U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert said Wednesday that she will not pursue the Republican special election nomination to replace U.S. Rep. Ken Buck in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District after he departs Congress at the end of next week.
Boebert is still running, however, in the Republican primary to be the GOP nominee for the November election in the 4th District.
In a written statement, Boebert called Buck’s resignation “a swampy backroom deal to try to rig an election” for her opponents.
“Forcing an unnecessary special election on the same day as the primary election will confuse voters, result in a lame duck congressman on day one, and leave the 4th District with no representation for more than three months,” she wrote. “The 4th District deserves better.”
Buck apparently quit without telling Pastor Mike in advance, cutting the R majority in the House down to a couple (depending on health, etc.). Part of the reason for Buck’s abrupt resignation probably lies the rules for special elections in Colorado:
Whoever wins the Republican vacancy nomination for the special election may have a slight advantage in the primary because their name will appear twice on the June 25 ballot. [Gov Jared] Polis said blending the two elections will save money, but voters in the 4th District may be confused about why there are two similar races on their primary ballot.
Republican and Democratic vacancy committees, made up of party insiders, will have to meet within the next few weeks to select their respective nominees for the special election. Vacancy committees are notoriously unpredictable.
Yes, they’re unpredictable, but it doesn’t take a genius to predict that Republican “party insiders” in CO-4 won’t pick Boebert because they’re hella pissed that she decided to bring her carpetbag full of money and her family drama into their district. Boebert is attempting to blunt the inevitable humiliation of not getting chosen by saying she’s not even going to run. (ETA: Also, she would have to resign her CO-3 seat to run in the CO-4 special, so Buck put her between a rock and a hard place.) This is similar to a kid saying he didn’t even want to play with a toy after mom gives it to his sister.
The result of all this machination is that voters in CO-4 will have ballots: one to pick the interim replacement for Buck, which will contain the party nominee for the seat, and one for primary to choose the Republican candidate for the November general election. Getting the nod for the special is a powerful endorsement and incentive for voters to vote for the same person in the special and the primary.
The bottom line here is that Boebert underestimated Ken Buck and he gave her a fuck-you, adios, you lose present going out the door. You love to see it.
C.R.E.W. does it again.
Can 4+ Republican House reps go hunting with Dick and Liz Cheney?
Asking for a friend.
@trollhattan: I have to admire Ukraine’s restraint in hiring out some hunting trips for GOP reps considering the number of lives it would save.
Villago Delenda Est
Let’s see here, my sympathies for Lauren Boebert are…NON-EXISTENT!
Interesting. The only relevant thing I see there is more evidence that it was absolutely fucking bizarre that the Capitol was so lightly defended. They have several times the protection that was in place if there’s a rock concert nearby. With every security force screaming that DC was a powder keg, the Capitol got a skeleton crew defense? Really?
I think we all need to pause for a moment and admire Lauren Boebert’s feat in become so enormous an asshole that Ken Buck actually looks like the good guy for fucking her over.
@Frankensteinbeck: exactly. The Secret Service text records “migration” stinks to high heaven. I wish Major was still biting them.
He knew.
West of the Rockies
You get nothing! You lose! Good day, madam!
@Baud: 💙 all of it
Hmmmm, this might fit here …
👊🎼 Come to the auto-da-fe, old chum!🎶
(Happy birthday to the chorus that’s singing.)
In this scenario was there one person in DC that could have limited the numbers on purpose?
His initials in my world are SFB.
Isn’t LB what an asshole looks like from the inside out?
I had listened to CPR (Colorado Public Radio) yesterday afternoon, and when they said that party committees would each chose ONE candidate for the Special, and that Boebert would have to resign her current seat if she were selected and won the Special, I thought “aha, maybe that’s why Buck resigned now.”
It became even more clear when I read in the Denver Post that Polis had to pick a Special between 85 and 100 days from the vacancy. He couldn’t punt and leave it open to Nov.
Buck is a winger, but he’s from the era when Republicans actually knew how to do work and he was a state leader in the GOP so I’m confident he knew the ins n outs, and did not want Boebert to even have a shot.
All that said, I’m thinking I’ll send a contribution to Ike McCorkle. He’s the Dem who I believe will get the not from the Dem committee. I’ll wait for it to be official, though. There will be a Dem primary happening on June 25 as well.
@West of the Rockies: nice. Ipso facto, res ipsa LOQUITUR! With a purple frock-coat.
“They’re not here to hurt me.”
Has it ever been clarified whether he said “They’re not here to hurt me” or “They’re not here to hurt me“?
“uniparty” = Signaling For Dummies
(also a symptom of Dunning-Krueger, for what it’s worth)
Speaking of Dunning-Krueger, Aaron Rodgers is “laughing at both parties”
I am increasingly of the mind that RFK Jr…especially with this asshole as his veep choice…might just be a serious pain to trumpov and the GOP. GOOD!
