Lisa Schiffren at the Corner, perfect representative of the modern GOP:
Obama and I are roughly the same age. I grew up in liberal circles in New York City — a place to which people who wished to rebel against their upbringings had gravitated for generations. And yet, all of my mixed race, black/white classmates throughout my youth, some of whom I am still in contact with, were the product of very culturally specific unions. They were always the offspring of a white mother, (in my circles, she was usually Jewish, but elsewhere not necessarily) and usually a highly educated black father. And how had these two come together at a time when it was neither natural nor easy for such relationships to flourish? Always through politics. No, not the young Republicans. Usually the Communist Youth League. Or maybe a different arm of the CPUSA. But, for a white woman to marry a black man in 1958, or 60, there was almost inevitably a connection to explicit Communist politics.
***Time for some investigative journalism about the Obama family’s background, now that his chances of being president have increased so much.
You know what that means- someone needs some pictures of 60’s era countertops. CITIZEN JOURNALISTS, YOU HAVE YOUR MARCHING ORDERS!
*** Update ***
More here.
Robert McClelland
Obama and I are roughly the same age. He’s on the verge of becoming America’s president while I’m writing for America’s shitiest website. I’m such a loser. I think I’ll just kill myself.
I think that’s what she really wanted to say.
OMFG. I thought the Commie Pinko thing went out with the 80s. What a bunch of assclowns.
I should thank NRO for explaining to me that my parents are basically communists for having the ability to love one another despite having different skin colors.
“Miscegenation is a Communist plot!”
They really haven’t changed much since the 60s, have they?
Did she just call Jewish women Communists?
I also demand a collective freakout from the Bill Kristols and Joe Liebermans of the US. First thing, they start calling Jews a bunch of Communists, next thing you know, it’s the gas chamber. Lisa Schiffern is about a hair’s breath away from growing a tiny mustache and conquering Poland.
At the end of the day, these people just have no decency. Better get the charts out – would that make one quarter commie/Muslim? What are the religious/political purity laws on this?
John Cole
I am just embarrassed they fooled me for so damned long. Although my leaving the GOP did roughly coincide with me cutting down on how much and how often I drink, so I may use that as an excuse.
quick, super GOoPers, cross-reference your Enemies Lists! let’s see if Obama’s got any Red skeletons in his closet.
It’s nice that the National Review is getting back to its roots. We really haven’t had enough old-school hate mongering in this election cycle.
It actually gets more incoherent… I have no idea what she’s trying to say here:
“Before readers level cheap accusations of racism — let’s recall that the very question of interracial marriage only became a big issue later in the 1960s. The notion of a large group of mixed race Americans became an issue during and after the Vietnam War. Even the civil-rights movement kept this culturally explosive matter at arm’s distance.
It was, of course, an explicit tactic of the Communist party to stir up discontent among American blacks, with an eye toward using them as the leading edge of the revolution. To be sure, there was much to be discontented about, for black Americans, prior to the civil-rights revolution. To their credit, of course, most black Americans didn’t buy the commie line — and showed more faith in the possibilities of democratic change than in radical politics, and the results on display in Moscow.”
I knw that NR had turned into a shitbag, but I had no idea they had sunk to the point at which they are giving shitbags a bad name.
Wow, some days you think you have seen everything.
It doesn’t get much worse than this. They are about notch away from declaring that it’s time to protect our white women from this black buck.
Dug Jay
Are you saying that Obama’s mother was a communist or a Jew, or was it his father?
So, not only do they want to resurrect Regan, they want to dig up the undead corpse of McCarthy? What’s next, Hoover?!
Wow. I predict the next meme will be talk of riots in November.
Scott H
I grew up with as many, likely far more, mixed race kids than the moron that you read so that I do not have to (but you must quote to me nonetheless) – the offspring of these pairings were universally, one hundred per cent, the result of membership in… the US military.
The Grand Panjandrum
My very first thought when I read this excerpt.
Indeed. How could their possibly be any other explanation.
