New ad dropped today:
(It’s a little jarring, so maybe turn the volume down before hitting play)
And when you’ve lost Scaramucci, LOL
I’m going to try and get a climate post ready for the weekend, no promises though. And I have another guest recipe post from narya on the value of using weights when baking, of which I’m a huge fan.
This is an open thread
You’re good people, T.
Minibus passes. MTG files to vacate Johnson.
So grateful for Mr. Biden.
Lots of people predicted we were going to have a shutdown. Which is a reasonable belief, but it’s important to remember when pessimists get it wrong.
I’m running behind on stuff here. What’s the Minibus? The CR on the part of government that would have shut down first
ETA: Does this fund (whatever it funds) through 9/30, or is it just for another few weeks?
People do body building exercises before cooking?
That’s hardcore.
@lowtechcyclist: If I have it right, we’re done with CRs. Government will be funded through the rest of the fiscal year. I think the Senate still need to vote though.
Chat Noir
My cold, cynical heart is a little warmer after watching that top video. Compassion and empathy on display!
Dump’s disgusting, orange, fascist face making an even more disgusting face! Ah! 😱🤮
A bazillion times this! Absolutely!
Or, basically, “What Baud said”. Which is a good answer pretty much always.
That Flatline ad is great. Simple. Straight to the point. Effective. Fuck the GOP.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Scaramucci was possibly Trump’s most sensible hire. Not necessarily in terms of the job he was intended to perform, but in terms of having a double digit amount of neurons firing in his head.
So, naturally, he was [Press Secretary?] for like a zeptosecond.
@MazeDancer: I thought this was the second half of two parts. That quote makes it sound like there is something else that needs to be done.
@Baud: Pessimists insist that their dour takes are reality.
The Republicans do not have any effective counter to Biden’s essential decency. None. Even though they have tried hard to create a false equivalency using phony accusations that parallel Trump’s real crimes and civil violations, the GOP ends up looking desperate and foolish.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
The things we need to let go of just to allow the government to simply operate. The GOP has been at war with the people of this country since 1994.
West of the Rockies
How much meatloaf can you bench?
Joe Biden’s kindness and humanity even in the face of unkind, inhumane people are a large part of why they hate him; he lives the Christian principles they claim to aspire to but don’t.
As JB Pritzker put it so well.
Tempted to track down Martha Washington’s Great Cake recipe, which begins with “take 40 eggs.”
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
A funny thing to have to toggle a picture of Eeyore to read.
Get to the choppa – of vegetables!
@schrodingers_cat: Sometimes bad things do happen. I myself spent too much of life remembering the bad stuff that happened and not giving enough credit to the good. I’ve learned that’s not reality-based or objective, and I feel like it’s important to stay true to those things these days, because so few do, especially on the right.
TaMara, I can’t believe you passed up the chance to have this as a post title:
So sad!
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
Well, I guess someone had to be the most sensible in that shitpile of a racist, fascistic, misogynistic, Krenlin-ass-sucking bastard administration! The laws of logic demand it. Still 🤮
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@satby: I’ve never seen Pritzker speak before. Color me impressed.
Shit, I texted a link of that speech to my roomie.
Rethuglicans decency.
Oil water.
@West of the Rockies:
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I’ve seen a couple Republicans act decently, despite theur heinous politics. Dan Crenshaw speaks like someone who has a functioning sense of morality. I never had much of a problem with Charlie Baker, just some of his decisions. McCain is dead.
Yeah, that’s it.
Well put. And it was good to see my state’s great governor again.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: There’s a lot more than that at the local levels, though at this point anyone still willing to associate with the party is morally questionable imo.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Referring to the party in general (population).
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Ain’t that the truth? Well, these people just need to get past their gut reaction of fear and hatred for Democrats and be their most enlightened selves to make sure necessary work is done for the people of this country.
I have no prescription on what these steps ought to be, just that they will require bravery and putting Americans first.
But Republicans, so…
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Oh, I run into plenty of personally decent Republican voters. This is Massachusetts. Ask any R who isn’t eyeball deep in the propaganda machine what they think and they have no problem with queer folk or immigrants, they despair that communities don’t trust the police and see the need to reform public safety, and function ably in diverse workspaces.
Then they vote Republican for taxes and regulation. There are few such people I have the heart to tell that supporting bigots for taxes is a disgusting moral compromise.
This leaves out the very real immorality of GOP tax and regulation policy anyway.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Moral clarity and bravery are rare traits period. It’s only less pronounced for liberals because our core value set insulates us, to some degree, from the kind of moral challenges and outright corruption the Republican party has dived face first into.
I don’t exactly expect it of people to be able to navigate this and I have some degree of sympathy for the people who didn’t ask to be associated with this bullshit but don’t really know how to process getting away from it or are afraid of the consequences of trying.
It doesn’t mean I respect them or their choices, but I can understand why they make them despite otherwise being relatively decent people.
And as distinct from the people who completely lack a moral center
At the end of the day politicians are just people, like the rest of us.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: This is disheartening. People are dying. They need food and water. The attack on that agency has since been discredited.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation
The Boston busing protests weren’t a one-off.
@Betty: I have some degree of confidence that if the IDF can be convinced to stop attacking aide workers, alternatives can be worked out relatively quickly to handle the distribution logistics for food and water.
