Tom Cruise is certifiably insane, if you ask me. He pretty clearly has lost it in the last few months, or at least in the last few months it has become clear how truly insane he is. At any rate, is it just me, or is media savvy Michelle Malkin the LAST PERSON who should be pointing to pictures out of context as proof of something:
It was alarming enough to watch him clamping down on 26-year-old Katie during the Oprah show:
But this photo of an unhinged Cruise putting the death grip on 11-year-old Dakota Fanning is the last straw:
So. Very. Scary. Look. At. His. Face.
And The Grip.
Where is Tom Sneddon when you need him? I swear it looks like the poor girl’s arm is coming out of its socket. And, oh dear Lord, her tiny wrist must still be in pain. Good thing the Olson twins didn’t co-star with Cruise. He’d snap them both in half.
Again, is it just me who thinks of all people, Michelle Malkin should know better?

Some might say that looks like a crazy person.

Someone might say that picture makes her look shrill.
It wasn’t and isn’t fair or cute or funny when Democrats post unfair pictures of her, and it isn’t any of the above when she does it to Tom Cruise.
Actually, the second one looks more like she just got whacked in the nuts, but that’s impossible because we all know it’s actually Ann Coulter who has testicles.
andy, I am so glad I already swallowed my tea before reading your post.
what I WAS going to say was, does it bother anyone else that no matter what movie he’s in, you always have that moment where he’s forcing the toothy-grin-thing, and you realize, “hey, he does that in all his movies.”
Best Line of the Day, Andy. No contest.
um, by “he” I mean Cruise…
The Disenfrachised Voter
“So. Very. Scary. Look. At. His. Face.”
LOL. He has been making these weird faces lately. What the hell is wrong with him. Well, at least it is funny to watch.
A few years ago, there was a “Celebrity Jeopardy” skit on Saturdy Night Live where Jimmy Fallon was supposed to be Tom Cruise and he was acting in the exact same over-the-top manner that Cruise does and it was funny as hell.
I remember it so well because it was one of the only times Jimmy Fallon was funny.
Mr Furious
Andy’s line is good, but it’s close between that and this line from a thread on NYC’s heatwave at Steve Gilliard’s.
Flip a coin, my laughter at both elicited looks from co-workers.
Brad R.
It wasn’t and isn’t fair or cute or funny when Democrats post unfair pictures of her…
Yeah, but Michelle is still, you know, crazy. You don’t need pictures to see it- her writing is proof enough.
I have had some personal experience with persons afflicted with these things, so I am more than a little serious ….
Malkin’s behavior always makes me think of the DSM-IV term, “pressured speech.” It’s a diagnostic indicator in some mental illnesses.
Google it. “DSM IV” + “pressured speech”
Also see “flight of ideas”
Tom Cruise could, this very minute, be balling Nicole Kidman.
But he’s not.
By his own choice.
He is crazy as a bedbug.
That is all.
Cruise is beyond reproach. He has reached the State of Clear in Scientology.
A Clear is a person who no longer has his own reactive mind. He has vanquished it forever. Without the stimulus-response mechanisms of the reactive mind which can cause a person pain, unwanted sensations and negative emotions, a Clear can act rather than react. A Clear has a very high degree of personal integrity and honesty, and is living proof that man is basically good. His own basic beingness returns and his own basic personality flourishes. A person loses all the fears, anxieties and irrational thoughts that were held down by pain in the reactive mind and, in short, regains himself when he goes Clear. A person is much, much more himself without a reactive mind.
Until a person is cleared, no matter how able he becomes by virtue of earlier auditing, it is inevitable, just by the nature of the universe, that he will sooner or later sink back into the reactive mind. That is why clearing is vital. Clear is total erasure of the reactive mind and thus is a stable state, not subject to relapse.
In other words, sticks and stones may break his bones, but words will never hurt him.
We must learn from the masters.
wild bird
Orphaned wind freak what kind of sleaze dose she sell this sleaze at its worse and these damn talk shows just get putrid when it come down to the sleaze
Shrill? Bullshit, some of the pathetic peons on the left wanted to take the opportunity to make fun of Malkin’s ethnicity via her “crazy eyes” as one rotund idiot noted.
Um, one does not have to have a particular ethnicity to have crazy eyes.
That said, Katie Holmes is still ridiculously cute.
The Disenfranchised Voter
“Shrill? Bullshit, some of the pathetic peons on the left wanted to take the opportunity to make fun of Malkin’s ethnicity via her “crazy eyes” as one rotund idiot noted.”
Malkin is a shrill wretch. Anyone who parrotted the Swift Boat Vet’s lies after they were repeatedly debunked has absolutely no credibility. She even implied that John Kerry shot himself in order to get a purple heart.
Furthermore, that bitch is no libertarian. She argued for intermint camps for christs sake! She is a damn liar.
M. Scott Eiland
“Tom Cruise could, this very minute, be balling Nicole Kidman.
But he’s not.
By his own choice.
He is crazy as a bedbug.
That is all.”
*–Though Ms. Holmes is quite lovely, really.
M. Scott Eiland
“Um, one does not have to have a particular ethnicity to have crazy eyes.”
True–ever noticed Paul Krugman’s picture on the NYT online editorial page? The man looks like he’s about to reach for some chianti and fava beans.
Jon H
Krugman is especially bad when appearing on TV, via a camera hookup.
He has this crazy, blank look on his face when he’s listening or thinking, instead of looking like he’s engaging with a person.
The host will say something, and Krugman will just stare blankly into the camera for a few moments, before responding.
It’s like he’s on speakerphone, not on TV.
Now, granted, he’s sitting there facing a camera, not the show’s host, but he should really get some coaching.
Jon H
Malkin has this look, like every night she nervously checks under her bed for Japanese infiltrators.
Go to and check out the difference between “imply” and “infer”. Google is your friend.
You might try “seared” as well. As in, John Kerry’s trip to Cambodia “is seared…seared in my memory”.