Our last zoom with VAAC (Voting Access for All) – two years ago – was quite possibly the most meaningful zoom we have had with any of the groups we support with fundraising.
Come join us for the zoom with them next week! This is a very special group of people, come meet them.
Wednesday, May 15
7:30 pm
RSVP to WaterGirl via email. Zoom links will sent out next week but please RSVP now if you think you can make it.
For more information about Voting Access for All (VAAC) check out the post from last week.
We have a brand-new BJ Angel to get us started on meeting this match, so the initial donations will be double-matched, so donations up to $50 per person will be 4x the donation amount. (Match eligibility resets with each new angel match.)
To be matched: tell us about your donation in the comments, or send email to WaterGirl.
Out-raise them. Out-organize them. Out-strategize them. Out vote them.
Open thread.
Remind us: what is VA AC??
@Elizabelle: Refresh the page – I spelled out their name (Voting Access for All) and added the link to the post last week.
That should answer all your questions.
Steve in the ATL
It doesn’t address “why do bad things happen to good people?”
Old School
I still have a question: Why do people donate cents?
Gin & Tonic
@Steve in the ATL:
It also doesn’t address “Why does the porridgebird lay its egg in the air?”
@Steve in the ATL:
Hey, I posed a question to you in an earlier thread today.
Shorter version of the question: Do you think Jack Smith has anything to gain or lose by filing something with the 11th circuit?
I know about if you come at the king you best not miss, but if he does nothing, the case is likely DOA until after the election. So it it worth taking a chance?
@Gin & Tonic: @Steve in the ATL:
Not to mention the age-old question:
Tides come in, tides go out, no one knows how it happens. :-)
@Old School: There are people who are bothered by amounts that are not even dollars, so I think it may be an attempt to tempt someone into donating.
And sometimes it even works. :-)
@WaterGirl: Pure lunacy.
@🐾BillinGlendaleCA: Lunacy is why the tides come in and the tides go out?
Another Scott
@Elizabelle: @WaterGirl:
https://votingaccessforall.org/ is their home page.
HTH a little.
@Steve in the ATL:
Because there are no good people.
Does not address: if the raphe nuclei innervate the pyramidal cells in the dentate gyrus to what extent does that make cortical brain structures part of midbrain tectum-gigantocellularis complex?
@WaterGirl: The Moon is a bit crazy.
@Gin & Tonic:
You have violated Robot’s Rules of Order, and will be asked to leave the Future immediately. Thank you.
Steve in the ATL
@WaterGirl: he’s going to have to at some point. I expect he’s waiting for the right moment, when he has all the ammunition he needs so he will almost certainly get a favorable ruling. I don’t think he has to do it right now—even if he did, the trial won’t happen any time soon—so he will wait until the 11th circuit can’t rule against him. She can’t stop making mistakes.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: He’s right. It’s lunacy!
He’s not a lunatic!!
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: ah yes—something we learned in law school by looking at our classmates!
@Another Scott:
Oh, I love entomological humor.
Steve in the ATL
@🐾BillinGlendaleCA: you doing ok? Haven’t seen you around much lately.
MEANwhile, Marge demands attention
And of course:
Greene Motion To Vacate
Will Energize Republicans
Why Biden’s Team Should Worry
A Times Panel Discussion
@Steve in the ATL: Been busy*, so I’ve basically become a lurker.
*Work, building my new astro rig a piece at a time and I’ve been sick the past two weeks(right now it is just sinus congestion).
@Steve in the ATL: Bad things happen to bad people but we don’t stop to notice — like a fast lane/slow lane comparison.
I am the kind of person who has to bite my tongue when people ask this question. I was in a Bible study where one of the other people got upset about why such a good person like her mother had to die of breast cancer. It was all I could do not to say that it was remarkable that she hadn’t yet noticed that everyone — good or bad — dies of something. That would not have been appropriate.
