I apologize for the delay in responding. I did a search on Balloon Juice shortly after he died, didn’t find any recent comments, and thought he’d been inactive while he was sick. I really didn’t want to go through his email, but today, when I had to check on some business issues, I saw this.
He talked about you guys a lot through the years, and you were important to him.
I told him that J.R. was important to us, too. I love that J.R.’s two dogs made it into the obituary, even if they weren’t listed by name. I hope the dogs are a comfort to his wife.
Rest in peace, J.R. You are missed.
From J.R.’s obituary.
JOHN RANDOLPH “J.R.” HODEL, 72, of Yawkey, W.Va., passed away Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at home.
J.R. received a Bachelor of Science degree from Marshall University and retired from the Department of Environmental Protection.
He was preceded in death by his parents Emile and Nancy Henrichs Hodel.
J.R. is survived by his wife of 51 years, Martha; brother Alan E. Hodel of Sun City, Texas; and his 2 WV Black Dogs.
There are no services scheduled at this time.
Condolences may be expressed to the family by visiting www.curryfuneralhome.org. Curry Funeral Home, 2097 Childress Road, Alum Creek, WV.
J.R., I hope you’re hanging out with efgoldman, Schlemazel, and all of the beloved friends we have lost.
Here us a link to posts where J R’s photos and stores were featured as part of On the Road or the Furry Friends series.
RIP, JR! Miss your comments and insights.
Ohio Mom
Oh no! I am crushed. I remember J.R. was undergoing chemo but i forget all the other details, not that they matter.
RIP. JR was a good man with a good heart.
Tony Jay
Well damn. He was a great guy.
Rest easy, fella.
I sent the link to the post to J.R.’s neighbor who wrote to me. I don’t know if he will show up, but his name is Terry, and I so appreciate that he took the time to write.
Thor Heyerdahl
RIP JR. Deepest condolences to your family and friends.
I have now written to Amir for the 5th time. It’s been 4 months.
OMG that sad news. He used to leave long thoughtful comments on my blog. And I remember having many discussions with him over here as well. May he RIP.
😭 He was already missed by this community. Caring thoughts and hugs to his family and puppers.
Fuck Cancer
C Stars
Aw man. JR was so kind and had a unique, optimistic view of things. I’m sad to hear this. I hope his family knows how much he will be missed here.
Oh no. 😢
Such sad news.
Oh no! 😪😪 RIP JR in WV. Damn cancer! I didn’t realize it had been that long since he posted here.
What @Jackie:
And thank you kind neighbor, and thanks WG! Sad news. Hope it felt like the “right” time in his battle.
So sad. I will miss his point of view here. RIP
citizen dave
I always liked reading J.R.’s comment here. As a long time state worker in another nearby state, I could relate to his references to that life. Truly rest in peace sir.
This is sad news. He was a good guy who always had interesting insights. Thank you Watergirl for mentioning some of our other fellow jackals who have left us. I was just thinking of General Stuck the other day.
So very sorry to learn of this. Goodbye, JR. We’ll pour one out for you tonight.
ETA: Many thanks to neighbor Terry for letting us know.
He always seemed so brave, in the face of much to be brave about. R.I.P., and condolences to his cherished wife and family.
Such sad news. He was a good, thoughtful man and will miss his comments.
RIP, JR. You’ll be missed.
Rest in Peace, JR.
Condolences to his family.
@Phylllis: I still miss General Stuck, and it’s been 10 years.
Omnes Omnibus
RIP. My condolences to his family if they see this.
Aww, shoot. Sad news.
Small but significant blessing.
So very sad. RIP, JR.
Alison Rose
Rest in peace 💜 May his memory be for a blessing.
Villago Delenda Est
JR was a mensch. What more can one say? Rest well in the cradle of the cosmos, JR.
So sorry to read this. Hey was active on mastodon still posting pics of food he made.
RIP JR of WV. 🥲
That breaks my heart. Thank you for reaching out.
Thank you for insight and knowledge😢😔
I treasured his writings. Thank you so much to Terry for letting us know. Rest in peace.
