We’ll call this an afternoon open thread for my timezone and a early evening open thread for you east coast rabble. Joelle and I just returned from Cat Fest, which I will discuss later in detail, but I wanted to share something with you before then. When we got into the car to drive to Mesa, I told Joelle I didn’t want to take the 202 or any of the highways, it was a nice Saturday afternoon let’s just take University Ave down to North Mesa Drive and see what’s going on and see if we spot anything interesting.
We were about halfway there, and we came across a much earlier model of me, probably a 1952 prototype:
I saw him first and my thought first thought was “so I guess that’s what I look like that’s not too scary.” It was pretty funny because Joelle looked at him, then looked at me and her eyes got really wide and then she looked back at him and looked back at me and was like “How are you two places at once?” We pulled up next to him and chatted him up at the stop light, and told him about my love of overalls and pursuit of an affordable trike. He laughed and posed for us:
We are legion.
zhena gogolia
Very cute. His color scheme is rather sedate, though.
And now he’s featured on a top sub-10000 blog.
“Two” isn’t exactly “legion”, just saying
Another Scott
It just goes to show that everyone really does have a doppelganger.
West of the Rockies
Be afraid, Arizona. Be very afraid.
@dnfree: geometric growth. Just wait.
Cole the Content is a fun and relaxing read.
Looking forward to kitty pics.
Two is not quite legion, but it’s a start!
“The Low Road” by Marge Pierce
Two people can keep each other
sane, can give support, conviction,
love, massage, hope, sex.
Three people are a delegation,
a committee, a wedge. With four
you can play bridge and start
an organization. With six
you can rent a whole house,
eat pie for dinner with no
seconds, and hold a fund-raising party.
A dozen make a demonstration.
A hundred fill a hall.
A thousand have solidarity and your own newsletter;
ten thousand, power and your own paper;
a hundred thousand, your own media;
ten million, your own country.
It goes on one at a time,
it starts when you care
to act, it starts when you do
it again after they said no,
it starts when you say We
and know who you mean, and each
day you mean one more.
Ha ha-that is awesome! He looks like a happy dude.
@dnfree: True, but maybe there are more lurking in the shadows who now feel emboldened to come forward.
Almost Retired
Obviously he’s training for Tempe’s prestigious Tour de Trike race.
My day, it is made.
@Almost Retired: Could be worse, Bellingham WA has a naked bike ride.
Chief Oshkosh
@dnfree: They’re expanding exponentially. Admittedly, very early on that curve, but still,…
Are you still trike shopping? Did you ask him about his trike? Where he got it?
@TeezySkeezy: It’s the Andromeda Strain all over again!
On first look, I thought you’d had second thoughts about the tie dye overalls and decided to go “sedate.”
Central Planning
@John Cole – Were I in a car and saw someone that looked like me riding a bike, I would have chatted them up too, much to the petrification (is that a word?) of my wife and/or kids that were in the car too. How is it possible they don’t know I would do that?
It is not often you get to see someone else’s Bizzaro World self casually pedal past their regular world self. I thought Cole dropped acid in my latte.
John, my nephew Shane* works in Tempe. I’ve sent him your photo in the tie-dyed overalls and told him that if he catches sight of you he must introduce himself as “Subaru Diane is my aunt” and convey my regards. Do let me know if it happens!
*Shane’s daughter, my grand-niece, once babysat one of Suzanne’s spawn!
zhena gogolia
@Joelle: 😂
zhena gogolia
@SiubhanDuinne: That would be so cool!
zhena gogolia
I’m still waiting for John to discover the Grady Gammage Auditorium. It’s very trippy.
@zhena gogolia:
Oh yeah. I would absolutely LOVE if that were to happen!
Bravo to the legions!
Odie Hugh Manatee
It looks like the town has a bearded guy wearing overalls and riding a trike after John leaves town…lol!
Drinkin’ the squeeze for a buzz!
Someone went and did this 😆
Tick. Tock! Time’s a wastin’…
One of us is dreaming this. Maybe me.
@CCL: Yeah, I thought he decided to go with his respectable and “dressy” overalls.
@TBone: This story made the CBS hourly radio news. The reader said the interest accrues at $110,000 a day.
@Geminid: hickory dickery doc!
Present Cole meets future Cole and the universe did not implode. Gives me hope.
@glc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M0eMkcc91E
That is hilarious. And a little mind-bending: a glitch in the Matrix.
Tempe is doing its best to tell John “This is your city! And these are your people!”
@Joelle: If you were the one driving when John’s doppelganger happened by, you get major props for not winding up on a sidewalk.
@TBone: Love it!
Also, the clock on the $83.3 mil from the E. Jean Carroll case is even further along. At this point it looks like he can’t even scrounge up that amount. How on earth will he manage half a billion?
WTF is on Donald Trumps head? Turn on MSNBC. The top looks red and the sides look black.
I got the kid to do 5 minutes of tidying, I managed 10 minutes as well, plus vacuuming, plus dishwasher. Yay.
