It appears that stem cell research is already paying big dividends:
Scientists in Japan claim to be able to increase the size of a woman’s breasts using fat and stem cells. The technique uses fat from the stomach or thigh which is then enriched with stem cells before being injected.
It is hoped the method could prove a more natural-looking alternative to artificial implants filled with salt water or silicone.
But plastic surgeons working in Britain have greeted news of the technique with “extreme caution.”
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Leave it to the…uhmm…hmm…breast size-challenged…Japanese to be the first to learn how to fix that prob.
Cancer? That can wait!! New appendages? Who needs a leg when we can have giant boobies!!
Were these adult stem cells or embryonic stem cells?
Faux News
(insert gratuitous Anna Nicole Smith comment here)
I can’t wait to hear Krista’s opinion about this, um, development.
Myrtle Parker
Now THAT is progress.
Zombie Santa Claus
This is horrible news. It will only encourage depravity and fornication.
Abortion is wrong, premarital sex is wrong, and blastocysticide is the unholy merger of the two.
And the male members of the Snowflake Baby Protection Society take a long, hard pause to reconsider their position.
We can clone the part of her that matters.
Well I would posit, that most of the researchers are male and what male doesn’t like big tits? Seems like a completely reasonable use of this research to me. Hell might even bring some evangelicals over.
“You mean I can get Mable here a nice rack? God Bless stem cells!”
Paul L.
A fetus does not have a stomach or thigh. It is just a clump of cells.
I can guess a embryonic stem cell research supporter who does not support this.
Amanda Marcotte
Now I feel special.
As far as the stem-cell based boobies go, I can’t really object too much. It’s a tad frivolous, but perhaps the researchers might inadvertently find the path towards the cure for breast cancer during this process. One never knows.
But to the Japanese women, I say, “Be careful what you wish for.” Big boobs are fun to look at, but there are definitely some drawbacks to them as well.
No real indication in the article as to the source of the stem cells, but it’s pretty obvious that the fat cells come from the woman’s own body.
They’re actually sticking fetuses in the boobies. You can see their cute little faces and limbs pressing out of the skin. It’s really the latest fashion.
There you go again, Krista. Always thinking about yourself first. They’ve just invented stem cell boobies and all you can think about is cancer. I think someone needs to get her priorities straight.
I’ve got a vision coming…getting clearer…and clearer. It appears to be…Neil Cavuto. He’s asking “Will Wall Street and plastic surgeons override the President’s stem cell veto?” while they show video of bikini-clad breasts get doused in milk.
Bubblegum Tate
Post of the (still-young) Day.
When you think that no one can be more stupid than Darrell, along comes Paul L to prove you horribly, horribly wrong.
The Other Steve
Stem Cells cause cancer.
Paul L. told me so.
The Other Steve
According to my vet, if you spay before the first heat you pretty much eliminate the risk of breast cancer.
(/hangs head in shame, but then realizes that she’s now looking at her own boobies, and so tilts head back in shame instead, but that makes it hard to breathe. Decides that shame is overrated, and tells Zifnab to bugger off.)
The article doesn’t actually come out and say this, but it is apparent that this process used adult stem cells.
Permit me to remind everyone that neither Pres. Bush nor any other prominent pro-life leader has ever voiced opposition to adult stem cell research.
This would make a great Valentines day gift. I just know my girlfriend would appreciate it.
BTW, Krista wins the prize for best comment in this thread.
The Other Steve
So it’s ok to kill adults?
Paul L.
Right, embryonic Stem Cells are perfectly safe. Can I inject some into you?
Tell me again why should anyone take you serious on this debate?
How dare you bring Inconvenient facts to holy church of embryonic Stem Cells research.
Andrew’s favorite debate technique ad hominem attacks
Using latin fancy talk on the internet is so 2005. Trust me, it doesn’t make you look any smarter.
Bubblegum Tate
Andrew was merely giving an appropriate assessment of a guy who is either stupid or illiterate enough to think that this procedure uses stem cells from the “stomach or thigh” of a fetus and not–as clearly fucking stated in the article–fat cells from the stomach or thigh of the woman getting the procedure. The fact that you were able to read Andrew’s response rules out your illiteracy, leaving us with your stupidity as the only explanation.
So, ahem,
Paul L., do NOT back me up. Please.
Well this is one way to get the fundies on board for more stem cell research since most of the research and studies show that fundies and christian men in general have a major fascination with porn and sex so having the ability to get the lil Missus bigger boobs will be a plus.
