My goodness, early in the debate, and already I can see that the GOP just doesn’t get any of this.
Most of these guys are saying the same tired things that have been proven wrong over the recent years. How stupid can they think the people really are?
John McCain: This war as been “terribly mismanaged.”
Really, Senator? Can you point out the times and places where you stood up over the four years of the war and pointed that mismanagement out to us? Called for profound change in the policy and direction?
Honestly, this thing on tv now is an embarassment to the Grand Old Party. Sad. The tottering corspe of Nancy Reagan is not going to be enough to distract from the awful nonsense coming from the stage.
Perry Como
I’m surprised they haven’t had a competition on who has the best technique fellating Reagan’s corpse.
fear, fear, fear, terror, fear, nukes, war…
Rusty Shackleford, Resident Idiot
Perry Como Says:
I’m surprised they haven’t had a competition on who has the best technique fellating Reagan’s corpse.
I can’t watch, despite the comedic value of watching these guys fellate the wingers live before a national audience I just can’t bring myself to waste two hours watching it. I’ll just catch the highlights later on Olbermann
I refuse to watch this crap, so please tell me: has anyone blamed Clinton yet?
Rusty Shackleford
Just a jab at “Hillarycare” and “socialized medicine”. No mention of The Clenis…they’re too busy taking half of each response to respond to 2 different topics. Oh, and sucking off the ghost of Reagan.
They saved the anti-Clinton fest for the end…
Rusty Shackleford
Aha! The Clenis at 8:25p! Ridiculous question – “Would it be a good thing if Bill Clinton were back in the White House?”
He is, of course. But worse is the fact that nobody in these “debates” or talk show scenarios can pry themselves away from the boilerplate, made-for-talking-points faux issues and “questions” — which are nothing but prompts, as placeholders for “What sound bytes did you bring with tonight, Mister Candidate?”
But, since these are insane lying Republicans, that works out in our favor. Is there any doubt that this party is basically in the toilet and represents the ideas of a failed past?
Are they going to trot out the embalmed former First Lady for all these debates?
Just wondered.
I’m surprised they haven’t had a competition on who has the best technique fellating Reagan’s corpse.
The Gipper isn’t truly dead, so long as we all keep him in our hearts.
Anyhoo, I’d say the big winner of this debate was….Fred Thompson.
Ron Paul is going to be a hoot.
I liked that guy. If he looked more like Romney, he could go farther.
Speaking of Multiple Choice, could there be more of an empty suit? He made the biggest impression on me in this debate. A windup plastic Ken doll. The Pubs want to make fun of Edwards’ hair and hair cuts? Looks like you could put Mitt in the middle of a Katrina and not a hair would be blown out of place nor that airhead smile leave his face.
Liked when Giuliani was asked to define the difference between Sunni and Shia. You could see a “oh shit I don’t have a clue” look come over his face. He then proceeded to prove that in his answer. Also liked how Rudy was a moving target on abortion.
Thompson was asked if he knew the numbers of US casualties in Iraq. He said there were over 3,000 dead and “several thousand” wounded. Like Rudy, he doesn’t have a clue.
“Are we going ignore the fact that 12 to 20 million people are in this country illegally?”
As expressed by one of these morons tonight, I wasn’t looking at the screen at the time but I think it was Tancredo on MSNBC.
Are we going to ignore this fact?
Well, let’s ask: What’s the alternative?
Are we going to start treating up to 20 and maybe (if we count relatives) 30 million people like criminals?
Are we going to mount a huge, grotesque and monstrous roundup and shipment of trainloads of people back across the border?
Is the America of our future, an America mad with vengeful distaste for a large number of its inhabitants, fueled by foolish demagoguery from people like these crazy asshole Republicans?
Please, somebody, tell me what the alternative is to letting these people stay and make the most of their being here and being part of this country.
Describe your alternative and how it would work and be paid for.
I would totally vote for Ron Paul for president. On the other hand, I fantasize about living in a post-apocalyptic zombie infested world.
Also, how the fuck did Tancredo get elected to anything? He can’t fucking talk.
I’m not watching any debates until at least September of 2008.
You noticed that to huh?
Me too. He looked like he was afraid being up there on that big, scary stage. This is one of their Jack Bauers?
Also, how the fuck did Tancredo get elected to anything? He can’t fucking talk.
Representative Democracy, baby–who the fuck do you think elected him? More fucking morons.
Me too. He looked like he was afraid being up there on that big, scary stage. This is one of their Jack Bauers?
I think we’ve just hit upon the next Republican debate question:
“How do you defuse C4 wired with motion triggers to save a pregnant Christian from Islamofacist liberals? All of the wires are blue because that stands for Democrat.”
Also, how cool was it when at least three of the candidates raised their hands to say that they did not believe in evolution?
Of course, I would have followed that up by asking, “Do you eat shrimp, the abomination of Leviticus 11:9-12?”
