This has been a long time coming. As they say, the best time to plant an oak tree is a hundred years ago; the second best time is today.
One more victory from the man who brought us the Violence Against Women Act. It’s almost like he respects women and sees them as equals!
Special military prosecutors will now handle accusations of sexual assault, domestic violence and murder among other serious crimes, taking prosecutions out of the chain of the command of the accused.
This is one more big fucking Joe Biden deal that demonstrates that Joe Biden is here to change the world. He’s been preparing for this his whole life, and it’s pretty clear that he intends to make every minute of presidency count. Biden has a vision and he must be really great at delegating, because if he tried to micromanage everything, he couldn’t accomplish even a tenth of what the Biden Administration is accomplishing.
It must be pretty tough to report a rape in the military, especially when the offender is in your chain of command. Or a member of the good old boys club.
A major overhaul in how the military investigates and prosecutes sexual assaults and other serious crimes launches today as the Pentagon shifts decision-making from unit commanders to independent prosecutors to determine if an accusation should go to court martial.
Starting today, cases of military members accused of sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and murder —regardless of where they occur — will be overseen by an independent office staffed by specially trained lawyers the Pentagon is calling “special trial counsels,” a senior defense official said in a briefing with reporters last week. Each military branch will have its own office of special trial counsel and the lead prosecutors for each will report to their service Secretaries in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.
Historically, service members accused of serious crimes would be investigated and prosecuted by legal teams under the same local chain of command as the defendant, a system that many alleged created conflicts of interest for commanders. Those cases will now be handled by independent prosecutors who will decide what actions if any, from a court martial to dismissal, a case requires.
In 2025, the office authority will extend to sexual harassment cases.
The Office of the Special Trial Counsel was established by an executive order signed by President Joe Biden in July. The independent office grew from recommendations made by ani Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military, stood up by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in 2021. The DOD accepted the commission’s 82 recommendations which centered on accountability, prevention, climate, culture and victim support.
I would encourage you to read the whole article. Or just celebrate the difference that this is going to make in people’s lives.
Open thread.
As a female veteran, I am so so so happy to see this.
I watched him sign this right after Sinead died, and I thought the timing was such a fitting tribute. Got my Irish up.
@stinger: agreed.
My only caution is that it’s a result of an EO, so the next GOP president could undo it. Hopefully this can be well established, and EFFECTIVE, before the next non-Dem President is elected (ideally many, many years from now).
Mike in NC
Former Rapist-in-Chief was fond of pardoning accused war criminals, because he was a career criminal who bonded with them.
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard is now comparing himself to Alexey Navalny? Yeah, because he needs to die in solitary confinement in a prison located above the Arctic Circle.
It’s always bothered me that the attitude toward women in the military wasn’t “Would you rape your sister? Would you let one of your mates rape your sister? Well, she’s closer to you than you sister, because your sister never promised to take a bullet for you!”
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Mousebumples: I think this cycle already happened. I saw a documentary about this issue years ago, during the Obama administration. At the end, they had a note that policy had changed and rape investigations were no longer under the control of the local chain of command.
Now we hear this change is happening again, which says to me Trump must have issued an EO reinstating the control of sexual predators over their own investigations.
As one who served 29 years and had Court Martial Convening Authority, this is not a good decision, no matter how much it seems to be. When you deny Commanders authority to make decisions on discipline matters in their command, you will default to going for the max type of trial and more than a few people will get railroaded here.
If the CO makes a wrong decision, fire him or her. But don’t take away commanders authority under the UCMJ.
On the subject of serious crimes
“Maybe it’s time to revisit the findings in the Mueller report. “Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians.” Those pesky Russians just keep popping up everywhere don’t they? Surely it’s all just coincidence, right?”
THIS made me tear up. I wish I could get this across every social media platform.
Because, IT IS THE TRUTH!!!!
@rikyrah: OK. Now you’ve got me weepy eyed! (heart emoji
“Discipline” matters? sounds a whole more like crimes already going on under their commands.
