Hillary does her Red State impression:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a wide-ranging interview today with Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reporters and editors, said she would have left her church if her pastor made the sort of inflammatory remarks Sen. Barack Obama’s former pastor made.
“He would not have been my pastor,” Clinton said. “You don’t choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend.”
Obama’s lead in national polls has slipped since clips of the retired Rev. Jeremiah Wright began being played on national news programs. The uproar prompted Obama to give a wide-ranging speech on race in America a week ago. The Clinton campaign has refrained from getting involved in the controversy, but Clinton herself, responding to a question, denounced what she said was “hate speech.”
“You know, I spoke out against Don Imus (who was fired from his radio and television shows after making racially insensitive remarks), saying that hate speech was unacceptable in any setting, and I believe that,” Clinton said. “I just think you have to speak out against that. You certainly have to do that, if not explicitly, then implicitly by getting up and moving.”
Is there really any doubt that Hillary will do anything she can to destroy Obama so she can win? Any at all? What an asshole.
*** Update ***
Allahpundit is having fun:
Update: Ohhhh, Hillary.
On saying last week that she landed under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia in 1996, when she was first lady:
“I was sleep-deprived, and I misspoke.”
Update: Your question of the day, via commenter OhEssYouCowboys: “Wouldn’t sleep deprivation come into play at 3:00 a.m.?”
*** Update #2 ***
Let’s channel Hillary and the Republicans when she said this:
“You don’t choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend.”
*** Update #3 ***
Steve Benen:
This may sound cynical, but my guess is that media interest in Clinton’s debunked Bosnia story had become too great a distraction. The controversy (and damaging videos) undermined Clinton on two fronts — credibility and national security experience — both of which are of critical significance.
So, how better to change the subject that to revive the Jeremiah Wright story with brand new criticism?
Clinton has been offered repeated chances to comment on the Wright controversy for three weeks. She’s not only declined, she’s avoided saying a single word. Today, all of a sudden, Clinton has all kinds of concerns she’s anxious to share. What a remarkable coincidence.
What’s more, we now have a situation in which John McCain defended Obama against Wright-related charges, and Mike Huckabee defended Obama, but Hillary Clinton sat down with editors of a conservative newspaper to reignite a fire that had already largely gone out.
Less than a week ago, former Mondale campaign manager Bob Beckel said, “Many liberals like myself, who would be happy to support Hillary Clinton if she earned the nomination, would abandon her if her campaign seeks to exploit the Wright controversy either in the remaining contests or with superdelegates.”
Now, it appears she’s doing both. I’d hoped Clinton was above this.
Pretty much.
But John Hagee and Rod Paisley are cool amirite Hill?
This is gamble that shows how desperate she is. She’ll give up the African American vote completely to appeal to blue collar voters in PA. That would be a pyrrhic victory. If she won the nomination she’d need the black vote, but with tactics like this turnout would be lacking.
The Other Steve
Writing this from my parents basement under heavy sniper fire.
This has got to end soon.
What’s worst at 3:00 a.m.; a sleep deprived president or a cranky old president?
Reject both and pick the magic unity pony instead :)
Paul L.
Hillary is stealing Obama’s talking point.
His is more long-winded in a Glenn Greenwald sort of way.
And more progressives defending the Ohio Loyalty oath proving Allahpundit’s challenge.
Don’t worry, John! Harry Reid has a plan to fix everything.
BH Buck
I would love to hear her asked that question, live.
You’ve got it wrong, John. She’s not trying to destroy Obama so she can win. She has to know that that’s impossible now. She’s trying to destroy Obama so that he’ll lose to McCain in November.
This is all about 2012 now.
Jn, God I hope someone steps in a puts this thing to bed. I hope things really are “being done.”
John Cole
Dan Abrams is a liberal now? Missed that memo.
You know who is responsible for the Ohio election laws? The Ohio legislature. Not, as you or allah assume, the Democratic party. Not that this matters to you.
Perry Como
I’ll bring my Tonka trucks over to provide cover for you.
Dear Mrs. Clinton,
Sometimes it’s better to just say you were wrong. I know it goes against your nature, but continuing to spin gets you in more trouble. Losing a small battle isn’t always the worst thing.
BH Buck
jn, hilarious!
Maybe Harry is suffering from so sleep deprivation himself?
Paul your blog gave me a seizure. Seriously what’s with the colors?
Clinton must realize that, in order to demonstrate that she can beat John McCain, she must throw some punches at McCain. And that the press isn’t going to be much interested in any punches thrown at McCain if she throws punches at Obama. It’s not fair, but that’s the position that she finds herself in.
Maybe the Mayans were right?
More zombie lies. This place is turning into Red State or freeperville. I smell the stench of right-wing meme.
From Turkana:
The truly sad thing here is: Had Hilary adopted a campaign of never going negative, Obama would have easily done the same. They could still counter each other, be aggressive in their approaches to being President, but basically, had Hilary not taken this route, one thing would have been guaranteed:
One of them would be the President, the other the VP. Four to eight years from now, once one was done and had they corrected all the wrongs we are suffering through, the other would be an easy walk into the executive branch.
