I am bored. Someone pick a fight with someone. Or pick a fight with me. Or we could do something more productive, and play Get to Know Your Blog Host– ask me a question or a my position on an issue, and if I choose to respond, I will. That could actually be useful, considering the vast gulf between what I think and what some of you think I think.
Or you could just call me an asshole and start a flame war.
Oh yeah- BTVS is even better on the second viewing. I just watched The Becoming pts. 1 and 2 and actually got a little teary-eyed when she offed him.
Dan Spartan
Who you got in the Baseball Playoffs? White Sox,Angels,Astros or Cardinals? Or do you care?
Oh, and you’re an asshole. :)
Just Kidding.
John Cole
White Sox or Angels. I am a NL guy, but I hate the Astros and the Cards so much I would root against them no matter what. I would probably end up rooting for the Sox, although I know how much an Angels victory would mean to Matt Welch.
Why has your comments section become a running joke on other blogs?
Be careful what you wish for …
How about an apology for calling Atrios a vicious hack who will slander anyone, or at least an admission that such a charge requires other evidence than the Lieberman/NR post, since Atrios didn’t slander Lieberman there?
See also Kos:
Ok, I’ll bite. A question: What is your honest opinion of George W. Bush. The man. Do you think he is honest? Do you think he is moral? Do you think he is intelligent? What qualities does the man possess that would make anyone support him?
Oops, Anderson answered for you.
Marcus Wellby
Who is someone you completely disagree with politically, but still respect intellectually? For me, its Pat Buchanan.
John, do you think that there is any danger that the blogosphere will become a parody of itself the way Usenet did? Seriously. It’s changing daily and it’s hard to know where it’s headed. I realize that this is a Scope Too Big question, but just curious as to what you think.
Given the fact that MSM also is now a parody of itself (trying to act out the parody in the movie “Network”), what do you think will be the “mainstream” source of information in ten years?
my cat
Well this won’t cure your boredom but it might help mine: I’m home with a headcold and after two days of “Animal Planet” I’m about ready to take my germs to work and ifect the people who gave this cold to me. But, since I’m stuck here with no one to talk too I’ll tell you about my new dog.
His from a small breed rescue outfit. They literally drive around with a big van, visiting kill shelters and adopting small dogs from the euthansia list. My little Blackie is a one-eared mutt, blind in one eye and old. History unknown except that it didn’t include love or nuturing or housebreaking. He’s a good dog; he wants to please, he never barks, one word is all it takes to change behavior. In the four days since I got him he has learned to sit, come when called, and heel.
So if you want to argue about someting how about this: the criminal penalties for abusing or neglecting an animal should be the same as what the penalty would be if the crime was committed against a person. Do you agree?
Wow ppGaz, you pulled a talking point directly from Al Gore. I’m impressed.
Dan Spartan
Are you a Pirates fan? I’m a life long Reds fan here in Kentucky. I propose the Pirates,Reds,Royals and Brewers all leave the MLB and form the poor management baseball league. That way, they can finally get into some kind of playoffs.
As for me, I think I’m jumping on the White Sox bandwagon. Haven’t won since 1917 and erase a little bit of the stimga of the Black Sox scandal.
M. Scott Eiland
Viewing exercise for the dedicated fan: watch “Becoming” Parts One and Two, then watch “City On The Edge Of Forever”. Afterwards, ask yourself–who had a rougher week: Buffy Summers or James T. Kirk?
You are one strange and disturbing mf-er, Dave. I pay zero attention to Al Gore on any level. You could tell me that he is given to snake handling and running a country store in Tennessee, and I wouldn’t know one way or the other. Or care.
So, how’s your boring and useless blog going? Still trying to sell the idea that we shoulda WON that Vietnam war?
oh, and I forgot. You’re an asshole.
M. Scott Eiland
If the White Sox win it all this year, I’d strongly recommend putting Chicago Cubs fans under a mass suicide watch–Sox of both varieties were about all they had to point to and say “see–there are some fans who have it *almost* as bad as us!” If all of that goes up in smoke in a span of just over a year. . .I fear for their sanity.
Chicago can never win anything with that crap they call pizza out there. Until they disown that abomination, they must remain cursed.
my cat – oh, poor puppy. He sounds like an absolute sweetpea.
Okay, John, here are a few questions for you:
1. Do you think that the Republican party will ever be able to eschew it’s current culture of corruption, religious interference, and cronyism, and return to its roots?
2. Did you ever get the Lemon Pledge out of your shirts?
3. Why do birds suddenly appear?
Rome Again
Well, instead of playing “let’s you and him fight”, how about a question:
What do you see as the political future of the Christian Conservatives?
yeah ppGaz, just a coinkadink I’m sure:
Al Gore Jr.:
ppGore Jr.
My blog is going quite well, and most military historians (and Vietnamese generals) agree we could easily have won in Vietnam if not for people like you here at home. :)
How about we just combine the teams and make a super team? The Reds can provide the outfield (Dunn, Kearns, Griffey, Pena) and the shortstop (Felipe Lopez). We can mix the rest of the teams’ pitchers to get a good rotation and bullpen, and form the rest of the infield from Pirates, Brew Crew, and we can just leave KC alone, because they are pathetic even by this die hard Red fan’s standards. But hope springs eternal, fellow Red Leg. One day, we’ll have a decent pitching staff, and our offense will get more steady, and then we’ll make the playoffs. One day. Until then, we have ESPN Classic showing Big Red Machine and ’90 highlights every few days.
John Cole
Anderson- Fine. I apologize that Atrios is a dick.
I think he is a fairly decent guy with above average intelligence (and abve average means just that, above average) who because of his patrician background went farther than anyone would have expected.
Do I think he is moral- insomuch that I do not believe he buys into the bullshit spread by many in the religious right, yes, in that he seems willing to cater to them for electoral gain, no.
I think the qualities he possesses are that he is personable, likeable, straightforward, and capable of relating (or passing off the appearance that he can relate).
Most of all though, I think of this as a Preisdency that could have done so much but failed so miserably on so many accounts, and I think his lack of interest in many areas of importance allowed less savory elements within the conservative movement do some pretty damned stupid things.
But in sum, I do not think George Bush is an arch-villain.
As someone who still reads usenet news feeds daily, I am loathe to say nasty things about it. It is what it is- qnd there will always be trolls in every forum.