Aw, hell. Always appreciated his comments. Best wishes to his family.
A light in West Virginia has gone out. May your next existence be gentle JR. And know we will miss you and your voice here.
EDIT: Fuck cancer. Also. Too.
Fuck, fuck, fuck Last time he posted, it appeared that chemo was kicking his butt. It’s still sad and my thoughts go to his wife.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
RIP, JR. He always had interesting things to say and I’ll miss his comments
So sorry to hear this. Condolences to his family. And what a nice photo for this post, WaterGirl.
C Stars
@NotMax: Very true
You will be missed, JR. Sending condolences to his friends and family.
Oh, this is sad news. Thanks to Terry for letting WG know, and heartfelt condolences to all those who loved him.
This is sad news. I have missed JR’s comments which were always so thoughtful and temperate, calming. He’d made clear that his illness was serious, but this still feels unexpected. If Terry comes by please give him and JR’s family condolences.
And I think of Amir.
Sister Golden Bear
RIP JR, you were a good man and you’ll be missed. May you now be commenting with the other jackals at Balloon Juice Beyond the Veil.
Damn. Damn damn damn.
I liked JR in WV’s comments, insights, and presence. Loved hearing about his pups.
Heartfelt condolences to his wife, brother, friends, and of course his dogs.
@Sister Golden Bear:
A Land without Republicans but full of dogs.
Thank you for trying to contact Amir. Any chance you could reach out to Debbie? I believe she lived in Columbus, Ohio and worked in publishing.
Aw man, an affable character indeed.
@raven: J.R.’s virtual tombstone on Balloon Juice.
Mai Naem mobile
RIP JR. I hadn’t realized it had been that long that he hadn’t posted.
Somebody posted a link to an old Bush era Cole post . There were so many old names in that thread I haven’t heard from.
Sorry to hear this news though can’t say it was unexpected, he hinted that things weren’t going well last time he commented.
You were a good guy JR, and we all miss you. We’ll smile often remembering you and your stories. Thanks for being our friend.
Oh no…. RIP, J.R. You are missed. Absolutely a mensch.
Rest in peace, J.R.
For those who want to search for his comments, his actual nym was “J R in WV”.
RIP JR,and condolences to his family.
@Steeplejack: Thanks for that.
I was going by his emails to me, which always came from J. R. Hode;
Definitely a space in “J R” but no in “WV”.
What a good man. And 72 is too young.
Will miss him.
Bless you,Terry, for thinking of us.
So much loss of late. So many missed and mourned.
Raising a glass to JR tonight. May his memory be a blessing.
Almost Retired
Oh no, so sorry. I always enjoyed his comments and his perspective as the other Democrat in WV. His later posts about his health battles were heartbreaking.
His mom was from Louisa, KY where my buddy lived.
Furry Friends – J R in WV – A Few Beloved Pets Of Our Past
Rest in Peace John Randolph. You’re insights, especially into WV and life in the hills and hollers will be missed. Condolences to your friends and family.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I got so used to seeing his nym that I didn’t see that he hadn’t posted in a while. Rest in peace, J R… we will toast your life this evening here at home. I always thought ‘John’s neighbor’ when I saw the “in WV” in his nym. I have no idea why but…
I will miss his insights and comments. It was nice of his neighbor to let us know about this. Thank you.
zhena gogolia
Oh, I am so, so sorry to hear this.
if J.R. was 72, and he and his wife had been married 51 years, they met very young. More testimony to what a good guy he was.
zhena gogolia
@MomSense: I think she did reach out to debbie numerous times when she disappeared.
Well damn. He will indeed be missed. Hell, he’s already been missed.
@MomSense: I will try debbie again.
@raven: We had the same thought.
This is a link to posts where J R in WV was either featured as part of On the Road or the Furry Friends series.
J R in WV
Link added up top in the post, too.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: Thank you to Terry, and thank you, WaterGirl. As NotMax says, a blessing that he was able to die at home. He loved his wife and his dogs and his home, that always came through so strongly in his comments.