But by taking the route she has, she’s effectively on the path to destroy any hope of Democratic control for some time to correct everything. Who cares which one is first? Both of them would have gone down in the history books as the first female and first black president. But she didn’t and she has now tarnished both her hopes for power and being the first female president, and is on the verge of destroying the Dem party by being so divisive in her campaign.
The Clintons are done. This country now needs to wash our hands of both the Bush and Clinton families. The sooner we do, the sooner we can get back to fixing things.
Paul L.
Jeralyn Merritt of Talkleft is a liberal and she agrees with Dan.
John… is myiq’s IP address the same as Darrell’s? I swear… the more I read this tool, the more he sounds exactly like Darrell. Same false arguments, same bullshit talking points (only from the other side this time), same intellectually dishonest appraoch to any conversation.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Per usual, Myx skips the heavy lifting of proving any of the argument is, you know, correct.
Please to be explaining HOW HRC makes up the popular vote gap, which, since we’re playing for delegates, counts for fuck all anyway. I will accept any answer up to and including “Obama hit by meteorite” just to see where you are coming from.
Paul, you’ve resuscitated a talking point from last week (not a real interesting one, either, I must say), AND neglected to tie anything into Duke lacrosse. I’m disappointed, frankly.
But you have explained that two lines is “long-winded”, which is helpful. Remember how Bush didn’t even read the one-page summaries on Iraq that had been so painstakingly condensed for him? That was so funny!
I would like to address the Turkana post point by point
1) I couldn’t agree more. Pie really is delicious!
2) I guess blueberry pie is my favorite.
3) Yes indeed, I certainly love pie.
wingnuts to iraq
“Hillary Clinton can still win the popular vote” which is meaningless bullshit only thrown out in desperation by Team Clinton.
Do you think Hillary would care about MI and FL if the tables were turned? I think not.
Michael D.
Nice swipe at her family!!
Screw the eye-raping colors, where did you get that awesome sidebar widget? The one that displays the number of days since:
(In case you’re wondering, it’s 350 days as of today. Never forget!!)
That’s easy. Rush Limbaugh:
No one should pay any attention to the popular vote since we have hordes of Dittoheads voting for Hillary in order to fuck with the Democratic primary.
You don’t choose the rest of your family, but you do choose your spouse.
I wonder if Chelsea has ever thought this…
Chris Johnson
Since Hillary is a Dominionist and worships with Ashcroft and Rick Santorum, isn’t this kinda leading with your chin?
Ah, yes, the Transitive Property of Liberalism.
Dear Amereecans,
Ve vere indeed targeting Meeses Cleenton.
-Radovan Karadic(The Serbian war criminal with the white Heatmiser hair)
Hillary might book him an all-expenses-paid trip to the Tuzla airport. There’s no coming back from that.
I heard Joe Scarborough say the other day that the reason McCain didn’t know a Sunni from a Shia was because “he had not slept in 48 hours”
Somebody needs to give these bastards some Ambien.
Which doesn’t matter since delegates determine the nominee. Come on Myiq, you’re constantly referring to DNC rules, you know this.
This whole disenfranchisement bullshit really drives me up the wall. ALL of the campaigns including Hillary’s knew that the FL & MI delegates would not be seated. All agreed not to campaign in those states. In fact Hillary even blasted Obama about a national ad buy that reached into FL.
So just stop it with that bullshit.
I’m a pumpkin pie kind of guy myself. Best shit ever.
Post of the Motherfucking Day.
“Barack Obama’s apparently successful disenfranchisement of the voters of Florida and Michigan does not completely negate that possibility.”
Could someone please explain WTvery-merry-muthaF this is?
He single handedly set the dates for their primaries? He set the DNC rules before this thing started? He stopped people from voting in their won’t-count-anyway-talk-to-your-legislature primaries? WTF is this “disenfranchisement” bullshit?
My understanding is that he played by the rules, stood by the pledges he made with regard to the rules (unlike some others) and then said it was up to the states/DNC to figure out what they were going to do? This is “disenfranchisement?”
His campaign has brought in MORE NEW VOTERS than we’ve seen in this country in how long?
I feel for the people in MI and FL, I truly do, and I think they should get their do over, but DAMN this is NOT Obama’s fault, and Clinton and her supporters trying to say it is while they try to change the damned rules mid game doesn’t scream “character” to this voter.
Oh really? Can you please tell me what margins she needs in each of the remaining states? Then can you tell me how she is going to beat obama by 40 point in all of them? Hillary really is hoping for a dead girl, live boy.
The Other Steve
Does anybody know where I can buy an toy Humvee which is uparmored?
I’m concerned about IEDs next to the cat litter.
But, Leinie, the will of the voters is paramount! They shouldn’t suffer because of the DNC! They are the deciderers! Except of course if Hillary loses, in which case the will of the superdelegates is paramount.
