Holy cow!
Cannon appears to have just now rejected this Special Counsel request. Eleventh Circuit showdown?? https://t.co/zRjEcaLqRJ
— Andrew Weissmann (weissmann11 on Threads)🌻 (@AWeissmann_) February 9, 2024
Moments ago, Judge Cannon just made a very dangerous ruling and we cannot let it slip under the radar.
I am sure Jack Smith’s team is working feverishly on a response right now.
Judge Cannon just ordered that by tomorrow February 10, Jack Smith provide Trump with information… pic.twitter.com/f9wXirFllF
— Ben Meiselas (@meiselasb) February 9, 2024
What happens next?
Saw the title and knew what the post would be about.
Cannon really is a compromised little bitch. If we take the House & keep the Senate, I’d love to see her impeached for her stomach turning incompetence.
Eric S.
IANAL, but can this be appealed without turning over the docs? Obviously that’s another delay which TIFG wants.
Peke Daddy
Trainwreck. Cannon wants Trump to be able to scare off witnesses, Smith must preserve his case. More delay for an appeal, more delay, period. Will the Eleventh Circuit hold fast on precedent? We know SCOTUS won’t.
Old School
People are killed?
@Old School:
Not until Trump tells them to do so explicitly.
Smith will ask the 11th Circuit to stay the ruling pending appeal.
So she gave him leave to file the document ex parte, but after seeing it she invoked the judicial doctrine of I taksie backsie and now is making him show it to Trump. I guess I would want to see the language of her order granting Smith permission to file ex parte, but man, this seems awfully fishy. ETA removed pointless speculation.
OT reddit funny
@Baud: LOL and 😐
( it’s your fault I’m now hooked on reddit)
Raoul Paste
Cannon knows exactly what she is doing and this horrible woman doesn’t care about witness safety. Karma, where are you?
@prostratedragon: I was so flabbergasted – I still am – that I couldn’t even come up with a title, so I had to go with my gut response.
@E.: It sure seems like bait and switch to me. Yeah, include this information in your request for reconsideration, no risk because Trump can’t see it and the public can’t see it.
One day later, oh, sorry! Hand it over to Trump.
Totally outrageous.
@Baud: I agree and hope we’re right!🤞🏻🤞🏻
You know what’s weird? I never thought that I of all people would say this, as I love government, civics, history, law, all of that shit…(to say nothing of just loving to learn new things in general)…
…I am TIRED of learning about every last little line of the Constitution, every nuance of our legal systems (both civil and criminal), and every teeny tiny provision of our sorry-ass, slapped-together election system. And the only reason I’m learning about them, over and over, in an infinite loop of trumpian amnesty-via-delay is because THE FUCKING REPUBLICANS (including their bough FedSoc justices) WON’T DO A DAMN THING TO RID OUR COUNTRY OF THIS CORRUPT SCUMBAG!
NONE of this shit ever used to be in question.
Delaying criminal trial deadlines so that the 4-times-indicted, 91-felony count defendant has a fair shot at getting re-elected president? The office that he tried to illegally hold on to after he lost??
The idea that a Vice-President could somehow reject states’ slates of electors and send them back until the ‘right’ ones were counted??!?
Exposing witnesses in a criminal trial to threats and violence from a B-movie mob boss and his cult followers…just because??!??
tired, tired, TIRED of this shit!
@WaterGirl: Late night Fri/early Sat bombshell coming? Jack Smith has to be PISSED!
@Jeffro: So say we all.
@Jeffro: If more people actually cared like you we probably wouldn’t be going through this.
Miss Bianca
@Jeffro: me too. To say nothing of having to learn way, WAY more about the history of the 2nd Amendment and its interpretation throughout the centuries than I ever wanted, all because, again, of fucking Republicans and gun nuts, but I repeat myself…
@Jackie: Cannon sets a date 3 months out for rulings she could make in 45 minutes, and then gives Jack Smith one day on something like this?
She is beyond corrupt. She is a rogue judge. She seems to be working very hard to make sure that highly classified documents get out in the world (which the 11th circuit finally smacked her down for) and now she wants 2 dozen witnesses lives to be in danger and wants to scuttle the DOJ case at the same time.
It seems like, with this, she is double-dog-daring Jack Smith to request her recusal. But how would that benefit her?
