It’s been quite the week. Four Trump trials with activity. Navalny dying, presumably with help, whether direct or due to terrible living conditions and lack of care. The creepy Pastor of the House flipping off the Senate, Ukraine, Palestinians, Israel, US standing in the world, abandoning his responsibilities and adjourning the House for two weeks when there are critical issues that need to be addressed.
Still in limbo, waiting for not one but two responses from the Supreme Court. A win in New York. Wins in the battle for voting rights, and the right of voters to choose the people who represent them, and not the other way around.
For me, though, the week was overshadowed with pet-related stuff. It’s been an ongoing battle with Mr. Bear. Gaping sore near his eye that wouldn’t heal. 21 days of pred, antibiotics, the cone. Imprint sent to the vet school, turns out it’s MRSP, which is the kitty version of MRSA, which means it’s antibiotic resistant. 42 days of antibiotics that it wasn’t resistant to, and 50+ more days of the cone. All but healed. And then it started going in the wrong direction, getting worse again. 20 more days of pred, looking good for the 14 days of pred, going in the wrong direction again as soon as we tapered the pred to every other day.
So today were back at the vet, this time for another imprint to make sure the MRSP is gone, plucked hairs from the scabby area to rule out ringworm, scraping the sore area to eliminate mites, scraping again to check for inflammatory cells, all sent off to the vet school dermatology department. I have an appointment with the Dermatology, but not until August. That’s a long time to wait!
Anyway, we should have results within a week or so, so cross your fingers for Mr. Bear.
But that wasn’t the worst of a rough week. As I was opening the door to take Mr. Bear to the vet on Wednesday, Henry bolted out the door! Spoiler: Henry is okay.
I put Mr. Bear down and could see that Henry was already to the end of the short block. Grabbed the car keys, no time to grab the phone, and by the time I got to the end of the block and turned, Henry was already partway down that block. I caught up with him, called, got out of the car, he just bolted ahead. I did that two or three times, got down in the grass, called him, he just bolted. I live on a very long block, probably two or three regular blocks long, and Henry was headed toward the very busy street that’s at the end of the block.
He made it to the end of the block, ambled on the grass at the edge of the street, and then he bolted into the very busy street with cars coming from both directions. I was screaming his name, and cars stopped in both directions, and he made his way across the street and then raced another long block and then turned to run toward people who were walking.
They were walking toward the satellite building from the big medical unit that’s across town. Henry LOVES people, so he raced toward them, and set off the automatic door opening mechanism, which is what saved us. He ran in the open door, the second door opened automatically, and he ran in there. Safe at last! I was several seconds behind him, and all the people in the clinic were already loving on him.
Carried Henry the 7 blocks home. Then headed to the vet appt with Mr. Bear. Discovered that I had lost my $200 fitbit so after the vet appointment I walked the entire chase area, hoping it would pair with my phone. I eventually found it, got home, ate eggs for dinner and crashed at 6pm.
Long week.
What’s everybody else up to tonight?
Open thread.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I ran 42.5 miles this week and got exhausted just reading this.
How scary. Stay away from that busy street, Henry. TGIF.
Alison Rose
OMG!!! Jeez, WG, I am so sorry you had to go through that with Henry. You must have been terrified when he was aiming for the busy street. So so glad he is home safe now, and I hope Mr Bear is on the mend very very soon.
Oh, Henry! Oh, Mr. Bear! You are having a time of it, WaterGirl.
For a little happy respite, consider Caitlin Clark. Such a star, and such a team player.
@Alison Rose: It was terrifying. And because he was on his great adventure, he bolted every time I got close, so once he was ambling the grass, I couldn’t move closer for fear he was going to bolt into the busy street.
So I had to stand there, helpless to intervene except by getting attention of cars on the busy street, and let it play out, thinking that this was going to end very badly.
So scary.
A friends dog escaped and was spotted in front of McBrides. We were trying to catch him and he bolted and got hit by a car. He lived but it always made me afraid of pursuing a runaway dog.
What an odyssey!! I remember those days of getting in the car, driving around the neighborhood, and trying to find our escape artist mutt. She always came to the car with the food we carried. Always a mess. She rolled in any catshit etc she could find. We called it “getting her perfume”.
Glad Henry bolted into a door that closed behind him. What a relief!
@Alison Rose: Picture Marlon Brando shouting “Stella!” only make it “Henry” and turn the volume way way up.
@Raven: I was so loud and clearly in distress, I think that’s part of what stopped traffic or at least alerted people to look around and spot my little Henry.
I feel very lucky.
Oh wow, how terrifying with Henry, and how stressful with Mr. Bear. I’m thankful for the optimal outcome in the first instance, and hoping hard for the same in the second.
That is terrifying! I am so glad Henry (and his ears) are ok. Fingers and paws crossed for Mr. Bear, I can’t imagine giving a cat that much medication for such a long time.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I hope he got a stern lecture followed by pets and scritches.
@eclare: Yes, not ideal. Mr. Bear is such a trooper, though, and he still has his sweet disposition.
If Henry’s awesome dermatologist at the vet school hadn’t moved to Michigan in July, I KNOW she would have seen Mr. Bear in an instant.
The 3rd-year resident isn’t a 10th as good as the awesome Dr. Brame was, and she said “sorry” no openings until August.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I said “you are a very bad dog” as I was kissing his head and carrying him home. Does that count as a stern lecture?
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: It’s so hard when they do things like this, because part of you is mad, but most of you is relieved! And he may have just thought he was having a grand old time.
VFX Lurker
Ack. Glad Henry is OK!!!
@WaterGirl: Oh poor you! So thankful Henry’s adventure ended well!
Sending positive healing thoughts to Mr Bear!
@Jackie: Thank you! Mr. Bear can use all the good thoughts you can spare.
That is so frustrating!
Another Scott
Yikes! Too much stress!!
As Baud says, fingers crossed for Mr. Bear and we’re all glad that Henry (and you) are Ok.
Have a relaxing evening and weekend – that’s an order!!
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Same, except for the running part.
My daughters dog bolted into a busy street- ugh it’s the worst. So sorry you had to deal with that
My 3 of my 4 cats all have issues – zoe is marking everywhere almost daily, my two black cats have digestive issues and do the smelliest poop – one cat especially almost has a metallic smell. So gross.
I’ve cleaned the laundry room where their litter several times this year. Now I’m going to scrub all the litter boxes, put fresh litter and then clean the room up and then a full ass cleaning of carpet in the upstairs. It’s going to take the whole day I reckon. Hello 3 day weekend!
Dorothy A. Winsor
My fingers are crossed for Mr. Bear. And I’m glad Henry is home safe and sound.
Oh, Henry-dog! Glad he’s okay.
Best wishes for Bear.
Geezus! I would need to be shot with a tranquilizer dart gun after an adventure like that! About 9 hours of sleep should help.
It’ll be better in the morning.
Pets are family. I can see how terrifying this would be. And exhausting. Hugs, Ed
@Alison Rose: Of course Henry was having a grand old time! Ours would stand meekly in the bathtub while we washed off everything she rolled in. But I’m sure she was thinking “But it was worth it!!”
My own heart started racing as I read Henry’s escape tale! Glad you caught him. Naughty Henry! I’m sure he wasn’t chastened, and would try it again given the chance.
Pets, man.
Yikes! Poor Mr. Bear. I hope you can turn this all around and get him back to problem-free health.
As for Henry, “Who’s a bad doggie?”
It sounds like you might need a sedative-firing dart rifle to prevent such a prolonged escape from recurring. Or, you could prevent a recurrence by getting Henry a stylish vest with lead weights to slow him down. I hope it is obvious that those suggestions are offered with tongue firmly in cheek.
It would be horrible if something happened to Henry during a scenic tour of areas with potentially dangerous traffic.
Now that Henry is back home and safe, I hope Mr. Bear’s alarming condition can be dealt with as soon as possible.
I’m allocating 100% of my good thoughts directly to Mr. Bear.
Good luck, WaterGirl.
I know when my dog starts rolling around in the yard that something either died, peed, or pooped there.
@SteveinPHX: Crashed at 6pm, woke up at 9pm, did not sleep well that night, or last night. Maybe tonight’s the night.
I am normally a good sleeper.
Henry, Mr. Bear and I appreciate all the good wishes! And the commiseration.
What’s everybody up to tonight?
Oh, WaterGirl! I’m so glad Henry is safely home, and crossing fingers and toes and whatever else (will ask Toby to cross his paws) for Mr. Bear.
zhena gogolia
I’m so glad Henry is okay. Prayers for Mr. Bear.
@WaterGirl: and apparently YOU are such a trooper as well!
Sorry to hear it’s so concerning, and thank goodness Henry came through all that… Boy have you had a week!
August is a long way out. Do they have a cancellation list? My best to Mr. Bear and to that cute (and naughty) Henry. I wish you a good night’s sleep!
Now why did I think immediately of Les Misérables?
@Bex: Yes, I am on the cancellation list. With a notation that says I live just 10 minutes away and that my schedule is very flexible – in case there are last-minute cancellations.
So far, no luck.
I did ask the vet yesterday if she thought it would make sense to do a consultation with the Dermatology department at the vet school, so she took close-up photos and wrote up notes and jumped through their hoops. And she sent all the swabs and scrapings etc over to them today after our early morning appointment.
@Lyrebird: That’s kind of you to say!
Something to chew on. The “How dare you not drive a car” bills.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I saw Free Republic mentioned somewhere and had to go cruise that shithole to see how the shitlords are doing. It’s nothing but good news. For us!! They are at each others throats about pretty much everything…lol!
– Tucker = Russian/Putin lover/red pilled vs. just reporting the news.
– Muslims = Russian Muslims are good and all others are bad vs. all Muslims are bad.
– Ukraine = Putin loves Biden because he will give them Ukraine and Trump won’t vs. Ukraine is a country full of hedonistic child rapers, murderers and such.
Navalny = Putin went thug and murdered him vs. Navalny was a CIA asset and agitator who got what he deserved vs. vaccine reaction killed him vs. who cares as we have our own J6 political prisoners here that is worse!
And on and on and on and that was in only in one thread! May they keep tearing into each other and become ever more divided.
The owner of Free Republic is only asking for about $320,000 a year to keep his 1996 themed site on line every year…lol!
Fucking sheep.
Have something in your water, girl. You deserve a toast!
Maybe Henry should be imprisoned in a crate or interior room when you are going to leave the house, especially with another pet. It sounds as though he is not going to cooperate any time he can make a move for freedom.
Hope Mr. Bear heals soon. He sounds like a sweetie.
Oh, poor Mr. Bear! I hope the dermatologist can figure out what’s wrong. Did you call the dermatologist’s office directly, or are you going through your regular vet? Not every vet clinic has its own specialists: mostly there are a few in the city who rotate between vet clinics. The August date might not be the dermatologist’s first availability – just the first time they’ll be rotating through your particular vet clinic. If that’s the case, maybe you can call the dermatologist directly and see if there is a date sooner than that, through a different vet clinic.
Thanks to all the gods Henry is OK. I had a cat escape from a carrier on the way to the vet – many years ago- I was walking him there, and wound up running gods know how far to catch him, shedding carrier, coat and even purse along the way.
We both arrived at the vet (Jazz clamped more than clasped in my arms) stressed, panting, exhausted, and covered in foliage. The very kind person at the front desk held onto Jazz while I retraced my steps to find all the items I’d flung aside.
All that running, and your FitBit had fallen off? Of all the times to do so…
You ran after and caught your cat? I’m impressed.
@WaterGirl: Have 4 felines in the house. No canines. They are generally not prone to outdoor adventures, but we keep a constant eye out!
Get some rest.
Wondering this evening what state secrets/documents the TIFG might still have stashed at MAL and be offering overseas in exchange for enuf $ to meet some of these civil judgments that came down today.
Mike in NC
@WaterGirl: Celebrating the great news today with a very dirty martini.
And Henry looks so innocent, too! What a terrifying day. So glad it all turned out OK for you, the naughty Henry, and the kitty too.
Short of some kind of “invisible fence” scheme, I’m not sure what you can do.
@WaterGirl: burst into tears at “my little Henry” ❤️ to you all.
That’s exactly what I did today when I opened the door to get Mr. Bear’s carrier. If I have it in the house, Mr. Bear hides. So I have pick up Mr. Bear and hold him tight while I open the door to the outside and grab the carrier that I had placed right by the door.
That’s what I was doing on Wednesday morning when Henry escaped, and I sure didn’t want a repeat.
I don’t know what got into Henry, but I hope he forgets his taste of freedom. He can move crazy fast for a little guy.
@NotMax: Interesting. When I was in Manhattan in 2022, 90% of the bike messengers were on eBikes. Of course, why not? This bill is ridiculous. An eBike is a bike, not a motorcycle.
@eclare:It was (counts on fingers) good lord, nearly 25 years ago. I was much younger, and fleeter of foot.
Also, Jazz ran into someone’s yard and fetched up at a solid wooden fence. While he was trying a figure out a way around it, I pounced on him.
Hang on, Mr. Bear!
I wish you good healing and a quiet weekend.
@NotMax: that‘s really awful.
@CaseyL: No credit for all the steps! :-)
They have a dermatology dept at the vet school here. A full-time dermatologist.
Henry has allergies, so we go to the dermatologist at the vet school. The awesome dermatologist left in July – I may have mentioned above that she would have worked Mr. Bear in right away. The 3rd year resident just shrugged and said the first appt was August. Grrr.
Oh my god, cat escaping from a carrier, what a nightmare.
@SteveinPHX: he’s going to dig up Ivana to get the good stuff.
David 🏈 Mahomes! 🏈 Koch
Once I was a con-man, bold and cold,
Bilked me a railroad,
Once I was con-man, now it’s gone,
Brother can you spare $437 million dollars
citizen dave
What a week! Been since I was in college dealing with a dog, but maybe it’s like herding cats, which I’ve attempted. You got to get in front of them, knowing they will almost always run away from you (except for the devious feints and moves when they do decide to run past you). I just remembered our longtime family mutt, medium size, orange/white Pixie got out once and was hit by a car. Pretty much OK, but for the rest of her long life you could touch the top of her back in a certain spot and her back would spontaneously spasm one time
Our cat is sending his good thoughts to Mr. Bear.
@Manyakitty: Now I’m tearing up again, too.
edit: someone here teases me that his name must be “my little Henry” because that’s what I call him. I can’t recall who it is.
David 🏈 Mahomes! 🏈 Koch
Sniffle. They carried her off the court “Rudy” style (photo)
@WaterGirl: Since I’ve only had dogs, not cats, I don’t have any experience to share. I hope for the best for Mr. Bear. What a difficult time this must be. Not short-term like Henry, but over months. Best wishes for Mr. Bear and I hope you can get a vet appointment ASAP.
@citizen dave: I did think to get in front of Henry but he’s got some serious moves and I wasn’t able to trap him.
Oh Watergirl, what a fright so glad Henry is ok. And I hope for good news about Mr Bear. I’ve had cats run across traffic, it’s terrifying, sadly one didn’ t make it. Another was hit but survived. It’s an awful experience and I’m so glad it ended well
@David 🏈 Mahomes! 🏈 Koch: Great picture!!
@kalakal: So sad about your cat, that’s what I feared, too. I feel very lucky.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@WaterGirl: Yikes! And I’m glad there’s no tragedy. Best wishes to you all.
Glad that no one seemed to mind the up front spoiler in my story. I didn’t want anyone to worry.
@WaterGirl: Maybe you should keep the carrier in the house all the time?
I once had two cats due at the vets, so I got two carriers out of storage and put them on the kitchen table. Half an hour later, I came back, closed the doors on the carriers and took them to the vets.
Yes: the right two cats had decided that these boxes needed occupying…
Excellent strategy!
Mine is, I just leave the carrier out all the time, under a window. Kitties are used to seeing it, and don’t start to freak out until I’m actually carrying then towards it – which is, of course, too late, mwaa ha ha.
@WaterGirl: “Stress and nervous tension are now serious social problems in all parts of the galaxy and it is in order that this situation should not be in any way exacerbated that the following facts will now be revealed in advanced: The planet in question, is, in fact, Magrathea. The deadly nuclear missile attack shortly to be launched by an ancient automatic defence system will merely result in the bruising of somebody’s upper arm, and the untimely creation and sudden demise of a bowl of petunias and an innocent sperm whale. In order that some sense of mystery should still be preserved no revelation will yet be made concerning whose upper arm has been bruised.”
I hope they had a wait list you could sign up for.
That’s a horrible thing to go through. Gav slipped his leash about 6 blocks from home and took off fast right onto the street and out of my sight. I found him sitting in front of my house’s front door. Luckily he was unharmed.
@Timill: Great story! Clever.
I started keeping the carrier outside after Mr. Bear was traumatized when he had his crystals and then bladder stones after my trips in May and July last summer. He’s a sensitive boy.
@Timill: Ha!
@Kristine: Yes, I am on the wait list, with a notation that I live just 10 minutes away and have a very flexible schedule.
I was on a 6-month waiting list when I first called for a dermatology appointment for Henry’s allergies 2 years ago this month.
They had a really great vet tech then, and the best vet I have ever known was the Dermatologist. The vet tech called me 2 or 3 days after I got on the list for an appointment that day.
No such luck this time, but I now have to answer all phone calls until I get the appt because the calls from the vet techs come from their own cell phones and they are unidentified.
The current vet tech isn’t great, and the wonderful dermatologist at the vet school moved to Michigan. The 3rd year resident isn’t awesome; she is missing the warmth, for sure.
Folks come to the vet school from all over the state, so being local, and close, is a big advantage. At least it was last time. I had high hopes for today since we got a big snow, hoping that someone from out of town would decide not to make the trip. NO such luck.
Turned in the keys to my NOLA apartment today! In 2 days left in NOLA before heading to next phase of my life journey in SF bay area!
It’s Almost Time!
Keith P.
I’ve got an old cat that has gone very or completely blind in the last few days. She hadn’t been seeing food when I put it down, and I finally put the pieces down when she came out of her cave and trying to avoid bumping into things. Pretty sad, but she’s somewhere around 20 years old and has a very spoiled last 5 years or so.
hells littlest angel
I really appreciated the spoiler.
@Delk: Whew!
When I was in my 20s and had my first cocker spaniel, she was so well trained that I would walk her off the leash. Actually, I had the leash, but she liked to carry it in her mouth.
Anyway one time we were walking and a loud noise startled her and she bolted. I wandered around the neighborhood, trying to find her, with no luck. Finally I ran into the mailman who asked why I was crying and I explained. He told me he had just seen her sitting in front of my house.
Tucker would have been smart enough to find his way home, but even though Henry is super smart, I don’t know that he would find his way home.
@lamh36: So excited for you!!!
Staying with family for the final two days? Are you driving? Anybody going with you to keep you company and help you get settled?
@hells littlest angel: oh, good.
Too funny! The Lincoln Project’s latest ad features Fred, TIFG’s father, using AI to lambast him for shaming the family name:
Alison Rose
BTW if you want to add a new action figure to your shelves, FCTRY will be donating $1 per purchase over the Presidents’ Day weekend to the Brennan Center for Justice. I have Harris, Ginsburg, and Pelosi, as well as both Zelenskyy figures (they only have one of him now, but when they first introduced it about a year ago, there was a second special edition one, and yes, I bought both). They also have Biden, Warren, AOC, Sanders, and a bunch of others, including Trump in an orange jumpsuit :P
@WaterGirl: I don’t know how it works for the vet derm but for doctor’s offices I find it can help to call every day. Call at different times each day. Ask if there has been a cancelation. Ask if they have an emergency appointment available. Ask if they can squeeze you in. Ask if they can recommend a different dermatologist. Ask what you can do to get an appointment. Ask about the cancelation and one other different thing each time. Be nice but persistent.
I find sometimes there’s been a cancelation, they haven’t got around to calling the list and if you call you can get that appointment. Shouldn’t work that way but it does.
TCM note.
Product of its time, the semi-documentary Eskimo comes around at 4:30 a.m. Saturday.
That’s exciting!
@Yarrow: Thanks for the suggestions. Maybe I’ll try that next week. Especially on a bad winter weather day!
Oh, my! So glad Henry is home safe, thinking good thoughts about Mr. Bear and hope you get some rest.
@WaterGirl: Squeaky wheel wins. They might squeeze you in just to get you to stop calling.
Bon voyage! 🛫
@Keith P. You could try warming the food so she can smell it more easily.
@Timill: @Keith P.:
It’s a good idea to heat up the food. My niece had to do that with her older kitty and being able to smell the food made a huge difference.
Sad, though, that she has lost her sight. That has to be confusing and disorienting. Also hard for you!
