I find it thoroughly depressing that this is one of the leading lights of the right:
He is so full of it he can’t even keep wipe that shit-eating grin off his face. Where do they find these people. Who votes for them? Why?
by John Cole| 62 Comments
This post is in: Republican Stupidity
I find it thoroughly depressing that this is one of the leading lights of the right:
He is so full of it he can’t even keep wipe that shit-eating grin off his face. Where do they find these people. Who votes for them? Why?
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[…] Thanks to John Cole at Balloon Juice for the video. […]
[…] Jack Kingston. Abrams: But you see my point. I had no idea you were going to show up without a lapel pin, but it seems kind of absurd that you’re saying that Barack Obama’s patriotism should be questioned because he’s not wearing a lapel pin and then you come on the show not wearing one. […]
get some brains, kingston!
Welcome to another episode of: “John Cole’s Head Asplodes”
Kingston makes his way onto Bill Maher at least once a season where he is able to demonstrate true conviction even as he is wrong about virtually everything he talks about.
Where do they find these people? These are the true believers who are too friggin’ stupid to realize just how stupid they are.
Who votes for them? The same people who vote for Saxby Chambliss instead of Max Cleland.
Exactly. All you gotta know is he’s from Georgia.
Kingston makes Rep. Eric Cantor look like a founding member of Mensa.
And that’s saying a whole lot.
Kingston represents Georgia’s 1st District, which runs from the suburbs south of Savannah down to the border with the Florida panhandle — or, simply put, a big sea of white rednecks extending from dumb to dumber.
Remember when I said this would be amusing? I take it back. I am exhusted already. I think they plan to just beat us over the head with nothing but garbage until we vote for McCain just to shut them up.
But Kingston, that’s some world class level stupid and I’m sure there were people from his district watching, nodding their heads and yelling at the screen “You tell ’em, Jack!”
Kingston on comments questioning someone’s patriotism: “you call them attacks, I see them as a little banter going back and fourth.”
Insinuating that someone is a traitor is not “banter” and it’s not a fucking joke, Kingston. It was not a joke when the GOP was lying it’s way into a war that killed thousands of Americans, it’s not “banter” now.
What the hell is wrong with these people?
Goddamnit I hate this smear.
Dan Abrams, trying to defend Obama on this attack makes the very mistake that the attack was designed to force. He says “didn’t put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance” Go replay it.
It wasn’t the pledge, it was the national anthem, and even though the smear shifted from the pledge to the national anthem, people – even good people – keep picking up the pledge thing, so it stays out there. Its media phishing – don’t notice that the O is really a 0 and just plow on through…
His district went 66% for Bush in 2004. If a district is overwhelmingly Republican, it’s much more likely that it will elect a House member who’s stupid or corrupt or both. (Actually the same is probably true of overwhelmingly Democratic districts.)
Senators are harder to explain.
I noticed that too, Martin. Plus Kingston said Obama refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Where’d that come from? These smears are constantly mutating.
Unlike Michelle Obama, it makes me really proud of America to see that the functionally retarded can achieve such lofty positions as Congressman.
Ah yes,
Right. Not wearing a lapel pin, not putting a hand over the heart during the National Anthem, wearing some traditional outfit, etc. is only an issue because the “left” is hypersensitive.
After blowing the dog whistle
“What? What whistle? I just put this shiny thing up to my lips. Look how sensitive the crazy left is about everything!”
How much intelligence does it take to realize that if you’re going to smear someone as unpatriotic for not wearing a flag pin it’s a good idea to make sure you’re wearing one yourself?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Don’t worry Andrew. There are plenty of ‘tards out there living really kick ass lives. My first wife was ‘tarded. She’s a pilot now.
All of the banter about that stupid fuckin’ lapel pin made me think of the ribbon.
Unfortunately the statement that (and I’m paraphrasing) “Everyone from city mayors all the way up to the President wears lapel pins” completely undermines the assertion that one must wear said lapel pins to be patriotic.
Unless, of course, one thinks patriotism is all about symbology.
I hope they have a “good time watchin’ it” when the democrats rape them in the elections this fall. Maybe some time in the wilderness will make them rethink their entirely fucking scurrilous tactics. Sickening.
I wonder if it hurts being that stupid?
You mean ‘Moran’, right? Let’s put the insult in terms they can understand.
I remember Kingston and some other North Carolina representative on Hardball when the Larry Craig stuff was going down and they kept insisting the page scandal may have come from the DNC and Nancy Polosi. They couldn’t prove it, but that didn’t matter. That was the strategy then and it will be during the next 7 months: throw things against the wall and insist that there isn’t a way to disprove what they are saying and continue to repeat until it becomes part of the lexicon.