As an example, we were talking about media representations of safe sex and condom usage in class today, and we were discussing a stuyd done in 1992 in which a fellow observed that only 10-15% of college students state they use condoms when they have sex. I asked my students why they thoughtt the answers were so low. Withouth missing a beat, some kid yelled out- “They are hard to get on when you are drunk!”
In short, no matter theforum, there are always going to beclowns, jackasses, serious people, people with an axe togrind,and people to avoid at all cost. The blogosphere is no different- it is just another forum for people to express themselves, and should be viewed as such.
Yes, although 14 years of sub .500 seasons has tempered my interest. I still have not recovered from game 7 of the 1992 NLCS. I never will.
It’s an idea widely held among movie buffs, who consider the picture to be a masterpiece on many levels, you illiterate piece of shit.
If I find a phrase that you and Hitler both uttered, I’ll be sure to shove it right up your ass. Go fuck yourself.
Your blog is a joke. And your reference to my effect on the Vietnam war is not something you will dare say to my face, asshole. Trust me. You are more than welcome to try it, any time.
I remember that game, Sid Bream scored while riding a battery-powered Lark when Barry Bonds’ throw actually went backwards.
And how do you type so clearly with Joss Whedon’s bollocks in your face?
the Steelers suck
Wow. Edited for clarity, then:
He is a president … who has failed miserably.
Spades being spades, and all that.
LOL sure ppGore, that’s why you’re getting all upset about it.
My blog is a personal diary of things I find interesting. I’m flattered when anyone reads or links to it, but I don’t worry about traffic much as I don’t advertise and I’m mostly a commenter anyway.
I’ll say it right now: People like you lost the war and sentenced tens of millions of Vietnamese to life in a brutal dictatorships with no rights, and you’d do the same to Iraqis if you could. Proud of yourself?
Oh, and threatening violence against anyone who questions the value of a peace movement is just too preciously ironic for words. Fascism, anyone?
John Cole
I dont think the core of the Republican party is about a culture of corruption and cronyism- at least not the Republicans I have known my whole life. Now, granted, I am a WV Republican, and we are not at all like the Republicans everywhere.
As to the religious interference, I think there are certain elements within the Republican party who are here to stay but whose importance is diminishing, but I will keep beating them with a stick regardless. One thing that does go unmentioned is that for all the bullshit they peddle, they are losing every battle. And I mean every battle. Society is changing, and they are fighting a rear-guard defensive battle and losing. Thank God, if you will pardon a pun.
I didn’t, but my dry cleaner did.
Because they, just like me, long to be close to you.
John, seen Serenity yet? Thoughts?
Tim F
(neither have I…)
M. Scott Eiland
It’s an idea widely held among movie buffs
Hmm, maybe Gore is getting his act together–I’d have expected him to have claimed authorship of the meme *and* to have been the inspiration for the Faye Dunaway character in “Network.”
John Cole
I keep forgetting how much you hate him- I know, his dialog makes you want to do violent things to your tv, but I really like BTVS and Angel.
We all have our guilty pleasures.
John Cole
Going this weekend.
Dan Spartan
Hey Joey, how about that Reggie Sanders LDS against the Padres? Been nice if he could have done half of that against the Braves in 95 and not struck out 900 times. lol
Either the Reds need to invest in some good pitchers or petition the NL to get in the West Division. Barring that, I think it’s going to be the same old until Linder,and Allen are gone.
John, I understand about the Pirates, but would like to thank them for keeping the Reds out of the basement all these years. May Sid Bream and Francisco Cabrera forever be cursed, right? lol
Get to Know Your Blog Host-
How many shot up water heaters do you see during your commute to work?
Why do you hate women? Or, more precisely, why do you Fear the Coming Gynocracy?
Do you eat sandwiches with have french fries mixed in with the cole slaw on the sandwich?
Do you find Bill Cowher’s Jutting Jaw semi-ridiculous?
Who’s your favorite Steeler – 70s / 80s / 90s – Current
Did former Steeler Terry Bradshaw add or detract from the movie ‘Cannonball Run’?
Invite four leftwing-ish bloggers and four rightwing-ish bloggers to a dinner at a local restaurant. The blogosphere picks up the tab, no police charges will be filed.
Can ‘Abu-Grahib’ be adequately explained by military incompetence and confusion or is it necessarily the result of a ‘plan’?
Did you think Richard Jewell was the Bubba Bomber back in 92 during the Atlanta Olympics?
If your judicial philosophy were chicken-wing sauce would it be?
Which MSM-types mystify you?
Do you sublimate your desire to beat women and help ensure the patriarchical hegemony by blogging?
Serenity is not doing as well as it should, imho. I think it’s one of the best movies in the last few years.
Dropped to #8 this week. Looks like it won’t break $50M, which is really a shame.
Nice deflection try, you crummy coward.
lol, if we were in the West, like back in the day, we would have won the division by 15 games even without pitching. To be honest though, this season was a success just because of Junior. He showed everybody that he is worth the money (which isn’t even all that much comparatively a lot of people forget). I think the last month without him showed what a difference a healthy Junior makes. If our pitchers just get a little better, we could challange for the Wild Card, I think. I have a lot of faith in our offense.
M. Scott Eiland
Did you think Richard Jewell was the Bubba Bomber back in 92 during the Atlanta Olympics?
1996–and the network idiots who were busily psychoanalyzing Jewell based on precisely zero evidence should have been gelded with a pair of blunt pruning shears for what they did.
Rome Again
John, Do you plan to see “Good Night and Good Luck”?
Deflection? I said what you claim I wouldn’t. I’m not sure what you’re basing that claim on, unless you’d be pointing a gun at me or you think your awesome physique would somehow cow me into silence.
Well, I picked a fight as requested, and it was fun making ppGore face the source of his claims and the results of his actions. I’m out.
You wouldn’t say it to anyone’s face, unless you’re crazy, which is likely.
I do not belong to or participate in any “peace movement”, mister Chicken Hawk.
Dan Spartan
I agree, but here’s hoping DanO doesn’t go out and spend a bunch of money on another Eric Milton. lol
Buffy and Angel are great shows, but the biggest mistake was not spinning off the lovely Eliza Dushku as Faith. That would have made a good show and even better scenery watching.
Wonder if the digital brownshirts are the fore fathers of the browncoats in Firefly? lol Maybe in time, they get too cold and have to switch from shirts to coats.
Mike S
I agree and I don’t know any WV Republicans so you aren’t alone. I do think a lot of Republicans are making a big mistake defending DeLay and, to a lesser extent, Abramhoff. I’m also surprised they aren’t calling for Cunningham to at least resign his committee memberships.
