Quite frankly, I am surprised there hasn’t been more of this.
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by John Cole| 15 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
Quite frankly, I am surprised there hasn’t been more of this.
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“Its a good thing we are fighting the looters over there before we’re fighting them here”
“Foreign insurgents have been funneling into New Orleans and are using the opportunity to take shots at Americans.”
“Al-Queda has been operating out of New Orleans for quite some time, we are just now smoking them out of their hiding places”
“We stopped some buses, others got in. And we are — when we scoop up people in these raids, we find people from other nations who came there to oppose the regime — correction, to oppose to the coalition. There are clearly people that are being influenced by Cuba.”
It’s sad to see the bottom feeders come out.
Concentrate on the good people, concentrate on the good people,………..
I thought Katrina was a soldier of Jesus killing gays, strippers, hookers and other various and sundry sinners.
I got to stop watching the 700 club.
Toni Trammal
Not much different from some of our own “clerics” who pray for Supreme Court vacancies, or blame natural disasters on the sinful, wicked ways of the victims.
“Brownie, you’re doing a great job.”
President Bush to FEMA Director Michael Brown at the Mobile Coast Guard hanger.
You know, you’d _think_ the Kuwaitis would be more… well, never mind.
That was my thought as well; if this is how the Kuwaitis, of all people, think of us, we’re even more screwed than I realized.
This is as stupid as the “hurricane looks like a fetus” mail…
BTW, 220,000 people died in Aceh after the Tsunami last year, most of the muslims. I think it’s safe to say that natural disasters strike without any relgious concern.
This is an excellent contrast to our own radical clerics who are advising us that their God is the one who destroyed New Orleans.
I think Mullah Robertson, though, has kept his mouth shut. Can anyone verify? I hope so, considering that his charity is on the FEMA list. Although it does appear to be a good charity.
james richardson
heh heh. was gonna say the same as stupidityrules. no comments on that (hand of god) natural disaster from them.
yet another jeff
To be fair, StupidityRules, the tsunami victims were blamed for their wicked tourist trade too. Sure, whenever disaster strikes, some cleric blames the she-male strippers.
But…Bourbon Street was relatively unscathed…so far. Take that fundamentalist clerics!
yet another jeff
To be fair, StupidityRules, the tsunami victims were blamed for their wicked tourist trade too. Sure, whenever disaster strikes, some cleric blames the tranny strippers.
But…Bourbon Street was relatively unscathed…so far. Take that fundamentalist clerics!
reno, illini
Just saw Bush and four other Richard Craniums on the tube. Just a pretty picture of 5 Dick Heads.
bobby jo, aruba
Hope they had rubbers on.
reno, illini
I believe W never wears protection.