Hey Jen, I don’t ever post, I lurk all the time, and I just say you and the regulars here? Damned entertaining, all of you.
And I didn’t used to be bugfuck crazy but the Clinton campaign is making me that way.
Sorry to intrude reality into MUPpet fairy tales, but Obama went negative first, has done it far more often and far nastier.
The Other Steve
Oh come on. When does pointing out that Hillary has fewer delegates qualify as going negative?
BH Buck
Shorter myiq: Obama bad, Hillary good.
(for those of you that didn’t know) *SNORT!*
Paul L.
Read my comment.
Even if Dan Abrams is not a Liberal. Jeralyn Merritt of Talkleft being a Liberal proves my point.
6 words (2 being I) vs. 30 words (3 being I) to say the same thing.
Can we have an open thread? I want to talk about how being on Battlestar Galactica saved Lucy Lawless from being Xena in perpetuity.
And, you can watch the last 5 BSG episodes from last season on Hulu.
Yeah, I know there’s an election coming up, but there is nothing in the world more important to me than my scifi. >:D
Myiq is a regular.
w vincentz
It’s time for the Obama campaign to show the 2002 C-Span video of the senator’s comments prior to authorize the invasion of Iraq. She echoed Bush talking points throughout.
Hey, myiq, can you give me the link to when Obama said that John McCain would be a better choice than Hillary?
Since BHO and HRC are both Democrats, and that comment of Hillary’s was the one that drove me from “I can support either of them” to “dammit, where’s my credit card, the MUP needs some money,” I need to see that link to properly evaluate the “far nastier” claim you’re making there.
The Other Steve
What does this have to do with the Duke Lacrosse team?
Check with some of the righty blogs. I imagine they have some left over from the Beauchamp affair.
Splitting Image
“What’s more, we now have a situation in which John McCain defended Obama against Wright-related charges, and Mike Huckabee defended Obama, but Hillary Clinton sat down with editors of a conservative newspaper to reignite a fire that had already largely gone out.”
The amusing thing is that Clinton doesn’t have a clue why the Republicans are avoiding the issue and isn’t taking the time to figure it out:
It’s because they know it’s a losing issue.
Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh can yap about it all they want, because they’re expendable. John McCain and Mike Huckabee are not. Neither is Newt Gingrich, who also declined an opportunity to go after Wright when Hannity gave him one.
The Republicans know that showing Wright’s sermons in their entirety will exonerate him, and if they spend six months going after an honourable if overexuberant Christian, their most important constituencies will turn on them like rabid dogs.
Clinton didn’t get the memo.
not going to.
is a troll.
is the point.
On that topic, you could win a bag o’ oats with the pony.
Fortunately, the 31st is payday. I’ve never won anything except for a baby chick in 5th grade. Who died. It’s my turn!
MyIq is a secret MUPpet assigned to ballon-juice to whip up lots of fund-raising for Obama. Why, I counted about 1250$ in contributions this week alone from the posters at BJ.
Hm. Seeing as you have yet to provide examples of how you think that Clinton can still win this thing, despite repeated requests for you to do so, I would probably be wasting my breath asking you to provide some actual proof to back up this most recent assertion, wouldn’t I?
Yeah. Thought so.
Actually, I’d say it’s because McCain & Co. don’t need to go there since Hillary is doing it for them.
She’s happy to do McCain’s dirty work if it means Obama loses in November. That’s her only goal now.
BH Buck
Not to mention what he does for the hit counter.
P. Luk is a closet republican fund-raising for McBush, Hillary’s favorite Prez Candidate in 2008.
That’d be cool. Man, I wish we had a political leader with whom I actually shared dinner. Our political leaders? The only food-related activity I wish to share with them is that of smacking them in the face with a half-thawed flounder.
I think I have said this before…but I will say it again. I can speak for at least 5 Florida voters that I know personally that would have all voted for Obama – but we were told it didn’t count.
Me, I’m a registered Independent. I have no desire to join a political party but I would have certainly made the jump (albeit temporarily) for him had WE HERE IN FLORIDA NOT BEEN TOLD IN ADVANCE THAT IT WAS GOING TO COUNT FOR ABSOLUTEFLY FUCKING NOTHING.
I will happily vote for him in the general given the opportunity.
This disenfranchisement argument is bullshit.
Just shut up, myiq.
The Grand Panjandrum
Possible good news on the campaign front:
If true, Harry Reid will have regained a bit of my respect after having a pretty lousy year in the Senate. But we shall see.
Horrors!!! You mean that devious bastard John Cole and myiq=0 are in cahoots? John Cole, we hardly knew ye!!!!
Not bad, myiq, but it’s going to take more than that to finally get Armando and Jeralyn to agree to a 3-way.
BH Buck
I think of myself as a denizen
Which explains why I haven’t been banned.
This would be the singularity for Things that Annoy Pooh:
Myx talking about the greatness that is the new BSG.
