Of the pessimistic GAO draft report that was leaked today:
A GAO spokesman declined to comment on the report before it is released. The 69-page draft, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Post, is still undergoing review at the Defense Department, which may ask that parts of it be classified or request changes in its conclusions. The GAO, the investigative arm of Congress, normally submits its draft reports to relevant agencies for comment but makes its own final judgments. The office has published more than 100 assessments of various aspects of the U.S. effort in Iraq since May 2003.
The person who provided the draft report to The Post said it was being conveyed from a government official who feared that its pessimistic conclusions would be watered down in the final version — as some officials have said happened with security judgments in this month’s National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq. Congress requested the GAO report, along with an assessment of the Iraqi security forces by an independent commission headed by retired Marine Gen. James L. Jones, to provide a basis for comparison with the administration’s scorecard. The Jones report is also scheduled for delivery next week.
Clearly, the patriots need to find out who this leaker is and destroy him. To let him be would not only be out of character, but would send the wrong message. Only finessed, massaged reports should see the light of day, lest we lose the greatest struggle in human history. If only Gonzales had run the GAO, then we could have weeded out this cowardly anonymous government official who is clearly a holdover from the Clinton era and replaced him with a true believer.
John, your first bolded sentence is simply mind-boggling. The GAO goes over, researches a ton ‘o shit over a myriad of issues systematically and logically. They initiate, plan, author, and finalize a reality-based report reflecting the analysis of a wealth of accumulated data.
Then the DoD goes in, crosses out anything they dont like, and just fills in whatever they want it to say. Let me ask this: since the GAO is always prefaced with “independent”, why is the DoD (quite non-independent) allowed to change conclusions??
Isn’t this like giving the worker the final say over a performance report, AFTER the boss has already written it? Soon that company has nothing but the most stupendous, outstanding, and (of course) highly paid employees! Look, the performance reports say so! Must be true!
Fox News’ headline is:
Because if this report shows anything, it’s that we’re making progress in Iraq!
Damn….That didn’t take long…
Factual corrections. Becuase the original GAO report was filled with lies and bullshit, and that just had to be fixed.
I’m surprised its taken this long for someone to push back against the GAO. Their job is basically to embarrass the shit out of every other division of the government and there’s been plenty for them to do of late. Remember the DoD rummage sale fiasco?
Judging from this story, they still don’t intend to fuck around.
Today an explosiong did NOT take place at a local GI hangout and there were NOT mass casualties….
next question?
OT: Looks like we need to declare war on the UN.
Bubblegum Tate
Looks like Dan Riehl’s right there with ya, John. Except unlike you, he’s actually being serious.
John Cole
The only thing Dan Riehl is serious about is being an idiot.
In that endeavor, he puts forth a concerted effort.
I did read however that the grading was met/not met and that getting 90% towards a goal to be met was thereby classified not met…. is that true? Because if so, it is a bit misleading…
The Bush administration watering down government report. Why i’m shocked.
Why don’t they just issue A decree from His Majesty that says every damn thing is classified. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Davis X. Machina
This is like the AAA announcing that in the new guidebook they’re giving Abu Graib only two diamonds.
The original criterion for evaluation, as set forth by no less an authority than Bush himself, back in January, were that the Iraqi government needed to meet the goals, not – emphatically not – simply “make progress” towards the goals.
And even if you move the goalposts so you can call “making progress” good enough, the GAO report notes that very little progress has been made on most of them.
Let’s extrapolate, then, shall we? If, in 8 months, the goal achievement ratio is 3/13 – in other words, less than 25% achieved – then we’re looking at at least 24 months before all goals are met. And that assumes a straight line of progress: no political crises, no intensifying conflict, no further destabilization.
How good are prospects for a continuously forward straight line of progress?
Well, the civil war has spread to the north. The various insurgents and militia groups are moving out of ‘pacified’ areas to undermine progress in what had been pacified areas. Maliki’s government is on the verge of collapse, with rumors of coups being bandied about (and the man most likely to replace him is Allawi, who didn’t work out so well last time). Iraqis are still fleeing the country, creating a brain-and-brawn drain. Hospitals are still killing fields; ethic cleansing continues; and infrastructure restoration is still going nowhere.
Does that sound like a hopeful scenario to you? It sure doesn’t to me. It sure doesn’t sound like a situation in which we can expect to have met all the goals set forth by Bush (never mind those set forth by the ISG) in 2+ years.
Projecting the bill for our continued presence – 2+ years, at $3 billion per day – is $2.16 trillion.
And I don’t even want to try projecting the US casualty rate. The military, BTW, is already stretched beyond the breaking point. We’re losing, not only recruits, but also the mid-level commanders. That means there’s going to be a dwindling class from which to promote senior commanders and generals. Which means that the overall quality of command will suffer.
So, in 2+ years, we will have bankrupted ourselves even more than we already have, and will have completely broken the military.
All that, and the additional Damocles Sword of Bush-Cheney deciding to extend the war to Iran.
Does this sound like a formula for success to anyone?
Don Bush is not pleased.
The 101st Keyboard Kneebreakers must be deployed immediately.