I would not want to piss off the guy who prosecuted Balkan warlords and does triathalons for fun, but hey, that’s just me.
@WaterGirl: I imagine Smith already had a plan for this possibility. Maybe he has to scurry to write the actual response, but surely he already knows how he wants to proceed. Harry Litman has a good video about this (before this new update) and felt that this is pretty likely the thing that will cause Smith to ask 11th Circuit to recuse Cannon.
Viva BrisVegas
The Wingnut Wurlitzer awaits.
Regarding Hur’s bullshit, I love this (Twitter link):
Pissed, perhaps. But almost certainly not surprised. After all, he’s been dealing with her more than any of us.
That’s also why I doubt his staff is “working feverishly on an appeal”, as someone commented above. Seems far more likely they were working on it right along. I see his request for reconsideration as a piece of letting her have enough rope. But he had to know she was too dumb/biased to take the offramp offered.
Reddit is a fantastic site. Use r/oldreddit to avoid all the cartoonish stuff they have with new reddit.
She’s counting on TIFG to get re-elected, then he convincing Thomas/Alito to retire HA! Ok, convincing his last appointee to step down because she wants to spend more quality time with her brood and crowning Cannon a seat on the SC for her loyalty.
@Baud: thank you.
@HumboldtBlue: TY for the tip 🙂
She’s a dopamine-rush, rutting ungulate of a judge. I hope she shrivels up and has bats fly out of her hoo hah.
@WaterGirl: She wants the case to be made to go away without it seeming to be her fault; I doubt she wants to go along with the TFG motion to dismiss. Delay is a second-best outcome.
@wjca: Yeah, but could Jack Smith have predicted that she would, just one day later, say “oh about that ex-parte stuff, changed my mind, now you have to share all this witness information with Trump? BY TOMORROW.
I don’t see how he could have predicted that.
Can Cannon be so stupid / foolish as to give him the opening to request that Cannon be taken off the case?
It’s perplexing.
We already know she’s a terrible judge. Is she stupid? Or somehow clever enough to have something up her sleeve here. Because this move from Cannon does not bode well for her.
Well, we certainly live in interesting times.
@WaterGirl: I would call it inexperienced, not stupid. She has made some very basic, beginning mistakes that very few judges make. She seems arrogant enough to believe she can do whatever she wants and that there isn’t a steep learning curve to being a good judge. So yeah, maybe she isn’t reading commentary on her rulings and isn’t aware of what she is walking into because she has not handled a case remotely like this before.
I sincerely hope she’s gone too far with this one. The order that Smith requested she reconsider entailed going directly against previous 11th Circuit rulings. It’s highly likely they have been watching and cringing as this clown show has developed and may be eagerly awaiting a chance to remove her from the case. That would be the best possible outcome, as a new judge would get it back on track.
Legal analyst Harry Litman (frequent guest on MSNBC) seems to think Cannon has really boxed herself in with this ruling. He thinks this was a big strategic error on her part.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: To quote, I believe, one of our rotating tags: Fuck these fucking interesting times.
I think she’s an ambitious, ass licking golddigger numbskull like Habbit. Her star needs to be nuked.
@Shalimar: I don’t know. She doesn’t seem to have any awareness that she is in way over her head. If she were smart, she would have found a way to recuse before the case even started.
Only a really dumb person is willing to take a high-profile anything when they are in way over their head.
Unless she really wants to be Trump’s savior? In which case, I’m back to thinking she’s stupid.
Betty Cracker
Yes. That’s my guess, anyway.
@SpaceUnit: And he recorded that BEFORE this last ruling that says Jack Smith has to turn over all the information to Trump tomorrow.
I almost posted that video up top when I was putting the post together, but obviously did not. But since it’s now been referenced twice in the comments, I’ll embed it here.
@WaterGirl: I think she’s stupid the way TFG is stupid. They both just arrogantly charge forward and dare you to stop them. There’s no elegant strategy underlying it, only a bully’s reasoning that you can impose your will if you’re aggressive enough.
@Viva BrisVegas:
How would that benefit her?
Not as a judge but as a rethuglican.
She’s going to show them, she’s going to expose it all, this is her one big chance to – do what I have no idea.
But then she doesn’t seem to be the sharpest tack in the box.
@Betty Cracker: I so hope you are right!
@WaterGirl: Cannon has the crazy eyes. Just like that former Representative and also the coat hanger supreme court justice.
