The guy who was dressed up as Billary at the ‘event’ yesterday speaks.
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by John Cole| 5 Comments
This post is in: Humorous, Politics, General Stupidity
The guy who was dressed up as Billary at the ‘event’ yesterday speaks.
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Nathan Lanier
Is that Curt Schilling?!
Well, I give the guy props for marching a parade route in *those* shoes.
Nathan Lanier
He’s got the size of Billary’s head right, anyway.
There is a lot of cognitive dissonance at dkos, where folks don’t realize that just because they despise Hillary for her war vote, it doesn’t mean they represent some massive cross-section of the Left. Even in this 100% anti-war crowd, the guy in the Billary costume didn’t report any hostility at all. For 99% of the country, it’s Bush’s war – agree with it or not – and not Hillary’s.
The sabres are already rattling, though, with people threatening to boycott the 2008 election if Hillary gets the nomination, in order to “send the party a message.” Republicans must get warm fuzzy thoughts of Nader 2000 when they hear talk like that. But as always, if the Left was unified, they wouldn’t be the Left…
And that night, he made himself sleep on the couch.