I’m so sorry to read this. He was a good man. May his memory be a blessing.
And thanks to neighbor Terry for letting us know, and thanks to WaterGirl for keeping track of our missing friends.
West of the Rockies
Aw, damn. Bj was better for his presence.
RIP JR. He will be missed here – I was worried because hadn’t seen him in so long. My condolences to his family.
ETA Not too long ago WaterGirl set up a spreadsheet for herself where we can tell her our IRL contacts and she can reach out to them if we haven’t commented in awhile. I’m on her list. Send her an email.
Very sad news. RIP. He always seemed to come to threads late so I’d check them to see if he commented because I enjoyed his insights. I think I remember that his wife also had health issues and had been in and out of hospital. Sending good thoughts to her and deepest condolences. It’s so hard to lose your person.
Thank you! I had forgotten those wonderful stories about Dogs on the Farm. It makes me even sadder that their Dad is gone. I hope Mrs. J.R. is coping well (do we know anything about how she’s doing, these months after J.R.’s death?) with the pups’ help.
Damn, every gentle sane voice is precious and an empty space is left when they’re gone.
And thank you WaterGirl for trying Amir again.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Oh no. That makes me so sad.
Bye, JR. Fuck cancer.
My condolences to JR in WV’s surviving family. RIP JR.
Rest in peace, JR.
Condolences to his wife and family.
Oh, I’m so sad to hear that. RIP and condolences to his loved ones.
Just sat down for a break after running errands all afternoon to find this very sad news. JR seemed to be such a good guy and I always appreciated his comments, even the ones he left at the ends of old threads as was his wont. Shine on, Jr, shine on.
Nukular Biskits
I do recall seeing JR’s activity here but that was before I became a little more active.
The loss is mine. Sounds like a great one is gone.
zhena gogolia
@dexwood: Oh, right, I forgot he was always so rueful about being late.
Dark Patriot
The heartfelt thoughts in this thread are as amazing as they are unsurprising. You people rule. Rest in Peace J.R.
@zhena gogolia:
I always expected to find his comment at the end when I read through old posts. He was the anchor.
zhena gogolia
@dexwood: Yes, and it was always well worth reading them. I always went back to check.
@mrmoshpotato: Also, too, I hope his wife is in good health.
I’m so sorry. Pouring one out for him.
Because J.R. was of a certain age . . . Van Morrison, “Into the Mystic.”
Well, I just want to say I am so glad this blog/community exists (and that I stumbled on it so so long ago) because through it I get to hear so many different voices. I too loved reading JR’s end of the thread 🧵 posts. May he Rest In Peace, condolences to his family & friends, and thanks all y’all for making this a special place.
@zhena gogolia: I thought it was kind of a point of pride with J R that he was always late to the threads. :-)
I used to say a thread’s not dead until J.R. in WV has commented in it.
@WaterGirl: I remember J R making a point of being the last commenter and being disappointed when someone followed him.
I was thinking about him the other day for no other reason that I hadn’t seen him post in a while, and I hope he was doing ok. I hope that he’s resting easier, and condolences to his family & friends. He made this a better place, and he’ll be missed.
Oh that’s such sad news. I shall miss him
My condolences to his loved ones and my thanks to Terry for his cosideration
John Cole
Wow- that is shortly after I emailed him in June. What a terrible loss.
Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
Really sorry to hear this sad news. Sympathy to those who knew him in real life.
This is terrible news. I just am very sad he’s gone. Such a great guy. RIP, J.R. Say hi to all the jackals if there is an afterlife. We miss them all.
Cheryl from Maryland
Oh, so sad. Condolences to his wife, dogs, and family.
Miss Bianca
@Ohio Mom: I was afraid he must have passed, after he told us he was undergoing chemo and then suddenly stopped posting.
So sad to hear this news, even if expected.
RIP JR, and much sympathy for his wife – what a wonderful marriage.
Condolences to his wife and family, including the four-legged ones. May his memory be a blessing.
Well, just fuck.