My biggest fear is that the curent political climate of absolutely no compromise will continue. I’m just as concerned that it may happen if the Dems take back both houses as I am that the GOP will continue on that path.
So, do you think the adults will take back control and actually work together to make good laws that make the country better or will we see the same kind of special interest legislation that only helps donors get what they want?
Questions for John!!
1. What, other than the utter useleness of the team you do support makes you hate the Astros and Cardinals?
2. If you could live anywhere on the planet besides West Virginia where would it be?
3. Was Iran/Contra a case of abuse of executive powers?
4. In retrospect, was the invasion of Iraq a good idea?
5 Prior to the war, did you believe the invasion of Iraq was a good idea.
6. How do you stand cats? (the critters, not the musical).
Big interests will control the process until citizens elect representatives bent on reform.
Dan Spartan
OK, I’ll go political too on a question. Opened up to anyone to answer.
Do you think with the continuing partisan bickering and new innovations such as the internet, and other means to cheaply communicate there will be a viable third party come out in the near future?
If he does, it is our duty as Reds fans to kill him. He made great deals with Aurilla and Randa, but Mitlon and Ortiz more than put him back in the Red. I think my temp just went up five degrees because of the mere mention of Milton’s name, haha. I would like to see him pitch BP to our guys though. I bet Pena and Dunn could hit him into the Gulf of Mexico.
So, not anytime soon, then. The last time a real reformer got into the White House, it was 1901 and only because Leon Czolgosz shot McKinley.
We haven’t repeated the experiment much since (the reformer part, not the assassination).
John Cole
Did you intentionally put the word ‘coming’ and ‘gynocracy’ in the same sentence for any reason other than to make me giggle like a prep-school boy?
Yes. Hot sausage is my favorite, although I have been known to eat an egg and sardine with hot sauce late night.
Not one bit. Nor does the spittle bother me.
Casey Hampton, Greg Lloyd, and Hines Ward are my all time favorites.
From the 70’s, probably Jack Ham.
From the 80’s, Louis Lipps.
From the 90’s, Greg Lloyd.
Currently, Casey or Hines.
I don’t remember the movie.
1. John Amato (Crooks and Liars)
2. Ken Layne
3. Matt Welch
4. Oliver Willis
5. Jeff Goldstein
6. Bill Ardolino
7. Matt Stinson
8. Bill Quick
Military incompetence had nothing to do with Abu Ghraib. Abu Ghraib and events like it happened because leadership at high levels created an impossible situation for military personnel.
I don’t honestly remember what I thought at the time.
Medium-Hot, with blue cheese. Not so hot the wing is useless, but hot enough so that a clear line has been drawn.
Dunno what you mean. Unless, of course, you mean, how the hell does Geraldo have a job?
Our political system makes it virtually impossible for a third party to win, at least the presidency. Congress….Perhaps, but I doubt it. I would be all for it, but it’s just not likely. Dems and Repubs don’t really represent the great majority of the country, I don’t think. We need more third parties, but it’s just so damn difficult for them.
Can you expound on this answer.
Abu Ghraib and events like it happened because leadership at high levels created an impossible situation for military personnel.
Oh, and I’d love to see an actual reference for TallDave’s “most military historians” who think the USA could have “won” the Vietnam War. I suspect that he’s confused “angry drunk guy in the bar” with “military historian.”
Mike S
Yes and no. Back when congress, both houses, used to work together to craft legislation some obvious gifts were stopped. As it is now the minority party doesn’t even get to read the bill more than a few hours before the vote. I’m hoping we can get back t a point where both sides actually get input on legislation.
I feel guilty I haven’t seen “Serenity” yet. That might sound odd, but with all the dreck out there it’s almost a moral duty to support what good stuff there is, or if nothing else it’s a tiny bit of positive reinforcement for the good stuff. But I didn’t buy the DVDs of “Firefly” until the movie was already in theaters – good vibes online didn’t mean as much as hearing a friend talk it up – and a certain computer game eats up entirely too much of my free time, so I’ve only got through the first three episodes so far. And I want to do this right – I don’t want to be confused in the theater if I get there and I have to figure out who a new character is or something.
Political and/or personal musing to follow, probably, just not this second.
No. People are too set in their ways at this point. Who would the R’s demonize if not the D’s? Who would the D’s choose to chase with ham sandwiches? Having two parties to fight against would cause the current two parties to have fits.
John Cole
I hate the Astros because Biggio has alwaysworn a filthy uniform that didn’t fit right, and because he and Bagwell have such god awful stances. Oh, and Roger Clemens. ‘Nuff Said.
I hate the Cardinals because of Tony LaRussa. Who is hands down the whiniest asshole in baseball. He makes Paul O’Neill look absolutely stoic. This year alone, he tried (and succeeded) several times to have Pirates pitchers ejected for intentionally throwing at Cards.
Anyone who has watched Pirates pitchers as of late know those are not intentional brushbacks or intentional hits- our pitchers just suck. If a Pirate pitcher was aiming at a batter, they would miss.
Anywhere but the deep south or any of the new yuppie cities like Atlanta or Charlotte in which there really is no culture and everything is cookie cutter Red Lobsters and Home Depots.
I could see myself living in Colorado or in the midwest.
Who cares?
Because cats are independent and move to their own beat.
John Cole
From what I have seen of the blogosphere to date, I am not hopeful it will be the source of any third party movement.
Maybe in the future, when the public is presented with a couple more Bad/worse selections in presidential elections.
I have to give you credit.
The answers were all bullshit but one.
“Who Cares”
That I believe was an honest response and gets to the heart of your hatred for America.
Thanks again.
Dan Spartan
I agree…again. But I wonder if maybe the blogosphere, and all the new electronic advances, such as home publishing,etc….could make it less expensive to get a message out and perhaps cut down on the advantage of the two parties advertising budgets.
I have always thought too, that if there’s one thing Republican and Democratic bigwigs would agree on, it would be to try and stamp out any type of emerging third party.
It’s just a shame that so many people get caught up in the Democrat vs. Republican thing(and I count myself among them) Because in real day to day life, I think most people agree on most things or at least can come to some sort of honorable compromise.
And Dunn and Pena v. Milton in GABP would be just brutal for Eric. lol
John, I have a question since you are at WVU, what is the deal with burning couches in yards after a big win? Is that a tradition or just some guys getting out of hand? OH, and good luck this Saturday against Louisville. I’m a UK grad and anytime a team has the chance to beat them, I am on their side. lol
John Cole
Davebo- The who cares is more of the line that it doesn;t matter at thgis point. Why not ask me about my deep thoughts about the Teapot Dome? And why were all my other responses bullshit?
