Today was a pretty good day.
When I got up this morning I was jittery as all hell. Just nervous energy and dread, and I did not want to get up. Unfortunately, the rest of the world is not going to stop because of how I feel, so I just saddled up and just started doing shit because I don’t really have any other choice. I had to drive to Morgantown for a doctor’s appointment I had scheduled prior to hitting Arizona. So I got up, got showered, and off I went.
The calm of the drive was nice, and there were very few people on the road, so I had a nice leisurely drive. Doctor’s appointment went fine, ran some other errands, stopped by the office to pick up some books and other stuff, and then hit the road back. On the way back, I thought- “Wow, I almost feel ok?” And I did.
And still do. I am still ragged around the edges and going through life with training wheels and a helmet, but today was better. Had to hit Best Buy to return the memory sticks I did not end up using, Petco for some food for Steve, and Menard’s to replace some light bulbs. Stopped by the parents house since I had not seen them since they got home, and am now back home. Made a playdate with their dog to go for a walk tomorrow, and I will make sure to take pictures.
At any rate, I am pooped. Like I said, I still feel totally insecure and just raw, but even though I can still hear the tiger roaring, I feel like the beast is caged and the bars are holding. Like I know a backslide is right there if I am an idiot, but right now I am going the right way.
And my blood pressure is finally back to fucking normal. And I am to the point that when I read things, I comprehend them, rather than the way it was the last week, when I would read something, stare at it, and look at the words and none of them made any sense. It was like the meaning of whatever I read just bounced off my noggin and I was impervious retaining any information. I opened my email the other day and someone I have corresponded with for work over a dozen times had emailed me, and I COULD NOT REMEMBER WHO THEY WERE. I had to do a search and re-read all my previous emails back and forth just to remember who they were.
Fucking brain chemistry.
Also, I see that Joe Lieberman has died, and I would like to remind you all that if you can’t say anything nice about him, feel free to say it in the comments.
Grumpy Old Railroader
Rat Lady
Thank all of the gods ever imagined or who will be imagined. About Fucking time. What took you so long.
Another Scott
Better is still good. Way to go! :-)
I thought this was normal – it happens to me too, when I go away for a week or more. I’ve rationalized that there’s “work memory” and “vacation memory” and it takes a few days to move between them and swap them over and back.
Keep on keeping on.
Prescott Cactus
One nice thing about Russia, you never die due to complications from a fall.
There is definitely some reading comprehension stuff that goes on with depressed brain. I could read the same paragraph numerous times and still have no idea what it said.
I am glad that you are starting to feel better, John Cole.
Ice Cube – It Was A Good Day
@Another Scott: This happened to me a couple times already with a person I worked with for years, and I misplaced their name for a month or two. I knew who they were, but not their name. (And I’m way older than John, here).
Better day on top of everything else today? Sweeeeet.
@Prescott Cactus: Seeing your nym, I am wondering… are you the person who wrote a few posts about hospice several years ago?
Glad things are getting better, John. Hope it continues.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Re Lieberman: pride goeth before a fall.
You’re not alone here. Last year I was diagnosed, at age 53, as have Autism Spectrum Disorder. There are lots people like me who basically made it through life knowing we weren’t exactly like those around us, but couldn’t exactly explain why. But being able to “mask” effectively, I have a job and a house and happy marriage.
But along with this comes exhaustion, sensory overwhelm, and a lot of other co-morbidities that just kind of suck.
So yeah, hang in there. I’m glad you’re getting some support.
Old School
@Prescott Cactus:
I’m pretty sure falls from windows are one of the top causes of death there.
I’m envious of those who can remember people at all. I’ve spent a lifetime where, when I travel, people will come up, give me a big hug, and tell me how glad they are to see me again. And I’m standing there with no idea who they are, or even if I’ve ever seen them before. (Yeah, faces as bad as names.)
I manage my siblings, a couple of friends, and my wife.** But that’s about it. I’d worry that it was something age related, except that it goes back to at least my early 20s.
** Although there was the time, about 5 years after we got married, that I went to introduce her to some one and went totally blank on her name. Fortunately, she’s got a quirky sense of humor, and thought it was funny.
Yay John, so glad you’re feeling better…. feeling disconnected sucks…🙂
Glad to hear
@Old School: yeah, but it’s not complicated with lingering details…
My Lieberman obit
This put a smile on my face and a song in my heart. You go, guy!
Um… why are you buying food for Steve but not for Maxwell? Is one of them on a special diet?
How are your folks?
I’ve already said most of what I had to say about The Passing of the Putz in earlier threads. These hagiographical obits the MSM runs for any politician who wasn’t an outright ax murderer do piss me off, though.
Very glad to hear this John, keep ’em flying!
And . . .
They also serve who only sit and insult.
Prescott Cactus
Yes. How can I help ?
Officially, sure. But a lot of them died before the fall.
THAT’S the John Cole we know and love!
