Starting in a couple of weeks, I am going to really have to begin finishing a project that is several years old and long overdue. Therefore my blogging tie is going to be limited, and I will be unable to post at the same rate as normal.
Fear not- I am not going anywhere. I will have time for a 2-3 posts every day, but not much more. At any rate, I am thinking about inviting a co-host aboardfor several months, andhell, if it works out, forever.
At any rate, if you are a Republican with a more moderate approach towards social issues, a libertarian, or a straight up flaming liberal and interested, drop me a line. The only qualification is that you can write (the rules are not applied to me, damnit) and you don’t act like a barking moonbat.
I would prefer people that will not talk about religion or abortion, however. Not because I dislike theocons, but because I would rather shower in prison than discuss abortion or religion or both. People who are deeply religious, from my experience, are deeply and profoundly religious, and can not help but let their religious perspectives dominate their philosophy, and inevitably the conversation turns to abortion. That is not a fault, but just not the direction I want this blog to take. If you need an example, check yesterday’s stem cell thread at Red State, which after 4-5 comments on stem cell research turned into an abortion debate. Again, I would rather beat my big toe with a ball peen hammer than spend 3 hours sorting through a comments thread devoted to when life starts.
At any rate, I know there are plenty of capable contributors out there, so let me know if you are interested. And please, don’t feel rejected if I choose someone other than you. Although technically, you will have been rejected. Oh, well, life is tough.
Thanks in advance.
I’ll be happy to contribute a few non-to-highly partisan humorous bits, but probably couldn’t be counted on as a full time replacement or anything. I will also wax your car for lunch money.
Gary Farber
Pick me! I was elected a Republican Party precinct caucus delegate (for John Anderson) in 1980, and I was so effective that I was caricatured in the editorial cartoon by David Horsey on the editorial page of the Seattle Post Intelligencer the next day!
;-) ;-) ;-)
My slogan: I am your father’s Republican Party, Luke.
I’ll do it.