Hillary is trying to flog this story NOW?
It’s over. Obama’s recovered in the polls. The Speech worked, and now people are waking up about the hit job on the crazy reverend guy.
BH Buck
Hell, you should be paid!
Thanks, TGP. It kind of sounds like they’re going to have her whacked, though, doesn’t it?
Fixt – Don’t you wingers read your talking point memos?
Dude, there have been many before you who managed to fray John’s last nerve and still not be banned. It really doesn’t happen often around here. And if he wanted to increase the hit counter, he’d just start doing “boobie blogging” every Friday. It’d be much easier than putting up with some of the things he puts up with on here.
BH Buck
If Harry comes though and ends this mess:
1) What happens with Myiq?
2) What will we have to talk about then?
hee hee. For now, it’s just hitchhiking under the Big Tent.
It’s a George Carlin double entendre. Give it a sec. You’ll get it.
BH Buck
STOP IT! My eyes… my eyes… Oh the humanity.
D. Pantload
Also, Hitler was a vegetarian and Whole Foods sells vegetables. Some would argue that selling vegetables does not equate to building a rapaciously expansive dictatorship on the strength of anti-semitic propaganda, and I do not attempt to deny this – indeed, it is central to my point.
Do not underestimate the powers of the magical unity pony!
‘Sup Jonah?
John Cole
I don’t ban people for being retards.
And really, I don’t ban people at all. People get time outs.
now that’s more like it. Obama +20 over Hillary in NC.
D. Pantload: Does the D stand for Deadly? Are you related to Studly Pantload?
Inquiring Minds wanna know!
BH Buck
cleek, kewl!
I toldja they were working 16 hour days.
OK, just for clarity…*people* get time outs. What about psuedos, sock puppets, trolls, etc.
Inquiring minds want to know.
BH Buck
Great! I’ll always be welcome here.
Pelosi has been insinuating the same thing for a few weeks now without being this blunt. Good to see the two of them have a little gumption in regards to something. Haven’t seen much of it yet.
And this
John gets his blog maintentance tips from Supernanny. If he starts telling you that what you’re doing is “sna asseptible!” then you know you’re in deep doo-doo.
D. Pantload
Checking my Liberal Fascism (installments, abridged, only slightly tardy) mailbag, I find the following voice of support:
‘Sup. Right back at you, and thanks for reading. It’s great that, as much as the liberals may nitpick at my work, people who are able to keep an open mind about new ideas in history stick to their guns and don’t let the so-called “fact checkers” dissuade them from the time-honored positions they know are right. Without that kind of strong adherence to traditional norms, we will never progress as a nation.
As nice a pair of boobies as you can imagine, completely exposed
btw, HRC gave this interview in Scaife’s rag.
Yes, that Scaife. You would think that of all the RW media she would avoid, it’s his.
So here’s the big question: When Obama wins the nomination, does Hillary quietly work to help McCain win in November, thus setting up her 2012 run? Or does she run as a third-party candidate?
Quietly working against Obama is the smarter move–it gets her into the White House quicker if it works, but it might not be enough–he’ll likely win anyway.
The third-party run obviously wrecks for all time her standing with Democrats, but that won’t matter: Once Obama has the nomination her dreams of the Presidency are stone dead in any case.
Her only choices are: Lose and see Obama win, or Lose and take Obama with her and spite the party that turned its’ back on her.
I expect she’ll opt for the latter, and the likes of myiq will cheer her the whole way.
Told by who? The Florida Democratic Party? Your state government? GOS?
Did you vote in the primary election, in which there were other candidates/issues on the ballot?
Shorter Hillary: I would not have Dom Imus as my pastor.
her husband went on Limbaugh’s show.
maybe they can get Chelsea to do Savage’s show.
You tool myiq…. the very first “attack” in that second link is this story:
Daily Telegraph, Feb 2007
That’s not going negative. Grow a fucking brain already.
It would be really quiet here if you did.
No, he didn’t.
What happened to Darrell, then?
Better yet, I read a couple of months ago, I think in the Atlantic, but I am not sure, about Scaife that talked about how Bill C. had come over and gone to dinner with him recently and was buddying up to him and how Scaife didn’t seem to think he was to bad of a guy.
Go to Rush Limbaugh’s site
Click on “EIB Guest Host While Rush Is Sick” to find Mark Davis interviewing Bill Clinton for Limbaugh’s show.
Find the audio file here.
Yeah, he did. It was a guest host, but it was still the Limbaugh show.
Wanna bet?
I think this is the article I was thinking of:
Ok… time for you to stand behind those words. From the two links you supplied, please cull out the stories you are claiming that prove Obama went negative first and was also where he got nastier.
Once you have those, we can compare them to a timeline of Clinton’s campaign and see where reality lines up.
Hm. I linked to it, tBone, but it’s in moderation. Is that because I’ve made such an ass of myself, or because Rush has?
myiq is just Cole’s new student. He needed a replacement for Darrell, who graduated last year.
