I had a lot of entries this week for the return of cat-blogging, and I was initially going to put up a number of them. However, one stands head and shoulders above the rest, and even knocked Tunch out of contention. The winners are John H. and an apparently tasty Griselda:
You can make your own crude jokes, and I have been assured that no pets were actually hurt while making this picture.
Wow, I have a cat named Grisel too. Excellent name.
More like “Gristle”.
J. King
That little kitty doesn’t look at all happy.
I can’t believe you put a picture of a guy eating pussy on your web site!
Dig that, HankP.
I give it a B for composition, and a C for creativity. I would have bumped it up if he had wrapped two pieces of bread around the kitten first.
Traumatized for life!
I think a pair of kittypiss-filled shoes is not distant in John’s future :)
Off Colfax
I’ve heard of liontamers putting their heads in the mouths of lions, but this is the first time I’ve seen a human-tamer in action.
Someone call J.P. Barnum.
Jack Lambert sucks…..so does Franco Harris, Lynn Syann, John Stallworth, and Rocky Bleirer (sp?)….
As Mr. Cole stews in anger….let it be known that T Bradshaw single-handely won them that many Superbowls….
Chris Johnson
OMG, that expression on that kitten’s face is priceless.
Lis Riba
Damn, this reminds me of an episode of the animated Tick:
Lis Riba
Another quote from the same episode:
But when your friend does it, it’s darn cute…
Clem, the saggy skin demon from Buffy (season 6 – Life Serial I think) would have appreciated this pic. He liked to play kitten poker.
This picture will end up on Snopes in about six months with a disclaimer that the e-mail claiming they’re eating live cats in some European countries is not true.
Notice the claws…that kitten is definitely going to have his revenge.
Dan S.
Saturn devouring one if his kittens?
(after the Goya painting . . .)
Dan S.
Saturn devouring one of his kittens?
(after the Goya painting . . .)
Didn’t know where else to post this, but since they played like pu…nevermind.
Pitty–less than 17
Charlie Bitch–8-14, 1 INT
Conclusion–you’re one Worthlessberger Kawasaki Kamakazi from 4-12 this year.
What did I forget?…..Hmmmm….Oh yeah:
San Diego–not even close
Da Bears!
Peter ve
No pets were hurt, but John H, has a nasty scratch down the left side of his face, suffered shortly after the camera flash went off.
Ozzy Osbourne would be proud…
That pussy looks remarkably like this one. Is that the General? Cuz’ if so, that’s Lazy Joe and that varmint is a boy kitty! And here I thought the General was “An 11 on the Manly Scale of Absolute Gender.”
The Asshole Formerly Known as GOP4Me
Yet if George Bush did this, you moonbats would crucify him. Typical of the hypocrisy of the “reality-based” community.
The Other Steve
Come on people! It’s 8am here in the midwest, and there’s no predictions about whether or not Bush will be announcing Rumsfelds resignation in the next hour?
It has to be. I saw that Joe Lieberman is calling for his resignation, and old Joe never gets on a bandwagon before it’s obvious that wagon is moving forward.
The Other Steve
Aww damn. Looks like you just can’t rely on Lieberman.
Are we sure that’s not a photo of George Allen?