John McCain, Today:
Does he not realize that if you just change two words in that sentence you have exactly what we were all screaming five years ago?
Okay, its close to 5pm. I just channel surfed through the Cable news and every channel has teh stupid on. You got Bay Buchanan saying that Obama has “Muslim in his blood”. You got that fat headed idiot Cavuto on Fox and some woman on MSNBC asking how Obama can possibly hope to stand up to War Hero, John McCain, and really how could anybody do that?
Please make it stop.
I couldn’t finish, my ears started bleeding. Obama and McCain are running for “number one cheerleader”??? Maybe Kingston majored in it.
Patrick McHenry. There are four of them that the far right screamers just luv, Kingston, McHenry, Cantor, and that Howdy-Doody looking Nimrod, Adam Putnam(R-FL)
There’s that fag talk we talked about again.
The Grand Panjandrum
Is the fact that this numb nuts married his sister an issue? It should be. The guy is a fucking sleaze ball for marrying his sister, but I guess he’s following mom and dad’s example. Kingston’s definitely a family values guy.
Truthiness hurts. But it is, what it is.
(Retches.) Reminds me of the “one drop” rule.
The rising stars of the Republican Party, ladies and gentlemen.
Four assholes with a combined IQ hovering around room temperature.
Davis X. Machina
Who votes for them? Why?
So that we’ll get to keep our gunsSo that at Jesus’ name every knee shall bendSo that foreigners will see our might and trembleSo that fags, and women, and liberals, and coloreds, will know their placeSo that all change will stop now, forever
And the best part is, all you have to do is promise these things — no one expects you to actually deliver.
The Other Steve
Interesting article on subprime
A pithy rejoinder:
“Could you point out to me the minimum flair requirement for president in the constitution? It appears you have met your quota with you lapel pin, red tie, and shit eating grin. Are you saying that if I put this 40 cent pin made in china onto my suit I will have reached the minimum bling level required to hold office?”
Chris Johnson
It would’ve been nice if the guy had just shut him off right there… “I see YOU do not have a lapel pin on, so by your own argument, we needn’t hear any more from you *click* alright, next caller!”
I hate it when Bill Maher ruins his show by having these asshats on…
Randy G
What can we do to spread the meme that the south should try again with what they couldn’t achieve from 1860-1865. Let these dimwits rule their own little fiefdoms and see how long they last… sounds pretty Pareto optimal to me.
When the only wingers you can get are Kingston or Illeana Ros-Lehtinen…
You do late night comedy with the wingers you have, not the wingers you wish you had.
I wonder if being that stupid is like being high all the time.
I grew up in Kingston’s district. Believe it or not, before all the Northern Goopers moved to the islands and polluted the body politic, things were not so dire. All we need now is a well-aimed category 4-5 hurricane and things will return to normal. In the mean time, Kingston is a dumbass.
No one can be that stupid and still walk and talk. I’m trying to imagine what it’s like being that big a tool. It’s like volunteering for the Borg.
Why the surprise? The GOP has had the vicious-stupid bloc wrapped up for my entire life. It was the core of blessed Saint Ronnie’s coalition.
Here’s my take on the Kingston thing:
these people want you to believe two incongruous things. One is that there is a serious war on against dangerous enemies, and only serious people can be taken seriously.
Two is that we should sit around and talk about lapel pins.
Anyone who can’t see that these people are just fucking with us doesn’t have enough sense to make a proper citizenship decision, and we should forget them. We should focus on the voters who have the ability to hold a thought.
Barack Obama is a serious guy. He knows that the war on terror is not going to be won with lapel pins. I am not sure that John McPain’s base knows that. Fine with me. They are going to lose big time this year.
Oh, and who thinks this Kingston guy is anything more than a juggler sent out to entertain the hicks? A “leading light?” Please.
Coughs politely and points John towards a mirror.
I suspect you can answer that better then us.
You did vote for them twice and only came to your senses afterwards.
“That’s not enough, we need a majority!”
I know !
At least he corrected it toward the end. And thank God, finally pointed out the obvious:
John McCain doesn’t wear a lapel pin.
In fact, no GOP candidate except Giulianni made a habit of wearing one. Fred only did sometimes.
I found it unbelievable that Maher did not call this Kingston guy on his BS. They don’t show the part where he insisted that Obama “deliberately put his hands down” during the pledge of allegiance. Bill’ response: ummm … ?
And Obama doesn’t “refuse” to wear a pin. It’s just not his style. I bet if they asked McCain or any of the others why they don’t wear one they’d get a similar answer (if they were being honest). Then they could say McCain REFUSES to wear one !!!!!
God, I just want to scream at these idiots.