It’s a truly heartwarming story.
Told by the DNC via national media, myiq. A thousand damn times. I was also told that all of the candidates had agreed not to campaign here and that for this go around, Florida would not count. Do I blame the candidates? No. I blame the Florida parties – Dem and GOP – and I will let them know that in November. Whether I agree with the DNC’s decision or not (I think the GOP solution was better), they did tell the FL party what would happen.
As for me, seeing as how I am a registered independent, there was only thing I could vote for which was the property tax amendment – and I did my civic duty and I went and voted.
Sure sounds like the Big Dog to me.
The numbers are still being worked out, but so far, just from Texas and Ohio, bad-faith republican votes for Clinton may number in the hundreds of thousands. If the popular vote totals are her last argument, superdelegates need to shut this thing down.
I believe he has been permenently banished to the naughty chair.
Trying to circumvent the comment moderation again…
Mark Davis interviews Bill Clinton for Rush, which’ll take you to the audio link…
Rush’s site
Holy shit, myiq. You just got owned so bad.
Home come I’d never heard that Clinton had been on the Limbaugh show? If it had been Obama, the Hillbots would have been bitching about it ever since.
Do you wanna bet?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Uh, yes he did. Here.
MyIQ=-2 is a liar.
He graduated.
John Cole knows just three things about me:
1. My IP address
2. My email address
3. That he doesn’t like me
Anybody want to go see Reverend Wright tonight? He’s in Tampa. I’m tempted.
Original Lee
Miq, you know, saying that someone is divisive, or behind in the polls, or stuff like that isn’t going negative. Asking the media to investigate Bill’s sex life isn’t negative (although yukky). Negative would have been: “Hillary is a power-hungry bitch who is willing to napalm the Democratic Party if she isn’t designated the nominee!” or “The American people hate Hillary with the power of 7,000 blazing suns, and so do I!” or “Bill Clinton has a mistress in Manhattan, go check it out!” or “Vote for me if you hate Hillary!”
Bah. Never mind. You’re still re-living Rush Week for Slytherin House.
Fuck it, nevermind. I read about Wright’s appearance this morning and now they just had a press conference at 3 pm saying the revival is cancelled. Damn.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
MyIQ=-2 is a liar just like Hillary Clinton is a liar.
Hillary is trying to lie her way to the nomination. Not good.
So I wonder how else myiq-world differs from our own? There, Clinton didn’t appear on Limbaugh’s show, and Obama did call Lorne Michaels to complain about the SNL debate sketch.
Is Britney the good parent and Kevin the bad one there, myiq? Do cats and dogs live together? What about Sean Hannity? I’m guessing he’s still a festering ass-pustule; some laws are multi-universal.
Justin Timberlake
Laertes – myiq has been getting schooled pretty bad for a while now. Her posts have gotten shorter and shorter – probably because the Clinton campaign pays by the word and funds are less plentiful.
Oh yeah and I dated Scarlett and Jessica Biel. In the same month. And that was not a misstatement.
I have not read all the comments so I might be repeating this point, but to me more important than the comment itself is where it was made. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is owned by Richard Melon Scaife. He was the guy who financed all the people who went after the Clintons in the ninetees. He is the financeer of the Giant Right Wing Conspiracy. At a purely human level, can you imagine sitting down with a paper which caused you so much misery, printed so many lies.
At this point she is willing to lie down with the right wing nuts just to get the nomination. That tells us more about her than anything else will!
For Myiq, From Sully:
“I think Governor Richardson was obviously free to endorse whoever he thought was the best candidate for president. I wish that he had followed the people of his state and endorsed Hillary Clinton, but it was certainly his right to endorse Barack Obama.,” – Howard Wolfson, May 24, “Morning Joe.”
“Superdelegates are supposed to vote their conscience and supposed to vote for person they think would make the best candidate and make the best president,” – Howard Wolfson, February 13, 2008.
Oregon guy
One quibble – Your tag should be “EPIC FAIL”
and include this photo:
No photo linked. Heh.
Oregon guy
Ah, shit. No photo came thru:
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I want MyIQ=-2 to explain why he is excusing the lies of Hillary Clinton. At this pace Hillary is going to claim she invented the internet and that Love Story was based on her relationship with Bill.
Okay, now that woke me up here at barackis44.org. Do we get to vote on that? Or would that cut in on the adulation time protecting the sad-eyed, defenseless Magical Unity Puppy from the evildoeress?
Oregon guy
So I guess I get a FAIL now too…
Justin Timberlake
PK – I think it is the Post Gazette that is the Mouth of Sauron (I mean Scaife). Unless he owns two papers in Pittsburgh. Your point is well made though, if true.
Funny she should say that you don’t choose your “Family”, since she’s a member in good standing (as far as there is such a thing) of a cult calling itself “The Family” (official name is “The Fellowship Foundation”).