RIP to J W in WV and condolences to his friends and family. Glad he was part of our community.
Peace on the journey JR
Oh my gosh, this is a real gutpunch.
Rest in peace, J.R., in whatever form works best for you.
And thank you for being you, these many years. We’re better for having known you, sadder to no longer have you among us.
Such terrible news. His presence will be missed. My sympathies to his family and friends. May his memory be a blessing.
O. Felix Culpa
Sad news. JR was a good and thoughtful man, a true mensch. Light and love to his family and friends.
Another Scott
Thank you Terry and WaterGirl. I feared that his absence was involuntary. :-(
J R in WV will indeed be missed. I too felt that a thread was never really over until J R in WV commented. ;-)
Peace and comfort to his friends and family and everyone who knew him.
Best wishes,
Damn. Rest easy, J R.
And I hope Amir’s all right, or else that he’s found peace.
@Baud: And cats! All getting along together, somehow.
Bobby Thomson
He was a good person
Yes. I always liked seeing what he had to say.
One of the Many Jens
This sucks. I’d been thinking of him, and wondering how he’d been doing. Condolences and best wishes to all – and an especial thank you to Terry for letting us all know.
J.R. was one of my favorite commenters on Balloon Juice. I will miss him.
YY_Sima Qian
Damn, so sorry to hear this! RIP J.R.!
RIP JR. I’m so sorry to lose his voice here. Condolences to his family.
Spanish Moss
So sorry to hear of his passing, I always valued his WV perspective. My thoughts are with his wife, 51 years! I cannot imagine the magnitude of the loss she is feeling.
Old School
RIP JR in WV. You will be missed.
J R WV, you are missed by so many of us. My condolences to his family and friend Terry.
He was a calm, kind, and thoughtful presence here, and it was clear how much he loved his family, his dogs, and his home. He had a way of making people feel right at home even in an online “home”.
He will be sorely missed.
Oh no. A valued member of this community for sure. He will be missed immensely.
Oh no! I’m going to miss his comments and insight. Condolences to his wife. pups and the rest of his family.
I’ve been off the computer most of today and just saw this.
He was a calm, kind, and thoughtful presence here, and it was clear how much he loved his family, his dogs, and his home. He had a way of making people feel right at home even in an online “home”.
He will be sorely missed.
This, 10000% this.
Mr. Bemused Senior
I add my condolences to all who knew JR. Also my thanks to WaterGirl and Terry for this sad post.
I am grateful to all my fellow jackals for my welcome here.
RIP J.R. in WV! Condolences to your family! You will be missed!
His posts were filled with his humanity, always a kind soul. RIP JR.
Godspeed JR WV. My condolences to Mrs. JR, the rambling WV pups, and his loved ones and friends.
something fabulous
Aww. I also in those threads recently where we wonder where/how folks are, always meant to ask about JR, and never did– figuring I guess like so many of us did, that the silence was the answer, but still had hope we’d hear an update. Which I guess this is. Adding my thanks to neighbor Terry and to WG for letting us know. All good thoughts to his wife, who IIRC has health challenges of her own, and to his beloved critters and all else who loved him. Thanks for visiting with us a while, JR in WV.
something fabulous
–as far as I can see, finishing off the thread for you! 💕A toast to you and all our absent friends.
Sad news. I miss his comments. Condolences to his wife and family.
Ben Cisco
Such awful news!! My condolences to the family.
Hopefully things will go as well as they can for his friends and family.
Ann Marie
Very sad news. My condolences to his family.
Ms. Deranged in AZ
Oh this hurts…he will be.missed.
What sad news. May his memory be a blessing and an inspiration.
So sad. Such a cool guy. I was wondering about him about a month ago and wanted to ask about him in a thread….then got off my radar. Really liked his comments.
I am so terribly sad to read of JR’s passing. His comments are missed. I loved the stories he y told of his amazing life. His adventures, build a home high in the mountains, his time in the merchant navy and as a newspaper man. I learnt from him and have missed him. My deepest condolences to his wife. He spoke of you often, always with love. RIP JOHN