Back when BlueSky was still invite-only, Major Major was kind enough to offer me one… so I felt it was only polite to set up my own marker (feed?) there. And now that it’s open to all, a whole bunch of you have been kind enough to follow me there. I do appreciate your vote(s) of confidence!
Thing is, though: There’s only so many hours, and I’m not a fast reader. The main reason I held out against forms of social media that were not this blog for so long was the fear that I could either blog here, or post on Twitter / BlueSky / wherever. And I’ve been the Carla Tortelli at this virtual watering hole for too long to break my streak now. Which means I’ve only got the bandwidth, at least while I’m still working on my skill set, to repost & quote-post more dedicated posters’ work on BlueSky (and to kilroy the occasional comment on twitter). Sorry I can’t offer you more, but at least I’m still here, okay?
And if you look at my BlueSky feed, you’ll get an idea of how I’ve been putting posts together all these years. Since I can’t handle a proper ‘My Feed’ setup, I just click on a carefully curated roster of favorite posters, one by one, and collect embed snippets like virtual index cards; some (small) portion of those embeds will end up bricolaged into posts. On BlueSky, that means I’ll dump half a dozen retweets / quote tweets from a particular individual, before moving on to my next victim target. Not ideal for you readers, I guess — but maybe you’ll find some new posters you’ll enjoy following.
So, final question: Should I start putting up links on my BlueSky feed, when I add a post over here? I have no idea if this is even *permitted*, much less how the BlueSky admin protocols would handle it. And while I’d be happy to give y’all a heads-up over there, I absolutely do not want to overload either WordPress, or our own precious sandbox walled garden…
There are some here, including me, who don’t do any social media. So any way that you feel comfortable engaging in social media and posting embeds and screen shots is much appreciated to those of us who would not otherwise be exposed.
Thank you for all you do to keep us informed and aware.
I’ve been having trouble getting started on BlueSky too. For similar reasons.
Major Major Major Major
Incidentally, I was just typing this up to you…
As for
Why not? Bluesky is definitely a place for linking. I think somebody has a custom wordpress integration for cross-posting and embedding, too, if you/somebody want to talk to the devs…
I haven’t gotten into BlueSky, but welcome screenshotted/embeds like with Twitter. I tried out BlueSky but went back to Mastodon, which I’ve enjoyed much more for the sheer range of people posting on Mastodon servers all over the world.
Come sit by me.
The way my PC browser is configured it blocks most embeds, also too, yet manage to live a satisfying life without them.
I’m here because I prefer antisocial media.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: Privacy Badger started blocking Twitter embeds for me some months back, and I haven’t missed them at all.
I’m on both Mastodon and Bluesky. I’m on a small local masto instance where almost everyone I follow and who follows me know each in real life. We talk about local politics, mutual interests, life updates. Bluesky is where I follow a lot of national politics and tech stuff.
Alison Rose
My hope is that once Twitter finally goes the way of all flesh, Bluesky will kick more into gear. I’d say handle your account however works for you, AL — if people don’t like it, they can unfollow.
I know a lot of folks are anti-social media, but for people like me, social media (which, IMO, includes this blog in a way) is my only connection to the world and my friends and family. If I didn’t have this place, FB, and to a lesser extent Instagram and now Bluesky, I would have no one in my life at all and would be completely cut off from interaction.
Since it’s an OT and to not end this comment on a downer note, this is a great read for any of you who are Deadheads. I was working at GDP when David Lemieux started there as the archivist and am still friends with him now, and I’m really glad to see not only the band still breaking records, but David’s talent and acumen and love for the music get the recognition it deserves.
To quote the philosopher Adam Silverman, much much more at the link!
I say do whatever is easiest for you, and we’ll adjust/deal with it.
Don’t add more work, you already do so much.
Major Major Major Major
Re the quoted post up top, it is pretty funny how a lot of people were tearing their hair out over the disinformation potential of generative AI, deepfakes etc, but it turns out enough people will just believe somebody said something if you claim that they did.
Interesting piece on “dopamine rush” politics.
Speaking of social media makes me think dopamine.
@Baud: Balloon Juice, where the commenters are all above average and the discussions all circular.
With apologies to Garrison Keillor (sp)
$8 blue check mistermix
You’re a slow reader??? My god you’re so prolific I thought you would be a fast reader..
