BREAKING: Judge fines former President Trump more than $300 million in civil fraud trial and bars him from running businesses in New York for three years.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) February 16, 2024
I hope Uday & Qusay are tapped so the FBI can know if they’re trying to sell any secrets their pops told them.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 16, 2024
— Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) February 16, 2024
If SCOTUS denies the stay, this summer there will be legally incriminating & politically damaging evidence spread across screens everywhere in America.
Instead of asking whether Dems will replace Biden the press should be asking Republicans why they won’t replace Trump.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 16, 2024
Too soon? Hahahahaha!
— Susan Ovans (@susanovans) February 16, 2024
ALINA HABBA strikes again…..
— Jaime (@KansasResisters) February 16, 2024
Our Very Serious Media:
“Is this fair, to go after Donald Trump like this in this environment?”
— Katy Turclock the looks on Susanne Craig and Lisa Rubin’s faces.
— scott poulson-bryant (@SPBPHD) February 16, 2024
Seems this day👇is getting closer. But who knew that it would be the actual Trump Tower that could be sold off to pay Trump's fines/penalties and turned into a prison for rich people? Karma works in mysterious ways….
— Mary Westemeier (@Westygal) February 16, 2024
other cases establish (or will establish) that Trump lied about what he did
This one establishes that he lied about what he was worth and therefore who he is
And he fully understands that
— Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) February 16, 2024
Bill Arnold
Since it is a Good News Open Thread, for gardeners:
Bioluminescent petunias now available for U.S. market (Feb 1, 2024)
Firefly Petunia: the flower you will love the most
What Dana Houle said. And that no one is asking the Rs that question shows much in the tank the media is for the Republican party.
Eh, Trump supporters aren’t stupid enough to take the bait.
Reposting, as this is GREAT NEWS! 🤭
Hopefully the jury will take their jobs more seriously than the Texas Senate.
Alison Rose
I’m just gonna quote the names of some of my FB tag groups:
My schaden is freuding
The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of This Bitch
Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions
To fuck around is human, to find out is divine
Have you tried dying mad about it
(Okay, for some reason, FYWP won’t let me use bullet points……whatever)
Omg listening to Trump, I cannot with his lies. The most beautiful financial statements ever seen…
So, he can’t run a shaved ice cart in Central Park …
… but he can be President. What a crazy fucking world.
ETA: Don’t read this post to anyone; “shaved ice” kinda sounds like shaved ass phonetically.
Wonder whether there’s any bank stupid enough to back a bond for him during the appeals process.
None of Taylor Swifts billion has come from Bonesaws or scamming the magats.
Someone on MSNBC said he couldn’t get a bank bond for $5m, the first E Jean award, let alone the other $83m he owes E Jean, and now this.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@dmsilev: Has to be one that doesn’t do business in New York?
Harrison Wesley
He says Taylor Swift owes her career to him. Shouldn’t she be willing to spot him a few hundred mil??
Splitting Image
I think Greg Dworkin’s tweet hits it right on the bullseye:
Trump is, and has always been, as fake as a televangelist invoking religion. A three-dollar billionaire.
And Taylor Swift donates some of her money to people in need, not just people with the last name Trump.
@Splitting Image: Maybe this is why there is a nexis between MAGAts and those who send their pension money to televangelists.
The fine includes interest accrued from the time of the fraud. Someone did some napkin math and it comes out to $458m.
Media shoving Lindsay Graham aside to huff tRUMPS farts.
Picture of the day.
Caption reads, “Just like we drew it up.”
…other cases establish (or will establish) that Trump lied about what he did.
This one establishes that he lied about what he was worth and therefore who he is.
And he fully understands that.
Actually i don’t believe that he does. At least not in his conscious mind. Or that he would ever admit.
I want the court case that explains to the world what he really is. Because the reality is that even if he knows, he’ll never admit that he is, is what I consider him to be, pure unadulterated, shit. From the top of that rag mop on his head, down to the lifts in his shoes, absolute, 100,000% pure shit. And I’m not positive that it’s even human, although it is entirely possible that it is, there have been at least a bazillion models over the entire time of humanity that have/had the same traits and concepts of themselves, although I’d bet that many of them may not have been quite as shitty or at least as public about it.
Adding to general jollity, I was pointed to this on BlueSky and must must MUST share:
Francis Ford Coppolla’s Dracula, as performed by Gilbert & Sullivan
Almost Retired
I’m sure this verdict will encourage Trump to up his foreign corruption and rube-fleecing games.
This week on The Daily Show, Jordan Klepper did another of his videos interviewing supporters at both a Haley rally and a Trump rally. It was another good video by Klepper. The whole video is good, but at about the 5 minute mark, Klepper interviewed a Trump fan who gave far too much money to various Trump scams. He had just started to realize that he’s been scammed by the Trump people and he was trying to stop giving them money. It was kind of sad and funny at the same time. So yeah, they are easy marks.
