Maybe a little levity is in order after a very long day?
Jared Moskowitz is very good at this.
My Republican colleagues want to impeach Secretary Mayorkas not because of any impeachable crime but because they say he’s bad at his job. By the way, here’s a list of Trump cabinet officials Trump himself said were bad at their jobs. I guess they should have all been impeached?
— Congressman Jared Moskowitz (@RepMoskowitz) February 6, 2024
This made me laugh.
Me: We just ruled that presidents are not immune from criminal prosecution.
James Madison: You just figured that out today?
Me: Some people did.
Madison: Dear God. Next you’ll be telling me you only recently figured out that traitors can’t run for office.
Me: No, that’s Thursday.— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) February 6, 2024
This made me cheer.
Swalwell: And all we’ve heard for years is noun, verb, border. So you get your border deal. Led by the second most conservative in the senate, and you’re walking away from it. You’re walking away from it because trump
— Acyn (@Acyn) February 6, 2024
How can I hate them? Let me count the ways…
Alison Rose
Nice round-up, WG!
Copying myself from a couple flights downstairs:
Oh, good Lord:
Niki Haley just lost, by a 2:1 margin, the Nevada primary, losing to ‘none of the above’.
(The state GOP is holding both a primary and a caucus, with only the latter awarding delegates, and you have to run in one or the other)
karen marie
I don’t have cable, so don’t see “normie” news. Are they saying anything about what the GOP is doing?
First of all: dat suit jacket on Moskowitz…
Also: I think Swalwell was too reticent there.
@Alison Rose: Joe Biden, by contrast, is winning something like 90% of the D vote. Apparently Dean Philips didn’t bother or wasn’t able to qualify for the ballot, so again he can’t even beat Marianne Williamson.
Chetan Murthy
@dmsilev: I fail to understand why they would have both a primary and a caucus, when only the latter awards delegates. What’s the primary for? Uh …. bragging rights? bribery oppties? I don’t get it. Ah, well.
karen marie
@dmsilev: I don’t understand why, if candidates can only pick one, voters can participate in both. And why would Haley choose the one that does not apportion delegates?
@Alison Rose: My response to your earlier post: Well 💩
@Yutsano: I’m kinda loving that plaids are in these days for men.
We have a news anchor that goes to thrift stores and finds the most outrageous ones to wear. A little levity. How are you feeling?
From what I remember reading, the primary is held by default, run by the state and has a bunch of other races on the ballot. You know, normal. But, for some reason which I don’t care enough about to go look up, Trump got a bug in his ass about it and got his lackeys to add a requirement that any participant in the primary was ineligible to take part in the caucus. So, the primary became a beauty contest, and Haley entered it in hopes of being able to claim a moral victory of sorts.
Which didn’t work out for her.
So much winning today…I don’t know how the GOP stands it. Bye-bye Ronna
I know there are still a lot of hurdles (I’m looking at you Supremes) but I’m going to enjoy today
And I honestly can’t wait to see how much mud the Corrupt Supremes will have to roll in to keep demented don on the ballot in Colorado. Because there is no way they’d rule otherwise – cowards
@Yutsano: He’s embellishing the “Smurf” look.
I have a krush on Moskowitz. Along with several other freshmen Dem House members!
Yeah, Nikki isn’t just losing, she’s getting crushed.
@karen marie: Because Republicans are stranger than you can imagine.
@Chetan Murthy: state law requires a primary but they were afraid Trump wouldn’t win it so the Republicans put on a caucus for Trump to win.
Maxwell Frost for me, I like his energy.
I’m also having fun with Valdiva picking on Dean Phillips on The Artist Formerly Known as Twitter.
Ok, did a bit of reading; this Post article on tonight’s results summarizes how we got the weird setup. NV used to be a caucus state, but a few years ago the Dems pushed through a state law changing it to primaries. The GOP said ‘you’re not the boss of me’ and stuck with their caucuses, including a rule that candidates who entered the primary were barred from the caucuses. However, Haley and the other candidates balked at entering the caucuses because there was a hefty fee paid to the state Party which (surprise!) is deep in cahoots with Trump. So, rather than effectively funnel money straight towards Trump, they chose the beauty contest instead.
@eclare: Oh, yes! Him, too! And Goldman, Crockett… SO MANY to give kudos to!
@dmsilev: No, today’s primary was only for president, no other offices. The Republicans are having both a primary and a caucus because 1) the move to a primary was enacted by the Democratic-run legislature and they hates that, they really really hates that, 2) they want voting to be as difficult as possible so the wrong sort of people (California transplants) have no say, and 3) they are all bug-eyed nuts.
