only a bold and visionary business genius like elon musk could every come up with such an original and audacious plan as pivoting to video
— Jamison Foser (@jamisonfoser) January 9, 2024
NEW: Elon Musk’s X claims it’s now a ‘video-first platform’ as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value
— Kylie Robison (@kyliebytes) January 9, 2024
It was irresistible!… Long years after everyone else has grown tired of the meme, Fortune informs us that “Elon Musk’s X claims it’s now a ‘video-first platform’ as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value”:
Elon Musk’s X, long known as a service for posting short text-based messages about anything and everything, claims it’s “now a video-first platform.”
The assertion, made by the company today in a blog post that was aimed at advertisers, follows an exodus of marketers from the platform including Disney, IBM, and Apple after Musk’s assertion that an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory was the “absolute truth.” That implosion plus other missteps have caused the value of the business to plummet from its $44 billion sales price last year by more than 70% according to Fidelity, one of X’s investors.
As proof of its video transformation, X touted a new video feature that is much like TikTok’s full-screen infinite scroll, and that has over 100 million daily users—”more than half of whom are Gen Z, the fastest growing audience on X,” the blog post claimed. It also mentioned letting users publish longer-form videos, crowing that “In December alone, people watched 130 years’ worth of videos 30 minutes or longer.”
However, X’s blog post was short on specifics. For example, its claims of a large Gen Z audience came without any metrics to back it up.
A source at X, who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, was skeptical about the blog post’s assertion of a video-focused transformation. “I think it’s way too early to declare us a video-first platform,” the source said…
indeed it is one of the best sites around for watching the entirety of john wick 4 or barbie for several weeks until someone finally gets round to taking them down
— flglmn (@flglmn) January 9, 2024
As long as this is the most-watched video on the site, I’m good with it
— Dan Kenny (@partial_lyrics) January 9, 2024
J. Arthur Crank
Jesus, I don’t even know where to begin with that “video only” argument for Twitter. This is different from UTube in what way? Christ, what an asshole!
Poe Larity
I hear Twitch may be for sale. Perhaps that, a merger with OnlyFans and Specs delivery and we’d have the SuperX app of vices?
Said it before, say it now: X spots the mark.
Christ, what an asshole.
See, the problem is that Nazis aren’t a good advertising demographic, no matter what format the content is in.
Well, I’m sure convinced that this is the company I want to entrust with all my banking and financial transactions.
Per Chester A. Riley, “What a revoltin’ development.”
Since one of the tags is “assholes”, here we go: It Never Ends With the Freedom Caucus: Mike Johnson Ouster Countdown Begins Republicans are privately—and publicly—considering dumping their own House speaker over the spending deal.
This from a party when asked recently, what can you tell the American public you’ve done/accomplished, the answer came back: not a damn thing. On the one hand I want to laugh at the utter dysfunction within their party, but on the other it’s crippling us to no end. Also Chip Roy’s head looks like 20lbs of lard shoved in a 2lb casing.
Sister Golden Bear
Stop trying to make
fetchvideo happen, Elon, it’s not going to happen.Brachiator
It may not matter. Over the holidays I was seeing people finally saying goodbye to Twitter because they were tired of the bigotry and harassment, all the crap which Musk endorses and enables.
And one August 2023 study revealed the following.
Younger people don’t use Twitter and are unlikely to migrate to the platform when they get older.
Obviously Twitter still has value for many people, but Musk values the aspect of his platform that drives people away. This can’t work.
Gee, Guess What Twitter Just Did to Accounts Critical of Elon Musk?
Just some more good ole banning of anyone even slightly critical of Muskrat. Apparently they undid the bans some time later, but those accounts then had a lot less followers. But sure, video! Gold, Jerry!
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard only wishes he could have foriegn-born Apartied Clyde as his running mate.
Roberto el oso
When one of my cats doesn’t stick the landing and recovers by starting to bathe and by giving me one of those “I meant to do that” looks, it’s adorable and cute. But this level of desperation is gobsmacking.
