Hi. My name is John Cole and I don’t care about Harrison Ford’s politics:
At a safe distance from his homeland, veteran Hollywood actor Harrison Ford launched a broadside at US policy on Iraq, his country’s gun laws – and the film industry for producing “video games” for teenagers.
“I’m very disturbed about the direction American foreign policy is going,” said Ford, with US post-war casualties having exceeded those during the actual conflict.
“I think something needs to be done to help alleviate the conditions which have created a disenfranchised and angry faction in the Middle East.
“I don’t think military intervention is the correct solution. I regret what we as a country have done so far,” said Chicago-born Ford, 62.
The title for this was “Harrison Ford blasts US Iraq policy,” and I am hard pressed to see how he is blasting policy- this appeared to be pretty mild to me. He disagrees with the policy- he is entitled to his opinion, but who cares?
I also felt the ‘at a safe distance from his homeland’ bit was a little unfair- perhaps he has never been questioned abolut the policy at home? I dunno, but this seems to be pretty tame stuff and a mere policy disagreement, rather than low-rent Bush bashing.
I agree.
There are bigger fish to fry…like his once great career (“Hollywood Homicide?)
Austin Barrow
Ford did not out an out bash Bush, so the “fair, unbiased” reporting at the age had to add a little Flair.
BTD Greg
I first started doubting Ford’s judgment when he started dating Calista Flockhart. Compared to that, this is nothing.
Celebs are constantly going out of the country to really let loose on what they think of their country. “I’m ashamed to be an American” from Jessica Lange, the multiple tirades from Woody Harrelson, etc.
I couldn’t care less if he was “bashing Bush,” that’s rather besides the point, but the idea that the terrorists are merely a “disenfranchised faction” is utterly deplorable. I only WISH he were “bashing Bush.” This is worse.
I tend to agree with Henry on this one. I don’t care if Harrison Ford doesn’t like Bush, and I don’t care if Harrison Ford disagrees with his positions on Iraq.
But “disenfranchised faction” is ridiculous. Why some people can’t just say “terrorist” is beyond me. A guy who loses his job at a factory after working there for 25 years is “angry and disenfranchised”.
Someone who’s lifes goal is to strap C-4 to himself and kill as many infidels as possible is way beyond angry and disenfranchised.
This is a slanted headline! HF is obviously a lib,but not apparently a nutty one, the headline writer wants him to be one!
Is it just me, or does it seem to anyone else that celebrity liberals specialize in speaking out against their country— while in a foreign land? Fine, Harrison Ford, the Dixie Twits, Martin Sheen, et al, want to express opinions on American national policy. Why traipse all the way to another country to do it?
Tends to have more to do with the fact that they actually travel to other countries than anything else — especially movie and TV folk who spend time filming on location.