@smith: FIRE SALE LIQUIDATION, the memes are proliferate. He’s on MSNBC as we speak, giving a “victory speech” in SC. I can’t wait for total denouement. I could only stand 3 seconds of garble. Oh, they cut away. Good! They are eviscerating him. He got Melanie’s name wrong?
@TBone: Apparently Latitia James is trolling TIFG the past two days by posting the new balance he owes with the accrued daily interest.
@HeleninEire: I was so nauseated I didn’t notice. I bet Fux has him on. Rachel said Uncle Mumblestanders 😆. Oops, Uncle Ramblestanding
@Jackie: yup, that link I posted is a countdown clock. I luv Tish!
Here’s Maru sledding. Seems appropriate.
Another Scott
ICYMI, like I did.
VOANews.com from yesterday:
(Emphasis added.) It’s good for us always to remember that there are good people serving on juries everywhere, doing the thankless job to make sure our laws are applied fairly (to the best of their ability).
A good day for justice.
(Many more details about the case at the link. And a reminder that repressing sexuality has many, many costs. :-(
Peace and comfort to all who knew and loved her.
@HeleninEire: is he standing under a heat lamp? The Heat Miser! 🥵
Awesome post John!
@Another Scott:
@TBone: When I need a little cheering up these days, I look at analyses of the financial tarpit he’s in.
One thing I just finished reading that was quite fascinating to me is the entire history of the so-called “Debarkle.” It was the event in sci-fi fandom where the paleoconservatives and newly forming alt-right teamed up to game the prestigious Hugo Awards in sci-fi. They called themselves various things (The Sad Puppies for the paleos, the Rabid Puppies for the outright fascists, and the Evil League of Evil for both groups), but their goal, despite a whole lot of smoke and confusion, was to make sci-fi exclusively white, male, and Christian again.
The Debarkle wasn’t just about the Hugos or sci-fi, though. It also encompassed Gamergate, the reactionary attack on Me Too and BLM, the rise of the “manosphere” and the incel movement, the wretched hives of scum and villainy known as 4chan/8chan, and the rise of Trump. I learned a surprising amount about how all these groups coordinated (or fought one another) to try to take control of sci-fi fandom. They were (spoilers) roundly defeated and many were driven out of mainstream sci-fi altogether, but their ultimate revenge on all of us was Trump. And that part of the story we all know too well. It only was a very small part of the Debarkle, though. It was written by an Australian, but one definitely not on the fascists’ side. Appropriately, the story both begins and ends at the January 6, 2021 insurrection.
Know thy enemy.
It’s a long read, but very much worth it. The PDF can be found for free here: https://camestrosfelapton.files.wordpress.com/2022/04/copy-edit-debarklevolumeall-1.pdf?force_download=true
@RaflW: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🐩
One banana, two bananas, three bananas, four, five bananas make a bunch and so do many more. Not sure how many make a legion.
Marge Piercy
Personally, I hope he fails. I’d LOVE to see all the RNC donations go to TIFG’s attorney fees, leaving down ballot GQP candidates floundering for much needed cash.
Mark von Wisco
I like the cut of that man’s jib!
@TBone: To pair with the countdown clock: The Trump Debt Counter
With 10% of the vote counted, Trump leads in the South Carolina primary 58% to 42%. It’s a landslide!
CNN Live feed
Good on you, John. You’ve found your doppelganger.
Let the ritual boo’ing of Lindsey Graham, in his home state, commence!
@Quadrillipede: Back at you –
Or should we go straight to the Everly Brothers?
Ohio Mom
On the rare occasions when someone tells me they met/saw someone who looks like me, I typically answer, “I hope they are honest and law-abiding, I don’t want to get picked up by the police in a case of mistaken identity.”
But this guy looks like a sweetie, I think Cole is safe.
@zhena gogolia: My mother always though Grady Gammage was FLWright’s FU to Ms. Gammage – making it as awful a building as one could possibly conceive.
Another Scott
@JWR: Mr. “I’m your favorite president” can’t break 60% against a woman who he said is “effectively a Democrat” in a blood-red state.
Tony Jay
Excited and hopeful for the first time in thirty (linear) years Alphonse Geronimo Romney-Cole III burst into his great-aunt’s suite like a dungaree-clad torpedo, dashing aside the gengineered arachimpanthers guarding its entrance and stomping rusty mud from the ornamental Mars Grass gardens outside into the vibrant cobalt and vermillion weave of rugs bought earlier that week from 12th century Samarkand. With his blue cycling helmet clutched tight enough to creak and his exposed scalp-diodes strobing like World War Neon had been declared on epileptics everywhere, he drowned out the trilling crescendo of Caffarelli’s Ombra Mai Fu with a breathless bellow.
“Tante! You were right! I found them!”
Twitching one finger to forestall the suite’s automatic security measures from turning her great-nephew into ambient molecules, the victor of the Battle of Bowling Green raised a platinum eyebrow.
“You found them?”
Alphonse opened, closed, opened his mouth, paused for much needed thought, then continued.
“They were where you said they’d be, Tante. I spoke to them.”