She shouldn’t be using words like that; last thing she wants is for people to go digging too hard into her “Family”… Oops, too late:
Myiq, the crow should be simmered for a good long while, maybe in a crock-pot with some hard-to-find chiles for Tom, and at least one bottle of beer, to take out some of the gaminess. Also it should feed several thousand people. And I’d like a parmesan and pine nut couscous, sauteed spinach, and a nice California pinot noir with mine.
ahhh!!!! the thread’s all distended!
I think Magical Unity Boobies may be the only thing that can transcend the gulf between Hillary and Obama supporters.
DR — please use the link function so that you don’t screw up the formatting.
See, I’m going WTF? again.
Based upon an albeit cursory look at those two links, I didn’t find the one where Obama said that McCain would be better than Hillary. I found a BUNCH of stuff where MUP said that he would be better than Hillary, but that is FUCKING CAMPAIGNING – his JOB in a campaign is to show me why he’s better than Hillary. Just like it’s her job to show me why she is better than MUP.
Still waiting for that link where MUP said that the REPUG is better than Hillary. Cuz she crossed that line, it was real, it was nasty, and the MUP ain’t done it.
Uh, on the Bill-on-Rush thing (yeah, you can thank me for the visual) Rush’s show is Rush’s show, even if the Head Pig is out for the day. Claiming Bill wasn’t on the show? LIE.
Tim (the Other One)
“Anybody want to go see Reverend Wright tonight? He’s in Tampa. I’m tempted.”
He was just gonna yell at us anyway…
w vincentz
Hillary’s comment, “He wouldn’t be my pastor.”
Of course not Hil-LIAR.
Your pastor must have been so good that he convinced you to disown Jesus’s teachings, the “love your neighbor” stuff, the “give him your cloak also”, “turn the other cheek”.
Hill-LIAR, your pastor must have been very good as he instilled in you justification to vote in favor of MURDERING people for their resources. This is at least equal to your unfaithful husband’s “what is “is?” to justify adultorous behavior.
So, Hill-LIAR, since you have not voted as a senator on issues that are consistant with your professed Christian faith, it only gives further evidence that you are against Jesus. Yes, you heard me Hill-LIAR, you and your husband are ANTI-CHRISTs!
Chris Andersen
I have to shake my head. Not just at what Clinton has done and is doing but at the way supporters of both candidates react to this kind of garbage.
First of all, Clinton is not trying to destroy Democratic chances in 2008 so she will be able to win in 2012. She’s to smart not to know that if either Obama or Clinton loses in November the 2nd place finisher will come in for a lion-share of the blame for the loss. 2008 is the only chance Hillary has of EVER becoming president and she knows it.
But, even then, I don’t think its simply personal ambition that drives Hillary’s campaign. I wade through the bile coming from both Obama and Clinton supporters and the impression I get from the latter is that Clinton and her supporters honestly think that Obama will be a disaster for the party in the Fall and that, therefore, anything they can do to stop that from happening is a good thing.
And they aren’t entirely irrational in believing that. I am an Obama supporter because I believe he has the potential to take this party higher than Clinton ever could. But along with that potential for greater reward comes a potential for greater loss. I have scoffed at Obama supporters who presume to know which of these two candidates is more electable (same with Hillary supporters, btw). WE SIMPLY DON’T KNOW!
I like Obama. I want him to win. I think he can win big. But I’m not so enamored of him that I refuse to ignore the fact that he is also a big risk (as is Hillary, but I think not as much). Anyone who strives for something bigger inevitably opens themselves up to a much greater fall. But I can live with that.
A lot of other Dems cannot and that is why so many of them continue to support Clinton.
Again, I’m an Obama supporter, but I really wish other Obama supporters would respect Clinton supporters enough to understand that a lot of them REALLY like her and REALLY think she would be the better candidate in the Fall.
Let me put it this way: if Clinton were using these exact same tactics against McCain in the Fall a lot of her present critics would be cheering her on. We’d be praising her for not giving up. We’d be posting admiration for her fight-with-everything-you’ve-got style.
“Forget it Jake. It’s Politics.”
Ah well.
Ed Drone
But John only gives “Time Outs (T.O.’s)”
Though I guess that T.O. > infinity is possible, isn’t it?
Man check out the ovaries on them boobies.
Rarely Posts
Didn’t she say this in response to a question she was asked? Not sure why there’s a big meltdown over this.
She’s been asked before and said nothing. Why is she suddenly interested in talking about it?
Tom in Texas
Darrell chooses not to post here anymore. Or whoever wrote Darrell has moved on. Regardless, he is not banned — if I saw a post of his, I would approve it. It would be nice to be firing outside the circle for a change.
Soylent Green
This is for Cole:
I used to think nice thoughts about the Clintons. Voted for Bill twice and would have done so again if not for the 22nd amendment. I didn’t have very bad thoughts about Republicans until the modern GOP reared its head with it Starr Chamber witchhunt, After that, it was one side fits all.