I guess we better hide all the white women if Obama gets elected.
Now worries. I got a bad feeling about the gutless Democrats in Congress. We may have to start a new party if they don’t grow a pair.
Billy K
Mother = Communist Jew
Father = Terrorist Infiltrator
Why are you people having such a hard time grasping this?
Billy K
Gotta get past the riots in August first.
You know, Obama’s father DID vanish into thin air – I think we need to get some UFO specialists in here – cause Kenya might actually be a code name for another planet or something!
That’s your story son, you stick to it.
dnA – I just read your blog post on this topic, and just wanted to re-post the passage you referenced – From Race Mixing: Black-White Marriage in Post War America, by Renee Christine Romano:
“Segregationist groups saw in integration not only a conspiracy by black elites who, as one newspaper charged, were all mulattoes who wanted everyone to look like them, but a much more dastardly plot by America’s enemies, the Communists, to undermine the nation’s strength and vitality. Leander Perez, the District Attorney and boss of Louisiana’s Plaquemines Parish who spearheaded resistance to integration in Louisiana, attacked Brown as a Communist plot to mix the races. As he saw it, the Communists sought to use the Supreme Court to destroy the public school system and ultimately white civilization.
“What would more lead to the destruction of this country than a mongrelized race? Perez asked. “How much resistance to the Communists would be offered by a mongrelized race?”. The White Sentinel, a white supremacist newspaper published out of St. Louis, called mongrelization of the white race Communisms’ “secret weapon,” while Robert Shelton, Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1950s, declared that “amalgamation is ultimately the goal of the Communist element…because it would weaken the morals of the people.”
Ah, here you go. Mom was an athiest and a ‘fellow traveller’. Interesting High School:
I know right? I mean it’s LITERALLY THE SAME SHIT.
They taught Mencken, Rand, and Orwell at her school? OBVIOUSLY evidence of a Stalinist plot
Whoa f-in’ Nelly.
“Even the civil-rights movement kept this culturally explosive matter at arm’s distance.”
Uh, yeah, that’s because the civil rights movement wasn’t explicitly in favor of integration at the household level. Big on the house-by-house thing, not so big on the interracial relationships thing. It was almost as big a deal that Bayard Rustin got caught with a white person as it was that the white person in question was, uh, male in persuasion. Loving was brought by a family that couldn’t afford to move to a state in which it was legal to rent them a house, not by the NAACP.
What a maroon. I also grew up with many children of mixed-race marriages. However, the organization in which these rebellious, cultural-elite parents met was the US military, not the Spartacus Youth League. Does my anecdote cancel hers?
Come on people, it’s so obvious. Without the Communist invasion of Afghanistan, there would be no Osama bin Laden. Osama…errr, Barack Obama…is a Communist. Therefore, without Barack Obama there would be no Osama bin Laden.
Hold, on, the commies were there too:
Mom went by ‘Stanley’
Anyone who would attend a Unitarian church is a Stalinist.
eric jung
someone should post that corner article over at hillaryis44 and taylormarsh, see if there is any “positive” reaction to it. that would be truly embarassing.
Kirk Spencer
Yes, Lisa, your experience with New York friends is OBVIOUSLY applicable to Hawaii. Why, everyone knows the population, culture, and climate are almost a perfect match.
The National Review is now officially the post-ironic Onion of the 21st Century.
Between Mark Steyn and his fever dreams of Islamic conquest, Doughy Pantload and his smiley face Hitler and now this, how can the National Review be taken seriously as anything but parody?
Oh no no dnA, it’s totally different. As Jag quotes above:
It’s not racist at all!!! It’s was a communist plot. Everyone knows that
What we really need to find out: where was Michelle Obama the night Vince Foster was shot?
Even worse, Barack Obama is known to have, not one, but TWO BLACK BABIES, which is a noted symptom of communism.
They did. Rambo and Reagan killed them all. Commie Pinkos only collectively live in the dark, nether regions of our innermost psychological fears.