I’d add on more comment on your answers John.
The fact that you answered “who cares” to question number 3 makes me seriously question your claims of past military service.
I’d say the Iran/Contra treason is very relevant at this very moment.
It took almost 20 years but the GOP has finally decided it’s safe yet again to crap on the US constitution.
With predictable results.
Dan Spartan
I meant I am on WVU’s side. After reading that, it didn’t make much sense. lol
Mike S
I always figured John hated Ameirica. Thanks for confirming it.
Ancient Purple
John, can you explain the conservative rationale that “gay marriage is a threat to straight marriage”? I know the abstract of this argument, but I am looking for details and cause & effect.
Why don’t you post more items on the Drug War? Also, are you for decriminalization, full-on legalization, somewhere in-between and in your view where does marijuana end and harder drugs, ie, herion, ecstacy, even meth. Finally, you were showing a picture of your cat and said that you had carpet on your walls. Does having carpet on your walls make you feel like more of a man or less or do you simply bust out a velvet smoking jacket and have a go at the boogie disco thing?
John Cole
I don’t fault the individual soldiers, so I don’t blame military incompetence, bad training, etc. They were given unclear rules, they had folks from intelligence services intermingled screwing up the chains of command and getting soldiers to do things they shouldn’t, the administration allowed (and against the wishes of Pentagon lawyers and JAG) unclear rules and aclimate of anything goes to happen.
And you saw what we got.
Abu Ghraib is on the intelligence services and, more importantly, it is on this administration, all the way up to Bush.
“why are all my other responses bullshit”
I take that back. I suppose it’s possible you hate the astros because of Biggio’s dirty uniform and batting stance.
And I suppose your hysterical cognitive dissonence could force you to swallow hard and claim, in retrospect, that the invasion of Iraq was a good idea.
Another Jeff
1. Would you still include Oliver Willis as one of the left-wing bloggers at the dinner if YOU had to pick up the tab?
2. Do WVU fans still have their pathological hatred of Penn State or has it died down since 1) they don’t play anymore and 2) PSU has sucked of late?
When i played at PSU, my freshman year was 1988 (which was the year WVU ended up playing for the National Title against Notre Dame). It was total chaos in Morgantown and it was there that i got the best piece of advice ever from a PSU coach: He told everyone that hadn’t played at Mountaineer Field before to make sure they have their helmet on before going anywhere near the tunnel or the field. I’m sure you can figure out why.
my cat:
[Sorry, I’m a bit late for this and the conversation has moved on, but anyway…]
That rescue outfit sounds great, and my hat’s off to you for adopting an animal of the kind (old, with a disability) that most people pass by. It makes me so sad and angry to think of a sweet-natured animal who “wants to please” having a history of maltreatment; it’s good to read of one finding a good home after all.
As for animal abuse, my first response is to wish for the abuser to be subjected to exactly the same abuse he dished out. I admit it’s impractical and probably shouldn’t happen, but it’s a really reluctant admission.
Rome Again
John, are you ignoring me?
Final question (I promise), but please answer:
I’ve come into contact with several Republicans over the last few years online who tell me that I don’t belong in this country because of my political views, even though I’m a 12th generation American on my mother’s side. Do you believe that too?
John Cole
No. I mean, I know why they think it will be the downfall of society and that the nuclear famly with a man and a woman is best for society, but I don’t believe that gay marriage is somehow a threat to straight marriage.
I don’t buy into it, and I think it absurdly ignores the fact that the nuclear family is in many cases a thing of the past.
I do think that many people are just homophobes, but not all of them.
Furthermore, I think that many people think that this is just an attack on America- their idealized America, and they do not accurately understand that their idealized America is largely a thing of the past.
But I can’t explain it- it makes no sense to me and I don’t buy into it, and I have no idea how the gay couple next door being married wuld in any way impact the marriage of the couple who lives next door to them.
John Cole
Tell them John Cole said they are assholes.
Mike S
I don’t know. If a hot lesbian couple moved next door to my wife and I, I think it would have quite an impact.
Jack Roy
Mr. Cole—
He’s just accusing you of dishonesty, of not really believing the war was a good idea or tolerating Cowher. That’s my guess.
Btw., these commenters have to be ringers, right? A motley assortment of left and right that are intentionally idiotic to make you look good by comparison? (And yes, that’s slightly backhanded—the reflexive anti-Dean and anti-Atrios stuff gets nearly as tired as reflexive anti-Bush stuff. Well, maybe not nearly as tired. But you see where I’m going.)
John Cole
I am for full on legalization of marijuana. I am most certainly not in on the hysteria regarding hallucenogenics.
I do not currently favor the legalization of all drugs, as I have seen what can happen to heroin addicts and those addicted to crack.
What needs to change though, is not the attitude regarding which drugs are good, and which drugs are bad (although those attitudes do need some revisiting), but what needs to change is how we as a society deal with those who are hopelessly addicted to drugs like heroin and crack, etc.
Right now, we jail people, and jail more people, and jail more people. And then we put them out on the street again, without having spent any or damn near enough attention on the addiction, or as addictions go, the numerous underlying psychological problems that help people spiral into addiction.
Our approach has been real successful to date, hasn’t it?
Rome Again
Thank you, and as promised, I’ll ask no more.
John Cole
Be nice.
There is a t-shirt that is popular around here from years ago. It said on the front:
“Penn State Sucks”
And on the back,
“But Pitt Swallows.”
However much WVU hated Penn State in the past, that got transferred to Miami and Pitt.
I got a question for you John, completely unrelated to politics. What type of music do you listen to?
Rome Again
And it is reasonable responses like this that keep me coming back to this blog. Thanks John. I wonder though (and you don’t have to answer this, I’m just making a point) how a conservative Republican can be so evenheaded on this considering that it would take money to put these addicts in to rehab. Of course, you could argue that the rehab would lessen the cost of future incarcerations (and I’m secretly hoping that would be your reply). Could you possibly agree?
Are you willing to enter into debate on this topic?
If not, why not?
If so … why not?
If you get my drift.
Really, it isn’t the sex, it’s the lying.
James C.
Is this where atrios cast offs go when one of his innumerable “threads” gets too long to add to? Just asking.
Ha. Just sayin…
And in a now way related story Cheney’s spokesperson decided he was needed in Iraq for a month or so.