Baby Jane
The most insane moment was when Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee raised their hands in disbelief of evolution. That kind of disconnect from reality warrants that the candidates be required to stand on trap doors during the debates.
I feel like I’m talking to myself.
Luckily, I’m about to go out and dance with a bunch of 20 year old coeds.
Take that, oldsters!
Ditch Digger
Imagine what would happen to the base if it was suddenly revealed that Nancy had had an abortion while married to Ronnie. I’d pay to watch that.
I missed the debate, but I’ve always had a spot in my heart for guys like Ron Paul. His anti-neoconservative speech a few years ago was straight outta the Chomsky reader (kidding, he did make some very good points).
The most insane moment was when Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee raised their hands in disbelief of evolution. That kind of disconnect from reality warrants that the candidates be required to stand on trap doors during the debates.
At which point, they could ask the candidates if they “believed” in gravity.
I would totally vote for Ron Paul for president. On the other hand, I fantasize about living in a post-apocalyptic zombie infested world.
At least the rent is cheap. And it’s easy to find a decent parking spot, too. As long as you don’t mind popping a round or two off into a zombie skull every 30 seconds or so throughout the course of your average commute, there’s no problem with it.
The most insane moment was when Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee raised their hands in disbelief of evolution. That kind of disconnect from reality warrants that the candidates be required to stand on trap doors during the debates.
At which point, they could ask the candidates if they “believed” in gravity.
If Matthews had any shred of decency or integrity left in him, he busted out laughing at this point. I missed the debate- did that happen? Did Matthews start laughing, as any sane American would at this juncture?
My follow-up question would’ve been if any of the candidates were currently under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants, especially mind-altering hallucinogens like peyote, psilocybin, or LSD. I guarantee you that at least one of those dumb motherfuckers would’ve kept his hand up, if only because he didn’t know what “psilocybin” was.
Here’s the link to that evolution clip. Fucking priceless.
I can’t tell if anyone busted out laughing, though. McCain starts yammering on. I guess he wanted to qualify his answer about believing in evolution, maybe?
Did any candidates state whether or not they disagree with the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun? The ones that raised their hands on that one are the only ones I’ll seriously consider voting for.
Hat tip: Blogs4Brownback, the spoofiest site since Redstate-
Obviously, funding for “science” is an area in which President Brownback will have to continue the stellar work of George Bush. The potential for harm to the fragile minds of our nation’s children is enormous, should their heads become filled with lies like evolution, or should they not be taught the controversial nature of Heliocentrism.
Focus On Your Own Damn Family!
Representative Democracy, baby—who the fuck do you think elected him? More fucking morons.
Not all of us buddy. You can’t lay that moron at my door. Though I did see my first Tancredo in ’08 bumper sticker this week.
But that’s fine by me – the more splintered and chaotic the Rethugs are, the better for us.
The most insane moment was when Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee raised their hands in disbelief of evolution.
Wow. I expected this from the first two, but Huckabee? I was actually rooting for him, a little. Ah well. I !
The most insane moment was when Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee raised their hands in disbelief of evolution
Ah…the State of Kansas just continues to embarrass itself over and over and over….
I just want a follow-up for all the creationists–who did Cain and Abel breed with? If there’s only one female on Earth….well….
The most insane moment was when Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee raised their hands in disbelief of evolution.
Wow. I expected this from the first two, but Huckabee? I was actually rooting for him, a little. Ah well. I !
May 4th, 2007 at 9:10 am
I too was disappointed to see Huckabee raise his hand. Not that I think there is any chance the Republicans are going to send anybody other than “Rudy McRomney” as the nominee, but Huckabee seems like a good man – at least a lot better than the frontrunners.
I just want a follow-up for all the creationists—who did Cain and Abel breed with? If there’s only one female on Earth….well….
Space aliens. Well, not any damn monkeys, that’s for sure.
Paul Wartenberg
Punchy Says:
The most insane moment was when Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee raised their hands in disbelief of evolution
Ah…the State of Kansas just continues to embarrass itself over and over and over….
I just want a follow-up for all the creationists—who did Cain and Abel breed with? If there’s only one female on Earth… well…
Actually, the story’s much worse. They each had twin sisters. Cain was supposed to marry Abel’s sister, Abel supposed to marry Cain’s. But Cain prefered his own sister, so to settle things they made their sacrifices to The Big Guy.
That’s the problem with religion: either they airbrush out all the nasty stuff, or they leave it in with all the baggage that comes with it.
Huckabee seems like a good man
he is a low key religious fanatic. get real. the evolution thing is just one of his wacko beliefs.
Obviously, funding for “science” is an area in which President Brownback will have to continue the stellar work of George Bush. The potential for harm to the fragile minds of our nation’s children is enormous, should their heads become filled with lies like evolution, or should they not be taught the controversial nature of Heliocentrism.
