This should be filed under “Democrats Are Lying Hypocritical Bastards,” but I don’t have that category. At any rate, by now you have all probably heard the faux uproar about the Bush commercials, and you should make sure you read all about the wives who are whoring their husbands memories for political gain.
At any rate, if you have not seen or heard the Kerry commercial in which he invokes the memory of Vietnam and 9/11, and in a far more blatant way than what Bush has done, you need to make sure you check it out.
But, the best thing I have seen so far comes via the Rush Limbaugh show. I heard about this little thing on the ride home:
The Democrats, as a party, are officially beyond hypocrisy.
The montage of comments from widows makes me convinced that this is an organized pre-planned effort… take your guesses as to who’s behind it.
Limbaugh also exposed their “talking points”….it was amazing how he played clips of some of these “outraged” widows on different newscasts, and they all mysteriously had the same exact phrases and made the same exact points.
It would be hysterical if it wasn’t so sad
M. Scott Eiland
Limbaugh was really on a roll today: it was obvious that those women were reading from a script. I sympathize with their losses, but they chose of their own free will to participate in an orchestrated political scam, and deserve to be disregarded accordingly.
Poof, this story is now turned.
El Rushbo just had 10 million people listening to the official drop-kick.
There’ll be a lag while the usual suspects get their talking points for reaction to the dynamite Limbaugh provided. I almost went home for a late lunch so I could post on it.
I suppose it would be asking too much to expect some of the News programs that unknowingly/knowingly participated in this sham to expose the lying bastards involved!
The reaction will be “Rush is a druggie!!!” Drudge’s story today hasn’t gotten far at all, curiously. His prosecution reeks of politics, but all the talk is about Stern being “silenced” for political beliefs.
andrew r
I guess my reaction was the same as Mr. Drum’s. check out what he said.
There is a fine line between legitimate use and explotation and Bush hasn’t crossed it yet. If he gives his acceptance speech at the WTC site? Maybe
andrew r
HH we all remember how accurate Drudge’s last big break was. I’ll wait untill we get some more legitimate news.
Stern is simply expressing his opinion.
How dare you claim to know the true motives of the families of the 9/11 victims. Your arrogance and insensitivity are beyond belief.
It may or may not be appropriate for the Bush campaign to use the images in their ads, but what is clearly out of line is for the wingnut community to pile on the families of the victims.
John Cole
Keep up with thetalking points Edward. The 5% of the population that subscribes to MoveOn’sview of the world just laps them up…
Andrew, Drudge is about 9 times more accurate than Drum, who pissed away his credibility while pushing the AWOL lie.
Edward….fella, with a site like yours, you needn’t be calling people “wingnut”. Got enough links to the loons at commondreams?
Hey, liked the title of this post, Edward: “Bush Will Cut Your Taxes, But Kerry Will Take Care of You”
andrew r
Atrios, Drum, Yglesias, and Marshall have either not reacted to the ads or in the case of Drum have been agnostic in their reaction to the ads.
Willis and Kos reacted in disgust, but I’ve always found Kos and his commentors to be part of the dean tin foil hat crowd.
I think victems families can object to the ads but for us democrats to object is wrong.
Glad you folks liked my site. I’m also glad you could show me the true meaning of compassionate conservatism.
I want to know more about why you’re of a mind to get a politician to take care of you. Ever considered weening?
I’m sure John’s email will be overflowing, btw, Edward.
Ralph Gizzip
“Bush Will Cut Your Taxes, But Kerry Will Take Care of You”
What’s the matter, Ed? Are you incapable of taking care of yourself? For conservatives the choice is clear. “Cut my taxes and I’ll take care of myself and my family.”
John Cole
Visceral Hatred?
I don’t hate them- I feel sad for them. There are only two ways at looking at these two women-
1.) They are overcome with grief and have no judgement left.
2.) They are such vile shrews that short term political gain ismore important than the memory of their loved ones.
Either option is pretty pathetic and sad.
I was pretty put off by this talking point:
“…if they want to show a Bush 9/11 picture, why don’t they show him sitting in a classroom reading to children while the towers were burning?”
True, Bush was in that classroom reading. BUT, that’s where he WAS when the news reached him, NOT where he went, or stayed.
Rush’s exposure of the extremely short lag (12 hours) between the AD’s first airing, and the two interviews was revealing as well.
I did a post on the similar talking-points from the two widows:
It does strike me as more than coincidental that three of the four shows these women appeared on were NBC derivatives.
“…if they want to show a Bush 9/11 picture, why don’t they show him sitting in a classroom reading to children while the towers were burning
Ok, then lets ALSO show a picture of where Sen. Kerry was at the time.
