painful to listen to as Trump himself.
Big can of worms.
Cue Gilbert and Sullivan, I’ve got a little list…
Prediction: The musical number Maverick will win both a Tony and a Grammy
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
She’s such a dummy.
This musical is Great News for McCain!
@Scout211: That is LOL funny!
@Scout211: That sounds like it will either be terrible or outstanding in the Idiocracy vein. I’d watch to find out.
The over-wrought sense of entitlement is strong with this one.
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
show stopping number of McCain the Musical:
Don’t cry for me, Village Media
The truth is, I never left you
All through my wild days, my mad existence
I kept my promise
Don’t keep your distance
It’s a shame Stubby Kaye is no longer with us, he would been a perfect Paulie Walnuts
This more properly belongs on the previous thread. Jeffro brought up a FTF NY Times Editorial Board op ed from January 6. Entitled “A Warning About Donald Trump and 2024.” Interestingly, the word “Biden” never comes up. (Gift link.)
And: we are not the only jackals out there. Second most liked reader comment, with 3,561 likes as of 5:23 pm on this stormy day.
Know thy fucking selves, NY Times.
Editorial ends:
Of course, they don’t so much as mention “Biden.” So. Go to it, America!
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Mike in NC:
Fixed it for you.
Yeah, but which kind? Unlike pretty much every other arena (elected officials, the media) there are still judges who are conservative about the law (not friendly to radical interpretations) rather than partisan conservatives.
@Elizabelle: When the time comes to make an endorsement, the pain of FTFNYT editors will be palpable when they reluctantly whisper the word “Biden.”
@C Stars: Yeah, his voice is very hard to listen to. Beyond that, he’s a fast-talking sleaze-ball. 0 for 3 in my book!
@Elizabelle: thanks for the note! I was shocked that they didn’t note themselves how shocking it was.
“We have decided to weigh in before the candidates of both major parties have been selected, and GOP, you cannot choose trumpov.”
(knowing they did it to try, however faintly, to put their thumb on the scale for DeSantis or Haley in the primaries doesn’t change the fact that it’s extraordinary.)
(and they should acknowledge that, too!)
OT: Ustad Rashid Khan passed away today. He was 56.
He was perhaps the greatest living exponent of Hindustani classical music of his generation. This is him from
Imtiaz Ali’s Jab (When) We Met. I have shared this before.
Aaoge Jab tum o sajana aangana phool khilenge (When you come, flowers bloom in the yard..)
It was Schlamazel (sp?)’s favorite..
Some wants Elon’s crown as biggest rich douchebag.
@smith: I had to shorten it a bit to fit as a rotating tag:
When the time comes to make an endorsement, the pain of NYT editors will be palpable as they reluctantly whisper “Biden.”
@Anoniminous: Well, I can see the family saying that they aren’t part of the production, etc., just because they might be receiving questions about it. Meghan McCain obviously has a rather proprietary view towards her father’s legacy that definitely crosses the line of silliness.
@Jeffro: @coin operated: mentioned elsewhere that I would not be at all surprised if the same thought has crossed the mind of every judge involved with this case. There can’t be any doubt that TIFG would target judges who disagreed with him same as he would opposition politicians.
@WaterGirl: I am honored.
@Baud: @Redshift: yeah, which I figure means Childs and Pan would have to leave a bunch of things out they’d rather have in. But I still think a solid 3-0 — not some split concurrence or some other opportunity for the mouthpieces to yammer about “Democrat judges” — would be by far the best. Might even stiffen the spines of other DCA judges and Supremes who don’t wanna hear the inevitable appeal. (This in part is why I like the idea of saying they don’t have to decide the jurisdiction issue now cuz this appeal goes nowhere either way.)
comrade scotts agenda of rage
It’s too bad Obama didn’t know about this legal theory of presidential immunity.
If he had, maybe he would have put people in those FEMA Reedumacation Camps as we were promised.
Would have probably prevented 6 Jan from ever happening. Thanks Obama!
Harrison Wesley
@Anoniminous: Hmm. She’s married to a dude who is the only person (AFAIK) to plagiarize from the opus of Jonah Goldberg.
Oh goddamn Maggie Haberman, scum stenographer to the uberscum.