You have got to be fucking kidding me…now I can see why it was “Neanderthals on Disply” last night.
I would totally vote for Ron Paul for president. On the other hand, I fantasize about living in a post-apocalyptic zombie infested world.
Man, I am with you on that. Something like “Doom,” eh?
So let me get this straight. Three of the candidates raised their hands when asked if anyone did not believe in evolution.
If we can’t beat these guys next year, we should be herded into camps and sterilized. Come to think of it, if we don’t take the Presidency next year, we probably will be.
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Temple Stark
Mike Gravel with less anger. Pauly doesn’t think the Civil War was worth fighting for. The American one.
His name is Ronald, just like Reagan. Seems qualified enough.
…if they actually let him speak, that is.
Not that I’d be able to tell anyway. My cable company revised the basic channel package so I no longer even get MSNBC.
Perry Como
$10 says Romney gay marries Brownback on stage.
I’d never even heard of the guy before Peter Gammons mentioned him on the Dan Patrick Show(am radio) today.
definitely a feature, not a bug.
My goodness, early in the debate, and already I can see that the GOP just doesn’t get any of this.
Most of these guys are saying the same tired things that have been proven wrong over the recent years. How stupid can they think the people really are?
John McCain: This war as been “terribly mismanaged.”
Really, Senator? Can you point out the times and places where you stood up over the four years of the war and pointed that mismanagement out to us? Called for profound change in the policy and direction?
Honestly, this thing on tv now is an embarassment to the Grand Old Party. Sad. The tottering corspe of Nancy Reagan is not going to be enough to distract from the awful nonsense coming from the stage.
Perry Como
I’m surprised they haven’t had a competition on who has the best technique fellating Reagan’s corpse.
fear, fear, fear, terror, fear, nukes, war…
Rusty Shackleford, Resident Idiot
I didn’t want to be the first one to say it.
I can’t watch, despite the comedic value of watching these guys fellate the wingers live before a national audience I just can’t bring myself to waste two hours watching it. I’ll just catch the highlights later on Olbermann
These guys are some scary, lying, crazy motherfuckers, aren’t they?
Wow. What a nonstop load of crap.
Perry Como
Does anyone else get the feeling Romney has a sweet deal on a used car for you?
gotta have faith, faith, faith…
Salty Party Snax
Why watch these clowns?
Rusty Shackleford
What’s the deal with McCain’s arms?
Rusty Shackleford
Wow – the “don’t create life to destroy life” argument is weak. McCain was right on that one.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
I refuse to watch this crap, so please tell me: has anyone blamed Clinton yet?
Rusty Shackleford
Just a jab at “Hillarycare” and “socialized medicine”. No mention of The Clenis…they’re too busy taking half of each response to respond to 2 different topics. Oh, and sucking off the ghost of Reagan.
They saved the anti-Clinton fest for the end…
Rusty Shackleford
Aha! The Clenis at 8:25p! Ridiculous question – “Would it be a good thing if Bill Clinton were back in the White House?”
Matthews is a whore.
He is, of course. But worse is the fact that nobody in these “debates” or talk show scenarios can pry themselves away from the boilerplate, made-for-talking-points faux issues and “questions” — which are nothing but prompts, as placeholders for “What sound bytes did you bring with tonight, Mister Candidate?”
But, since these are insane lying Republicans, that works out in our favor. Is there any doubt that this party is basically in the toilet and represents the ideas of a failed past?
Are they going to trot out the embalmed former First Lady for all these debates?
Just wondered.
The Gipper isn’t truly dead, so long as we all keep him in our hearts.
Anyhoo, I’d say the big winner of this debate was….Fred Thompson.
I liked that guy. If he looked more like Romney, he could go farther.
Speaking of Multiple Choice, could there be more of an empty suit? He made the biggest impression on me in this debate. A windup plastic Ken doll. The Pubs want to make fun of Edwards’ hair and hair cuts? Looks like you could put Mitt in the middle of a Katrina and not a hair would be blown out of place nor that airhead smile leave his face.
Liked when Giuliani was asked to define the difference between Sunni and Shia. You could see a “oh shit I don’t have a clue” look come over his face. He then proceeded to prove that in his answer. Also liked how Rudy was a moving target on abortion.
Thompson was asked if he knew the numbers of US casualties in Iraq. He said there were over 3,000 dead and “several thousand” wounded. Like Rudy, he doesn’t have a clue.
As expressed by one of these morons tonight, I wasn’t looking at the screen at the time but I think it was Tancredo on MSNBC.
Are we going to ignore this fact?
Well, let’s ask: What’s the alternative?
Are we going to start treating up to 20 and maybe (if we count relatives) 30 million people like criminals?
Are we going to mount a huge, grotesque and monstrous roundup and shipment of trainloads of people back across the border?