West of the Rockies
If you don’t know who at the table is the mark…
And they’ve signed up Tullsi Gabbard, Don Lemon and Jim Fucking Rome, of all people, to be the headliners.
@Leto: The GOP is down to a 2 vote majority. If they do this, they probably aren’t getting another speaker.
The Three Peeyooges
@HumboldtBlue: Yes, because Tucker Carlsons show on the platform did so well.
I wouldn’t put it past Elon to post shit using their account.
And another R is exiting on January 21st.
So they are going to do it aren’t they ?
Bet all those GOP donors are going to be pretty pissed off.
McCarthy may lose his distinction as the only Speaker ever voted out of office. Oh, well.
I do wonder if they will have the wit, this time, to figure out who they will replace him with. Before they boot the current Speaker. Nah, probably requires more brains than they have available. So, another few weeks of failed votes for Speaker. With the added spice of a government shurdown.
Every time they do this, it ups the odds that a couple of swing district Republican congressmen will throw up their hands and contrive to get Jeffries elected Speaker. Which, if the Chair gets vacated again, might require no more from them than finding reason to be out of town for a couple days.
EDT Martin git there first.
For those who may not be familiar with the phrase:
Muskrat is “innovating” by copying a phony Facebook strategy from eight years ago. (I know it well, because I happened to be at one of the companies that ended up on the short end of FB’s lies about how everyone would make money if we produced more video content they could feature.)
@NotMax: so very sad.
@NotMax: That one takes them down to 2 votes.
@wjca: they won’t do it. They will leave instead.
To vote Democratic would invite death threats. I think it is very unsafe to be a non MAGA GOP.
No One of Consequence
This has been bothering since I thought something horribly awry with the Trump lawyer today, aside from his arguments, was his audio feed. HOLY CRAP!
Then I recalled what it was I equated in my mind immediately upon hearing the first utterance:
Go do a lookup on that from Return of the Jedi. The scene where C3PO and R2D2 are being inducted into Jabba’s workforce, the droid that sets that up has some small dialogue and a voice that almost exactly matches that lawyer today.
or is it just me?
@cain: They might. I mean, it only takes one to start the process, and it only takes 2 to give Dems enough votes to remove him. Johnson so far has done a good job keeping his caucus together, but man, I wouldn’t put money on him being able to keep that up for another year.
still ahead of Liz Truss in longevity, the head of lettuce is still in the running.
Getting David Sacks involved is really paying off!
My guess as well.
I wonder if Jeffries et al. are helping them come up with plausible reasons for having to be away…. (Just as an intellectual exercise, of course.)
To be fair, I’ve been on Xitter more often the last couple of years to watch the Russian Turret Toss trials.
they are on Nitter,
you tube and a bunch of other not Apartheid Clyde’s platform.
It seems that the record is 250 feet.
There is no universe in which the Republicans will contrive to get Jeffries elected Speaker.
And five minutes after he is sworn in as Speaker by such a method a motion to vacate the chair will be called.
@NotMax: I wasn’t able to stick around the other night but I did go back and read where you queried if Murkowski might have some redeeming qualities and I want to assure you she does not.
You would know better than I.
In the 70s, at a time when I was back on my heels and scuttling around NY for gainful employ I was offered a job as a dishwasher on the North Slope while the pipeline was under construction. Closest i ever got to the 49th state. Couldn’t justify to myself to undertake such a drastic move.
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
X is now a floor wax and a desert topping
@David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
What does one top a desert with? Agave honey? Crude oil?
@NotMax: To clarify, Murkowski has a ‘reputation’ of being a moderate but any close review of her actual voting record, (which differs greatly from her carefully curated ‘reputation’) will show that she’s anything but a moderate.
Murkowski, (Alaska’s most prominent nepo baby), sat at Trump’s right hand and went along to confirm all of Trump’s fraudulent, incompetent and criminal appointees.
She is known for casting an oppositional vote once in a blue moon, but none of those votes were ever consequential, the fix was already in and she was given cover to boost her ‘reputation’. Not once has one of her ‘show’ votes ever stopped her Republican Party ambitions.