Don’t forget, since Obama has a white mother, his marriage to Michelle could be seen by some as interracial.
A clear and present sign that Obama is in fact, redder than the blood coming out of Jonah Goldberg’s nose after snorting an eight ball of cheeto dust.
She means in her neighborhood?
For starters, I’d like to know what kind of countertops he grew up with.
John’s old favorite, Ken Layne, covered Baracks antichrist connections.
Google is only up to 185000 hits on that.
lone wolf
Miscegenation = communism.
That must be the repression that comes out from being a closet socialist with jungle fever while writing for a lily white, extreme right publication.
Or does John simply pay these people to write his blog for him? He just adds the “Can you believe this shit”, a link, and another lame excuse for not drinking.
And then he’s back on the beach, I’ll bet.
Why go to all of this trouble?
His mom married two men of Muslim heritage. Obama lived in Indonesia. His middle name comes from Mohammad’s grandson.
I get it – he’s an Islamocommunist. Or if you listen to Jonah Goldberg, he can still be an Islamofacist since facism is product of the left.
either way, he’s still bla…er, too liberal.
Liberal Masochist
eric jung Says:
“someone should post that corner article over at hillaryis44 and taylormarsh, see if there is any “positive” reaction to it. that would be truly embarassing.”
I tried, but that site is such crap (never gone before), I couldn’t figure out where. All of the pages are “under construction” even the “Why not Obama?” page. Lots of Donate buttons though…
lone wolf
I almost forgot that I had a whole series of classmates in high school. “C” trackers they were. Their mothers had weak genes and the fathers were entirely blue collar anti-semitic racists, many worked at the local brewery.
And now they write for the National Enquirer Review.
John Spragge
Ms. Schiffren obviously hasn’t read your constitution lately.
In other words, eve if Obama’s parents belonged to the CPUSA and passed atomic and other state secrets to the Russians, the US Constitution explicitly states that has no eddect on his fitness for office.
When you have to fall back on arguments the framers of your constitution explicitly considered and rejected, you can confidently assume you have reached the bottom of the barrel, and really run out of ideas.
But what about 1959? Was it okay for a Jewish woman to marry a Black man in 1959 and it NOT be a Commie plot?
More from Schiffren:
Schiffren seems to have no idea where the modern usage of of the term “political correctness” has come from. On the left? Pure irony. On the right? Straw man attacks on liberalism.
Other than that, she also doesn’t seem to recognize how offensive this suggestion is. I’d be very irritated if someone started speculating about why my parents, of different races, got married. I wonder how she’d feel if the mainstream media called up her parents to ask questions?
lone wolf
1959 was a very good year,
For horny Communist Jewesses who lived in the Village,
and black stud communists who delayed insurrections,
cause they were too tired to pillage,
When it was 1959, it was a very good year.
Mercer Island? Oh, lord. jcricket, HerperIon, and several of us will recognize MI.
They’re got now, as they had then, absolutely awesome schools, very expensive houses, and nothing Commie about them. At all.
I don’t see what everyone else is so upset about. My parents only had children as part of the Whig political revival of 1980.
So does this mean that Obama’s marrying a black woman indicates a rejection of
I’ve always wondered about that and given your newfound prominence on this blog, I think it’s time we started looking into it.
And doesn’t RSA sound like a nonstandard Cyrillic-to-Roman rendering of KGB?
Elvis Elvisberg
Dead seriously, her attitude reminds me of Maoists around the time of the Cultural Revolution in China. If your grandfather had been a landowner, you were automatically suspect.
Frankly, that made more sense than this. This is based purely on conjecture about the race of the guy’s parents, rather than a more plausible, “maybe he doesn’t like us because we seized his land and murdered/exiled his family” line of the Maoists.
People with granite countertops shouldn’t throw stones. I’m just sayin’.
You’re so right. better dead than red, after all.
