Ricky just reminded me.
You can just put your gracious apology in the comments section, Mac Diva. Or JadeGold. Or whatever the hell you call yourself now.
by John Cole| 19 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
Ricky just reminded me.
You can just put your gracious apology in the comments section, Mac Diva. Or JadeGold. Or whatever the hell you call yourself now.
Comments are closed.
Did you really just file a post about rape under humor? I come to this website whenever I feel the need to see what impotent rage looks like in print, but now I won’t bother anymore. Grow the fuck up.
John Cole
A.) It was supposed to be General Stupidity, as is everything involving Mac Diva, and alphabetically next to the Humor category in MT
B.) Why should I give a shit about someone who only comes here to see ‘impotent rage.’
c.) The story isn’t about rape, but about the fat chance that Mac Diva will ever admit she was wrong.
D.) Good Riddance. Don’t let the proverbial door hit you in the ass.
M. Scott Eiland
I threw a comment about this into an open thread at Tacitus, and was unsurprised that none of the commenters who had sneered at the Lynch rescue as a mere Pentagon PR stunt chose to respond.
You want to really turn your stomach? Look how some of the partisan hacks at the DU are spinning the story:
A She made it up.
B The Author made it up.
C She was raped because of Bush
D Her rescuers are being systemmatically killed off to prevent the real story from coming out.
Sick sick sick.
David Perron
I’m going to anticipate MacDiva (or JadeGold or whatever other moniker it’s using these days) is going to dismiss the need for apology based on your political orientation. It’s pretty much the same argument it uses for all else, so I think this is a safe bet.
If you will trace the origin of “Mac Diva” comments you will find that they originate in an institution located in Oregon. Apparently, “it” has been institutionalized, but permitted access to a PC.
Andrew Lazarus
I didn’t follow the original thread, but is this relevant?
Since I’ve never commented about PVT Lynch, let alone her ordeal, I owe you nothing.
I do wonder, however, about Ricky Lee’s characterization of rape as “conventional” or “uncoventional.”
Is that like Condi Rice’s “traditional hijackings?”
Or could it be, you and Ricky Lee share an “unconventional” ignorance? That would go a long way toward explaining your views.
Conventional rape: vaginal
Reported rape of Lynch: anal
I shouldn’t have to explain the elementary & I don’t dumb down my posts for the remedial audience.
Rape is an act of violence, Ricky.
There is no ‘conventional’ or ‘unconventional.’
Maybe down South but not in the civilized world.
Andrew Lazarus
John, you made me curious so I looked back at the original thread. As best as I can tell, you aren’t owed an apology.
1. All of the stories about Lynch firing her weapon heroically were made up. You don’t appear to have taken a position on this, but you were very angry with Mac Diva, who did say this.
2. You and Mac Diva disputed whether she had been shot. She wasn’t.
3. You alleged that the hospital had mortar rounds and doubled as a torture chamber. Given that Lynch could have been raped long before arrival at hospital, is there any evidence in the interview or autobiography for that, which I missed?
4. You seemed to suggest that the rescue mission was dangerous, not only potentially, but in the actual event, but the interview with Lynch says it wasn’t.
As best as I can tell, your only point is that at some time, and she doesn’t know when, Lynch was raped. If Mac Diva denied this, or that the Iraqis were capable of this (which was already known, as they raped a POW in Gulf War I), then indeed she does owe you an apology. But she doesn’t need to apologize for stating that the initial breathless reports of Lynch’s capture and rescue were exaggerated. They were. Lynch agrees.
John Cole
Andrew- There were about 75 threads involving this, some here, some at Yglesias’s- the short part of the story was I said I have no idea what happened to her, and will stick to what I have read- that she was mistreated, that she may/may not have been sexualy assaulted, and that Mohammed isa hero.
Mac Diva took the opposite side of this and insinuated I was racist for assuming what I read was true.