Fragrant bubbles popped as the temporally exiled heir to the Majesty of Sol rose from her bath, lost in thought as her attendants towelled her dry. She strode abruptly forward through a synchronised flurry of dressers and primpers to halt, garbed in synthisilk ribbons, hair like a river of silver, millimetres from Alphonse’s face.
“Are you sure?”
“Y… Yes,” he stuttered.
“How sure?”
“He.. uh.. he liked my overalls?”
A smile that was not a smile split the AI moulded perfection of Imperatix Hillary Stahovski Cole’s face. Alphonse paled under his grizzled beard, but when nanites failed to render him down to protein soup he remembered how to breathe. Star systems across a million timelines had burnt to bring his great-aunt here. She was not remotely the type to waste this chance to right the wrongs done to her Name and Kind.
“Very good, Phonzie. You’ve bought yourself another week in the revitaliser pod. Keep this up and you’ll have your babyface back in no time at all,” He sagged in relief. Over her shoulder a tele-bot beeped in anticipation of orders, “Yes, yes, summon the Arnies, all of them. Fuck discretion protocols, I want the progenitors and I want them now.”
That totally may have just happened. serves you right for talking to strangers, Cole.
So is this S.C. result bad enough that Haley has a hard time mounting credible a 2028 run? My first thought is, I expect memories to be pretty short/bad, and then, who can even speculate about the state of the US or the Republican party in 4.5 years.
Nukular Biskits
I literally snorted Yuengling out my nose at reading this:
I am amenable to that suggestion!👍
@Joelle: It is just possible the Bizarro World version was in your car
The northwest corner of University and Mesa Drive has a McDonald’s on the corner of it. That was the site of my first job in 1996. The church we went to is down the street, next to the YMCA.
I am a longtime Mesa person, and I remember Diz-Z. He used to come into the McDonald’s and hang out with us.
@RaflW: Personally, I think Haley will face stronger candidates than her in 2028, no matter how well she does this year. She’s not that formidible a politician in her own right and is getting most of her votes now because she’s not Trump. Pundits will give Haley tons of credit if she helps take Trump down, primary voters not so much.
Grady Gammage Auditorium was not really designed for that site. It was a concept to be built in Baghdad.
They’ve added some bathrooms and it’s much less bad now,
@dnfree: It’s a small legion, but growing.
I agree. She’s embarrassed herself often, including recently with the whole Schrodinger’s Embryos issue.
@RaflW: The gang on MSNBC seem to think the longer Haley stays in, the more it will backfire for her having any chance in ‘28. She’s being tarnished with the disloyal title. Certainly, when TIFG loses in the General Election, he and his MAGA base would go all out against her.
@Another Scott: He just cracked the plexiglass ceiling! He 60.6%, She 38.7%.
Like I said, it’s a friggin’ landslide!
karen marie
@Suzanne: I’ve seen a lot worse. I’ve never been inside but acoustically it sounds top shelf.
I added a link to the Chicago auditorium because I think it’s interesting to contrast and compare on many levels.
Prescott Cactus
@Nukular Biskits:
“The Just Given Up Twins”
Nukular Biskits
@Prescott Cactus:
@CCL: Falling Water. Unity Temple. The Guggenheim. Price Tower.
Gammage Memorial Auditorium!???
@karen marie: I’ve been to performances and lectures at Gammage dozens of times. It does sound great. The upper balcony, above the grand tier, is so high and the angle to the stage is such that the seats up there can’t all see the entire stage.
I got to see Wilco perform there once and it felt amazingly intimate for a large theater.
Another Scott
@Jackie: OTOH, I remember when Biden was dooomed forever because of him stealing a few good lines from a UK politician’s speech in 1987.
It would be nice if reporters didn’t act as stenographers and attempt to be some sort of Nostradamus – maybe tell us what happened and how it fits with other things going on in the world, rather than predicting the future??
[ sigh ]
@prostratedragon: The curlicues! The wedding cake!!
Three hours and some after you posted (I was on a long phone call and not watching) and I just now saw a clip of this on MSNBC. Okay, that is by far the weirdest I’ve ever seen TFG’s hair, and he’s sported some pretty goddam weird hair in his time. Yowza.
@Miki: That’s powerful, thank you for sharing.
@smith: ❤️ 🌹 I’ll be keeping those tabs open!
One of my exes met and married my doppelganger. But she is not well liked by his family or friends. On a trip they took together, a mutual friend of ours said “Are you TBone’s sister?” and she packed up all their shit and the lovebirds left immediately. Several mutual friends relished relaying that occurrence to me. C’est la vie 😆
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Tony Jay:
You forgot
Feed that into the AI movie generator!
Tony Jay
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Ha! I forgot I posted that.
@TBone: I am not a nice person and that made me laugh out loud.
I have an ex that I don’t actually hate and I do not know or even much care if he is still alive.
ETA I very much liked my inlaws, but not my exes inlaws. His kids were awful but I blame their mother.
I love my current stepkids as if they were my own. And no, they were not easy adolescents. Each and all of them were a mess. But eventually they all grew up into lovely people.
@Tony Jay: You must be a Jasper Fforde ffan!