@Jackie: It may be a dubious distinction, but Paxton has Netanyahu beat. The Israeli Prime Minister was indicted on three corruption counts only 5 years ago, in 2019. His trial started in April of 2021 and It’s still ongoing. There could be a verdict this summer, and then the appeals will begin.
The big difference is that Paxton’s criminal case did not contribute to a major war.
Peke Daddy
Fair? FAIR? Well, Ms. Tur, to be fair please mention this every time you mention Biden’s age or the Special Counsel’s report that found no evidence for charges. The equivalence is obvious.
It’s lucky that Trump likes McDonalds – that’s all he’ll be able to afford.
Now that his Teflon (r) coating is scratched, I expect the “find out” phase will continue for quite some time.
@Dangerman: With his record he wouldn’t be eligible for a student or a work visa forget a green card. But he will get the majority of the white vote if he is on the ballot for November just like he did in 2020.
And I think he would probably fail the citizenship test as well.
(In 2020 he got 55 percent of the white vote.
57% w. men
53% w. women
Source: Pew)
I would be happy if I was proven wrong.
@Scout211: Taylor Swift is the GOAT ♥️
Villago Delenda Est
Suffer, traitor. Suffer.
Just caught this headline:
“Trump opts against Supreme Court appeal on civil immunity claim over Jan. 6 lawsuits”
So the police and others affected by Jan 6 can go forward with their lawsuits.
Alison Rose
@RepubAnon: I don’t know, I keep seeing people bitching about how expensive McDonald’s has gotten. THANKS, BIDEN.
It won’t help Trump, but neither is it likely to have any negative impact on his cult members. For any “normal human politician” with “normal human supporters” this would probably have a huge effect on the supporters. However, it’s well-established at this point that neither Trump nor his supporters are “normal.”
It will be fascinating to see what, if any, impact this has on those Trump supporters who aren’t actual cult members. Over the years, I’ve spoken to quite a few Trump voters who believe that Trump was and is a great businessman. That proves that those people know nothing substantive or factual about his business career and are relying on Trump’s self-serving claims, dishonestly inflated wealth, and his role as a reality show “star.” It also establishes that they are idiots who probably would have bought swampland in Florida in the 60s or more recently would have helped a Nigerian prince in his time of need.
delivery of one Dildo of Consequences: Unlubed for Donald J Trump courtesy of the State of New York.
assuming it was gift wrapped, for his protection.
@Scout211: Personally I’m tired of seeing these people say dumb things, with minor variations, but I did find it interesting in that segment toward the end that you point out (from a few seconds earlier, on).
Klepper does it well but it seems to me I saw him do exactly the same thing some years back. Regardless, it’s worth a look.
I can’t afford McDonalds! I have to wait for $5 Whopper Weds.
Alison Rose
AG James’ remarks are great: “Donald Trump may have authored The Art of the Deal, but he perfected the art of the steal.
Dang, she’s awesome. This whole speech is just A+++.
New Monmouth poll:
You know every pundit and “news analysis” type is thinking “see, we have to talk about this because people have concerns…” I wish I could grab them by the lapels and scream “no, you idiots, the only reason people think this is something that could happen is that you keep talking about it!”
On the plus side, I’ve heard a credible argument that the reason we have as much “someone else” as we do is that people who aren’t into politics don’t realize it ain’t gonna happen, and after Super Tuesday, a lot of it may melt away.
zhena gogolia
@glc: I started to watch it, but I just got bored. Why am I laughing at this? It’s not funny.
Reminds me of how I howled at “Holy s–t, you’ve got to vote,” in 2016. The laugh was on us. I’m really done laughing about it.
ETA: I don’t include JL Cauvin in that, because he does biting satire. You’re not really supposed to laugh at him.
zhena gogolia
@Redshift: I will attest that my friends have stopped talking about replacing Biden. I took that as a good sign. Since they were suggesting Sherrod Brown or Pritzker, I’m relieved to be over that phase.
Katy Tur, a.k.a. Languid News Princess, is the nadir of daytime MSNBC, and I say that knowing that Andrea Mitchell has a full hour of sundowning at noon.
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack: Tur is definitely worse than Mitchell.
@zhena gogolia:
You did good.
@Peke Daddy: IIRC Tur was one of those in the pool of reporters that Trump was putting in danger during his previous campaign and allowing all of the Deplorables to threaten them.
She strikes me as ridiculously naive (that’s being generous) at a minimum and otherwise….. she’s a prime candidate to succeed Andrea Mitchell.
Chetan Murthy
@piratedan: She’s not naive: she wrote about that incident in her book from back then. What she is, is *depraved*.
Jay C
To me, one of the key factors in the success of Donald Trump (dishonest charlatan who should have faded into obscurity years ago, and had no fucking business whatsoever being POTUS) was revealed in the infamous “Access Hollywood tape”. Most everyone focused on the “grab them by the p—-” part, and elided the following bit, which, to me, encapsulates the whole “Trump mystique” in a nutshell:
“…and when you’re a celebrity, they let you do it“
Alison Rose
@zhena gogolia: Agree. I don’t like Andrea Mitchell but there’s a smugness to Tur that grates on me within moments of watching her.