Posted earlier, but again, seeing Jamie Raskin on TV tonight… seeing his familiar frazzled hairstyle once again, made my ♥️ so happy!
Fingers crossed the Supreme Court gets the traitor thing right on Thursday. No guarantee they have the guts to rule against him.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Barely getting 50% in a primary for an incumbent is now considered “easily” winning if you are a repug.
Alison Rose
Could someone please just stuff me into a rocket and send me to Neptune
Chetan Murthy
@Alison Rose: Oh, I doubt it’ll be him (much as we all should root for him! hahaha):
@Chetan Murthy:
Chetan Murthy
@Jackie: I left it out of the quote (b/c didn’t think it was relevant) but it’s in the article. And ….. would TFG choose somebody who wasn’t an election denier? *grin
@Alison Rose: of course he is, he’s a man looking for a bottomless pot of gold… all those rubes, big and small, willing to part with their money.
Chetan Murthy
@sukabi: if Lindell got the job I gotta believe he’d be imagining how much of that money he could stuff
in his pillowsup his nose.Chris T.
@Gretchen: Correct, state law requires a primary. Republicans, being such champions of Lawn Order, are … disobeying this law.
In any case, a Party always gets to set its own rules for how it does its nominations and runs its primaries, so with T***p as de facto Party Head, and his obsession with rigging things, they rigged things so that the loser would automatically win. A normal Party sets its rules within the state’s laws, but, well.
I hope the Senate passing this conservative border deal at least works as a petard for the GOP House.
Because a bunch of Dem senators are going to get blowback from angry Dreamers even though the bill has (reportedly) no chance to become law.
I don’t like that Biden gave up so much in terms of Democratic immigration priorities to try to a) get Ukraine money and b) get an immigration bill passed (before everyone knew the House clown caucus was totally gonna sabotage it).
Politics is hard and sucky. I still respect Joe,.plan to vote for him, and know the Republicans are the real problem. But the Senate bill is too harsh, and isn’t good precedent for passing something useful next term (if we can).
Tony Jay
How long before Stinky Pants’ campaign vultures stumble upon the sales message that Trump Mark#2 would be a lot milder and less offensive than 2016-20 because now he’s completed his hostile takeover of the GOP and no longer has to tailor his
policiesbid offer to keep theParty eliteshareholders happy?The News Media would eat that up like dim-sum with chilli sauce.
@RaflW: I think it may have been obvious this was going to fall through, but even if it wasn’t, leaving something out is not the same as never getting it later or in a separate law. Right now we can’t help the dreamers because of republicans in Congress. They are already illegal. It doesn’t change things for them. The problem is voters. Too many are becoming even more illogical and mean about immigration.
We have got to get Trump gone and shut up all according to the law.
I worry that climate change disruptions are going to increase anti foreigner sentiment even among Democrats for the next decade at least. People have to relearn history the hard way sometimes. Anyway I have heard milder anti immigration opinions from lifelong democrats, so I worry. Biden was not the negotiator on this, democrats in Congress were. They do have a better close up view of what’s going on with Republicans than we do.
Jasmine Crockett is my favorite…”you know why no one wants to talk to you behind closed doors ? Cause y’all lie.” She stole my heart with that.
@Tony Jay: his cultists wouldn’t. They want revenge that says it’s revenge to your face. They would be bored by a promise to be milder, and stop giving money. The fact that it would be tactically smarter to pretend to be nicer no longer restrains them. They come from a TV plot world, not reality. Morons are running the party.
Another Scott
@RaflW: Don’t the onerous provisions of the border bill only last for 3 years? I thought I saw that in my quick skim of the text.
We saw the GQP’s idea of a border bill – HR2. It’s better for Democrats to have a strong hand on a compromise bill with a Democratic administration and short time periods to cite as progress for November (and make the monsters vote for it or suffer the consequences). It can be fixed in the next Congress
Progress is always incremental.
My $0.02.
Uncle Cosmo
Good a place as any to drop this wellknown bon mot from Voltaire:
Tony Jay
They’d get off on the conspiratorial glee of knowing he was lying about it.
Tricking the ‘Liberal Media’. Hot sauce!
Paul in KY
@Yutsano: Didn’t Rodney Dangerfield sport that in Caddyshack?
@Alison Rose:
I like the way Lindell caught himself saying “fix” and changed it to “secure: “Then I’d have all the tools I need to fi–secure these elections.”