Here is another nugget from the same article in NRO:
“I don’t know how Barak Obama’s parents met. But the Kincaid article referenced above makes a very convincing case that Obama’s family, later, (mid 1970s) in Hawaii, had close relations with a known black Communist intellectual. And, according to what Obama wrote in his first autobiography, the man in question — Frank Marshall Davis — appears to have been Barack’s own mentor, and even a father figure. Of course, since the Soviet Union itself no longer exists, it’s an open question what it means practically to have been politically mentored by an official Communist. Ideologically, the implications are clearer.”
Ohhh … yes. The implications are getting clearer, all right.
To be fair, I was a Marxist when I was 13. But I think that had more to do with my being 13, than being the product of an interracial marriage Communist plot.
why didn’t the strikethru work!
Since Lisa Schiffren has set herself up as the “control group” for this little social experiment, that means we’re going to have to dig into her family’s past and publicize all of those discoveries in order to understand what would be normal.
I bet the countertops are black flecked with white, representing the absorption of the white race into the Black Master Culture.
Steve M
Just as an aside, I’m no apologist for NRO, but Andrew Stuttaford followed up this genius’ post with a comment basically telling her how insane that would be and how absurb a proposal it is.
I thought it represented the domination of the white elites over the dark masses.
J. Michael Neal
National Review
Brown v Board of Education: Against
Civil Rights Act: Against
Voting Rights Act: Against
Loving v Virginia: Against
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Against
Why change a winning strategy?
I’ve been in Hawai’i for a month now, and near as I can figure it’s illegal to marry and breed with someone of the same race. Well, let’s just say, it’s just not done. This place is a veritable rainbow of Asian egg drop and Polynesian soup in which I am drifting outsider speck of uninteresting white. This appears to have been the situation for a hundred years or more, a pattern no sane person could apply to the any other place in the U.S.
I see a few newcomers who came with a spouse who seem to get a bye but perhaps with the expectation that they will divorce soon and properly breed with someone not of their country.
You think I exaggerate… next time you are in Waikiki, take a 5 block walk uphill and see the long-term residents. You’ll know you’re there because you will have reached an area where people are 5% underweight, rather than 50% over.
Dug Jay
This item seems a bit odd coming as it does on the heels of that other media story on Obama attending a madrassa in Libya in his youth and early teenage years.
Just google “Pelosi” or “Reid” and you’ll be back to John Cole, plus three, in no time.
zoe kentucky
Obama’s parents were Islamocommies!!! ROFLMAO
As funny as that is we shouldn’t repeat it to often or “Liberal Islamocommies” will be the title of Doughy Pantload’s next book.
If it’s Hawai’i we’re talking as formative years forget the communism. It’s just ignorance to even suggest it. Royal secessionist would be more likely if you were looking for locally appropriate controversial revolutionary fringe politics.
20 years too late and at least 7 months early to be playing the commie card. I read dipshittery like that and feel a sense of relief that what we are going to be up against is ‘commie’ accusations that 72% of the country will just roll their eyes at.
Roger the Rocket
Schiffren’s in trouble. She’s calling Obama a Commie while her boss is busy proving he’s a fascist.
Wow, my dear late friend would be so surprised to hear that she – a blonde German-Catholic girl from Long Island – married her black husband back in ’61 because they were secretly COMMIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She always told me they just fell in love.
Wow, I haven’t heard that one since coming across some of Mom’s old Dan Smoot reports.
What’s wrong with that? What do we really know about this guy? Not much. He’s all talk and no substance.
It’s interesting that you ignored the story that prompted Schiffren to write her post at The Corner: the fact that Obambi‘s mentor was a hard-core member of the Communist party.
How “honest” of you.
It’s clear that B.O. is a far-left socialist, but shouldn’t we find out if he’s also a closet communist? It’s a pity that while Cuba may be finally moving away from communism that we may be moving closer to that failed ideology.
Well, the Lovings *were* Communist…
You are in for a long year, amigo.