Chetan Murthy
@AlaskaReader: like Susan Collins
New router purchased (ka-ching) after existing one got partially frazzled by power blink Monday. Computer guru arriving at 9 in the morning to do professional set-up. Have to move furniture to run the new power cord and unplug the old one, probably around 8:30. Not looking forward to hefting what’s necessary to do so.
Selection at Office Max was pathetic (went with an Asus). Would have checked out Costco but their routers are much too high end for my needs in this tiny cottage. Only advice from guru was to steer clear of Netgear and D-link. Really nowhere else on this island to shop for one.
@Chetan Murthy
The Klingon empire is envious of Collins’ assortment of furrowed brow appliques.
@Chetan Murthy: I’d say worse.
At the least, I believe Collins voted against Barrett.
Chetan Murthy
@AlaskaReader: both Collins and Murkowski only do it when McConnell gives them a golden ticket. They’re good soldiers.
@Chetan Murthy: ….to a point.
Collins bucked McConnell by voting for witnesses in the first Trump impeachment, Murkowski worked with McConnell to to be the key player to spike the effort to allow more witnesses.
Not a fan of Collins, just drawing the distinctions that are there.
@Chetan Murthy
Gratified to see B-J After Dark is alive and healthy.
@David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch: And vaporware. Oh, sorry; xaporware.
Murkowski very publicly promised her constituents she would not vote to confirm Barrett
Next day, she did vote to confirm Barrett.
Vote goes nay, vote goes yea. No one can explain it.
@Leto: I have been banned and reinstated about 10 times last year and once this year. Since they never tell you what you’re banned for, I just say I’ve done nothing wrong, and they reinstated me, every time.
@NotMax: No mystery. Pay no attention to what she says, look instead to what action she has taken.
Mai Naem mobile
@Leto: White Chocolate Chip Nutjob Roy is one of those people who’s always criticizing but never wants to run for Speaker himself. Ofcourse he’s a protégé of Rafael ‘Cancun’ Cruz.
Mai Naem mobile
@matt: David Sacks is such a huge Elmo suck up. Honestly it’s embarrassing. I understand some two bit nobody sucking up to Elmo trying to get his attention but David Sacks is supposed to be wealthy enough now not to need to do this.
@wjca: “I do wonder if they will have the wit, this time, to figure out who they will replace him with. Before they boot the current Speaker. Nah, probably requires more brains than they have available. So, another few weeks of failed votes for Speaker. With the added spice of a government shurdown.”
When 1% of a group has a veto, *and* the group is based on chaos and evil,…
@NotMax: Clean energy news, on an Island near you! From Canary Media:
The coal plant shut down September 1, 2022. The installation of 158 Tesla Megapak batteries can provide 185 megawatts of electricity to the grid, performing:
The last three functions distinguish Plus Power’s project from simpler battery installations, and are explained fairly well in the article.
@Mai Naem mobile: Like Cruz, Chip Roy came to Texas from out of state. The way Roy talks, you’d think he grew up roping calves down on the Brazos, but he was born in Bethesda, Maryland and attended high school in Northern Virginia.
Reminds me of Bush on his ranch.
@Geminid: Canary Media seems to be a good general source for clean energy news. There are a lot more, including sites reporting on particular sectors. I usually look up “clean energy news” every couple days and track down articles that way. There are a lot to see.
Reminds me of Senator Foghorn Leghorn of LA.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Musk is just lost. One reason twitter was popular (ie produced eyeballs for ads) was that, for better or worse, it was easy to use. You had a thought. You blurted it out there. Video raises the effort needed to post.
But you knew that. Everybody does. So why doesn’t Musk?
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I hate the videos on Instagram and FB but I confess I do get sucked in. That being said, I can spot an ad within a second and I scroll on past. Not convinced they’re as effective as text, at least with me. But in general I find the videoification of the whole internet is making it less fun. Elmo is following, not innovating, when he tries to put Twitter on that bandwagon.
@wjca: They have a 2-vote majority. Johnson is not going to oust himself, so they’re already down to 1 vote. That means every single Republican but one has to agree on a replacement. That is never going to happen.