The make me shudder every time I see a photo.
@WaterGirl: I think it depends….
she’s aware of the names involved in the case from the FBI/DOJ, she’s attempting to provide legal cover for the DJT team to harass or even coerce a change in testimony. What’s to stop her from just making a copy and handing it over to the trump team anyway?
That its against the law? Even for a Republican/
Van Buren
I’m curious about 2 things. First, is she coming up with all these tactics on her own, or is she getting coached by great minds at the FedSoc? Second, if it were to come to light that she was actively consulting with FedSoc great minds, would there be any repercussions? The way things are these days, it seems she could could openly strategize with Alito on how to tank the case and nothing would happen to either of them.
@WaterGirl: Bachmann 👀
@Van Buren:
Finally a question I can answer with confidence!
Not on her own.
@TBone: Rutting Ungulate Defence League on line 2 for you…
@TBone: Yes. I couldn’t think of her name. All I could think of was her husband (who everyone thought was gay) eating the giant corn dog on a stick at the Iowa fair, that looked like, well, something else.
Old School
@WaterGirl: Why do you think Cannon is not doing this on her own?
If I were in her situation, and didn’t want to be anymore, and wanted off the wheel without getting death threats from crazy MAGAts, then I’d go balls out for TFG in a way that ensured I had plausible deniability when they inevitably removed me from the case.
That way, I could say, “Look, I was such a valuable soldier that they took me out because they feared me so much. I’d still be doing solids for TFG, but I’m not in a position to any longer.”.
But that would require strategy, planning, and theory of mind, so I’m certain that that’s not what’s behind it on her part.
Harrison Wesley
@WaterGirl: Was he actually devouring it…or was he having it rammed down his throat?
@Yutsano: 😆
Unless she really wants to be Trump’s savior? In which case, I’m back to thinking she’s stupid.
That thought is not just a thought – it’s a reality. She is stupid. Sure she went to college and law school, but did she actually learn ANYTHING? And the world she lives in, is anything a reality?
The entire maga movement is like a bunch of kids playing with blocks, dolls, and a made up language, like they are in a children’s book or a bad
kindergartennursery school. They want the world they made up in their heads and because they are over 4 ft tall they must be adults – right?Ruckus
How do you know he didn’t think it was something else?
This has been a roller coaster of a week. My conclusion.
@WaterGirl: that whole family is … disturbing. The many foster children (all girls), the Xtian “counseling” operations funded by taxpayers, the whole clan is a fucking grift operation behind a veil of sanctimony.
Anonymous At Work
Basically, earlier today, Aileen made a paperless scheduling order that would allow TFG 2 weeks (!!!) to file a response to Smith’s motion to reconsider, followed (probably) by Smith getting a week to reply to TFG’s response, followed by a week or two before closed hearing on it.
So, this…this makes ZERO sense. Smith files an immediate request for stay pending appeal. Aileen can’t compel Smith to turn over evidence in a paperless schedule order. There was another MONTH of delay to this BS. And to try Friday at 5pm as well, to avoid attention? Does not compute either.
So, what’s going on?
Well, well, well. Follow the money.
@Old School: Why? Because the Federalist Society is the group that groomed this person that the National Bar Association basically said was unqualified, or barely qualified.
Do you think it’s a total accident that Trump put Cannon in place as a judge in the area where any MAL case, if ever brought, was likely to be brought?
I don’t think that’s a coincidence at all.
I think the 11th circuit will step on her like a bug.
@thalarctosMaritimus: Yes, to pretty much all of that.
That’s been my question from day one and it was discussed in a thread earlier today. Her Federalist Society overlords are the ones who got her this gig so what do they want? How do they want her to play this? They would certainly want a Trump presidency but would they advise this current ruling today? How would that benefit their society?
@Harrison Wesley: They do talk about that a lot, don’t they?
Dunning-Kruger effect anyone?
Anonymous At Work
@Van Buren: Short answer: Mostly on her own. She’s been overcompensating for her earlier swift and definitive reversals at the 11th Circuit by mis/over-using paperless scheduling orders to avoid making substantiative rulings.
And she can indeed consult with senior judges, MAGA ones included, on proper conduct without it being a problem. You want lower level judges to consult superiors/senior judges, as a general rule.