May he (pleaseohpleaseohPLEASE) draw away RWNJ anti-vax kooks from trump in November!
(and may trump embarrass himself/lose many, many partially sane Republicans to Biden as he flounders trying to bring the anti-vax kooks back into the fold)
I’m not at all sure the President has any direct control over how the Capitol is staffed with guards. I don’t know who does. I’ve never heard any answer about this, and I absolutely believe J6 would not have happened if there was a decent amount of guards. The illusion of no consequences was crucial to Trump’s cowardly followers.
Ohio Mom
I admit I have some morbid curiousity about what comes next for Boebert. She has no real talents or skill sets, no connections or allies that I can see, and four mouths to feed (maybe five or six, counting pregnant DIL).
Please do not read any concern or pity into my comment, I said my interest is morbid. You can can consider it preparatory schadenfreude.
$8 blue check mistermix
@RaflW: Yeah, I updated the post a minute ago to indicate that she’d have to resign to run in the special, not that she’d be picked. Pretty shrewd move by Buck…
@trollhattan: I’d forgotten that he’s still alive. I guess maybe if I paid attention to out-of-favor right wingers, I’d know his replacement ticker seems to still be working.
@stinger: I dunno but what is the plan going forward is my question. These fuckers are still embedded.
@stinger: Guarantee it’s the latter. Trump doesn’t have a thought that doesn’t center on him. He has routinely advocated for violence against others when it benefits him. So he doesn’t think the guns are there for peaceful purposes, he just knows they aren’t there for violence against *him*.
Buck told Boebert “AMFYOYO”
Adios MFer. You’re on your own.
Not a bad philosophy in situations where “our bodies” are not infectious.
I assume abortion didn’t come up.
$8 blue check mistermix
@Ohio Mom: Jayson got a ~ 500K/yr job with some oil company and one wonders whether any of that money was saved. I’m sure he’s out of a job as soon as she is, if not sooner.
@$8 blue check mistermix: Buck did come off as a sanctimonious prick in that CPR piece. “Oh, my comity.” “Nothing gets done.”
Fuck you, Ken. You supported the worst human for President. Mike Johnson (R – Joel Osteen’s Ass) is blocking everything.
I’d bet that on a day to day basis a president would not insert themselves into the SS and FBI. However the president is the top of the heap of the entire enchilada so I imagine that if he wanted to he could have stuck his whatever into the mix. I have no idea that he did (or didn’t) but then he is SFB.
Distinctly remember being shocked at the light Capitol security that morning, cutting between the building and Trump’s rageathon mob down the Mall. They looked like security for a KPop band promotional gig.
Contrast with the phalanx special forces types who cleared the crowd from in front of the White House so Trump could walk out to hold a Bible upsidedown for the cameras. A few thousand of those is what I expected at the Capitol on Jan 6.
@RaflW: 😆
At least in district 4 Bobo will be downwind from district 7.
@$8 blue check mistermix: The divorce was finalized last October. Is that oil co. really still paying him half a mil a year if he was under a restraining order from her (till two days ago). Not that oil companies are necessarily smart with sloshing buckets of money.
@Frankensteinbeck: Nobody in the executive branch has any influence on the Capitol police – they are overseen day to day by the Speaker and Senate Majority leader.
That said, Capitol police rely on executive branch agencies for information and coordination, because nobody had considered they wouldn’t be on the same page. That memo by Chris Miller saying that National Guard could only be deployed on his personal approval is pretty damning. The generous take is that it was a ‘drunk Nixon’ protection against Trump using the national guard as he had wanted to do for Lafayette square. The cynical take is that the executive branch didn’t want some General watching TV to deploy them to put down the protest. Neither take is favorable to Trump.
But Ruckus’s point is that Trump could have told people to stay home once intel surfaced the day before that the crowd wanted to storm the Capitol. He did the opposite.
Accccctually, he “leans pro-life” (shock/surprise), according the the piece.
Also (via WaPo)
“Keep me rich and privileged, and sure, I’ll support you, Dems…or maybe not…”
@Jeffro: Chico is not sending their best. (Or, what if they are?!?)
Depending upon the KPop band, I bet they would have better security than the Capitol had that day. Kids in the BTS Army are truly fanatics.
I’m curious now if they asked him to give an example of him laughing at the other side.
Righties always claim we’ll win big if we abandon issue so-and-so.
@trollhattan: What you saw was everything the Capitol had available, but lacking the national guard which was turned out for the BLM events.