Rumble is the Right wing channel Glenn Greenwald uses and promotes. I wonder if Rumble’s troubles with (allegedly) fraudulently inflating metrics inspired Musk to focus on video as an alternative host for Right wingers:
The Thin Black Duke
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Musk has never been an ordinary person, so of course the spoiled rich brat would have no idea what ordinary people want or need. You can see this play out with the ridiculous additions he’s requiring for the Cybertruck. I mean, no side mirrors ? Who asked for this?
Gin & Tonic
Welp, 4.7″ of rain overnight, on top of the snow, after a foot of rain in December, means today will be spent drying the basement, again.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Princess: I confess to watching TikTok book post, especially the ones from libraries and bookstores. The Fowlerville library posts these videos where two women read one star reviews of a popular book without naming it, and viewers try to guess the book.
@The Thin Black Duke: No side mirrors? Is that even legal?
Politico reports that Wyoming Senator John Barrasso endorsed Trump for President last night, on The Hannity Show. He became the 20th (out of 49) Republican Senator to back the Orange Churl.
Barrasso is the Republican Conference Chair, and is the second of his Caucus’s elected leadership team to endorse Trump. The first was Campaign Committee Chair Steve Daines, who endorsed last year. Daines may have wanted to mitigate conflicts with Trump over candidates and fundraising.
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Whip John Thune, Conference Vice Chair Shelly Moore Capito, and Policy Committee Chair Jodi Ernst have stayed on the fence so for. So has former Whip John Cornyn.
If it’s right wing, it’s a grift.
He doesn’t want to be Cheneyed.
Maybe the ability to easily fraudulently inflate metrics is what attracted Musk.
@Gin & Tonic: I can’t help but wonder if the grade at your foundation is sufficiently pitched so as to shed water. You most likely have checked this already; I just mention it because a common cause of wet basements is backfill that has settled over time.
He could have done that without destroying Twitter. It might even have worked.
I like the 24/7 Trump blitz by media. It’s depressing and he’s annoying to listen to -that awful honking NY accent and his limited vocabulary- but ultimately good for our side. The more exposure Trump gets the less people like him. They needed a reminder of how horrible it is when he’s in the news 24/7 because they have the attention span of gnats. We’ll see his polling drop shortly.
@Kay: This is true, I think. Trump has been a near-constant presence on this forum, but he’s been out of most people’s lives for three years. They won’t need to learn about his court cases and “Plan 2025” to know they don’t want four more years of his chaos and bullshit. It will be a gut reaction as strong as an intellectual one.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Jay: This conspiracy theory
One wonder wonders what kind of crapsack world these people’s minds are that they see being able to walk to buy groceries as a dire threat.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Frankly, I wouldn’t be to surprised if what they really want is the Dems back in control of the House so they can do nothing all day while fund raising off absurd promises what they will do once the GoP is back in power.
Gin & Tonic
@Geminid: We are in a fairly poor drainage area and have a high groundwater level. Generally over 4” in 24 hours brings some infiltration. But major engineering/construction is not in the cards. We have maybe 10 years left in this house. In the meantime, everything is either on shelves or in plastic bins, so I let the water flow.
@Gin & Tonic: That’s a tough situation. I just mentioned the possibility of backfill settling because it happens a lot and is usually cheap and easy to fix.
I think the chaos congresscritters are doing it because of TIFG’s comment the other day about wanting the economy to tank. they are taking his ‘orders’ seriously. nothing will chill the stockmarket like the threat of a government shut down and/or defaulting on the debt.
Musk had this idea in 1996-7. This is what he wanted PayPal to be. Yes, he literally is recycling his idea (which never went anywhere originally) from nearly 30 years ago.
All it takes, at this point, is a couple having reelection campaign appearances scheduled at a fortuitous time. They don’t even have to be consciously contriving. (Although it wouldn’t amaze me if there are one or two who would. There’s a fairly wide variation in the degree of fanaticism.)
That stupid “only takes one member to force a vote to vacate the Chair” rule was a gift/bribe from McCarthy to the crazies. Jeffries is under no obligation to continue it.