Glad you’re continuing to feel better! Are you mentally and physically back on ET zone, yet? If you’re struggling with getting up in the morning, your body may still be adjusting to time-zone disorder.
Nobody thanks me for my service.
@JaySinWA: The sudden stop just seems gratuitous.
ETA: @JaySinWA: Consider yourself thanked!
John, your day was so full of activity. Very impressive amount of stuff.
So glad you’re headed upwards.
John, this is left over from yesterday. You said you were thinking about getting ink. I am an old so factor that when considering (or not) my opinion. I do not understand why anyone would mutilate themselves with a tattoo. I recognize that people do, but I don’t get it. My advice is simply don’t do anything until you are satisfied that your brain chemistry is normal/stable
@Layer8Problem: I’m pretty sure the defenestration is a signal, no matter if or how they were killed before they took flight. Kind of a signature warning to others.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Ah, the memories. The WaPo remembers too.
You’re welcome.
zhena gogolia
@schrodingers_cat: Good one!
Ohio Mom
Cole, glad to hear things are improving for you — keep up the good work.
@wjca: Have you ever heard of Prosopagnosia, also called face blindness? It’s a neurological condition where you have difficulty recognizing faces.i know about it because Ohio Son has a mild case of it.
citizen dave
Often the one outliving so many lesser pols comes to mind–Jimmy Carter is still going. In fact, on Monday, April 1, he will be 99 and one half years young.
zhena gogolia
I was in the US Embassy cafeteria in Moscow in 1988. I knew that Bush had defeated Dukakis, but I didn’t yet know the outcomes for Congress (pre-internet days, kiddies). While waiting in line, I saw a posted list that told me that Lieberman had defeated Weicker. I was sick to my stomach. I went to the Lenin Library and wrote a long letter to Weicker. A couple of months later I got a personal reply from him. My Russian friends were incredibly impressed.
That’s my first Lieberman memory. It goes downhill from there.
@Unabogie: You do know the zebra saying? That with diagnosis there is the comfort of knowing that you are a normal zebra instead of a strange horse.
Dan B
@Prescott Cactus: It’s a great benefit that the falls are not complicated by complications.
You fall, you die – simple. No complications.
Pretty obvious, when I finally heard of it a few years ago, that it’s what I’ve got. Does make me sure that Mom was wrong all those years ago when she said I just wasn’t paying attention.
@Dan B:
Nope. Nothing complicated by a fall in Russia at all.
So happy to hear that you are doing better, day by day. May it continue.
👏👏👏 John!
Great to hear the good news, John!
Dan B
@CaseyL: Lieberman wasn’t an ax murderer? Phew! I can cross that off his list.
Prescott Cactus
Russia: Run faster, swim harder, fall farther.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Joe Lieberman is dead? Huh… Today we passed five feet of rain since the beginning of the year. Good thing he doesn’t live here because they would be lowering his casket into a pool and tossing mud on top of it.
Such good news, John. I hope you can keep on keeping on.
@Ohio Mom: I have prosopagnosia too. It can be hereditary, and is in my case. If there are two blondes in a movie, they should have different hair styles or I won’t know which is which. If there are two dark-haired men, one of them should have a mustache. Otherwise I have to keep asking which is which.
Glad things are improving. Do you still have a stick? Wallball can be relaxing if you get a rhythm going, and can be a modest workout. I haven’t done any since covid, but if the weather here ever improves I might head out.
Sure Lurkalot
You better you better you bet.
John, you were walking daily in Arizona; are you still getting a daily walk in? Maybe borrow your parents’ pup for the company – it would be beneficial for both of you. I don’t want you to start regaining the weight you worked so diligently to lose, and get depressed over that!
Good news.
Gin & Tonic
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I’ve read that here in southern New England, we’ve had seven occasions since last September 1 of 2.5″ or more of rain in 24 hours. I’m thinking my basement might be dry by July.
@Unabogie: I was diagnosed with ADHD, also at 53. Way back when, in my prehistoric elementary school days, boys bouncing off walls weren’t even diagnosed. So quiet girls with lots of overdue libraries books who often had to stay in at recess to tidy their desks certainly weren’t.
That feeling of being not quite right ~ or somehow broken ~ or even full of moral failings (as an adult, my scattered brain dealing with adult stuff like paying bills joined the overdue books as a decided “flaw”)… very familiar! I’ve worked through way too much emotional baggage since my diagnosis so life is getting better.
@Old School: But no *complications* from falling out of a window in Russia. It’s pretty straightforward.
Glad things are going better, John.
@zhena gogolia: Thanks!
Jim Henley comment on bluesky I’m assuming in reference to the late Joe Loserman
“May his memory be a lesson”
“Do you know what it means to be compared unfavorably to Donald Segretti” is just not very melodious:
Glad you’re feeling better, John.
Oh, I dunno. It’s music to my ears.
Call it the Nelson Muntz Cantata.
Glad to hear things are getting better. Keep on going.