These questions come from a place of pain, not stupidity.
@bbleh: Energize them to fly home on any available weekend.
Congratulations on becoming a productive member of society.
@Barbara: or perhaps engage in violent cannibalistic internecine war? Just askin’…
@bbleh: Cage Match!!!!!
Got my promotion details from my boss today, so while I won’t see my raise in my paycheck for a few more weeks (2% merit increase + 5% for the promotion), I’ll toss in $50 to celebrate and support my Midwestern partner state. Here’s hoping Wisconsin can follow in their steps by making progressive positive changes!
Another Scott
TheHill – Motion Failed:
[ womp, womp ]
Comment obsolete due to Congressional Vote.
(darn it. it was a nice comment. humorous and witty, giving deep insights into the nature of American politics and society)
@Another Scott: VOTER FRAUD!!!
Doc Sardonic
In the game of life none of us are the ‘72 Dolphins
This American Life did a great episode about the Michigan GOP clusterf*^& back in December that’s worth a listen.
Another Scott
@Anoniminous: Your comment might still be appropriate!
https://nitter.poast.org/fritschner (19 minutes ago)
(No direct link to the Tweet to avoid seeing Twitter comment spam)
Dems Vote With Republicans
To Save Johnson’s Speakership
is Biden Losing Control?
A Times Panel Discussion
… ok ok I’ll stop
@Steve in the ATL:
So far, she seems to know exactly how far she can go without leaving him anything he can take to the 11th circuit. That’s why I believe she is being coached.
So I’m not sure that day will ever come, where she steps on the one or goes over it. It’s maddening.
@Mousebumples: I was too late to congratulate you last night, but the promotion is awesome.
Having a boss who fights for you is awesome enough, but one who fights for you and wins? Priceless! (as they say)
thanks for the donation!
@Another Scott: I loathe Mike Johnson and I think he is a huge enemy of democracy. So I can’t celebrate keeping the worst thing that has ever been Leader of the House.
So while I know it was the right thing to do, Mike Johnson is a very dangerous man.
@WaterGirl: she is CERTAINLY being coached. Her experience is both evidently and by all accounts far too narrow and shallow for even a case like this without the political implications.
What I increasingly suspect is that, in the best Trumpian fashion, she is being used by actors who care nothing at all about her, know better than she does the damage this is doing to her reputation and career, and consider her utterly disposable in the end.
@WaterGirl: I trust Jeffries to know what he’s doing. This weakens Johnson — he can’t survive without Democrats — puts him in their debt, and further divides Republicans. It’s not just right as a policy; it’s good politics.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: Democrats have him in check in the House.
Yeah, he’s a bad dude on many levels.
But the House needs a Speaker to get anything done (like the FAA Reauthorization that expires on Friday).
Politics is slow. Politics is messy.
Thanks for all you do.
Hang in there.
@Another Scott:
If I hadn’t deleted it you’d know the comment was about a naked mud wresting match between MTG and Johnson. On streaming Pay-Per-View. But I did delete it so now you’ll never know.
@Another Scott: Yeah, I know. Like I said:
He scares the hell out of me.
@Mousebumples: woohoo! 🎉 Congratulations!
Uncle Cosmo
Just now chipped in $50 via ActBlue. Matchez-moi s.v.p.!
@Uncle Cosmo: thank you!
Donated $50.
I just added another $50 for VAAC.
In for $50.
In for another $25 just now.
Thanks to one and all involved!
I just gave $50.
Another Scott
Go Blue!!!
Mr. Bemused Senior
I’m in and as usual happy to be on the Zoom [@WaterGirl: I’ll send you email]
Just donated $50.
Chipped in $10.
BTW WaterGirl: in the thread that introduced the VAAC campaign (3-4 days ago), a few donations showed up in the comments way after (like, 2-3 days) the final update from you about the angel match.
Julietta Fautt
Julietta Fautt
Emily B.
Donated $25.