Can’t really blame him. I’d rather make 5 daily roundtrips from the airport to the Green Zone than try to spin away this stuff!
John Cole
I listen to good music, and I don’t mean that as a smart-ass response. I listen to everything. Everything from the Grateful Dead to Frank Zappa to classical jazz to Waylon Jennings to James Brown to the die Zauberflote and Cossi Fan Tutte to Bela Fleck to RL Burnside.
Really, it would be easier asking whether I like specific bands.
I listen to just about anything and everything, as long as it is good. I don’t care much for top 40 or what passes as country these days, though.
1) How about a communibiology study on BJ, RedState and Dkos posters?
2) If a small subset of Sunni/Baathists are resisting us now in Iraq, what will the majority of them do when we leave?
3) Do you believe our foreign policy is currently being driven by the “less savory” characters you mentioned above?
John Cole
Sure, just not right now. I am so tired of debating this- I thought it was and still do think it was the right thing to do, but I am dismayed by a number of things that have happened since and am very upset by some of the reasons provided as a casus belli (see absence of WMD).
Thanks. I was mostly curious, not out to start something.
Coming in to this a bit late…
What do you feel are the real accomplishments, the positive things, that have come out of the last 6 years of Republican hegemony?
John Cole
To what ends. I lost interest in that stuff years ago. I can direct you to some people who think of it as the end-all be-all, though.
The goal is to leave a working political structure and a functioning military/police force so that the majority of the former Baathists and Sunnis buy into the new system.
But if you are asking me to predict the future, I can’t.
I think our current foreign policy, despite all the grand talk, is rudderless.
You’ve probably covered this in the past, but what was your MOS? What was your highest rank achieved? Why did you enlist/receive a commission, and why did you leave the service? I’m just assuming here that you didn’t retire, unless you’re a lot older than I think.
John Cole
I figured out I am a libertarian at heart and that divided government works best in the individual’s interest.
Mike S
Check out St. Germain. All of the songs on that album are awesome. I’m listening to “So Flute” right now from the free download on the linked site.
Yeah, I’m with you on new music. It blows. I like a wide variety of stuff too. The Police, AC/DC, Zeppelin, Jackson Browne, Van Halen, John Mellencamp, The Cure, REO Speedwagon, Journey, 80’s stuff, signer-songwriter stuff. Just about anything pre-1992. And I like old school rap. Dre, NWA, and the like. And as far as classical, Beethoven, Mozart and Vivaldi. And movie scores, esp. Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and Glory. Good stuff.
If by real successful you mean an unmitigated disaster, I concur. As for the rest I mostly agree, especially the jail and ignore then jail and ignore some more approach. Thank you for replying.
John Cole
19k Combat Armor Crewman, and 12B, Combat Engineer
Sgt, E-5
I wanted to be a MArine my whole life, by my parents wouldn;t let me and I was not 18 until after I had committed to college. So I went to school for a year, saw 40 deadshows, joined a frat, played lacrosse, and failed out and joined the army.
I was running a clthing store (70+ hour weeks), going to grad school full time, and in a position as an instructor with the national guard which drilled more than once a month (sometimes 2-3 weekends a month), and it was just too much.
Suggested reading for the day:
How to Withstand the Coming Bush Economic Crisis, By James J. Cramer
A Presidency On Life Support, by John Kenneth White
Agree/disagree? Thoughts? I found these both fascinating, although the second piece is somewhat lengthy (and the first is probably reserved for those who know or care about economics).
And, oh yeah, Serenity was awesome. If it doesn’t break $50 million at the box office, then it must be the best-kept secret of the year. However, I’m sure it will make money hand-over-fist when it comes out on DVD. Last I checked, the Firefly DVD had an Amazon sales rank of *three*.
Mr Furious
What kind of car did you end up getting? Was it the Subaru? Or whatever the other option was?
How many John Cole’s does it take to screw in a light bulb?
John Cole
Mr. Furious. Have not bought one yet. I just take the bus or a cab when I need to go somewhere at odd hours.
My friends all think I am insane.
The Brain.
Hey, anyway you want it I guess…
But Journey??
John Cole
Woah- I missed this one:
I need to think about this one. I have a hard time thinking of someone I disgaree with on every issue.
over it
On the off chance that they are not already on your ‘music list’….Jazz is Dead. To die for. Splendiforous…..
As for a question….
Would you rather have the Democrats take control of the Senate and House….OR have a Democratic President?
John Cole
Democratic President.
lol, hey, Journey’s good stuff! I said I have a wide variety of musical tastes, haha. I balance it out with the Stones, Beatles, and Hendrix.
ack! too late for the fun i think.
faith should have been the spinoff, not the wretched true calling (it has been cancelled right?)
also the first 4 buffy seasons were the worst, and the final 3 progressively better.
^^ tru calling. my bad.
John says..
“Democratic President”
Obviously because we need Republicans in control of congress to prevent runaway spending….
Sheer madness.
And John, if Becoming got to you the second time around, wait until you get back to The Body.
Rome Again
Oh Darn, now I have to find a new “Conservative Republican” to torture.
But, I think I’ll keep coming back here sometimes anyway (I like it here). ;)
Rome Again
John Cole
Clearly, this person is insane.
what are you talking about matt and john? you can basically write off all the first 3 seasons with angel as the love interest as complete and utter garbage. what a bore he was! it got a little better when the initiative became active but really, it wasn’t until dawn showed up as the sister and willow became powerful enough to lose some of her humanity that the show became interesting.
I did really enjoy when Willow totally lost it. Some fine episodes there.
Was there a new episode of Family Guy on Sunday night? I wasn’t near a TV…
After our long debates about science and politics, I found this piece (in TPM Cafe, so righties might want to take a deep breath before diving in…) utterly fascinating.
John Cole
Dan- I loved seasons 2-3, and I though season 4 was one of the worst overall seasons. Don’t get me wrong, I liked all the seasons, so this is sort of a debate over whether Starbucks Classic Coffee Ice Cream is better than Turkey Hill Choco Mint Chip, or if perhaps Key lime is better than a homemade lemon merangue pie.
But to write off 2-3 is insane.
Tim F
If we’re playing Q&A, I have one question.
The New Deal and the support or opposition thereof fundamentally defines the American parties. People who support vote Democratic, people who oppose vote Republican and people who have no opinion swing.
John? Support, oppose or no opinion?
Mike S
I hope some of you listened to the music on the link upthread. It’s some damn good jazz.
james richardson
How old are you?