@Ruckus: I’m fine with it if the guy is gay. It’s the hypocrisy that makes me crazy.
@TBone: Creepy. Just like Cruz is creepy. Or am I confusing him with one of the other creepy republicans?
I’m thinking of the one whose children cringe when he touches them, the one who brought their stillborn child home with them.
IANAL. Duh. But I read this morning that Paperless Orders are not appealable. Which is why she uses so many of them. Correct? And id so—does that impact Jack Smith’s ability to get a stay? Sigh.
Speaking of crazy…
GOP lawmaker asks Merrick Garland to invoke 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office.
Not correct. Depends on the order, not whether it’s paperless.
@Anonymous At Work:
Yes. All of that. Exactly. There is a missing piece, something we don’t know about.
It seems like someone, somewhere, directed a change of course to Cannon today. But I don’t know who. Or why.
Harrison Wesley
@WaterGirl: Indeed they do, so often that I really don’t know whether it’s just a misfortunate wingnut locution or an ill-concealed sweaty fantasy.
@NotMax: I am not quite sure what point you are making.
@WaterGirl: Santorum AND Cruz
oh, I hope so.
Harrison Wesley
@WaterGirl: Santorum!
Presumably referring to her, not li’l ol’ moi?
@Harrison Wesley: Insert the link to The Onion’s “why do all of these guys keep sucking my dick?” article.
@Baud: Ah. Okay. Thanks. I must have read the post too quickly.
Coming up in a few moments, MSNBC will discuss this Aileen Cannon debacle.
Eric S.
@WaterGirl: I think that’s Santorum.
That Big Money is deserting the sector for greener pastures.
Anonymous At Work
@WaterGirl: Looking further, Smith filed an exhibit as part of his Motion for Reconsideration with her as both ex parte (kept from TFG) and sealed (kept from public. After Smith file the exhibit, she decided to remove the ex parte bit and is ordering it be turned over. Again, I think Smith’s next move is to say “No” and/or request to withdraw the exhibit, and try to force her to file an actual motion.
But her scheduling would have given another month’s delay otherwise. Depending on teh draw, the 11th Circuit could remove her quickly or in only a little more time than that. So this still seems weird.
Jack Smith warns us they’re still with that hardon Motion to Dismiss on the basis of immunity!?! Joyce White Vance is discussing. Jack states “clear error” and he is outraged. Joyce says 11th Circuit Writ of Mandamus may be upcoming
@Anonymous At Work:
Yes, that’s the part I’m referring to as bait and switch. Cannon encourages Smith to include the list of people and the details, and then she pulls the rug out from under Smith by saying, oopsie, changed my mind, that’s not protected from Trump after all.
@Anonymous At Work: It really is perplexing.
Cheez Whiz
You think this is crazy? Lady, you ain’t seen crazy yet. Its not even valentine’s day, the actual contested primaries haven’t started, the New Youk judge hasn’t issued his ruling on how fucked the Trump Organization, Inc. is, and then the conventions, oh god the conventions. Then the October Suprise. Then the vote, and whatever magnificent ratfucks Roger Stone is planning, and then, then, it gets really weird.
@Cheez Whiz: cheesus, help us!
Old School
I don’t think it’s an accident Trump put a Republican judge in his area, but I’ve no idea if someone is pulling her strings. (Although I do tend to doubt conspiracy theories.). You seemed quite sure though, so I wondered what I missed.
@Old School: I think he didn’t just put a republican judge in that area. I think they intentionally put a young, inexperienced, malleable judge who owes her position to the Federalist Society in that position. And I believe that those are the people she will turn to for advice. Or maybe they just offered her a game plan up front. I don’t know the details, but I do believe they are pulling her strings
But no, there isn’t proof or reporting of that, if that’s what you were wondering.
Trivia Man
“Make me”
She has made her ruling, now let her enforce it. Predicition: Smith will NOT release dangerous materials to cheeto mussolini.
Supreme Court nomination the next one opens up with an R president and R controlled Senate.
Bork got a shot, even after the “Saturday Night Massacre” at the DOJ.
Joyce Vance appears to think this sequence of events is as extraordinary as we do.
Old School
@WaterGirl: I’m waiting for Omnes to weigh in on whether this is extraordinary.
@Old School: That will be interesting!
She/they want to force the appointment of a new judge in order to add ammunition to the myth that there’s s DOJ conspiracy against Trump.
