It's not stealing when the driver posts an ad for a free gun.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) January 29, 2024
Remember JOKeefe-III whining all over social media last week that he was ‘not suicidal’ but might ‘be forced to disappear’? Well, looks like he hoped to preempt discussion of his latest fvckup:
He falsely accused an innocent, hard-working postal worker of voter fraud. The postal worker sued his lying ass. This statement today is part of the settlement.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) February 5, 2024
From the local GoErie newsite (which includes a detailed report on the whole disgraceful episode):
The right-wing activist group Project Veritas has settled a lawsuit with an Erie postmaster over the group’s false claims that the postmaster was part of a plot to tamper with mail-in ballots to the detriment of Donald Trump in his unsuccessful campaign to get reelected as president in 2020.
The claims and the lawsuit, which the postmaster filed in Erie County Common Pleas Court in 2021, placed Erie in the frenzy over Trump’s unfounded allegations that the mishandling of mail-in ballots helped President Joe Biden steal the White House from him.
Project Veritas and its founder, James O’Keefe, issued statements Monday in which they apologized to Robert Weisenbach, the postmaster in Erie, and said Project Veritas’ reports on election fraud at the Erie post office were based on wrong information — as Weisenbach contended from the start. The reports wrongly accused Weisenbach of backdating mail-in ballots…
(Spoiler: The postmaster seems to have been a Trump supporter, which in a sane community would ding O’Keefe’s standing with the MAGAts.)
I suspect we’ll be hearing more about Carlson’s road trip, possibly from Adam:
I guess corporate is enforcing that no more work from home policy
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) February 3, 2024
>guy sitting down with Benito Mussolini in 1944
— James (@GravitysRa1nbow) February 4, 2024
I wish people would stop referring to Tucker Carlson as a journalist. A journalist is someone who is objective. Tucker Carlson has an agenda and brazenly lies to support that agenda. His lies cost Fox News $787m. His work in Moscow for Putin will cost the world far more than that
— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) February 5, 2024
More GOP ratf*ckery uncovered:
Authorities issued cease-and-desist orders Tuesday against two Texas companies they believe were connected to robocalls that used artificial intelligence to mimic President Biden’s voice and discourage people from voting in New Hampshire’s primary.
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) February 6, 2024
Mississippi goddamn:
Ex-NFL quarterback Favre must finish repaying misspent welfare money, Mississippi auditor says
— Badd Company (@BaddCompani) February 6, 2024
Alison Rose
Is it too much to hope Tucker might piss someone in the kremlin off and get yeeted out a window?
@Alison Rose:
I’d rather watch him get arrested there on bogus charges and become the least valuable political hostage of all time.
Sister Golden Bear
@SpaceUnit: In normal times I’d say we should pay the Russians to keep Tuckums held hostage.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Putin: Cut off all support for Ukraine or Tucker gets 20 years hard labor in the harshest, coldest gulag in Siberia.
Biden: Do your worst, you bastard.
Sister Golden Bear
@SpaceUnit: I like the way you think.
“Our sources report he has an affinity for frozen food, yes?”
I’ve heard he’s an heir to the Swanson’s frozen food fortune. So yeah.
Not sure those work camps will be doling out Salisbury steak and peas though.
@Sister Golden Bear: Or the Russians will end up paying the Americans to take him back, like in the Ransom of Red Chief.
“The Case of the Bow Tie Bolshevik.”
Odie Hugh Manatee
I would settle for Ruzzia conscripting Comrade Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson as a drone catcher on the front lines.
Just stand him out in a field and post his coordinates online.
A footnote of American history is the disputed Erie Triangle.
@NotMax: Talk about obscure history: how did you even know about that?
( I’m from NE Ohio “Connecticut Western Reserve.”)
@SpaceUnit: Do the Carlsons or the Swansons still even own Swanson’s? I thought they sold it years ago.
History majors attract obscura like magnets do iron filings.
@NotMax: I never knew you were a history major.
I have no clue and I’m too lazy to look it up.
But Tucker and TV dinners seem to share something in common. Can’t quite put my finger on it.
One of the three majors (and two minors) on my B.A. transcript.
Whenever I see a “Molon Labe” sign, I think, “You misspelled ‘moron label'”
Chris T.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Moscow, 12 Feb 2024: We have taken Tucker Carlson as a political prisoner. We demand US$30 million for his return.
Moscow, 19 Feb 2024: We have Tucker Carlson. We demand US$10 million for his return.
Moscow, 26 Feb 2024: We have Tucker Carlson. Please take him back.
Update, 29 Feb 2024: We’ll pay you $10 million to take him back!
@SpaceUnit: I boycotted them for years then I looked it up and apparently the family bailed years ago. But my business research skills are weak. I felt stupid boycotting a company that apparently had no ties to that twerp.
I don’t like frozen dinners ( I like to cook) but they do sell pretty good boxed broth/stock.
‘I don;’t feel like cooking. Gonna pop an Eskimo in the oven, okay?”