And if the IDF can’t be convinced to do that I’m not sure the funding would have done much good.
It still sucks, but I think this is the kind of acceptable trade off you make, where the functional impact is far less than it seems.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
When I think of formative political events in my Dad’s history, this is number two. 💩
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: The first, of course, was the Red Sox breaking the curse.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Speaks to the necessity of a coherent world view and a reliable factual information stream.
And, yeah, I don’t judge most of these people too harshly. I have the people marinating their lives in propaganda for that.
Unfortunately, that’s actually more common among the Republicans closest to me.
Edited for formatting.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Baud: Bro, my Dad was a fully formed winger long before that.
If you’re curious, he was denied a position in the Boston fire department and had to settle for Brockton (small city south of Boston). He attributes this to affirmative action.
So affirmative action…again.🙄
@Betty: Yes it is and yes it was.
@MazeDancer: “vacate Johnson” sounds like an unloved medical procedure.
@Baud: From what I understand, and I could be way wrong, there are 12 appropriations from the committees that a budget bill should have to be called an “omnibus”.
Less than 12 appropriations is a “minibus”.
And there will be a new Congress in nine months. Do not know why this one only lasts 6 months
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Too bad he lost out on his dreams, but so did black people for most of US history for no good reason.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I don’t remember that one from Latin class.
@MazeDancer: Fiscal year ends at end of September.
@Baud: Ah, thanks, and proving earlier stated maxim: “What Baud said!”
Much safer maxim than What Baud Did.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Baud: Hey, he didn’t have to fully give up on his dreams. He just had to fulfill them 20 miles away.
But he treats people with respect. And my parents were a living, breathing model of feminist principles in action, so I can’t complain too hard.
@MazeDancer: It’s because it’s been so delayed. The fiscal year ends in September
Or what Baud said
Also, for clarity, this is indeed the second and final set of appropriation bills.
While I was out east, I learned that I went to high school with that kid’s grandfather (and actually knew the grandfather). I got out there about two days before my dad died, and then was able to stay for a couple of weeks with my mom. She has four friends–all five of them widows, now–and she’s been friends with at least one of them for more than 80 years; I asked if I could make a luncheon for them all, and they all agreed. One of them is somehow related to Harry’s grandfather, and told the story, which I had already seen here; that’s how I learned of the connection.
@mrmoshpotato: I would have said Mike Pompeo. He was the only one I thought dangerously competent.
Although there is a quote from Rex Tillerson that Trump is an idiot, there is none from Pompeo.
Anonymous At Work
To me, the story about Biden visiting the shiva for one of his first donors in Delaware and knowing the significance of her donation. He is, in the adage, a mensch.
This story:
Paul in KY
@mrmoshpotato: Miller was competent, in an evil Eichmannish way.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
The GOP has been at war with the people of this country since 1994.
I believe that you being just a tad too generous. It was long before 1994. Trust me, I served during a war, I know what it looks like.
They were just a bit less noisy while trying to screw everyone.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Ruckus: I look at the Contract on America as the formal declaration. “We will no longer cooperate on anything of substance.”
Melancholy Jaques
Their counter is that about half of American voters not only lack essential decency, but deplore things like empathy as weakness. That plus a sharp spike in the price of gas and American voters are cruel and stupid enough to put that asshole back in the White House.
Perhaps it would help to look at it this way. One of the paths to victory this year involves invoking Dobbs to get women who usually vote Republican to vote Democratic. Note that this does not mean that they embrace all the positions that most people here do. In fact, they reject many of the ones they are aware of; that’s why they usually vote the way they do. But they care about this issue enough to change.
Like the vast majority of the population, they mostly ignored politics. They have no use for the MAGA types, in fact they dislike them almost as much as you do (albeit sometimes for different reasons). It’s just that, until Dobbs, they disliked your policies (again, the ones they are aware of) more.
You can be an utter purist, and refuse to have anything to do with them. And lose. But most of us have better sense.
That the generally have voted Republican doesn’t make them morally deficient, it makes them disengaged. (Except, I suppose, if you think being politically disengaged is, in and of itself, a moral failing. In which case, you think most Democratic voters are also deficient.)
Next time someone starts ranting that anyone who ever votes for any Republican for any position is utterly immoral, try thinking about that. And save the scorn for the cultists, who are deserving of it.
It comes down to this: the Federal government’s fiscal year runs October to the following September. This bill is for the current fiscal year, which ends in 6 months. So it only runs that long.
It was supposed to be done by the end of September last year. But, being incapable of doing their jobs, the Republicans didn’t manage to get it done on time. A series of Continuing Resolutions bought time to finally get their act together. In so far as they have.
Similarly, the money bills for the next fiscal year are supposed to be done by the end of this coming September. If you think those will get done on time, well, don’t bet anything you can’t afford to lose.
Wrong. That is true of maybe 25% – 30%. It’s just that 40% – 50%** are decent but unengaged. (See #59 above.)
They pay a tiny bit of attention in the last few weeks before an election. But mostly they vote on one or two things that they know about and care about. No matter what they would think of either party’s overall views, if they were aware of them.
** EDT And that’s of the people who are engaged enough to turn out to vote occasionally.