When John Kerry says “Bring it ON,” he is, of course, referring to lawsuits.
Kerry Is Filing a Complaint Against Swift Boat Group
This is, of course, after trying to stifle the book.
Kerry Campaign, Liberal Group Attack Anti-Kerry Book
And of course, his surrogates, in this case the Soros funded Media Matters whores, are doing their part.
MMFA President David Brock sends letter to Wal-Mart, other retailers about Unfit for Command

(via Audere Est Facere)
Randal Robinson
John Kerry was for freedom of speech before he was against it.
Wasn’t David Brock the Conservative’s “JaysonBlair” tossed out on his ear for invented stories peddled as journalism?
Yeah… well at least he has a job… and the Lefties have someone, like their candidate, they can trust-to-lie
I just love the scene in “The Heartbreak Kid” where the Charles Grodin character, playing John Kerry and toadying up to his future in-laws at the dinner table, says, “This is honest food. There’s no deceit in the cauliflower.” He was playing John Kerry, wasn’t he?
Ralph Gizzip
Looks like John Edwards has had some early influence on the Donks campaign strategy.
The Kerry Youth League will be holding an Unfit for Command Book Burning today on Martha’s Vineyard
Dwight Meredith
It seems that the SBVT have established the standard for veracity and integrity by which this election will be fought.
They, of course, have 1st amendment rights to say what they wish, just like anyone else.
Those “anyone elses” are now likely to raise issues such as whether or not George W. Bush abused cocaine and sold ounces of the drug while Kerry fought for his country.
Issues of whether GWB helped secure an illegal abortion for a young women he impreganated are likely to arise.
The issue of whether Mr. Bush refused to take his flight physical for fear of drug testing may be brought to the forefront.
I would prefer that all of that garbage (on both sides) be out of bounds but the standard has now been set and the cork is out of the bottle.
I hope those who tried to push the SBVT fabrications will now be happy with the nature of our political disourse.
Oh, shut the fuck up, Meredith. All the bullshit charges about Bush have ALREADY been pushed by your fellow assholes on the left.
You are kidding, right? Trotting out DNC talking points from the 2000 election won’t discredit the Swifties.In fact, I haven’t seen any concrete evidence that the Swifties lied, but they have proven Kerry has been lying for 30 yrs over his Cambodia adventures.
And whats up with lefties always spinning situations and ending up the victim?
Also, this entire thing isnt about Bush. You would like to spin it and make it about Bush, but your boy Kerry has been lying about his experiences for 30 yrs and until he addresses these issues specifically, no amount of deflection back to Buush will change the situation. In other words, the Swifties have challenged his integrity and honor, and that has nothing to do with Bush.
I wished that it never began. Michael Moore, last seen in the exec box at the DNC convention, probably feels otherwise.
Thanks, McCain/Feingold. Speaking as someone who was against it for years: I TOLD YOU SO.
John, that’s beautiful.
M. Scott Eiland
Another caption for the photo:
November 15, 2004
“Newly Tapped DNC Chief Displays His Credentials To Lead His Party As He Surveys The Wreckage Terry McAuliffe Left Behind.”
“I hope those who tried to push the SBVT fabrications will now be happy with the nature of our political disourse.”
You know what? I really hope the DNC and the affiliated 527’s keep hitting those subjects. Keep’em coming fast and furious!
Because Americans might despise liars but they absolutely hate crap that’s boring. And after 4 years of the same crap, it’s completely f-ing boring.
Man someone mentions “cocaine” and “Bush is evil” and I just go to sleep.
Serious rejoinder to your opinion lies in the actual poll results of 2000.
After airing “Bush was a drunk,” “Bush was AWOL,” “Bush did coke,” what was the result? A nearly 50-50 split, in an election where, by most lights, Al Gore *should* have won enormously.
Are you sure that all this airing of innuendo didn’t wind up HURTING *Gore* more than it did Bush?
Do you think airing “draft dodger,” “didn’t inhale,” etc., etc., etc. ultimately did more or less harm to Bill Clinton’s chances?
Please refresh my memory: what form did the “air”-ing, in the 2000 campaign, of Bush’s three pre-salvation claims to fame take? I do recall the NAACP hate-crimes ad–and how could I not? John has officially incorporated it into his unified theory of I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I. Did this “air”-ing consist in a series of media buys, in concert with the release of a trashy novel & coordinated by a Gore campaign that decried trashy novels as a matter of principle, having had so many written about the Clinton administration?
Oh, that’s right, the mainstream media “air”-ed these charges, and we all know they’re a subsidiary of the Democratic party. The brilliant part of that strategy was the way that Gore also commanded them to caricature himself as a serial exxagerator who suffered from multiple personality disorder. (John’s new best buddy, the Daily Howler, is the one-stop shop on this topic; and Google be damned, just search his archives by “can+you+fucking+believe+these+venal+pricks+Gore”.)
Really, help me out here. I agree that the Byrd ad was tawdry and unscrupulous. Moreover, I’m quite fine with hate being only an aggravating factor and not a crime itself. (Hell, imagine the next three months otherwise, under martial law, internment camps for everyone but Quakers.) But James Byrd was, in reality, dragged behind a pick-up truck, and candidate Bush did, in reality, deny that the racial motive much mattered. The NAACP didn’t conjure the issue; it was genuine; they merely exploited it.
With the Swifties, the issue is being manufactured, on understandably aggrieved but nonetheless shameless lies, and with numerous contradictions, any single one of which are easily of the degree that summarily reduced Joe Wilson and Richard Clarke to liars, and fully exonerated George Bush as clean, sober & reporting for duty. Still, I do sympathize with your main point about voter backlash, and we all have fantasies about the electorate seeing through the crap and our side winning on the merits. But with vileness and depravity of this sort, karma should suffice.
Geez, first Media Matters demands the pentagon pull Rush Limbaugh from the Armed Services Radio Network, now they are asking retailers not to sell a book?
Stalin would be very proud of these guys.
“…but James Byrd was, in reality, dragged behind a pick-up truck, and candidate Bush did, in reality, deny that the racial motive much mattered”.
He denied that it mattered to the prosecution of the case and considering that two of them got the death penalty and the other got life in prison, it would turn out he’s right.
What would’ve made you happy? If the two of them would’ve been required to attend a diversity training workshop prior to being executed?
M. Scott Eiland
“What would’ve made you happy? If the two of them would’ve been required to attend a diversity training workshop prior to being executed?”
You mean “instead of” being executed–this *is* the idiot left we’re talking about here.
Hey, M. Scott and Cap’n, I recognize that this was an inordinately long comment of mine, but when responding to one of this length in the future, you might consider taking some notes. I rather explicitly stated that I carry no torch for hate-crimes legislation; what someone thinks is their own fucking business.
Oh, and Scott, get with the B-J program (so to speak): we’re the party of liars (as symbolized by our party’s last national leader); you’re the party of idiots (as evidenced by your response to my comment, your party’s national leader, ad infinitum.)
It hasn’t been long enough since you guys used supidity on the level of not being able to figure out a ballot as an excuse to lose an election for you to claim any sort of intellectual superiority.
AAMOF, you have quite a long way to go.
M. Scott Eiland
Not to mention that the Dems keep getting their asses kicked by Republican politicians they deride as stupid: Ike, Reagan, and GWB. Failure to learn that a tactic doesn’t work isn’t exactly a sign of overwhelming intellect.
Oh, and Bloggerhead? You didn’t support hate crimes legislation–you just engaged in apologism for those who do and who aired malicious ads against a candidate who refused to play the race-pimping game. That’s even more disgusting.