I just read portions of the Hussein tape that was released over the week-end, and I had a question for people who might be regional experts. In the tape, Hussein refers to those who collaborate with the coalition as ‘stray dogs.’ This is not the first time I have heard speakers from that region use the word ‘dog’ as an insult.
Does anyone know if this is a common insult, and what the origin for the insult might be if it is in fact a regionalism?
Timothy Klein
I have heard that in Arab culture dogs are despised animals. They are not loved, and calling someone a dog is major insult. Can’t remember where, though.
Ralph Gizzip
So THAT’S why they hate us! Here we consider dogs to be Man’s Best Friend!
Dogs are unclean, much as pigs are for both Jews and Muslims.
Mohhamed was a cat person.
The Taliban just before the Afghan war notoriously set fire to two dogs as symbols of the US and Britain.
Dogs are considered unclean according to Islam. While they are not considered a forbidden as pigs, if a devout Muslim touches a dog he must cleanse 5 times before saying prayers.
Greg Hlatky
Islam holds dogs as unclean creatures. There is one exception: the Saluki, deemed “the noble one.”
There is a reference in the Quaran that Allah turned christians and jews into pigs and dogs. The reference signifies the submission and social status that christians and jews must hold in the muslim umma.
Emperor Misha I
Wonderful. I’ll even pay for the sulphuric acid for them to cleanse themselves in.
David Perron
I think it’s because “Stray Cats” would be confusing.
M. Scott Eiland
Offhand, I can’t think of any culture where referring to someone as a “dog” is a *good* thing, even in places where dogs are treated as beloved pets rather than simply food or vermin. The main difference would be the preceding adjectives: “dirty dog,” “mangy cur,” “Capitalist running dogs”, . . .
They must also have an aversion to soap, deodorant, and shaving cream themselves. I like dogs. And after 9/11 I like them a lot more than some muslims. I don’t purport to know what God’s likes or dislikes I imagine that God likes dogs too. And if Muhammed says it’s bad I’m all for it.
I just read an article in the Sunday paper’s mad about a local all-american, football playing high school boy converted to Islam a few years ago. Since then – as noticed by the author – he avoids the family dog.