In recent years you began to pay attention to what the other side was really saying. Now I wish I had done the same back then.
Well, that’s two more things than we all know about you, then.
Firefox 3 Beta FTW – it automatically splits long links onto two lines to preserve page formatting.
Steak…it doesn’t play nice with my workstation. Maybe if I could use a real operating system instead of…Linux.
I fucking swear, whenever a wingnut talks about how something’s been “debunked”, I throw up a little. I remember these assholes insisting that the “chickenhawk slur” had been “debunked” (thus proving Dick Cheney to be a war hero) because somebody wrote a post about how it’s mean an’ stupid… while simultaneously claiming that 400
Republican operativesSwiftboaters had seen John Kerry shoot an unarmed child in the back, a ludicrous smear that was, in fact, debunked.Notorious P.A.T.
Your concern for us Michigan voters is very touching. Here’s one Michiganian who would run, not walk, to vote Obama if we did our primary over. Which our broke-ass state can not afford to do–in large part because of the NAFTA which Hillary was for before she was against. Ironic, isn’t it?
Hell no.
yes, what are you willing to lose?
Notorious P.A.T.
Oh, and what does “MUP” mean?
Other Ed
Talk about putting your foot in it.
The pastor that the Clinton’s did choose at the Foundry United Methodist Church has issued a statement on Rev. Wright:
“The Reverend Jeremiah Wright is an outstanding church leader whom I have heard speak a number of times. He has served for decades as a profound voice for justice and inclusion in our society. He has been a vocal critic of the racism, sexism and homophobia which still tarnish the American dream. To evaluate his dynamic ministry on the basis of two or three sound bites does a grave injustice to Dr. Wright, the members of his congregation, and the African-American church which has been the spiritual refuge of a people that has suffered from discrimination, disadvantage, and violence.”
“MUP” = Magical Unity Pony
Magical Unity Pony = Obama
Hey, jeffrey! What’s for dinner?
I would argue that going all out against a republican is a bit different than going all out against a fellow democrat.
Also everything that ThatLeftTurnInABQ wrote here.
Oregon guy
dood, you got P0WN3D.
Or are you really HRC and just can’t admit that you were wrong.
MYIQ – Did Bill Clinton go on Rush Limbaugh’s show or not?
Posting privileges for a week. Whoever loses goes on a week-long sabbatical from BJ.
Dennis - SGMM
And did he have sex with “that woman”?
Oregon guy
Hey Nick, that rumbling you hear is Mickey moving his own goalposts around. He’ll respond when he’s got them right where he wants them.
leftovers, a nice seafood fettucini
P.A.T., on behalf of Florida and Michigan we should send myiq a thank you card for being so concerned about us being disenfranchised. So sweet of him.
ntr Fausto Carmona
Why is anyone trying to engage the troll in an honest dialog?
Epic fail
She’s been asked before and said nothing. Why is she suddenly interested in talking about it?
Previously she has been asked what HE should have done, questions that she rightly ignored as stupid. This time she was asked what SHE would do and she replied. I know plenty of congregants who have left churches due to disagreement with a pastor, they often come back when the pastor is gone.
Toughen up, people.
“Destroyed” in a primary means getting shot dead in a hotel kitchen, as RFK was, after gutting out a big win in the California primary in June 1968.
Ah, that’s right JUNE….
And you whippersnappers can’t tough out this mild-mannered parlor game as far as April?
Tsk, tsk.
The Moar You Know
That’s a very good question, and one I have no answer for. It has admitted its nature on more than one occasion.
Just so we’re clear, here’s the original exchange:
Notorious P.A.T.
Did Bill Clinton go on Rush Limbaugh’s show or not?
It depends on what your definition of “go” is.
Thanks to those who answered my question.
Neal, so true. I can just feel the love from Clinton’s supporters. And who knows? Detroit just might go for Hillary instead of Barack if we re-ran the primary.
Just you and me or everybody who chimed in? Since I’m outnumbered I should get some odds.
ntr Fausto Carmona
Fun Fact: The 1968 New Hampshire primary was in March.
Facts are funny that way.
Dennis - SGMM
I voted in a number of those June California primaries – talk about being disenfranchised.
Wait. Firefox doesn’t play nice with Linux? Isn’t that like Safari not playing nice with some crappy MacBook OS?
Just posted by Jake Tapper at ABC News
I can only speak for myself. If anybody else wants in on the action, they’re free to speak up.
Dennis - SGMM
If Clinton wears one of those little outfits I’m voting for McCain.
Well? MUPpets?
Dude. I’ll go in on that bet. You’ll be a fool to take it, and you’ll get a week to consider how to operate a Google, so its worth it in the long run, even if I will kinda miss you.
I want demi for a judge. John Cole would be too tempted to see me disappear for a week.
Outnumbered? I thought this was a bet regarding a fact. Are you outnumbered by facts?
John S.
Oh my…
Can you guys (and gals) lay off myiq¼xu? Isn’t it bad enough that his dream of masturbating to a sitting president has been all but dashed to the ground?