Another Scott
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand pushed for this for years and years and got it done. (That’s another argument, if another one is needed, for the importance of NOT having term limits.)
Speaking of kick-ass women, Energy Sec. Granholm was just on C-Span Radio (I can’t find a link to the segment – I don’t know if it was live) giving a speech about all the good things Biden is doing for manufacturing, followed by a Q&A about the (totally routine) LNG exports impacts, etc. It seems to be/have been at some think tank or other. She’s a powerful advocate.
@Mike in NC:
Seriously? Damn those nuns for taking away all the good swear words! I’m not even catholic anymore, but there’s still something that keeps me from using the ones that “take the lord’s name in vain”. [Please insert one of those words here.]
Chief Oshkosh
@Mike in NC: Yep. Just what I was thinking.
Hey, I wonder whatever the one murdering war criminal is up to these days. Several of his colleagues risked their reputations, careers, and lives in testifying against him. He was convicted. Then Trump pardoned him.
This thread is really wide-open – I just wanted to get the word out, and this seemed like the best way to do it.
Did we talk about the centerpiece of the GOP’s Impeachment case against President Biden being a Russian op?
@Another Scott:
I got to be at one night of the 2012 Democratic Convention, and she was hands down the best speaker other than Obama (and possibly tied with him.) Absolutely electrifying. If she hadn’t been born in Canada she’d be one of my top picks for president.
This. Sexual assault and domestic violence aren’t ‘discipline matters,’ they’re serious crimes.
If something’s a ‘discipline matter,’ it’s reasonable to put the offense in the context of the offender’s overall service, and discipline accordingly. It’s reasonable to handle such offenses within the chain of command.
But if what’s alleged is a motherfucking crime with a very real victim, that context has no place in judging guilt v. innocence or the degree of punishment if guilty. Which is why it should be taken out of the chain of command, where that context is present in their thinking.
Uncle Joe may be old but he’s gotten the most done of any president in my lifetime. That includes Obama even though I love him too. My point is, he ain’t acting that old. He’s red hot in the position he’s in. I’m with Joe & Kamela.
@Mike in NC:
Since TFG couldn’t possibly have a problem with Putin’s handling of the situation, I assume what he means is that he too deserves to die in prison.
ETA: Would be nice if someone asked him, “so what’s the matter with what Putin did to Navalny?”
@Skippy-san: Sorry ladies, you’ll just have to deal, as you’ve been dealing because it may, possibly, sometime in the future, undermine your chain of command. So clean off that jizz, pull your pants up, and get back into formation with your rapist for unit cohesion is quite the take.
The crimes a bro network are most likely to forgive and cover up.
It’s times like this that a “like” button would come in handy.
Another Scott is running out of hands to ‘on the other hand’ in their federal budget ‘analysis’:
They’re starting to mumble to the press about getting things done – which is the first step in getting things done.
Politics is slow.
Are we going to hear from the Supremes today? I’m meh on the Colorado decision; pretty sure they’ll allow TIFG to be on their primary ballot.
BUT I’m waiting very impatiently for their IMMUNITY decision! 🤞🏻🤞🏻
@Another Scott: In the silver lining department: a government shutdown will probably help the Democratic nominee running in Abigal Spanberger’s Virginia 7th CD. A lot of people there will be affected.
A shutdown could also hurt Republican Rep. Jen Kiggans in her 2nd CD reelection.
Another Scott
For those wondering what Pence is doing (“Beuhler? Beuhler?”),
(Emphasis added.)
Yes, nothing is more “conservative” than having a revolution to throw off a king and create the first modern representative democracy based on inalienable rights.
[ groucho-roll-eyes.gif ]
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Jackie: Exactly how I feel. Come on, Supreme Court! Make my day.
@Jackie: Same here. I fully expect the Supremes to rule that disqualification can’t be left to individual states, but have no idea what, if anything, they will prescribe instead. The 14th amendment was never going to be the magic bullet anyway.