Is the America of our future, an America mad with vengeful distaste for a large number of its inhabitants, fueled by foolish demagoguery from people like these crazy asshole Republicans?
Please, somebody, tell me what the alternative is to letting these people stay and make the most of their being here and being part of this country.
Describe your alternative and how it would work and be paid for.
I would totally vote for Ron Paul for president. On the other hand, I fantasize about living in a post-apocalyptic zombie infested world.
Also, how the fuck did Tancredo get elected to anything? He can’t fucking talk.
You noticed that to huh?
The Other Steve
Are you saying it can’t be done?
Preposterous. Adolf Hitler proved it can most certainly be done in an expedient manner!
The Other Steve
I’m not watching any debates until at least September of 2008.
Me too. He looked like he was afraid being up there on that big, scary stage. This is one of their Jack Bauers?
Representative Democracy, baby–who the fuck do you think elected him? More fucking morons.
I think we’ve just hit upon the next Republican debate question:
“How do you defuse C4 wired with motion triggers to save a pregnant Christian from Islamofacist liberals? All of the wires are blue because that stands for Democrat.”
Also, how cool was it when at least three of the candidates raised their hands to say that they did not believe in evolution?
Of course, I would have followed that up by asking, “Do you eat shrimp, the abomination of Leviticus 11:9-12?”
Baby Jane
The most insane moment was when Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee raised their hands in disbelief of evolution. That kind of disconnect from reality warrants that the candidates be required to stand on trap doors during the debates.
I feel like I’m talking to myself.
Luckily, I’m about to go out and dance with a bunch of 20 year old coeds.
Take that, oldsters!
Ditch Digger
Imagine what would happen to the base if it was suddenly revealed that Nancy had had an abortion while married to Ronnie. I’d pay to watch that.
I missed the debate, but I’ve always had a spot in my heart for guys like Ron Paul. His anti-neoconservative speech a few years ago was straight outta the Chomsky reader (kidding, he did make some very good points).
At which point, they could ask the candidates if they “believed” in gravity.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
At least the rent is cheap. And it’s easy to find a decent parking spot, too. As long as you don’t mind popping a round or two off into a zombie skull every 30 seconds or so throughout the course of your average commute, there’s no problem with it.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
That district is classic. It contains Columbine High School, AND a town named after a Stephen King invention.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
If Matthews had any shred of decency or integrity left in him, he busted out laughing at this point. I missed the debate- did that happen? Did Matthews start laughing, as any sane American would at this juncture?
My follow-up question would’ve been if any of the candidates were currently under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants, especially mind-altering hallucinogens like peyote, psilocybin, or LSD. I guarantee you that at least one of those dumb motherfuckers would’ve kept his hand up, if only because he didn’t know what “psilocybin” was.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Here’s the link to that evolution clip. Fucking priceless.
I can’t tell if anyone busted out laughing, though. McCain starts yammering on. I guess he wanted to qualify his answer about believing in evolution, maybe?
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Did any candidates state whether or not they disagree with the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun? The ones that raised their hands on that one are the only ones I’ll seriously consider voting for.
Hat tip: Blogs4Brownback, the spoofiest site since Redstate-
Focus On Your Own Damn Family!
Not all of us buddy. You can’t lay that moron at my door. Though I did see my first Tancredo in ’08 bumper sticker this week.
But that’s fine by me – the more splintered and chaotic the Rethugs are, the better for us.
Wow. I expected this from the first two, but Huckabee? I was actually rooting for him, a little. Ah well. I !
Ah…the State of Kansas just continues to embarrass itself over and over and over….
I just want a follow-up for all the creationists–who did Cain and Abel breed with? If there’s only one female on Earth….well….
Rusty Shackleford
I too was disappointed to see Huckabee raise his hand. Not that I think there is any chance the Republicans are going to send anybody other than “Rudy McRomney” as the nominee, but Huckabee seems like a good man – at least a lot better than the frontrunners.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Space aliens. Well, not any damn monkeys, that’s for sure.
Paul Wartenberg
Actually, the story’s much worse. They each had twin sisters. Cain was supposed to marry Abel’s sister, Abel supposed to marry Cain’s. But Cain prefered his own sister, so to settle things they made their sacrifices to The Big Guy.
That’s the problem with religion: either they airbrush out all the nasty stuff, or they leave it in with all the baggage that comes with it.
he is a low key religious fanatic. get real. the evolution thing is just one of his wacko beliefs.
You have got to be fucking kidding me…now I can see why it was “Neanderthals on Disply” last night.
Man, I am with you on that. Something like “Doom,” eh?
So let me get this straight. Three of the candidates raised their hands when asked if anyone did not believe in evolution.
If we can’t beat these guys next year, we should be herded into camps and sterilized. Come to think of it, if we don’t take the Presidency next year, we probably will be.