John Cole
BTW- It was really much nastier than that…
Dr. Weevil
I’ll explain this to JadeGold very slowly and carefully:
“Conventional” is NOT the same thing as “acceptable”. If you don’t believe me, look it up in any dictionary.
I believe that what our host was trying to get across is that all rapes are terrible, but some are even worse than others. Forcing a heterosexual woman to submit to vaginal sex is indeed terrible, and no one has denied that. Forcing her to submit to a kind of penetration that she would not be interested in receiving even from a loved one is even worse.
I believe J.C. used “unconvential” euphemistically: you can’t call anal sex “perverted” because some people (not just gay men but some straight women) are quite fond of it. However, given that Jessica Lynch mentions that the rape was anal and that it left her with continuing medical problems in the area (now I’m being euphemistic) I think we can assume that she found it even worse than a vaginal rape would have been.
Personally, I would have used “standard” rather than “conventional” to get the point across. But is anyone except JadeGold confused about the point Cole was making?
Keep explaining, Dr.Weevil–I enjoy the fact your hole is getting deeper. I especially laughed at your tortured and convoluted attempts
to equate gay sex with rape.
Of course, Cole didn’t even raise the issue; it was Ricky Lee.
Dr. Weevil
Thanks for the correction on the original author, JadeGold. It’s the first thing I’ve ever seen you write that was both true and useful.
Too bad you had to mix it up with filthy lies. I did not equate gay sex with rape, and anal sex between a man and a woman, whether consensual or not, is by definition NOT gay sex.
And why do you call the proprietor of North Georgia Dogma “Ricky Lee”? His domain is http://www.rjwest.com, so I think we can safely assume that his last name is West and his middle name is something that begins with a J. Not much room left for a ‘Lee’ in there. Is calling him ‘Ricky Lee’ an attempt to make him sound more Southern and more of a hick than he really is? Or is this evidence that JadeGold is in fact the same person as MacDiva, who frequently trashed people for having the same first name as her enemies (e.g. slandering Doc Searls for something I wrote, and Terry Oglesby, aka Possumblogger, for something Terry Hinshaw wrote)?
One more thing: what’s wrong with Condoleezza Rice saying “traditional hijackings”? It’s an excellent way to distinguish between the old-fashioned kind, in which a few on the plane might be killed, and the 9/11 kind, in which everyone on the plane and hundreds or thousands on the ground were killed. Both are crimes, but the second is far worse than the first.
Dr. Weevil,
JadeGold is pissed because I banned him/her from posting at my site in lieu of repeated lies, smears and personal attacks. Thus, in a concerted effort to display his/her intellect and above-the-fray attidute, he/she has resorted to calling me sophmoric names. And, iirc, has gone from site to site trying to smear me, often behind my back. Gee, just like Mac Diva did.
Impressive, no? I’ve just about decided to join the many* in ignoring the troll.
BTW, my middle name begins with “A”…the “J” is the first letter in my wife’s name & when I got the domain I thought we’d share the site.
Dig away, Dr. Weevil–it’s enjoyable watching you intersperse comments about Possumblogger or whatever as you regale us with stories of gay sex and rape.
Even Ricky Lee is bemused. That is, when he isn’t poking fun at triple amputees.
WRT “traditional hijackings”–the term is about as foolish as “conventional rape.” Using such adjectives trivialize what is anything but trivial.
Dr. Weevil
1. Please explain why you keep calling Ricky “Ricky Lee”. Is that supposed to be some kind of joke, or do you insist that is actually his name?
2. If I were accused of being the same person as some other blogger or troll, I would feel obligated to confirm or deny. So, are you or are you not ‘MacDiva’? Continued silence is likely to be taken to mean yes.
3. Constantly asserting that someone else is digging himself into a hole is not the same thing as proving it. I doubt that anyone else has missed the point of what I have written here.
4. I’m glad you’re enjoying my posts, but you seem to do it in the manner of a deinstitutionalized street person who stands on the streetcorner pointing at the passersby and laughing maniacally. He may find them funny, but they find him pathetic or repulsive.