But, the future of the country pretty much hangs on whether the president is to be treated as an emperor.
Miss Bianca
@Jackie: I’m pissed because the CO primaries are going to be over and done with by the time they get around to rendering a decision.
Thus rendering the issue moot.
@Another Scott:
That era’s conservative was definitely pro-England.
@Another Scott: Yup. And to this day, Gillibrand is still punished for it. Her courage and passionate advocacy on this issue are the reason her fellow Dems asked her to take the lead on their collective calls for Franken to resign. She had the principles and cojones to say “yes” and as a result is frequently treated like History’s Greatest Monster for doing so. No good deed…
@smith: CO likely isn’t going to Trump anyways. If this were say TX or FL, that would be a whole ‘other ball of wax and would likely effect the Election.
Well, that’s one way to avoid addressing the issue. Which, I suspect, they’d prefer to do, if they can get plausible deniability.
@UncleEbeneezer: In general, the only states that would disqualify him are ones he wouldn’t have won anyway. And you can be sure red state judges would find a way to disqualify Biden. Teri Kanefield has a good discussion about the thorny issues that could arise from using state level disqualification, regardless of the immediate context. Even the liberal justices on SCOTUS seemed to be be concerned about it.
@Josie: I agree, or how about the converse, how does a chain of command that looks the other way when members of their command are being raped survive?
@Jackie: SCOTUS announced two cases today – but neither was the Trump immunity case or the Trump 14th amendment case.
They can announce the Trump-related cases at any time. They could have announced either or both on Monday even thought it was a holiday, or on Saturday night at midnight, or they could announce at any other random time of their choosing.
So we wait.
@WaterGirl: And wait. And wait… sigh
Paul in KY
This is a very big change. With your line Commander in the mix, troops who allegedly committed major crimes, but were great at their jobs, sure had an advantage over any accuser.
Long overdue! Go Pres. Biden!
FactsLivesMatter (@Facts0601) posted at 6:14 PM on Tue, Feb 20, 2024:
The folks saying they’re not voting for Biden because of Palestine were saying from January 21, 2021 to October 6, 2023 that they weren’t voting for Biden because of student loans.
There was always going to be a reason.
Paul in KY
@SomeRandomGuy: I must say, as prior military, that a fellow soldier is never required to ‘take a bullet’ for another soldier. They should be ready to kill to preserve their fellow soldier’s life and thus eliminate the enemy, but what you said is in the ‘Medal of Honor’ category and you can’t make that the standard.
Paul in KY
@Skippy-san: I’m sure you were a great CO, who called em right, but there are other COs who abuse their discretion and allow predators to continue in positions they have no right to be in. These people may get fired, but the damage they did lives on.
IMO, on the whole, better for good military order/morale and objective discipline being administered.
Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) posted at 8:31 AM on Wed, Feb 21, 2024:
Biden’s age is becoming the new “but her emails” — but we’ve already lived through “but her emails” and the lesson learned is that we have to call the nonsensical coverage out in real time…not after the election.
I join @TheDelWalters to discuss.
Do you know how fortunate we are that Joe Biden is an honest man. The Russian OP didn’t stick to him, and because nothing stuck, we were able to hold out long enough to get the truth about the Russian OP.
@rikyrah: Oh you noticed this too?…
They couldn’t vote for Biden because (a timeline 2019-now):
• He’s too old,
• He didn’t support Medicare4All
• He didn’t support GreenNewDeal
• He didn’t eliminate filibuster and expand SCOTUS
• He didn’t do enough on StudentLoans
• He pulled out of Afghanistan wrong
• something something “Train Derailment”,
• Gaza
• He’s still too old
It’s almost like there’s an obvious pattern happening here…
Rachel Bitecofer (@RachelBitecofer) posted at 7:39 PM on Tue, Feb 20, 2024:
Finally someone willing to treat Donald Trump like the piece of shit, wannabe gangster he is.