Her tweets are protected so cannot be viewed with — but are visible quoted on FTFNYT live page today:
So in copying Trump’s lies, that vampire can’t find the “l” and “e” on her keyboard to change he said to he lied
She should be hogtied and thrown into a hawthorn bush.
@Jeffro: lol
Today was a particularly annoying day at work, but it was a walk in the park compared to day Trump’s lawyers had.
One of the most satisfying things about watching TFG facing all the legal freight trains bearing down on him is how often they are driven by women or POC or both.
Keith P.
@trollhattan: Meghan McCain can only dream of being stuck in a portal where everyone is her father, and all anyone can say is “McCain!”
@smith: delicioso! Thanks for sharing that.
@Scout211: I interpreted this as Lindsey being TIFG’s brain and inhaled my coffee down the wrong tube…
Will Trump appeal on the grounds that he couldn’t get a fair hearing from three women?
Odie Hugh Manatee
One point about this stupid argument that PAB’s lawyer is making…
if the court agrees with his lawyer and rules that the crook is immune, if the Orange Asshole wins he would then kill his opponents with impunity given the immunity that the court has granted him.
He would do it, without a doubt.
DCA judges? National Airport has its own set of judges?? ;-)
@Jeffro: Fuckin’ A, would that scare the shit out of that shit-weasel, or WHAT?
@lowtechcyclist: It’s the (Saint) Ronald Reagan National Airport judges and don’t you forget it!
@coin operated:
That would be one way to open up a few SCOTUS vacancies! No need to fight for 15 after that! :-D
@Harrison Wesley: Who’d marry anybody THAT low? Plagiarizing the doughy pantload.
@Jeffro: @prostratedragon: @coin operated: Lol occurs to me it’s a hilarious opportunity for some cosplay activists. Some young guys, couple days unshaven, in fatigues and light boots, NO weapons, add a few fake patches with something suggestive like “S6,” and just hang around TIFG appearances. “Who’re you and what are you doing here?” “Oh just hanging around, keeping an eye on the candidate. Guy asked us to.” “Who asked you to?” “A guy.” “Well get outta here.” “Naw, can’t do that.” Maybe toss in a “not at liberty to say.” Then plant a story with some local media.
@WaterGirl: I worry about about way- right-wing Seal Team members. Get a National Park Service bear removal team to do the job.
@smith: Poor Trump. It wasn’t fair. Three women, and only one of them white.
like a metaphor
@schrodingers_cat: That is so beautiful. Thank you.
And we didn’t…until trump came along and crimed.
And we won’t…once trump is prosecuted and put behind bars as an object lesson.
I have fun with my RWNJ brother and RWNJ-adjacent mom when they call it “Reagan” Airport instead of “National” Airport but also call the Washington Commanders “the Redskins”.
Are we going with the new names, or the old ones? Let’s have some consistency, people!!
(leaving them to figure out that the only ‘consistency’ is the names that make them feel better as white people)
@bbleh: it would be ballsy, but Dark Brandon really ought to make it REAL for everyone, trump most especially.
“So you’re saying presidents are immune, have immunity, can do whatever they want whenever they want, eh there Donnie?”
(licks ice cream cone)
“Are you sure? Really, reeeally sure?”
Which is why we should not vote for a Republican president for at least a decade more!
Which is why we should not vote for a Republican president for at least a decade more!
I’d be overjoyed if we didn’t have to vote every four years for POTUS except for the way the GOP seems to have a bottomless pit of ever worser candidates to draw from.
@Jeffro: “Are you sure? Really, reeeally sure?”
[leans backwards to one side, puts hand in front of mouth, says something to guy behind him wearing dark suit and sunglasses, who nods and steps away]
And that one had taste. Also class. Therefore no interest whatsoever in him.
So painful to be reminded of his lifelong position as a wannabe.
Another Scott
@wjca: ICYMI, I may have found the Hoppe columns you were looking for downstairs.
@Another Scott:
Thank you, sir!
Couldn’t get them there from Coronado on such short notice.
Paul in KY
@Anoniminous: I think that means she did not get any moolah for OKing the play.
Paul in KY
@bbleh: Certainly SNL can have a field day with this.