Some things you have to read several times in order to make sure you understood what you read. This is one:
The aircraft carrier leading the U.S. military’s tsunami relief effort steamed out of Indonesian waters Wednesday because the country declined to let the ship’s fighter pilots use its airspace for training missions.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Marines have scaled back their planned contribution to the aid operation after compromising with the Indonesian military and agreeing not to carry weapons or set up a base camp on Indonesian soil.
SSDD; we saw this sort of thing with regard to famine relief in other countries with civil strife.
So the Indonesian military wants us to help, wandering into places unarmed, like Aceh province, the scene of a decades-old conflict between separatist rebels and governmant troops. Yet they want us to arm them to the teeth so that they can go into those same places.
John your filter is screwed up. I had to mispell governm-e-n-t in the last post as governmant because “m e n” without the spaces is not allowed.
I gave up trying to post. Your sentry runs me off for using “m e n” even if it was not there anyway
M. Scott Eiland
*Scott raises an eyebrow*
“The UN is populated by a bunch of governm*nt obsessed lefties who couldn’t make it in the private sector if their lives depended on it.”
All right, who’s the wise guy who installed the gender feminist written filter?
–end test–
Not ot m*ntion that their are Islamist groups there who would love to kill some Marines.
“There have been reports of militant Islamic groups moving into Aceh as they believed Western aid groups might use the disaster to push a Christian agenda.”