Fifteen men on a deadmans chest yo ho ho and a bottle of rum aarrr shiver me timbers avast ye land lubbers i,ll make you walk the plank THEMS THAT DIE WILL BE THE LUCKY ONES
All hail his Noodley Apendage, the Flying Spagetti Monster! fight global warming through pirrrracy! Arrr.
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Q: What did the pirate say when asked why he had the ship’s wheel tied to his dick?
A: “Yarr! It drives me nuts!”
Talk like a Pirate? Okay:
“We’re 61 and 88. We suck.”
How’s that?
Once again we have a RINO sightings post that seems to have nothing to do with RINO’s either in the wild or in Washington.
Mr Furious
What Davebo meant to say:
“Once again we have a RINO sightin’s post that seems t’ have nothin’ t’ do with RINO’s either in t’ wild or in Washin’ton. Arrr.”
John Cole
Davebo- I don’t write the posts. Other folks do.
goonie bird
Fifteen men on a deadmans chest yo ho ho and a bottle of rum aarrr shiver me timbers avast ye land lubbers i,ll make you walk the plank THEMS THAT DIE WILL BE THE LUCKY ONES
All hail his Noodley Apendage, the Flying Spagetti Monster! fight global warming through pirrrracy! Arrr.