What do you mean by the term “classical jazz”? Classic period stuff like Louis Armstrong & Ellington or bop and beyond like Charlie Parker, Monk, MIles, Coltrane, etc. Or all the above?
If you like RL Burnside do check out Hound Dog Taylor.
You’d rather have a Democratic President than a Democratic House/Senate? I’m surprised.
This should be fun, in this crowd, but as far as I’m concerned the Dems can ruin, I meant run, domestic policy all they like as long as they’re not in charge of national security.
I’d admire Bill Clinton as much as I do FDR (which is a LOT) if he’d gone out on the offensive, hard, against al Qaeda–instead of explaining later that he really couldn’t respond to, say, the bombing of the USS Cole (grim anniversary today, btw) because he would have been committing the next administration to a course of action; or musing just recently that he wished we could have been sure it was al Qaeda who bombed a US warship, because then, oh, then his response would have been robust.
[Whoops. The anniversary of the USS Cole bombing is tomorrow. I regret the error.]
John, you’re ex-military, a geek, and a tv junkie. Do you watch Battlestar? Any deep thoughts on the portrayal of the military?
Tim F
Level of discourse in politics today. Tut-tut. &c
[hangs head in shame]
Open question to everyone. I am a Vikings fan and as a result, can rule outmy team from any given year for this question.
Personally, I hate the Bears, but even in the face of the ’72 Dolphins, I give the ’85 Bears the nod. They had the nmost frightening defense I had ever seen. This could be argued non-stop but I like to see what people think.
Oliver Cleary
John Cole,
Who, in your opinion, was the evillest American ever? I’m thinking a good case could be made for George Lincoln Rockwell or Theodore Bilbo or John Chivington, or Elam Lynds (Aaron Burr, maybe?). A number of serial killers and mobsters are also very high in the running.
On the other hand, several of my friends nominated Bob Seeger. So clearly, there are very diverse views on the subject. Maybe it’s hard to come up with a #1, how about a top 5 or 10? And let’s restrict ourselves to famous people and historical figures- no high school bullies, please.
In fairness, here’s my list of the 10 evillest Americans ever (in no particular order):
1. Elam Lynds
2. Aaron Burr
3. the Dulles brothers
4. Whoever the fuck is currently roasting in Hell for having invented telemarketing/TV commercials/the Republican Party’s Southern Strategy (Nixon, I guess)
5. John Chivington
6. Nathan Bedford Forrest
7. George Lincoln Rockwell
8. Theodore Bilbo
9. George Armstrong Custer
10. I don’t know, Jeffrey Dahmer or Henry Lee Lucas or Roy DeMeo or Anita Bryant or Carlo Gambino or something
Steve S
Oh you mean… go back to the pre-Reagan days.
Mr Furious
And you call yourself a Republican…
Mr. Furious, I am another Republican who rides the bus. Although bus service here in West Podunk is pretty spotty, it’s free and the busses can usually get me where I want to go. The rest of the time I bum rides off friends or take a taxi.
Not every Republican owns a Hummer H1, or would if they could afford it.
I am kind of an anglophile and was looking for some British blogs for fun. I found a few but they seemed really lame. Hardly any comments, no flame wars. Can you recommend any better Brit or Euro blogs? Or do they just have boring blogs over there?
Another Jeff
The ’78 Steelers, hands down.
And I’m not just saying that to get into the good graces of our host, because I’m an Eagles fan, but:
1) Hall of Fame QB
3 HOF Offensive Lineman
4) 2 HOF WR’s
5) HOF Defensive Tackle
6) 2 HOF LB’s
7) HOF CB, and Donnie Shell should probably be in the HOF, but voters got Steelers fatigue.
The destroyed Houston in the AFC Championship game, and despite all the Dallas fans who whine that they would’ve won had Jackie Smith not dropped that pass, it was 35-17 when he dropped it. Steelers still win.
Tony Dismukes
Well, you should feel guilty! We’re probably not going to get a sequel unless Serenity does well at the box office. C’mon now, to the theater, on the double, move it!
That goes for all the rest of you as well. (Really. It’s good. You won’t be sorry.)
People like us will soon have lost the Iraq War and will have sentenced tens of millions of Iraqis to life under several brutal dictatorships when we leave and it fragments into its various little states.
The only thing more stupid than fighting an unnecessary war is to start one. Farther down the line in stupid things is to support stupid wars because of bogus ideologies.
War, good God, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
John Cole
What kind of evil are we talking about? Flat out evil (raping children and cutting of their heads), political evil, etc.
No, because I want to start from the begining. Should probably get the series on DVD.
35 going on 12.
Yes. I am probably using the wrong term to describe what I listen to. Right now Thelonious Monk is on the player, and I just took out the D. Brubeck Quartet.
Tim F
Tim F:
Of course, I’m not John, but can I strike in?
An awful lot of people became Republicans in the late Cold War because Reagan took a hard line toward the Soviet Union, whereas the Democratic Party by 1980 (as a whole) favored conciliation as the easiest way to secure lasting peace. There were exceptions, I know; but the party that launched the Cold War (I say this in admiration) seemed to have lost the stomach for it after Vietnam.
Now these new Reagan voters by and large would have been fans of the New Deal. Hell, they’d have preferred to stay Democrats; but foreign policy was overriding for them.
I’d really hate to get into taxonomy, but that’s one of the original definitions of neoconservative: A New-Dealer who votes Republican for foreign policy reasons. (I realize for many on the left it means “conservative I really don’t like”, and for the anti-Israel left it means “right-wing Jew”, but these really aren’t meaningful or relevant.)
Tim F
You had me until there. Those are convenient straw men that conservatives draw about liberal thinking.
Well, TimF, sorry I lost you there, but most people I speak with day-to-day (between friends and colleagues) are on the left end of liberal. Those of them who refer to “neocons,” do so pejoratively and, as far as I can tell, in one of these contexts.
If you asked these people–remember, I am referring to people I know personally, not to my hazy conception of the average liberal–to define the term, they would not define a neoconservative as (a) a social and economic liberal who supported the welfare state on principle, but had concluded it doesn’t work; or (b) a social and economic liberal for whom a hawkish foreign policy is the overriding political concern.
My definitions in quotes were flippant, but when certain friends use the term to refer to Bush, Cheney and Rumseld, and another would instantly name Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle, and Libby, I hope you can understand my shorthand categories. You can say that they’re not representative–and I wrote “many”, not “most”–but I reject the “straw man” charge.
