And again, from the Washington Post:
For much of this year, the U.S. military strategy in Iraq has sought to reduce violence so that politicians could bring about national reconciliation, but several top Iraqi leaders say they have lost faith in that broad goal.
Iraqi leaders argue that sectarian animosity is entrenched in the structure of their government. Instead of reconciliation, they now stress alternative and perhaps more attainable goals: streamlining the government bureaucracy, placing experienced technocrats in positions of authority and improving the dismal record of providing basic services.
“I don’t think there is something called reconciliation, and there will be no reconciliation as such,” said Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, a Kurd. “To me, it is a very inaccurate term. This is a struggle about power.”
Humam Hamoudi, a prominent Shiite cleric and parliament member, said any future reconciliation would emerge naturally from an efficient, fair government, not through short-term political engineering among Sunnis and Shiites.
“Reconciliation should be a result and not a goal by itself,” he said. “You should create the atmosphere for correct relationships, and not wave slogans that ‘I want to reconcile with you.’ “
How dare they report this? And on page one! Traitors.
Oddly enough, though, the quote from Human Hamoudi actually reflects a level of politically maturity that makes me hopeful about the future of the region.
*** Update ***
Kevin Drum read the same piece and came to the conclusion that we are screwed. Also, no news yet on whether these men were sporting reconciliation lapel pins.
I’ve always said that the key to a healthy society and amiable population is good, clean, well-mannered message boards.
In that way, Detroit really is like Bagdad City.
John Cole
LOL. Cut n paste gone bad. Fixed.
I thought it was pretty funny: Iraq reconciled through a Web site with a strict commenting policy.
Why are we there again?
If we would jusk get out of the way the responsible adults over there would figure this out for themselves. The approach of Bush and his neocon idiots is so patronizing and is doomed to fail.
Well at least there are some honest politicians involved in the Iraq disaster. Unfortunately, they all seem to be Iraqi. And yes, there is hope for the region called Iraq. But only Iraqi’s will settle it the their own way, which likely is to fight and kill each other until one side is defeated or both sides get tired of the killing and sue for peace. Been going on for 1400 hundred years and may go on another 1400 years.
All American occupiers can do is slow down the inevitable and get a bunch of GI’s killed in the process.
Oh Noes, phony Iraqi leaders!
Bubblegum Tate
Bwah! Awesome.
Chris Johnson
With our luck, Iraq will become a republic based on the responsibility of balancing different power blocs which aren’t permitted to trample over each other- right about when OUR setup devolves into simple monarchy and everybody is ‘reconciled’ with lifetime presidency for Bush. No, better yet, Cheney!
Because you know people have to reconcile and come to a compromise solution everybody uniformly agrees with, even if we have to shoot some liberals to do it…
Chris Johnson
Hey, it’s not really reconciliation if people are allowed to disagree ;)
We’ll all be in agreement when those who disagree with us are dead. It’s definitely a solution. Perhaps a final solution? Eh? Eh? Too soon?
Sorry Zif, someone crazy beat you to it already…
A Kristol Nacht 80% solution is so two corners ago. Now we’re giving arms to previously bad apples so they’ll become good apples. You got to keep up with the moving big picture.
Wow, Iraki Gubmint goals are the same as US Gubmint goals! If they figure it out, have them share the details with our administration.