Do whatever’s easiest is my vote, like the others…
@satby: There are so many circular arguments and discussions here! I sometimes wish we had a pi filter. You’d hit it and poof! half the thread’s gone.
I hate the goddamned rotating tags; I think we have way too many, but this is kind of perfect.
@Major Major Major Major:
I like that this is a thing. My next password.
Omnes Omnibus
@Geminid: Delete your account.
Alison Rose
@TBone: “The rutting ungulates”
thanks that’s my band name now
President Biden’s Enemies
Pronouns: Xi, Hur
Old School
@SiubhanDuinne: Wait – pronoun jokes can be funny? When did this start?
What Scout 211 said. I’m for whatever is best for you, Anne Laurie.
Since this is an open thread, I have a question. I just finished with a bout of Covid–my first. I am not sick and I am testing negative. I just don’t seem to want to get up from my chair and do anything. I am completely unmotivated. Is this normal, and, if so, how long does it last? It’s just so unlike me.
@Josie: It’s perfectly normal and it can take a couple of weeks to go away. Listen to your body and allow yourself to rest as much as you feel like. Doing too much when your body don’t wanna can lead to long covid.
Thanks. I will be happy to follow your advice. I do tend to push myself sometimes, and my son fusses at me about it.
I have read that too, start back really slowly with exercise.
I have read that too, start back really slowly with exercise.
Eta> technical difficulties, sorry for the duplicate
@Josie: Agree with Princess. For some it can take a month or more. If you push too hard it will just take longer.
Old School
Click through for the picture.
COVID fatigue is normal (Cleveland Clinic information 1/23/2024)
@Josie: If it lingers consult your doctor. It’s a typical reaction, but the details vary widely by individuals, and if you wind up with ongoing symptoms you’ll need to treat them. Which may simply mean resting for longer than you would like. But don’t ignore it, and don’t try to force the recovery. The one thing that seems fairly well established is that physical exercise won’t help, and may be harmful.
@Josie: Stay calm and web surf with us. Rest up; do not allow that bad virus to stay even longer.
Do you feel well enough to read? Maybe time to read some mysteries or classics or anything you would like.
Anne Laurie
@Major Major Major Major: Thank you, again & always!
I haven’t the vocabulary to ‘ask the developers’ (yet), but I took your advice & just cross-posted my first link on BlueSky. Figure this post is not liable to draw more outside attention than FYWP can handle (cross fingers)…
@Scout211: With you on the (anti-)social media — except for blogs of course.
Back when we still designed and sold t-shirts, I could never convince Ms. Hoppie to do “Don’t get in your FACE / Not a TWIT / I have a LIFE”. She still calls it dorkissimo. Guilty as charged!
@Old School:
Alison Rose
@Old School: Brothers from another mother!
@Alison Rose: 😆😎
@Josie: mine lasted waaaaay too long. It’s your body telling you to rest in the beginning, but after a certain point it gets LAME (I felt guilty about it). I still have to force myself to find motivation a lot of the time. Which didn’t happen before Covid. Important: don’t try to push through or overcompensate. You’ll be sorry. My best advice is to work up to your comfort level and do it slowly. And don’t worry about it too much, that stress doesn’t help.
Trump doesn’t know what day it is. But by all mean, let’s keep the focus on Biden’s mental state…
@Princess: Just to be clear: The Guardian article doesn’t say that heavy exercise can cause Long Covid, it says that people with Long Covid should avoid heavy exercise.
Just chiming in because as a tennis instructor I often get involved in heavy hitting but I just got over Covid so I’ve been dealing with this scenario myself. Luckily my doctor says that I don’t appear to have any symptoms of Long Covid, but I’m still taking it slow, just in case.
Jamie Raskin ❤️ was just on All In. I’ll find the video as soon as I can – I want to listen up again. Regarding the Supremacists on the Court plus fascism – brutal truth telling. Brutal!
@SiubhanDuinne: Would it be possible for you to send me the post about the loss of a pet. A friend just lost her beloved dog unexpectedly, and I would love to send it to her. My email is [email protected]. Thank you so much.
@Denali5: That is the saddest. My best to your friend.
Done. I hope it helps.
Adam L Silverman
I put up a link to my nightly Ukraine War updates on Bluesky every night. So I don’t see why it wouldn’t be okay for you to put links to your posts up over there.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks!
No thoughts about this question, AL, but I am in admiration of your use of ‘kilroy’ as a verb. That’s a new thing to me!