Tim F
Funny, my circle understands neocon to mean ‘former liberals who hitched their wagon to conservatism to further their goals of global American hegemony.’ Trotskyites who switched sides and took their MO with them.
“‘former liberals who hitched their wagon to conservatism to further their goals of global American hegemony.’”
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
“Trotskyites who switched sides and took their MO with them.”
Did you just equate liberals (former, anyway) with Trotskyites? Jeez, I get in trouble when I do that!
Really, though, if your circle understands “neocon” as “former liberal”, I’d say they’ve more or less got it. I’m not one myself; it’s being called one (which happens) that makes it a pet peeve: Most people who throw it around don’t know who they’re referring to.
Oliver Cleary
I guess the term’s pretty open to whatever interpretation you want to put on it: F’rinstance, I was mostly thinking of racists and mass-murderers, and my friends were thinking of Bob Seeger. Pop culture villains are also acceptable. If I were to name the 10 evillest pop culture figures, I think I’d have to put Britney Spears on my list out of general principle; on the other hand, she probably hasn’t even killed half the people that John Chivington did. So it would look incongruous to have them on the same list, but I already committed that faux pas when I coupled Anita Bryant with Jeffrey Dahmer. I think the evildoers have to be real, though. I don’t think you do American history any justice if your list has the Joker and Lex Luthor and Sealab 2021’s Captain Murphy on it. (So pontificates the asshole who put Anita Bryant above Benedict Arnold in terms of all-time American evilness. But enough about me. Let’s talk about evil.)
I was thinking of “flat-out evil” AND political evil. But if you can think of other forms of American evildoing you’d like to throw in there, be my guest. The guy who invented pet rocks and invisible dog leashes? Toss him in (assuming he’s American, but if not, hey, no big deal). Henry Ford for his Nazi ties? Why not? Al Gore for inventing the Internet and thereby subjecting you to relentless assault by garrulous dullards like myself? Whatever floats your boat. I was trying to give you a lot of leeway on this one. Please have a go at it. Inquiring minds want to know.
A new open thread needs to be opened up.
Thoughts on that?
Tim F
I am shocked to find out that you don’t know of the Trotskyite origins of the neoconservative movement. Surely you would have realized that they left liberalism because it wasn’t liberal enough.
I do know. And don’t call me Shirley.
Hey WaterGirl,
Thank you so much for finding the post+comments button somewhere in a drawer full of lost buttons and then adding it back to the site. You are the best!
If it makes you feel any better, you are not alone in the depression thing. A lot of us are fighting that, right now. I’m still keeping busy writing postcards etc., which helps, but this is definitely a tough time.
Dunno if you’re aware something went screwy with the site for something like 20-plus minutes during the wee hours (blog time) earlier today.
During that specific short season of the glitch pages taking from 15 to 30 seconds to refresh, plus comments made disappearing into Neverneverland.
The Golux
Thanks, Watergirl, for performing CPR on this place.
(Getting my nym re-validated for my extremely occasional forays into de-lurking.)
@NotMax: I’ll need to know a more specific timeframe that “the wee hours”.
Ohio Mom
I dunno. I think it’s pretty noteworthy that for once a cop who killed was tried, admitted guilt, and will serve time. Sure, I’d have liked to see him serve life, but I’m going to take a moment to appreciate this small taste of justice.
Tracking back, turns out I misspoke and it was the wee hours here. Somewhere between about 10:10 a.m. and 10:40 blog time today.
Also too, comments made during the incident and which had not shown up at all for hours afterward are now there. ‘Tis a puzzlement.
Maybe buried in earlier posts, but there seems to have been some athletic contest in Scotland that did not go well for the host country.
On to Wales.
@Ohio Mom:
You’re right. The concurrent sentence seems like a slap in the face, but it does have him at least not getting 7 years out on parole instead of serving his full sentence.
Also interesting that he admitted what he’d done, which he surely had to do in order to get the plea bargain.
OT While streaming Dear Evan Hanson I received a beep on the phone about another mass shooting, cuz WTFN. We are pretty helpless, but I haven’t given up the fight.
@debbie: Ears!
@NotMax: When a comment goes “poof” like that, that’s because WordPress has decided that it’s SPAM. I found your comments in SPAM and I marked them “not spam” and then I approved them.
So that’s how they appeared to disappear and then appeared again later.
Proof of life. Proof of ears.And you even get both of them! Since he is lying on his side, you might have still be left wondering whether he has just the one.
@MattF: So handsome. Regal, even.
@JPL: Speaking of phones, I was shocked to see in the analytics today that since the new old site came back up, 60% of our visitors are on phones. That’s WAY up from what it was a couple of years ago.
Silly WordPress.
Spam comes to, not from, Hawaii.
A mass shooting in a HOSPITAL in Tulsa OK.
What’s next? Church, grocery store, school….
Watching Chris Hayes and a story about the caskets that are made special for the innocent victims. And the fact that the Texas officials will blame everything EXCEPT THE GUN. A teacher left a door propped open! OMG THAT’S what is responsible.. (not even true) I detest these people.
And Ted Cruz is a sociopath.
Does a tablet get counted as a phone or a computer?
I’m usually on my phone.
@WaterGirl: HA!
Roger Moore
The key with the strawberry story is they were only able to find the link after the shelf-life of the strawberries in question was over. Unless you bought and froze some strawberries back in March or early April, you have nothing to worry about today. Or rather you don’t have to worry about getting Hep A from your strawberries any more than you would any other time.
@Baud: At my son’s house when I care for the imps, I’m on the phone, but for the most part at home on a tablet or computer.
For the second imp, I mentioned that maybe it was time for son to drive the 12 miles in Atlanta traffic to my house.
@Baud: A tablet gets its own category. In this case, computers were at 40% and phones were at 60%. Tablets were at zero.
I wondered if maybe there was a glitch and tablets were counted as phones even though they have their own category, but even so it’s noteworthy that computers are only at 40%. I think computers were 60% or so 2 years ago.
@Roger Moore: My strawberries were from a local farmer.
@JPL: Seems fair to me.
@WaterGirl: I would bet that tablets are counted as phones. IMO
I’ve been on my tablet a handful of times. Depending on rounding, tablets should not be at zero.
satby has mentioned in the past she views the site on her Kindle. There’s another commenter whose name escapes me who has said he or she uses a Nook.
A mass shooting in a HOSPITAL in Tulsa OK.
What’s next? Church, grocery store, school….