Letitia James says she’s prepared to seize Trump’s buildings if he can’t pay his $354M civil fraud fine.
As a person who served a long time ago and is not of the assaulted gender being discussed I firmly believe that this is about time, as in should have been done long, long ago. What happens with command only discipline matters is that it usually only goes one of two ways, too lenient or way overboard but there is always the first major decision, how will this affect the unit. If it is still like it was over 1/2 a century ago – and it’s that it is rare when a basic need happens in any way fast because that affects all levels of command. It takes change from the top down. Fortunately we have a person at the very highest level that thinks, walks and talks reality. Unlike the moron that held that position last. And catclub, you are absolutely correct. Maybe not every command but in many/most of them, it’s always one of two ways, “It’s my command and Everything works the way I say it does!” or “It’s my command and it’s working fine, do not fuck with anything!”
Villago Delenda Est
It’s about fuckin’ time this change was made.
Don’t forget.
Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) posted at 5:50 PM on Mon, Feb 19, 2024:
THIS is the story. Barr’s DOJ knew this guy was lying he let his deputy quietly close the case instead of bringing consequences. The indictment shows he was not only lying, but was politically biased against Biden. More to come in my @cafedotcom piece tomorrow
ClearingTheFog (@clearing_fog) posted at 9:28 PM on Mon, Feb 19, 2024:
Process this. Let it sink in.
Bill Barr not only allowed Smirnov to lie, he allowed those lies – on FBI paper – to be used in attempts to frame Joe Biden for things he didn’t do.
For years.
And now Weiss – the SC who indicted Hunter Biden – is trying to hide how it happened.
Villago Delenda Est
@Ruckus: Commanders fear that inquiries of this sort will reflect on them. They are correct to do so. So they don’t do the right thing for fear of fucking up their careers. I might add that this is an integral part of the military culture, and a lot will need to happen to correct it.
A tour in the military would likely have cured you of that ingrained inability to use the proper words at the right time (or the wrong time as well), they become a rather regular part of speech that one has to learn not to use (at least as much) when they aren’t within the sphere.
zhena gogolia
@rikyrah: I love Letitia James.
I don’t think that can/will happen, because so many bits and pieces of the military are actually somewhat independent, say a ship or a base a long way from anywhere. And for the reason that military life is and has to be different than civilian life. In civilian life, a rather small percentage may be asked to give their life at seemingly any moment, in military life that percentage is often reversed and it’s part of the entire process. Yes it may never happen but it also may happen at any time.
@Skippy-san: When a few leaders fail to perform, individual accountability is the right action. When it is a systemic problem it requires a systemic action.
Leaders were advised this was under consideration and still failed to correct themselves.
You said it far better than I did…. and used fewer words. A++
What a clown!
The Recount (@therecount) posted at 10:24 AM on Wed, Feb 21, 2024:
House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) on the indictment of ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov for lying about the Biden family: “It doesn’t change the fundamental facts.”
Reporter: “Doesn’t change the facts? It does change the facts, because they’re no longer facts.”
Max Cohen (@maxpcohen) posted at 11:06 AM on Wed, Feb 21, 2024:
Raskin said the vibe inside the James Biden interview was “subdued.”
“There’s a quality of just going through the motions here… And, again, it feels to me as if everyone knows the impeachment investigation is over.”
And phuck the MSM for trying to go along and pretend that their ‘ might be ‘ something to the GOP’s attempted impeachment of President Biden.
Not only was it bullshyt. But, it blew up in an absolutely spectacular fashion
@rikyrah: They have had enough of your shit, Donnie. We all have. Welcome to being a citizen.
New York helped create him, and now the consequences are piling up. Let’s hope humpty dumpty can’t be put together again.
@Ruckus: Though it’s obvious that it’s nearly always women who are raped, I’m sure some males have been raped in the military, too.
As always, rape is about power and control.