My dad was a Northern ethnic Catholic Liberal Democrat who married a Texas Southern Belle…..I used to think that it was because they met during the war and fell in love….afte reading this I know better… Dad was trying to turn Texas into a Blue State……opps…I forgot…in 1945…Texas was a Blue State…or was it Yellow Dog?…..this should be investigated before I announce in 2012…
I’m really afraid the smear machine may be peaking too early. I mean, when you’ve already accused the guy of being a gay plagiarizing Muslim commie crack addict, what else is left?
I guess there’s always the Antichrist thing, but ideally you’d save that until just before the election.
Oh no! Scary far-left socialist! Don’t you realize that applying socialist and communist to people who are clearly not only makes the words have that much less of an impact? It is clear that your idea of a far-left socialist it not inline with reality, let alone the perceptions of the country.
Peter VE
It’s interesting that you ignored the story that prompted Schiffren to write her post at The Corner: the fact that Obambi’s mentor was a hard-core member of the Communist party.
And since Bill Kristol’s father was a proud member of the Fourth International, he definitely needs a thorough vetting before he can approach the halls of power… After all, since he is the archetypal Red Diaper baby, he should have to prove his real father wasn’t black.
Now, that last line was leap worthy of the Corner! J-Lo, can I get me some of that wingnut welfare?
All of the dopes at the Corner are complete asshats, but the women there are particularly empty-headed. K-Lo’s masturbatory fantasies about her latest man-crush are devoid of any intellectual heft, and Ms. Schiffren is world renowned for her idiotic posts. Add in Kate O’Bierne and Mona Charon, and you have the 4 Horsewomen who are about as stupid as one can be and still not qualify for special ed.
You may be on to something. According to some white supremacists Jewish people brought Africans to Earth from another planet for the express purpose of terrorizing white people.
Let’s worry about that when Kristol (or his dad) runs for President, Pete.
Good God. Do you think she knows how to click a mouse?
Aye yai yai! No, it’s CLEARLY delusional to believe that. Here are some choice selections from the platform for the USA socialists. BTW, they sound crazy, but these labor laws are in place in Europe, I’ve run into them personally. Have you heard Obama mention ANY of these suggestions? No. Told ya.
—Man, this goes on and on… Imagine more of the same, twice as long.
My emphasis
I’ll give you that Obama sounds socialist on NAFTA, but calling him “far” left on one point is just a stretch, but keep stretching, eventually you’ll pull something and we can laugh at you even more.
Psychoboy, it’s amazing you can write a post without shitting yourself.
I especially like the reference to Barry Hussein Osama. Classy, and subtle, too.
I’m also sure that you and other Rush Limbites will be all over this “scandal.” I look forward to your in-depth investigative reporting about the Manchurian Candidate.
Truly, you are a comedy goldmine, and a pathetic piece of scum.
Anyone wanna take a guess what this means?
I think it’s a quote from the future, questioning the circumstances under which love bloomed between Psycheout and Tyler Marsh.
You should see the rant Psycheout posted on his blog against women’s suffrage
I got there from the link he helpfully supplied about Obama and the hard-core Communists.
I never realized what a total and complete lunatic troll this guy is. He’s beyond pathetic.
Tara the anti-social social worker
“Before readers level cheap accusations of racism…”
By all means, no leveling of cheap accusations against the woman who’s throwing around random accusations of communism!
You asshole, there’s not enough beer in the world to erase that mental image now!
Definitely not natural.
Possibly he’s an apprentice Jesus’ General.
Um, how’s that? Researching this stuff is my hobby, and–while I don’t know what else they might have said about it–I know that when the Loving decision came down the National Review wrote (in its article discussing the 1967 SCOTUS term in general):
Same with my high school in Orange County, California. Who knew?
Incredible! Reminds me of a deathless quote attributed to Hitler in the hoary old TV mini-series, The Winds of War: “America is a mongrel nation, filled with n*ggers, and Jews!”
I still can’t believe this odious column ever saw the light of day. Wow, just wow.
Reverend Spooner
Well, to be fair, his buddy Sisyphus posted that.