In Russia, fall complicate you.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Gin & Tonic:
I like to look outside, see the rain and wisecrack “I see the humidity is high today…”
Wet is wet, I want dry as I’m sure that you do!
The Lieberman death reminds me of how urgently we need to convict Trump of SOMETHING before he dies, so we don’t have to go through all the pomp and circumstances of a State Funeral. Nixon had a rather large but dignified private funeral, but you know the Trump spawn will demand every official ruffle and flourish they can get away with. Nixon was a crook, but he had at least a rudimentary sense of shame. We need convictions!
@JoyceH: If TIFG gets a State funeral, I foresee the entire nation turning off TVs – except for the RW media. It will be a massive blackout.
Sounds like things are still improving for you, John. That’s good to hear.
Peddlers of rotten tomatoes and eggs will make a killing.
I was out shopping earlier, and it’s nice to come back to the news that Joe Lieberman is still dead.
Time for a late night burrito!
Sister Golden Bear
So glad the tiger is caged, John.
Me, I’m pissed at my spine doctor’s office (who I’ve been seeing because initially because I thought the torn rotator cuff was another round of pinched nerve).
Checked the paperwork they filed for short-term disability and they filled it out with the info from when I last saw them four years ago for the pinched nerve. It refers to the wrong shoulder, and all the medical codes refer to the pinched nerve, instead of the rotator cuff — which means it won’t match the medical records they shared with the CA Disabilty.
I’m sure it can be straightened out, but a minimum it means it’ll delay getting short-term disability approved, and worse case, my claim will get denied and I’ll have to appeal.
@NotMax: Ha-ha!😉
“Just say NO.”
Seems like the right response. Especially when you consider how many are fatally addicted to him.
So what you’re saying is along with pissing all over Dump’s disgusting, orange, fascist corpse, we get to piss on his alive shitstain family too?
@NotMax: I believe is was you who posted the ‘Good Morning’ mug link. Just wanted you to know that I’m getting one. Still makes me smile to think of.
Cool. Enjoy.
I’ll never forgive Joe Lieberman for making Dick Cheney seem like able in comparison.
Very succinct explanation of what mental illness can feel like.
Also, insecure is me on most days.
Raw’s saved for the special bouts of anxiety, where I start making contingency plans based on existential dread. I calm myself down enough to think rationally eventually.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Ugh. That sounds incredibly frustrating, hopefully it can get sorted out quickly. I think you see a dr tomorrow about your shoulder?
Can you post the link to that mug again?
Here’s the comment from the other night which includes the link.
@NotMax: Well, damn—I need another mug like the proverbial hole in the head,
@NotMax: If only I didn’t have young grandkiddos around 24/7….
Sometimes the little things get missed. ;)
WW2 movie running in the background. Crew shown climbing aboard a bomber.
(interior, cockpit) Co-pilot: “Crew in position sir. Ready for take off.”
Pilot: “Cockpit check complete. Start port outboard engine.”
Cut to exterior front shot of plane. Blades of the inboard starboard engine begin spinning.
Mai Naem mobile
John, I’m glad you’re getting yourself back on track.
I’m surprised I haven’t heard any conspiracy theories about how Lieberman died being that he criticized Biden very recently about his actions regarding Israel.
Doc Sardonic
@Mai Naem mobile
Takes a bit of time to become half-baked and pop out of the slot of the Meme-O-Tron.
Cole, Ginger Billy feels you, he has his own tank, too.
Grover Gardner
“…if you can’t say anything nice about him, feel free to say it in the comments.”
Or, as Alice Roosevelt used to say, “Sit next to me.” ;-)
@HumboldtBlue: 😂
Chris T.
I think he should get a Trump Steak funeral, by being burnt to a crisp. (Left unspecified: whether he needs to be certified dead first.)
If they do it my way, hold off on the pissing part, at least for a bit.
@Chris T.: Seconded. Does he get drowned in ketchup first?
Quaker in a Basement
That right there is the thing to remember.
@zhena gogolia: dang. You worked in embassy in Moscow? That must have been interesting. No wonder you got a personal letter back.
I worked briefly in the us consulate in Amsterdam for the dept of commerce which advised travel to the us for foreign nationals. Essentially putting brochures in the mail from various cities in the USA. But the fun part was over the phone informing Dutch and others that driving to Memphis from New York City and also going to Hollywood California was not possible in a week. This was in the late 1980s. Before the Internet. Fun.
Good on you!
@Old School: But you are dead unnediately after the fall, you don’t linger.
@NotMax: Perfect, arriving this morning.
Paul in KY
@schrodingers_cat: Good quote. Darth Snarly also came out looking much, much more competent than Mopey Joe.
@wjca: re: Prosopagnosia. There is a movie with Milla Jovovich called “Faces in the Crowd” where her character has face blindness due to a head injury. They illustrate the condition by using multiple sets of actors for people around the lead character. She goes to a bar with 3 friends, leaves for the bathroom, and when she returns it’s a different set of actors with different faces. Overall the movie isn’t great, but I thought that was a clever approach.