Dare we hope that the tide is starting to turn?
Excellent commentary about Black folks and the South
“And we talk like we from the South / our parents parents from the South…” – Saba As a descendant of Black folks who left their homes and families behind in hopes of a better tomorrow, I’m grateful for organizations like BLK South who are doing the work of honoring and reclaiming Black southern heritage. BLK South is more than a community organization. It’s in many ways a Sankofa movement; it’s a movement that reaches back, that learns from and honors our past, and allows it to inform our present and future as Black Americans. Shoutout to @dooley.kendall, @erinvlashley, and @blksouth ✊🏾 Please check out the link on my profile, or visit for more information. #history #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #Relationship —— If it applies, what part of the South did your family come from during The Great Migration?
@Another Scott:
A lot of conservatives showed their asses in the Obama era, but I always thought the most revealing one was Dinesh D’Souza doing a whole spiel about “the anti-colonial roots of Obama’s rage” and how that was a bad thing.
As if in a country founded on a war of independence from the British Empire, “anti-colonial rage” is anything to be embarrassed by.
@rikyrah: Fux Shrews were going hard on James Biden being the “connective tissue” of the “Biden Family Brand” criming in the 5 minute snippet I caught today while channel surfing. I was yelling profanity about the Kremlin so loud I could barely to stop myself from throwing things across the room and breaking the set. Ingraham and Faulkner should turn in their “I’m an American” cards and just defect, already.
@Villago Delenda Est: I’m late to the party, but this. Also quoted all too often is, “Oh, it’ll ruin the career of X… we don’t want that”. I’ve run out of fingers to count the number of times I’ve heard that. As well it happening again, at a different base, where they then do an investigation, find out person is a repeat offender… over the course of a 22 year career, there’s too many times where things have been swept under the rug with no explanation given, that that in itself causes loss of trust with leadership/CoC. This is a long overdue change that’s needed.
Well, Jordan is absolutely correct here. The fundamental facts were that the whole thing was a fabrication, with no basis in fact. With Smirnov’s indictment, it’s still a fabrication. No change there.
@Paul in KY: Yeah, and Tony Stark just cuts the wire, because that’s always possible.
Maybe I’m the strange one – “would you rape someone who’s willing to put their own life on the line, to save your sorry ass?” means something to me.
Paul in KY
@SomeRandomFellow: Your last comment is a bit different than ‘promised to take a bullet for you’. When we go into combat, we all put our ass on the line for our fellow soldiers and those behind. However, as I stated before, literally taking a bullet for a fellow soldier is way above what we expect from our troops.
@rikyrah: When I would ask white people with accents where their family came from, as they would ask me, I am more likely to ask my same age black folks where in the South they came from. And they always know and they always say. All over..DC and Maryland to Alabama and Texas.
My generation (I just turned seventy) is the first have black friends and classmates rooted in the North. Everyone earlier is Southern, and a lot of them hoped they could someday safely return home.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Agree, 10000%
I doubt it has changed anywhere near what it needed to do the over half a century ago since I was discharged so saying this bullshit isn’t ingrained in the military would be far more than just laughable. I was once walking at the San Diego naval base and some dipshit in front of me made an obscene pass at 2 women walking by, both of whom outranked him and had more than had enough of that type of crap and they read him down in well deserved harsh way. He had no real idea that he’d effectively stepped upon his maleness with spiked shoes. He experienced what we use to call “Fucked Around And Found Out.” I’m not sure he actually learned anything but the lesson was crystal clear. I’m saying he may have been raised moron.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Following up from before – I saw American Fiction, and as you say it was well worth it. I see Percival Everett was also an executive producer as well as the source of the underlying novel. It was interesting to see a novel about … turn into a movie about … (I’ll avoid making the spoilers more explicit, as this is public).
To date the only work of Everett’s I’ve read is The Trees. but it certainly put him on my radar.
@Another Scott: I think this may be the link to Granholm’s appearance that you were looking for: