I hated it when they shat on the Bush twins, I didn’t care for them dragging Noelle Bush through the mud, and I don’t like the antics of Howard Dean’s 17 year old son being reported as if it was newsworthy. Irresponsible press.
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Mark L
Dean’s son is accused of burglary. That *is* news. Burglaries were reported in my local paper in the small Texas town where I lived, and a break-in to a liquor store by five teenagers would have made at least page 3. Probably placed below the fold on page 1 given a slow news day.
I will admit burglaries of this type are not going to make the front page of a major city paper, and probably would end up on the crime blotter, on page 2 of the local news section, but it would have likely appeared.
Burglary is *not* a minor status offence, like underage drinking. It is not simple drug possession. It is not even getting caught speeding 50 miles per hour *over* the speed limit (like one Presidential candidates son did in a *very* recent Presidential election). Burglary — especially one that netted at least one hundred dollars of goods (unless they opted for the rotgut champagne) — is a real crime. Possibly not a felony, but definately a serious misdemeanor.
Quite possibly it may be getting more play than it would if the kid were my son, rather than Howard Dean’s son, but you cannot dismiss this as “not news.” At least, not unless you live in a neighborhood where someone breaking into your place and carting off $100 or more of your possessions is “not news.”
Andrew Lazarus
I’d put burglary somewhere between the crimes of Jeb’s kids: less than Noelle, and more than what’s-his-name caught screwing his g/f in a mall parking lot.
So, I’m with John on this one.
The one time I saw Rush Limbaugh’s TV show was the episode where he called Chelsea Clinton the White House dog. Despicable.
Emperor Misha I
Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander, I suppose.
That being said, crime IS newsworthy. What ISN’T newsworthy is the fact that the perp happens to be a candidate’s son.
Since Dean himself came out with a statement, however, you can hardly blame the press for reporting on it.
If they decide to harp on about it, I too will be utterly disgusted.
Thomas J. Jackson
$1,500 in liquor. Someone has a major drinking problem. But what would you bet that this felony never gets charged. I wonder what would happen if my son was in the same circumstances and what the consequences for him might be?
I must disagree with you. Personnaly, I feel that the private lives of a president’s kids are their business and should not be reported in the press, so long as it is not a major big deal. However, burglary is a felony in any state I’ve ever heard about and that is reported regardless of the perp. I’m sure this would have not made national news if it were anyone else’s kid, but it is news.
“The one time I saw Rush Limbaugh’s TV show was the episode where he called Chelsea Clinton the White House dog. Despicable.”
You’re a damned liar, Andrew. You never saw that happen, because that didnt happen. You saw it mentioned on the internet somewhere, assumed it was true, then claimed you saw it yourself. You must be the thousandth liberal I have caught in this lie about having seen that particular show.
Amazing you liberals. At the time the show was still on the air, you all said that none of you would be caught dead watching the show, now years after the fact, you’re all coming out of the woodwork, claiming to have not only seen the show, but that particular one as well. Boy, his ratings in the liberal camp on that day must’ve been astronomical….that is assuming any of your claims were the least bit true.
Transcript from lexis nexis:
Copyright 1992 Multimedia Entertainment, Inc.
November 6, 1992, Friday 11:15 AM
LIMBAUGH: Thank you. This show’s era of dominant influence is just beginning. We are now the sole voice of sanity, the sole voice of reason. We are the sole voice of opposition on all television. This is the only place you can tune to to get the truth of the opposition of the one-party dictatorial government that now will soon run America. Oh, I mean, we are only beginning to enjoy dominance and prosperity. Most of these things on the in-out list are not even funny, but a couple of them–one of them in particular is.
David Hinckley of–of the New York Daily News wrote this, and what he has–he’s got–it’s very strange. He says, In: A cute kid in the White House. Out: Cute dog in the White House.’ Could–could we see the cute kid? Let’s take a look at- -see who is the cute kid in the White House.
(A picture is shown of Millie the dog)
LIMBAUGH: (Voiceover) No, no, no. That’s not the kid.
(Picture shown of Chelsea Clinton)
LIMBAUGH: (Voiceover) That’s–that’s the kid. We’re trying to…
Yes, it was a mistake, and yes, he profusely apologized.