Sisyphus is also the one who wrote that NASA is a hoax. And that gorilla extinction is a good thing because it will prevent scientists from trying to prove Darwin right by having sex with gorillas. He’s kind of like Psycheout’s idiot half-wit brother. Psycheout clearly wants to lock him in the attic and pretend he doesn’t exist, but Sisyphus keeps breaking out and frightening the neighborhood children.
How can anyone forget Sisyphus’ most famous single contribution to American letters, Atheism is an Atheist Doctrine.
I think you meant Heliocentrism there, demi. Although your version would be funny too.
John Barleycorn
American corporations seem to have no problem selling us out to Communist China , if communism is good enough for business it’s good enough for me ! Support communism , buy Chinese .
How does Obama being a commie mitigate the fact that McCain fathered two black children out of wedlock?
Let it be said that nobody can accuse The National Review of flip-flopping on civil rights.
Joe Max
Oh, you mean “Mary”?
If they dig up Hoover’s corpse, will it be dressed in fishnet stockings and CFM pumps?
Um, no, I don’t think they really want to exhume THAT particular legend.
Jesus, that’s a weird list. You probably couldn’t get Dennis Kucinich to advocate more than half of those. Some of those I’d be all for, and some others I sympathize with but I’d would want a lot more detail before supporting anything. But “We call for … a maximum income of no more than ten times the minimum”? Wow.
And yet, several of those really do work in European countries. Huh.
My history professor was an African immigrant who did his graduate studies in Iowa during the late 50s/early 60s. COMMUNIST!
J. A. Baker
Too late. Jonah Goldberg’s already got that angle covered:
As a poster on the “Too Sense” link observed, it’s pathetic how much of the right-wing philosophy boils down to the Purity of Essence and the protection of our (male) Precious Bodily Fluids. Betcha Obama’s Mama brushed with Fluoride!
TRANSLATION: Obama’s throbbing ebony missile will impregnate your daughter with commie subversion!!!
Yes, if you vote for this savage, your wife and children will soon find themselves trapped in the harem of a lust-razed Democrat Black Panther!!!
Stop Obama NOW before you discover your underage daughter and your wife getting passed around in a psychedelic orgy with priapic nubians while reciting Marx’s Das Kapital and pledging allegiance to Che Guevara!
One thing you have to say for the Repubs, they’re making satire impossible…
In the middle of Sisyphus’ rant he inexplicably takes a shot at Bushes “other” wife:
“The truth finally bubbles out: Women are far too busy shopping for shoes to focus on decent governance.”
Didn’t want to sully myself with a search for sentiments about elevating Ms. Rice to the VP spot (or some other form of Condi worship) but I’d bet it’s there somewhere.
And how had these two come together at a time when it was neither natural nor easy for such relationships to flourish?
See what happened in the 1960’s was that “nature” changed, and things that were completely “unnatural” prior to a certain date, became completely “natural”.
Has anyone started doing research into which of these communist organizations were operating in Kansas in the late 50’s?
Has anyone started researching how many mixed-race kids Ms. Schiffren went to school with, and whether or not they are communists?
I don’t think stories from the upper-west side play well in Kansas, but then again, nobody reads this crap anyway.
sophie brown
In 1959 my mother-in-law, a young blonde from Missouri, married my father-in-law, a surly though well educated Chinese man from Kalihi on the Island of Hawaii. Intermarriage wasn’t quite the staple it became a decade later, it was still quite common. Schiffren could not be a bigger fool.
Well geeze, since his mother moved away at age 12, they better move it back to the early 50s.
Plus you were in the military. Not being a republican means you hate the military so its harder for you guy to let go.
Okay, I’ve gone back to that link, and I’ve found new evidence. This is all a hoax site, like Landover Baptist. They’re linking to anti-heliocentric t-shirts from Cafe-Press
Can it be that Psycheout is a fake troll?
Reverend Spooner
I like the g-string. The clock’s pretty cool, too.