@WaterGirl: but could Jack Smith have predicted that she would, just one day later, say “oh about that ex-parte stuff, changed my mind, now you have to share all this witness information with Trump? BY TOMORROW.
I expect he has seen enough of her to do contingency planning for even wildly improbable things, especially if those would (further) delay proceedings. Admittedly, her being willing to blatantly ignore law, precedent, procedure, etc. makes that challenging. But by now, he could be getting good at it.
My guess would be it’s not the Federalist Society. Because they have access to more knowledgeable lawyers, who wouldn’t set her up to do stuff they would know the 11th Circuit would immediately smack down.
No, it reeks of the dumb stuff Trump’s lawyers pull all the time. Of course, having that kind of interaction with one party would be beyond dumb, crazy even. But still, it fits what we’re seeing.
@Jeffro: Not the first time and not the last that the conservative way of going about things exactly mirrors the domestic abuser’s approach to life.
@BeautifulPlumage: Dunning and Kruger were pretty smart to observe this effect. I vote we rename it the Trump Effect.
@Viva BrisVegas: If she gets removed and replaced, she escapes vengeance from Trump when trial goes badly for him, as it will once testimony starts. Could save her life.
randy khan
She may well be disappointed. Trump is not the kind of guy to reward the little people, and the FedSoc people running his nominations are aware she’s a lightweight. Other Republicans definitely won’t care what she did for Trump.
@Nettoyeur: She has huge latitude to mess up the actual trial, starting with jury selection, deciding what evidence can be introduced, dealing with objections, instructions to the jury, etc. If she’s as out of control with tasks at this stage that should be routine, I am really concerned as to what she will do during the trial. We really need to get rid of her before it starts. In some ways her shenanigans now to cause delay may turn out to be a good thing since they present more opportunities to get rid of her before the trial.
@Jeffro: so am I. And what I hate most about these vile creatures (who don’t deserve to be called “people”) is how much they’ve made me hate them. I don’t like hating but there doesn’t seem to be any other response that fits.
@WaterGirl: she seems bone-stupid. The only cunning thing about this is her quick turn-around from the ex-parte filing and the short deadline she has imposed.
I am curious about what she has seen in the witness and documents list that made her bold enough to risk at the least another slap-down of her rulings by the 11th circuit.
Or did she think that on a Friday night Jack’s team could not quickly file an appeal and get her ruling stayed by the 11th?
Another Scott
Relatedly, … Justice.gov:
The judge she threatened was Cannon (according to other reporting). :-/
It’s weird/interesting that both of these news stories happened on the same day.
Raoul Paste
@Another Scott: Wow
...now I try to be amused
Donald Trump is the Schoolhouse Rock from Hell.
Citizen Alan
@WaterGirl: I can think of several whose children recoil from them. There’s a picture of Cruz holding his daughter and trying to kiss her and she looks utterly terrified.
Here’s hoping he gets to experience several years of the Jailhouse Rock from hell. Soon.
@wjca: What if Cannon showed Shitgibbon’s lawyers the material? That would account for the sudden insistence to unseal the documents and make the witnesses public. Would she be that stupid?
On the evidence, quite possibly.
And if she did? At some point, TIFG (maybe his lawyers or toadys, but probably him personally) will publish the names, etc. At which point a) Witness Protection gets a whole slew of new clients, and b) Cannon gets disbarred pretty much instantly, booted off the bench, and with luck gets some jail time to boot.
Cannon’s only hope (if she is bright enough to take it) is to make a plea deal in exchange for testifying against everyone else involved. Both TIFG’s lawyers (also getting disbarred) and anyone else involved in setting up contact, etc. If some of the latter turn out to be Federalist Society types, that’s icing on the cake.
Oh, yeah. It probably makes TIFG look even more guilty when the trial actually happens. Even if it isn’t admissible until sentencing time.
@Jeffro: Count me in. It seems like to be law is really a piece of bubble gum.: stretch and stretch some more!
It almost seems as if she wants to be relieved of this case, and the scrutiny, and the infamy to follow. I know she could recuse herself, but that would turn the brownshirts against her, and she knows enough not to want that. So she is delaying as long as possible, but now essentially begging for the 11th Circuit to remove her from the case…
Why am I not seeing anything about this on any of the other sites I visit on the regular?