@NotMax: Yikes! That’s a lot of majors. Indecicisive or unduly curious? I only had one major and two minors.
My baby sister had two majors (linguistics and botany) that we mocked about okay now you can talk to plants. She built them into a very successful career somewhere in customer service for scientists using computers
ETA Scientists around the world all need help with computers.
Appreciate the info.
Fuck Carlson in his left nostril.
@SpaceUnit: They both involve tin foil?
The advent of Swanson TV dinners was the result of an (possibly apocryphal) inventory boo-boo.
Microwave dinners aside, let’s nuke us a party of assholes and traitors come November.
I’m clocking out. Way past my bedtime.
Not Max: Are you “a historian” or “an historian”?
ETA I assume you have gone to bed. I will follow up tomorrow.
So do carpenters.
@SpaceUnit: Unappetizing and cold?
@OzarkHillbilly: So do accountants. I just spend two hours this morning on a five minute task because my printer and my computer were at odds with each other. I don’t know why. Yesterday they were fine. I think my radio with classical music interfered with my printer/computer vulcan mind meld.
My understanding of all this stuff is unsophisticated. Multicolumn green ledger paper for me.
@SpaceUnit: Cheap and tasteless?
Presumably neither, since he’s only got a B.A. You’re a* historian if you’re doing original research in history, which is hardly a prerequisite for the B.A.
*Maybe it’s different in Britain, but any American calling themselves ‘an’ historian is just being pretentious, AFAIAC.
Agreed. Only an haughty person would do that
@Baud: Sweet summer children. It is age not nationality that divides. The puppies haven’t learned linguistics yet.
Aspirated or unaspirated h. That used to be a thing.
You don’t pronounce it aughty?
@sab: Ah, but they’ve made life so much easier! Except for when they don’t.
@Baud: Well, I am an Ozark hillbilly, does that make me “haughty?”
That works!
I always see it as “moron labia” =)
Good morning campers! Wonder what new political cliffs we’re going to be confronted with today. I just wish tfg would decide to make his run to whatever non-extradition treaty country he’s chosen; because I’m betting he runs at some point.
Good morning.
@satby: Perhaps he’ll flee after Judge Engoron rules on the fraud case, in an attempt to preserve what he can of his wealth.
As so much of it is real estate, or already under the control of the court-appointed supervisor, that may be limited to a suitcase full of hundred-dollar bills, so he may have to choose a cheap non-extradition country.
@sab: Probably a dead thread, but what the ‘ay.
I grew up in Quebec, where, when speaking Henglish Francophones would often add the phoneme ‘h’ to words starting with vowelss, and drop the ‘h’s from words with vowels as the second letter.
Thus, the local ardware store “Handy Andy” was usually pronounced “‘andy Handy”.
@Ken: Someone (maybe on Blue Sky) suggested Indonesia. Or Dubai, but he’s a fake billionaire and isn’t rich enough for it. Plus, he’s of no further use to Putin or others if he runs, he’d lose more cultists that way.
Do you prefer a 24-ounce Estwing computer for framing, and a 16-ounce for finish work? Or is that not what you meant?
Native-born Massholes do a variant of that with an ending-R/A sound: my favorite examples include “Donner, come heah!” (translation: Donna, come here) and, me not knowing if the Honda Accord was the Accord or “Ruh-cord” for a number of years, because it was introduced after I started living
heahhere. (“HondaRaccord” was how the locals said it).SFAW
When you’re as old as NotMax, you become one by default, because you’ve lived through most of it.
And fuck Jimmy O’Keefe for that nopology. “My sources were worng! Waah!”
Kosh III
Re: Brett Favre
“No criminal charges have been brought against Favre”
Once again we see the rich and powerful can get away with crimes while the rest of us get a life sentence for stealing candy.
Paul in KY
@OzarkHillbilly: Somen my kin from Elkhorn City in Pike County, KY mighta considered you one o them uppity hillbillies what is livin in the vacation spot known as the Ozarks!
I myself do not.
Chris Johnson
Carlson: called it called it called it. Of course he’s in Moscow facilitating Putin. It’s not the first time he’s been.
He hates Trump, quite genuinely, because they compete for Putin’s favors, and he knows (correctly, too) that he would be way better at Trump’s job than Trump is. He doesn’t fuck up constantly, he’s good at being a Russian agent in a way Trump can never be.
In a way I’m happy that he is in Russia doing a tongue-bath apologia for Putin, publically.
If he was not, he might be more in line for political office. If he’s available to piss away his reputation this publically, then he isn’t expected to become the new Trump. He was on that track but pissed off the wrong Murdoch, and that ruined his effectiveness.
Now he’s a slightly more mainstream Tim Pool. Fuck him, hate that guy, let him stay there.
And the pile of shit owes nearly 3/4 of a million more! HAHAHA! Fuck you, Brett!
Paul in KY
@mrmoshpotato: I endorse this comment! Ha!
@SFAW: Lol.