Okay, here we have it. McCain’s convoluted, condescending, insulting reason for REFUSING to wear a lapel pin:
And anyway, what’s so “convoluted” about this?
YOU voted for these people until recently. What the fuck were you ever thinking?
It is against the flag etiquette code to wear the flag as an item of clothing or jewelry. EVERYONE who wears a flag lapel pin is guilty of flag desecration. That goes for the antenna flags, too. Patriots. RIIIIIIIIGGGHHHHT.
Johnny Pez
In a better world, it would.
Being that stupid is probably a lot like a person who’s freezing to death and feels no pain, almost pleasant really, UNLESS someone finds them in time and brings them inside to warmth. THEN it hurts like hell as their flesh begins to awaken.
I think the moment it begins to dawn on one of these tards just what a total idiot and fool they sound like to anyone not just as stupid as they were, must be a colossaly uncomfortable, dissonant feeling. Which is part of why lots of them are so close-mindedly resistant to any possibility of enlightenment. They fear their world view would fall apart, and their head might explode if they allowed even a tiny opening.
In a perfect world, it would automatically be fatal.
Joe Max
I just saw the South Park episode where Cartman goes around campaigning against the evil red-haired “ginger kids”, then suddenly becomes one himself. His pals say, “Cartman, don’t you see the irony – you put down the ginger kids and now you are one?”
“No Kyle, I don’t see any irony in that at all.”
*smack head on desk*
Actually, there’s an exception for flag pins:
Georgia Pig
I spend a good bit of time in Kingston’s district. Those of you talking about a sea of rednecks and casting aspersions about Georgia don’t understand rednecks or Georgia too well. The rednecks in Kingston’s district are struggling, and I would bet that most of them don’t vote at all. Kingston’s base is mostly sleazy real estate developers and angry old retired farts that have American flags plastered all over their cars, golf carts and anything else with a suitably smooth surface. Many of them moved to coastal Georgia from New Jersey, and they are in the process of fucking up one of the last un-fucked-up areas on the east coast. This bullshit plays to that base. He’s a first class prick.
zuzu, that reference to the lapel pin is an addition. I don’t know when, but the source says revised 2003, so I don’t know when it was added. The flag code I read growing up didn’t mention the lapel pins, which came into use in the Watergate hearings to indicate support for Nixon. The flag lapel pin is desecration. It’s bullshit. It’s like Virginia Whatsername, the permanent Merv Griffin guest who criticized Abbie Hoffman for wearing a star spangled costume while she was wearing a star spangled costume. I suspect the lapel pin was quietly added so it would be ok to desecrate the flag the way they want. Jingoistic bullshit. Plus, the flag patch thing applies to UNIFORMS, not civilian attire. None of these flag wearers are VFW or American Legion members (since republican politicians don’t serve in the military)so the “patriotic organization” dodge doesn’t really apply. These people are bullshit. Don’t make excuses for them.
Why come you don’t have a tattoo?
pseudonymous in nc
Throw in Congressman Marsha Blackburn (she calls herself that), another moran who seems compelled to appear on teevee as much as possible to show the nation how dumb she is.
Okay, I realize I’m revealing myself as a total schoolmarm here.
Looked at the history for the section, and don’t see where it says it was revised in 2003, but I see that the section was added in 1998.
Actually, it was just a recodification, moving 36 USC Sec. 176 over to 4 USC Sec. 8.
Looks like the original paragraph (j), including the lapel pin stuff, was added to the section in 1976:
Pars. (j), (k). Pub. L. 94-344, Sec. 1(16), added par. (j) and redesignated former par. (j) as (k).
36 USC Sec. 176
So yeah, wouldn’t surprise me if the whole “no wearing the flag” thing was a left over Nixon-era stuff.
Here’s an interesting tidbit about that Abbie Hoffman TV appearance. Apparently the producers masked out Hoffman’s shirt so it couldn’t be seen – but ran a fast food commercial with Roy Rogers wearing the same shirt.
Of course (former) Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Richard Myers wore the same shirt more recently:
I agree how silly the whole thing is. I mean after all, isn’t using a flag stamp a violation of 4 USC Sec. 8(i), which says, “It should not be . . . printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard.”
Greg M.
There was a great article on Patrick McHenry in the New Republic a couple years back which pointed out that he was a rising star in the GOP precisely because of his willingness to say *anything*–including, in his own deranged way, to try to blame the Mark Foley scandal on the Democrats.
But Kingston is beyond that. I don’t want to activate Godwin’s law, but he’s one of the only human beings in public life I’ve ever observed who I suspect would not only have been a Nazi, but would have *liked* being a Nazi. He’s sociopathic–just look at him here. Or in this video, getting badly beaten by Robert Greenwald:
This is what McCarthy was like, folks.