Given everything Trump probably knew about the National Guard from watching TV, you could excuse his ignorant ass from thinking they exist solely to respond to activities by black people (sometimes helping them, sometimes not). In the period between 1950 and today, how often have we seen national guard that weren’t escorting black kids to school, responding to race riots, helping after Katrina, etc.
It is telling that A-Aron is estranged from his family.
West of the Rockies
@Ohio Mom:
Maybe s shitty local radio show on the AM band? A spot on the new spin-off Dancing with the Wannabees and Neverweres or The Masked Moron?
What a pity MTG’s voters adore her; I’d love to be rid of them both.
@Martin: Who is also in charge of Homeland Security. That’s the new lookee here.
West of the Rockies
I can attest: Chico sent our best QB, but not our best human being.
@CaseyL: pipe bomb barbie. ‘Tis still a mystery …
Anybody want to tell BooBoo that, unlike Senators, ALL Congresscritters are ALWAYS lame ducks… it’s sort of in the job description.
Early that morning, as I was savoring the GA runoff results, my wife expressed worry about what was going to happen at the Capitol that day. And I was totally “relax, they’ll have a couple thousand LEOs guarding the place, there’s nothing to worry about.”
As I keep saying, 2016 busted my predictometer. And clearly it was still busted as of that morning.
Some day Boebert will figure out the only people who tolerate her are those she’s giving hand jobs.
@lowtechcyclist: I knew something was afoot because I live across the street from rumpers. I instructed my financial advisor to pull back into “extremely conservative” in October.
@Ohio Mom:
I’m sure there will be some grifting opportunities. Too bad she is in the outs with MTG they could have gone on the road together
As is RFK Jr.
That’s quite the campaign slogan: “Our Own Families Wouldn’t Vote For Us!”
Mr. Bemused Senior
It didn’t stop Paul Gosar [alas!]
@Jeffro: perfect
@Mr. Bemused Senior: 😆
@Mr. Bemused Senior:
Thank you! I was trying to remember that rep’s name.
Ohio Mom
@cain: I know people compare Boebert to Sarah Palin but compared to Boebert, Palin is poised, bright, and level-headed.
Again, please note I am not saying Palin is any of those things, just that Boebert is even less of those things.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@eclare: I live to serve 😁
@$8 blue check mistermix: I’m no fan of Ken Buck, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed his NFLTG with his soon-to-be ex comrades these last few months!
Quaker in a Basement
“How dare other people do something inconveient for ME?”
@Ohio Mom: only fans
On the other hand, suppose the president asked the people who are in charge of security: “Do you think they have enough security in place for events today?” or even asked an underling to call them and ask this for the president? I think I know what they would do.
btw I am watching a clip of Tucker Carlson’s “show” (via Twitter via James Surowiecki) about Jacob Chansley, the ‘QAnon Shaman’ and it’s just mind-blowing.
45 seconds in and Tucker is wondering aloud why the “uniformed law enforcement who led Jacob into the Senate chamber on January 6th were never charged.”
Un. Real
ETA: it’s all ‘deep state’ and ‘psyop’, all the way down (of course
ETA II: it’s all ‘international corporations’ and ‘international banking cartels’
There really is nothing new under the sun in ‘Merica…
@Jeffro: he’s the voice of whatever Pooty fever dreams about that night. I like to check what these traitors’ latest boogymen are to see what the Kremlin is up to with psyops. Pooty must be upset about sanctions.
@catclub: The thing I remember most was watching a live feed from CNN as the 6 p.m. curfew came and went and exactly zero heads were busted, in sharp contrast to the military assault on Lafayette Square so (I can’t recall who said this first) Trump could hold a Bible like a nun holding a dick.
As for Lauren Boebert, ha ha ha. No member of Congress exudes more “as God is my witness I am NOT going back where I came from” vibes than her.
@Jeffro: For Tuckums “it’s all ‘international corporations’ and ‘international banking cartels’”
Ask his viewers what brand of credit cards they have. I’d bet 90% of them hold at least one Chase, BankAmerica, Wells Fargo, or similad. And frankly, these corporations do behave badly at times. But not remotely in the way (also rich, also part of a family that fronted a big national brand) Swanson-Carlson implies.
This actually fits better here than the thread where I originally put it:
@Quadrillipede: You are not alone in that!
Uncle Cosmo
@Ruckus: It appears the technical term is prolapsed anus; PA for short, if you want another personalized acronym to accompany SFB.
Uncle Cosmo
@Uncle Cosmo: …or perhaps more accurately, rectal prolapse (RP). Take yer pick.
Ohio Mom
@Manyakitty: Rumor has it that was a previous gig of hers, if so, I guess that is a possibility. I’d file that under victimless crimes.
Paul in KY
@TBone:I went to that link & my PC went haywire. Had to use Task Manager to shutdown all the fucked up popups I was getting and then had to reboot.