Sister Golden Bear
Yikes! I’m glad Henry’s
grandterrifying adventure had a happy ending. Crossing my fingers for Mr. Bear.Sister Golden Bear
@lamh36: We’ll have to have a jackal welcoming reception!
Sister Golden Bear
@WaterGirl: @Timill: Heating food to “freshly killed critter” temp also makes it more appealing to kitties.
Put the food and a small amount of water in a microwave-safe container and microwave on low for a few seconds at a time until the food is warmed through. A research study heated it to 99-degrees so that’s probably a good target.
@David 🏈 Mahomes! 🏈 Koch: I am confident she’ll break Pete Maravich’s record — she needs less than 100 points, which would normally be about 3 or 4 games (last night was an exception!).
@Yarrow: That’s how it works for my dermatologist also. I called Wednesday expecting an appointment maybe August, and they said “oh, we have an opening tomorrow.”
That is quite the week, Watergirl! I hope next week is better.
She will blow through it, we still have the NCAA’s to go.
@WaterGirl: Staying with my mom until I fly out early Monday morning.
Going solo for now. Hired moving company to pack and deliver my car and my household items.
So glad you’re flying, weather can be iffy this time of year!
Wow. Glad everything came out ok, and best wishes for Mr. Bear!
2 of our cats aren’t too bad, pick ’em up, put them in carrier, as long as you don’t take too long over it all is good.
The third is a nightmare, she is psychic, she knows what is planned and disappears. Fortunately food conquers all. The strategy is, bring out carrier a week in advance, put food at open end of carrier, progress inward day by day, by the end of the week she’s happily eating inside the carrier. A well timed, rapid, swoop on the door and we’re good to go
@WaterGirl: is it worthwhile to consider a road trip to Michigan to see the good vet?
karen marie
Poor Mr. Bear! He’s very lucky to have you as his servant. I hope you both survive till August, WaterGirl!
As for Henry running out the door – yikes!
That is precisely the scenario that I’ve trained my dogs against. They all had rigorous training from the moment they came into my care that they are not allowed to cross a threshold – either in or out – without express verbal permission.
I use hot dog as the training treat. Frozen, sliced super thin, quartered, bagged up in training episode-size quantities, refrozen until needed. It’s an absolute winner because it defrosts really fast without turning to mush, and each piece is small enough they don’t get distracted having to stop and chew or cause them to get full and lose focus.
It’s a pain in the ass but the time consuming part is only a couple of weeks, and then it’s a matter of the human being disciplined enough to not skip the sit/wait. I suppose that’s a hazard of having a doggy door that they can go in and out at will – it’s confusing when the rules change. I’m glad I never had that problem.
Cathie from Canada
We got an indoor baby gate to keep our escape artists at home. It is so scary when they run off! Ours got out twice before we got the gate, and luckily they came back willingly to the car both times.
Regarding Mr Bear, I hesitate to mention this and maybe someone upthread already has, but maybe you should have a biopsy done for skin cancer? Just wondering if this might explain why the lesion never heals.
“Henry LOVES people”
All the more reason to leash your animal.
@WaterGirl: in this case, it was essential. We’re all so reactive at this point — who would stop to think that you wouldn’t be writing such a calm description if not. Nevertheless.
@Keith P.: call the vet for any changes like that, no matter how old she is.
@lamh36: adventure time! 💥 ✨🎵
@lamh36: That sounds like a great plan. Hope they are paying your moving expenses!
@MichiganderGail: I would, except I don’t know where she is in Michigan!
@Cathie from Canada: We talked about the possibility of doing a biopsy. The vet really doesn’t think that skin cancer is a possibility.
So we decided to do these 4 tests now because they are less intrusive, and wait on a biopsy until we get the results and hear what the vet school dermatologist recommends from the consult.
@wetcasements: oh believe me, 20-year-old WaterGirl was just fine walking with my cocker spaniel unleashed. Grown-up WaterGirl looks back in horror, even though she was very well-trained and stayed by my side.
WaterGirl, my kitty crew and I are sending you and Mr. Bear all good thoughts. Glad Henry is OK, such a scare!
@Keith P.: We had an elderly cat (14) that suddenly went blind and it turned out high blood pressure caused it…once he was on meds his eyesight was fine. Might be something to ask your vet about.
Heating her food is a good idea also.