BTW- Will Sen. Kerry ever get around to visiting ground zero? Just asking
BTW, it’s been pretty well exposed that those who spoke out against the ads are linked to various Kerry and Democrat groups….
I believe Sen. Kerrey was with the rest of congress, as they hauled ass away from the capitol (as would I).
M. Scott Eiland
“It does strike me as more than coincidental that three of the four shows these women appeared on were NBC derivatives.”
I guess NBC News has lost interest in rigging trucks to explode and moved on to synchronized ventriloquism as applied journalism. Very fresh and new.
M. Scott Eiland
“How dare you claim to know the true motives of the families of the 9/11 victims. Your arrogance and insensitivity are beyond belief.”
Wait–I’ve heard this particular note of outrage before. . .
Ah yes, from the defenders of the Wellstone Memorial fiasco: “How dare you tell people how to mourn!”
In other words, grief–but only grief from people who don’t like Republicans–is a license to get away with anything and not be called on it. I’ll pass on endorsing that little abrogation of personal responsbility and the right of self-defense.
Good call, M. Scott. There’s already evidence that some folks are willing to piss on graves if it furthers their political interests.
Bird Dog
I wrote about this faux media-contrived controversy here.
Andrew J. Lazarus
As Bird Dog can testify, Kevin Drum and I hold rather similar views, and they aren’t Terry McAuliffe’s. The Democrats’ response, to the extent it’s whinging about “Bush’s ads are unfair!” is counterproductive, even if in some sense it’s true. (I don’t think it is; the idea that 9/11 is too sacrosanct for political exploitation seems empty to me.) The last thing we Dems need now is to look chicken.
OTOH, I think the solution is for us to make EVEN BETTER commercials ourselves. If that means 9/11 widows asking why Georgie has time to tape ads but no time to explain to the 9/11 Commission why he shouldn’t take at least some responsibility for the security screw-up, great. (Let me give you conservatives a hint: the “ordinary people” who endorse Republicans are ALSO working from a script.)
[Howard Dean would know what to do.]
As Trump posted earlier, this is probably linked to Kerry if he has any remote connection to the Heinz family dollars…
Check out:
It gives the future speaking schedule for “Septemer 11th Families for Peaceful Tommorows,” purportedly a political group funded in part by the Heinz family fortune.
M. Scott and Ricky, seems to me that you guys are the ones questioning how the widows choose to mourn. And you’re right; it shows you’re willing to piss on graves to demonize your opponents.
David R. Block
Seeing that the women were anti-Bush even before the ad ran, one can really wonder if THEY are as big a bunch of political opportunists as they accuse Bush of being.
Except in leftie la-la land where only the opponents have bad motvies. Right.
Actually, that kind of makes sense. If I were anti-Bush and my relative was being used as a dead prop by the Administration, I’d be pretty enraged. It wouldn’t be particularly manufactured.
Um, Edward I’ll ask again: Why do you need a politician to take care of you? Are you that unequipped in the free market?
The FDR campaign button is a fake.
Are you that unequipped in the free market?
That’s kind of like asking why we have referees in football games.
Masked is right. It’s fairly well established that the button is a fake.
andrew r – Drudge’s story seems to stand up, though there are claims he was “investigated…” but there was no doctor shopping charge brought up as there is here…
Tongue Boy
“…if they want to show a Bush 9/11 picture, why don’t they show him sitting in a classroom reading to children while the towers were burning”
Where was Kerry on April 30, 1975? Is there a picture of this that Bush’s campaign can exploit?
Don’t go down that road…
That’s kind of like asking why we have referees in football games.
referees don’t “take care” of football players, Kimmitt. If you’re going to jump in, try to get within the same zip code as the context.
There’s a reason ed’s dodging that question….
Somebody help me out please and tell me where Kerry’s commercial invokes the memory of 9/11? I’m just curious is all…I’ve watched it twice. Is it just that a military helicopter is supposed to remind us of 9/11? Help? Please?
John Cole
IF the button is a fake, you better go tell the folks at the World War II Museum.
They will be pretty amused to find that out.
It might very well have been an orchestrated campaign; that doesn’t mean that the outrage they expressed wasn’t genuine.
Gary Farber
Tell me, John: did you say anything about Ted Rall’s “terror widows” cartoon? (I did; I was offended.)
I guess you sure regret that, now.
John Cole
Gary- you justchastised me in a post for stating that Democrats do not argue honestly, and then you engage in a dishonest argument yourself.
There is a distinct difference from someone stating that all of the wives of 9/11 victims are whoring themselves for fame and fortune in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and in my stating that a select few women have joing fringe political groups backed by a political party engaging in a smear campaign, using coordinated talking points, and, as I have stated, whoring their loved one’s memories for short term political gain.
You do see the difference, don’t you?