@Almost Retired: Right. The only bank(s) that would lend Donald the money would want collateral that would no doubt be treasonous.
Klepper does an excellent job of having Trump supporters demonstrate for viewers just how impossibly stupid and ignorant they are. I always worry about his safety, but I think he comes across as such a nice, inoffensive guy that he’s probably reasonably safe. It will take someone who is a Trump supporter, but somehow astute enough to realize what Klepper is doing. To me, that means someone who supports Trump for his racism, misogyny, and fascism and accepts criminal behavior and violence as ways to get results.
Alison Rose
@RaflW: They’ll ask for Barron. And Trump will say, “Who?”
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Tur(on) is simply prepping to replace Mrs Greenspan who surely can’t last as long as Kissinger did.
This is alarming. I did not think there would be a consensus that Andrea Mitchell was something other that the worst MSNBC has to offer, much less that there would be a consensus as to the identity of the person who can limbo under that extra low bar.
@Urza: I would think the lawyers who would have to file a case at SCOTUS would want millions of dollars up front. Sucks to be broke-ass, and have the GOP atm pretty much tapped out too. Sad!
Another Scott
This seems potentially important. today:
@Alison Rose: Biden doing his part to fight heart disease.
I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!
“Remember everybody: The whole NY AG case against Trump began because Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, representing Queens & the Bronx, asked Michael Cohen if he had ever seen the Trump Org overstate assets to one audience and understate them to another.”
@Almost Retired: Can you spell RNC? :-)
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: Thanks for the pointer to the Pew results. Interesting voting breakdown there. (The GQP’s base of the Silent Generation is getting smaller…)
@Jay C:
I think you are right. Without getting into it or starting arguments, I will say, that I think celebrity culture in this country is a very real problem. We not only have people who are “famous” simply for being “famous,” but we often attribute expert status to celebrities who have no expertise in the area under consideration. Having actors who have played a role in a film or TV show testify before Congress is an example.
In recent years, there has been some positive movement in this area and we are seeing rich and famous people being held accountable for things that would or at least might have been ignored in the past. Trump’s recent fines ($5 million, $83.3 million, and now $350+ million) are good examples of Trump’s criminality finally beginning to catch up with him. We’re only just starting down that road. The most important decisions are still to come.
@Jay C: That’s why I’ve thought that if anyone at all could knock the Shaitgibbon out of the GOP running, it might have been RFK Jr. He has a famous name, could hit his opponent on vaccines, and do the whole “I was a libtard but I saw the light” dance.
@Tinare: omg that rant just went on … and on. He wrapped it up at least twice, maybe three times — I lost count — and then went back to it, mostly repeating what he had said before. It was actually a little painful toward the end.
It was not a statement by an adult in control of himself, by any stretch. The man is Not. Well.
@Alison Rose: OMG Letitia James’s summary was great! Thanks for the link.
@Bill Arnold:
Those are neat.
zhena gogolia
@Chetan Murthy: To give it a charitable interpretation, was she voicing the opinion of some of the audience and giving the panelists a chance to shoot it down?
I doubt it, but it’s possible.
It’s not teflon that makes little stick to him, it’s that anyone, anything of positive value wants nothing to do with him. And also I understand that if you get too close to him (in my book, that’s at least a thousand miles…) the stench flys off him. So you don’t even have to get really close, just in the general vicinity, to smell the stench.
@Alison Rose:
It’s only expensive because what you get is basically worthless – and yet you have to pay for it.
Betty Cracker
So true! His turn in the barrel is coming.
“and when you’re a celebrity , they let you do it “. The whole tRUMP story until Letica James. and it is still what the media wants.
Tony G
Getting any actual money out of Trump will be a challenge — even if he actually has that much money, which I doubt. Can the courts just start confiscating his property in this situation? I don’t know how this works.
What’s interesting in the Carrol and NYS fraud case is if Trump was capable of acting like a normal human being, he’d be on the hook for a whole less.
Heck, if he just went with “I don’t recall” in response to E. Jean Carrol’s statement about the sexual assault, she probably would not have a basis to sue.
Watching his angry joyless demeanor land him in so much trouble is a pleasure. Bravado, bullying, and bragging are his strong points. If those bite him in the ass, he has nothing else.
Not a majority of white women, but still too many.
At least, this Pew report is the one I have referred to.
47% is still pretty appalling, but yeah hit dogs holler, I am a white woman, and so I care maybe too much that it was LESS than half of verified voters under that heading.
@Lyrebird: Your numbers are for 2016 mine are from 2020.
I think Dworkin has it exactly right. Hee hee hee. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
My Friday night wine has never tasted so delicious.