However the clincher will be when they discover they can enlarge the penis via stem cells. Of course Bob Dole will be the spokesman for the new treatment and there will be much rejoicing among the penially challenged christian masses.
What do boobs have to do with gay hookers and meth?
Their moms didn’t let them suck on her tits long enough as a result they became gay prostitute soliciting meth users?
Kris….LINK please? Otherwise, I’m not buying it. Even with a link, I’m still not buying it. heh.
Speaking of buying, I feel it suddenly a good investment to buy all the Vivid Video, Japan, Inc. that I possibly can…
Actually Paul, he was stating a fact, you are indeed an idiot.
and the waiting room for said treatment will feature 2000+ men, all with wigs and/or paper bags on their heads, and all their identifiable tatoos covered with duct tape.
John Cole
I dated a girl who later had breast reduction surgery because her breasts gave her lower back pains, and they were an ordeal for her when working out, buying clothes, she felt people didn’t take her seriously, etc. A number of drawbacks.
Yeah, just brag about it why don’t you?
Great minds do think alike…
Perry Como
I think it puts a whole new spin on “adult” stem cells.
Fixed to reflect FundyThink(TM).
Actually John is right, my wife has 44FFF and they give her a lot of back pain as a result and bra shopping is expensive…they do however serve as nice pillows.
The Other Steve
Look… we should all applaud this totally natural process. Anybody who has dated someone with saline implants knows how painful that can be.
*sigh* Dating asians is rough. If your girl has better than a B-cup, consider yourself lucky. Beautiful legs, gorgious skin, hourglass figure… no boobies. *sigh*
In a mental, not physical, way, of course.
Well, at least now funding for stem cell research will certainly expand.
I always knew God intended man to have dominion over stem cells and would reveal to him their usefulness. It’s the power of faith.
Well, air and Volvos are perfectly safe, too, but I don’t want them injected in me, thanks very much.
Rome Again
I have to tell you, I’m quite embarrassed that this is the job they decided to tackle when these stem cells could hold the key to saving edangered lives.
Breast size matters, apparently! FUCK ME!
I hate to sound like a prude, but I have never been able to understand why anyone would want to mutilate their body with things like breast enlargement and such.
Honestly, I don’t get it, and I never found it to improve anyone’s looks or sex appeal.
If a woman feels she needs to do something like this to attract a man, all I can say is, you might want to consider whether you are attracting the right man.
Rome Again
I don’t consider that prudish at all, I consider that smart.
I actually am just a little prudish. Don’t let it get around, though. Prudish sounds so boring.
I just find this kind of “enhancement” as a form of commercialization of sexuality at a really exploitive level. I don’t think it’s a good thing. I think it’s based on a lie.
Rome Again
I consider it a waste of time, money and opportunity personally. How many people died today who might have been saved by a new breakthrough in stem cell enhanced healthcare, who weren’t because they were too busy enlarging some woman’s breasts? Totally fucking sick, if you ask me.
Yes, good point, although I do support plastic surgery. I subscribe to a charity called The Smile Train, which provides facial reconstruction to poor kids with cleft palates. One of the finest charities out there, and one that I really love to support. So plastic surgery is a wonderful thing.
Alongside the Smile Train, breast enlargement strikes me as being obscene.
And yes, this is a plug for the Smile Train, I urge all to look into it and support it. They do just amazing work.
Rome Again
“Ain’t it the truth, ain’t it the truth” – Cowardly Lion, The Wizard of Oz
Krista at 17: Lower back pains, upper back pains, shoulder pains, uncomfortable rashes underneath them, perpetual teasing, exclusion from sports, the “wrong” kind of attention from guys, trauma-laden trips to the beach, envying friends for being able to wear cute little bras instead of beige, four-hooked, structurally engineered granny bras, looking on in horror and shame when your friends, as a joke, have rented a “Freaks of Nature” porn film and you realize that the “freakishly-large breasted” woman has smaller ones that you.
Believe me. There are plenty of drawbacks.
Rome Again
That sucks, Krista. really.
RA: Yeah, it seriously did. But, there are plenty of worse things that people have to deal with. I definitely wasn’t looking for pity — just wanted to make a point that massive ta-tas are like Bart Simpson’s pet elephant: fun in theory, but not so great in practice.
Rome Again
I didn’t mean to make you feel I was pitying you, I was merely acknowledging that you had a lot to deal with in that situation. I was blessed in the fact that I got “just enough” without having “too much”.
My sister wasn’t so lucky.
You totally didn’t. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t coming across as “boo-hoo, poor me.” :)
I, uh, think I left my car running …….
