If there is anything you want or need to know about PFC Lynch, you should head immediately to the Hillbilly Sophisticate. And I really mean anything, as the Sophisticate is covering everything possible.
PFC Lynch
by John Cole| 4 Comments
This post is in: Excellent Links
Great site; what a buch of nasties writing elsewhere about PFC Lynch, though!
contessa saylor
i think that it was really brace for PFC Lynch,Jessica to do for our country and for everything that we mean.Right now i am in the 9th grade and i have joined the program Army JROTC and i am a corpal. plan on joining the NAVY when i graduate from high school.i am so glad that pfc lynch is home and safe with her loving family and friends,
contessa saylor
i think that it was really brace for PFC Lynch,Jessica to do for our country and for everything that we mean as a country.Right now i am in the 9th grade and i have joined the program Army JROTC and i am a corpal.i plan on joining the NAVY when i graduate from high school.i am so glad that pfc lynch is home and safe with her loving family and friends,
Carol Shaw
I am very proud of the way her rescue mission was carried out. I wish that anyone not having served in the U.S. Military would stand back and be grateful for all of the people who have helped with her rescue and the recovery of her fellow Soldiers, who lost their lives in this War, being fought in Irac. Maby then some of the Non-military persons, in this world would be able to understand why we fight to keep our country FREE, from tyrany and communism.