Watching Chris Hayes and a story about the caskets that are made special for the innocent victims. And the fact that the Texas officials will blame everything EXCEPT THE GUN. A teacher left a door propped open! OMG THAT’S what is responsible.. (not even true) I detest these people.
And Ted Cruz is a sociopath.
(I am doing a copy/paste from my earlier comment that was in moderation.)
@Baud: Well, to be fair, it’s only 4 days of data. :-)
See # 19.
@pat: It’s there at #19, but it’s true that when a comment gets released it shows up in the order that you posted it, so it doesn’t get seen by people who were already past that spot when it goes up.
That was mine and because it was in moderation I thought that was why there were no responses but maybe everyone was still concentrated on phones vs. computers.
Just trying….
Is my Nook ( Barnes & Nobles kindle knock off) a tablet?
@WaterGirl: I’ve both browsed and posted comments to the new site from my iPad. So, there should be at least one…
And where do you stand on that issue?
Roger Moore
Then you will probably never hear about them on a big national news report. They were only able to trace this thing because it was a big national producer, so there were a bunch of cases. If it were a local farmer hit equally bad, there might be one case bad enough to be detected, in which case they’d probably never figure out the cause.
italy 0-3 argentina
mali muso
I’m usually on my phone in the evenings and on my laptop during the day.
@sab: I would call a nook a tablet.
Computer. Could not get along without email and my computer.
I am probably one of the last people in the entire world (mr. pat is the second) who does not have a smart phone. Our flip phones work just fine to call, for instance to report “Hi I’m on my way home and I’ll be there in about an hour.”
eta: desktop and laptop, with which I am watching Chris Hayes right now.
@Roger Moore: Yes, I know that. But a friend had mentioned the strawberries and I wanted to read about it, even though I wasn’t worried about the strawberries I bought last from the farmer on Saturday.
Gin & Tonic
@phdesmond: Yes, but the important result is Ukraine 3-1 Scotland.
What I’ve learned since becoming a Preet Bharara listener is that the reason for seeking federal charges after a conviction is that they’re much less likely to be overturned in on appeal. So that’s something. (The trade-off is that federal prison is less unpleasant, which is why perps often take the deal, but that certainty is still worthwhile.)
B&N missed out on a ton of publicity by not naming it the Nook-e.
Henry is adorable.
Chief Oshkosh
Doesn’t Tulsa host one of the biggest annual gun shows on the planet?
But, there are good people everywhere. I have friends who live just outside of Tulsa. Great people. Very liberal; have devoted their lives to helping others and they have fun doing it. Just checked with them (I know, irrational to worry, but…). They’re all ok. The families of the victims sure aren’t.
Chief Oshkosh
@Gin & Tonic: What’s Ukraine’s mascot? Honey badger?
The issue with phones vs tablets is not so much which it actually is, but whether the site software can tell which it is from the information the browser provides. It often doesn’t identify the device (which is a good thing, for privacy and not making it easier for malware), so phone/tablet can be a guessing game based on the screen size.
Liminal Owl
@sab: Nook is much better than Kindle! (But yes, it’s a tablet. As is mine.)
@pat: I’d was happy with a flip phone until the apps tracking the MBTA buses arrival times came out. Being able to stay inside until it’s time to run out to the bus in terrible weather is the best.
Another Scott
@Redshift: Relatedly, I heard a bit of a NPR radio report on this story a day or so ago. TheMarshallProject.org:
Nobody should go through that in our name.
@Gin & Tonic: I saw a Scotland fan lamenting that they are not used to having the whole world hope they lose and asked England fans for advice on how to handle it. ;)
In other sentencing news, federal prosecutors were granted another postponement of the sentencing of former Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg. He and Matt Gaetz were partying buddies, and when Greenburg pled guilty last May to six felonies his lawyer let reporters know the Greenberg was helping prosecutors take Gaetz down on sex trafficking charges.
When he granted the latest request for postponement, the judge said the postponements have been “in the interest of justice” but he wanted a sentencing hearing or a status update in July and would sentence Greenberg no later than August, “absent compelling circumstances.” Greenberg spent last year a free man, but he’s now awaiting sentencing in the Orange County jail.
There is a lot of frustration at how Gaetz has not been charged yet, but if someone were to look up Greenburg’s extensive and colorful criminal history they would see why: no defendent would ever be convicted on the word of Greenberg alone, especially if defended by the kind of attorneys Gaetz’s rich father can hire.
Now it looks like prosecutors have gotten the clamps on another witness, Joe Ellicott, who pleaded guilty to two felonies carrying 20 year sentences and is also awaiting sentencing. According to the May 16 ClickOrlando article where I read this news, Ellicot’s attorneys say that he can incriminate Gaetz. And Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend was spotted outside a grand jury room, and is said to have spent several hours inside.
There probably is more here that is not yet reported, and the investigation may lead beyond Gaetz. It will take some more weeks to see what prosecutors come up with, though, if they come up with anything..
Not so good update on my husband’s missing son – we finally talked to the police. They are trying to ID a body they found in Paia that they think is him. I sent them a couple of pics from our trip and we told them he has a tattoo of some kind on his upper left arm; we aren’t sure what it looks like. They’re doing an autopsy tomorrow to determine cause of death. Don’t know for sure yet that it’s him, but I’m not optimistic that it’s not because he hasn’t come home.
@Soprano2: So sorry to hear this. Hoping for the best.
so sorry, f€ck. It might be not him, try to keep hope alive.
Oh my. First I’ve heard about this.
@Soprano2: That is awful. I am so sorry.
I’m almost always on my iPad.
Another Scott
@Soprano2: I’m sorry. :-( Hang in there, all of you.
Best wishes,
@Roger Moore: Phew! I was about to post all sorts of panic! (ok, I was mildly concerned, but considering the topic, not really.)
@NotMax: It’s probably not in the news yet. Hope we know tomorrow.
@WaterGirl: i exclusively read BJ on my tablet, so with Baud the count should be at least two.
Richard and Mimi Fariña
Mike in Pasadena
Henry looks ready for a snuggle. Go for it.
@Soprano2: The waiting must be terrible. I am so sorry your family is going through this.
@WaterGirl: I nearly always visit on my iPad so 0% is wrong.
@Soprano2: I saw one of your prior updates but not the actual story. I have been wondering what happened? Perhaps someone can point out the original post? I am worried for you and yours.
@JPL: Tablets were not counted as phones in the previous analytics. And they still have the “tablet” category. ♀️