Rome Again
You didn’t, but I appreciate personal inferences.
I think it’s kind of stupid to waster resources making bigger tits. I will point out that just as porn plays a huge role in communications media (if the porn kings like it, it succeeds; if not, not so much,) so cosmetic surgery actually plays a role in many otherwise marginal areas. Modern corrective eye surgery, for instance, started out as a vanity surgery. Similarly, the materials that were largely developed to to make breasts bigger are also used in other reconstructive procedures.
One of the reasons for that is its very uselessness. The regulators look at this kind of operation, and sort of say…”Well, ok, if you’re that stupid, I’m not going to stop you.” The insurance companies won’t pay for it. So nobody gets in the way.
{ tires squeal }
Rome Again
Deadlifts to fix the boobie-related problems!
But plastic surgeons working in Britain have greeted news of the technique with “extreme caution.”
Don’t blame them for greeting the news with “extreme caution.” One wonders what the results might have been if they had used fat alone. Kindalike, um, ya know, silicone implants.
I mean, really. Does anyone fact check these articles? It’s getting tiresome. Like with the ethanol craze.
But plastic surgeons working in Britain have greeted news of the technique with “extreme caution.”
Don’t blame them for greeting the news with “extreme caution.” One wonders what the results might have been if they had used fat alone. Kindalike, um, ya know, silicone implants.
I mean, really. Does anyone fact check these articles? It’s getting tiresome. Like with the ethanol craze.
ó.ò Holy crap, and I thought 36DD was bad enough.
Richard 23
rachel, I have an important message for you. email me at [email protected].
Richard 23, don’t concern yourself. I live in a country with inexpensive medical care, so arranging for breast reduction surgery is mostly a matter of nerving myself up for it–and convincing my husband. He won’t hear of it, for some reason.
rachel, honey, if you really want to do it, then do it. Getting a breast reduction isn’t purely about aesthetics. Large breasts can really screw up your back (particularly if you develop them early, like I did. I shudder to think what G-cup breasts were doing to my still-growing musculoskeletal system), and it also makes it much harder to detect any possible future tumours, either by manual exam or mammogram. Plus there’s the whole psychological thing. He’s probably convinced that a breast reduction would leave you veritably flat-chested, but even just going down from a DD to a C makes a major difference. And a C cup is still plenty, IMHO. Anyway, if you need any details about the procedure, let me know, okay?
Krista, G-cup? Ouch. And you aren’t kidding about smaller breasts being easier to examine, too. I hate mammograms. So, I guess I have just a couple questions: how long did it take to recover and did you have any problems?
rachel: Immediately after the surgery, I was in the hospital for 3 days. Of course, now, you’d probably only get to stay overnight. Staples came out after a week, stitches a week after that. No heavy lifting for a month, but I felt pretty much back to normal after about 3 weeks. My recovery was set back a bit after an unfortunate incident in the school hallway when the guy in front of me picked up his heavy backpack and swung it over, onto his shoulder, hitting me squarely in the chest with it. (Thank goodness I fell backwards when I fainted!) Overall, though, the recovery was pretty smooth and problem-free. Just keep your incisions clean, and no matter how much they itch (and they will) don’t scratch! They’ll be abnormally perky for the first two months or so, while they’re still healing, but will then soften into a more natural shape. If you’re a smoker, quit now — smoking can really screw up your healing. The healing time would probably be a bit faster for you than it was for me. My surgery was 15 years ago, and there was a lot to remove (6 lbs. off of each one). I think they can do the surgery now with much smaller incisions than they have in the past. Was it worth it? Abso-frickin-lutely.
Leave Stampie out of this.
44FFF? G-cup? Now you people are just making stuff up to screw with me. I choose to disbelieve. Not that I question their entire existance, just that I refuse to believe so many girls on one board could possibly suffer from “Oh, no, my breasts are too big” disorder.
Personal lifetime experience has not born this out, statistically speaking. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a girl with a chest past a D-cup, unless they were purportional to the rest of her size. (Yes, I think I just called someone fat).
Anything more than a handful is a waste.
/dons helmet, runs
Well, if any of you guys are feeling left out here, I’ve developed a new stem-cell based method of adding INCHES to your MANHOOD which I will share with you for a low low price, as soon as I get a bank account set up somewhere that won’t get found.
Believe what you want. I was a size 10 in high school, so things were definitely not proportional. And you very well may have seen girls with larger chests than a D, because women with oversize breasts learn very quickly how to dress in order to minimize them as much as possible.