Since we are talking about Craig again, it was brought to my attention by a commenter (my apologies if this has been covered elsewhere) that there is an excellent source for how to wear a lapel pin:
Should anyone question Obama regarding his decision to wear or not wear a lapel pin, make sure you work in this photograph of the appropriate way to wear a lapel pin. I bet after that happens a few times, it will be amazing how unconcerned Republicans are with Obama’s choice of accessories.
*** Update ***
Tom DeLay also knows how to wear a lapel pin. So does Randall “Duke” Cunningham. Bob Ney has a lapel pin, too!
Check out this shot of Cunningham. Not one but two lapel pins–he’s extra patriotic.
Chris Johnson
I didn’t get what I was looking at for a minute. When I figured it out… I can’t decide whether to stare in disbelief or hurt myself laughing :)
Bruce Moomaw
“There’s no business like show business, Irving Berlin once proclaimed, and in 1940 he may have been right, but not anymore. Nowadays every business is like show business, including politics, which has become more like show business than show business is…
“Few public spectacles are more entertaining than Congress hitting the hallelujah trail… For connoisseurs of the art of flimflamming the rustics, a writhing mass of Congressmen in the throes of uplift cannot be beat.”
— Russell Baker
His pin seems to shimmer, in a mugshot ambiance sort of way.
Elvis Elvisberg
Wow. What a great find. Excellent work.
Patriotism requires wearing lapel pins, calling the occupation of Iraq the most importantest war ever, saying that we’re winning regardless of what’s actually going on, and advocating that under no circumstances should we pay for it.
Getting arrested for corruption is ok, as long as you wear your Patriotism Badge. It’s World War IV, after all. Priorities!
Dug Jay
An interesting, if silly, observation. However, it prompted John O’Sullivan to wonder: “Does Obama also refuse to wear an AIDS ribbon on the grounds that it’s a subsitute for true charity?”
Chris Johnson
Does Obama also refuse to pose for a mugshot on the grounds that trolling airport bathrooms is a substitute for true faggotry? :D
Kudos to the commenter, however one has to wonder how sad it is, that we are even concerned with lapel jewelery given all the other issues that need to be addressed or are being ignored.
Fabulous snark. This has been shared!
Are you sure it’s not only one pin?
Susan Kitchens
I went to look for a photo of Bob Ney, to see if he was wearing a pin. He is. It’s round. I think it’s the Congress member pin, which might be the round one you see worn by Cunningham. (recall dustup over congrewsswoman who wasn’t wearing pin and the capitol police stopped her, etc. More about congress pins here.)
See what happens when lapel pin flaps occur? We all get more edumacated about congressional arcana, such as member pins! My life has been deeply enriched by this!
Why do these commie pinko America-haters wear only one pin, when five is the required minimum numbers? They should go back to Russia/Cuba/Iraq/France/Iran/Latveria.
Flair! Our Congresscritters need more FLAIR!
Nixon wore lapel pins.
You know, if we all promised to wear lapel pins, do you think these people would promise to go away?
‘Cause I’d take that deal. sigh . . . wishful thinking, I suppose.
Real ‘Mercuns don’t have a little crusty white spot in the crease of their left cheek, flag pin or no.
Aren’t these the very same people who ridiculed the Aids ribbon wearers a decade earlier? Something about symbolism over substance…
Gary Denton
Who besides Sean Hannity on Fox News does not wear a label pin? Since they have brewed up this controversy will he start wearing one?