Give the guy a break.
Yes he is…and by votes and delegates too.
That choice is not as easy as she wants it to be. I think church-going people have a very difficult time leaving their church for another (and I’m talking even within the same religion), especially if they’ve had a long association with it. It’s really not as free-and-easy a change to make as she’s making it sound. In theory, there’s nothing to stop you. In practice, there’s a whole lot. Religion kinda works that way.
It’s really dishonest to make it sound like choosing a church is as easy and casual as choosing what to wear that day, and I wonder if any regular church-going people find that glib undertone a bit insulting.
Oregon guy
J. Michael Neal
According to Clinton’s Finance Committee, or at least one member, Jeremiah Wright is just like David Duke. That’ll bring out the black vote in November. Never mind that Clinton is willing to wreck the party; she’s also so intent on getting the nomination that she’s willing to forfeit her chances to win in the general. The one isn’t any good without the other, Hillary.
Splitting Image
“The pastor that the Clinton’s did choose at the Foundry United Methodist Church has issued a statement on Rev. Wright:
“The Reverend Jeremiah Wright is an outstanding church leader whom I have heard speak a number of times. He has served for decades as a profound voice for justice and inclusion in our society. He has been a vocal critic of the racism, sexism and homophobia which still tarnish the American dream. To evaluate his dynamic ministry on the basis of two or three sound bites does a grave injustice to Dr. Wright, the members of his congregation, and the African-American church which has been the spiritual refuge of a people that has suffered from discrimination, disadvantage, and violence.” ”
Told ya.
Come fall, the Republicans will be building statues of Wright and denouncing Obama for publicly criticizing a man who should have been as important to him as his own grandmother.
Bill Clinton did go on Rush’s show the day of the Texas primary. Rush was out sick so he was on with a guest host.
Here is a link to Andrew Sullivan posting about it.
Here is another link
This just gets wilder and weirder with each passing day.
tbone and Zifnab are in. Who else has balls?
I know plenty of regular church-going people who have supported a congregation while not attending services because of a disagreement with the pastor. It is a fairly common way of dealing with a pastor you don’t like in the church that your family attends. If you no longer live in the town where the bulk of your family resides then changing churches is a simple enough solution.
w vincentz
Hillary is an ANTI-CHRIST! see above.
Shit, I was hoping TZ would chime in but he’s too smart to take a sucker bet.
Oregon guy
So I guess he is going to say that this link:
is not the Rush Limbaugh show. Just trying to anticipate goalpost movements, folks.
Myiq, I’ve never posted before today, so my refraining for a week ain’t gonna be much of a win for you, but sure, I’ll take the bet.
Bill Clinton was a guest on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.
I’ll take your bet myiq. Except I’d prefer to up the ante to you taking a full fucking month off. But given you have no ability to read the links ALREADY provided to you, maybe you dumb enough to the bet with me AND make it a full month.
Myiq must have been looking at his cat when he chose his handle:
Look top center
Please please please? A BSG thread?
We can pretend MyIQ is Leoben Conoy and kill him over and over. :D [Sorry M, but you know you love the attention.]
Oregon guy
Okay, so I’m guessing that MickeyIQizrealhigh is going to say that it wasn’t Limbaugh’s show b/c it was a guest host, or that it was a call-in and he wasn’t a scheduled guest, or some other technical glitch.
Which of course will expose him as a dishonest douche, but what else is new, right?
Hey Obama Girl, I think that’s your cue to put ’em on the glass.
It occurred to me yesterday that the moment your and my tax-dollars are used to subsidize or bail-out a corporation, you and I automatically become investors in that corporation.
Frankly, I’m beginning to think it might be time for us to ask these guys “Where’s our money man? Where’s Our Fucking money?”
The Other Steve
I am absolutely apalled that Hillary Clinton would through her husband and daughter under the bus, just to gain cheap political points!
The Grand Panjandrum
Right now this thread has 213 comments. Can someone tell me what the bet is about?
She knows that. And she doesn’t care about the general because she knows she has no chance of winning the nomination. Like I said, this is all about inflicting as much damage to Obama as she can so that he loses to McCain after he’s nominated. Then she can run again in 2012.
From Hillary’s perspective, the worst thing that could happen now would be for Obama to be elected President. Then she couldn’t run again until 2016 when she’ll be 68 and there will be a new cast of Democratic rising stars to compete with (and possibly even an incumbent VP).
Her endgame now is to destroy Obama, watch him lose to McCain, and run again in four years. That’s all she has left now.
I’ll take some of that action. I seldom post, but damned if your presence doesn’t make reading these message boards a tiresome ordeal.
Hillary’s toast. She played a good game, but the game is finished . . . http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079714/quotes
The bet is whether Bill Clinton was a guess on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show. Loser leaves town (as it were) for a week.
Here’s a recap.
The loser of this election has a 0.0% chance of being the nominee in 2012. It’s going to be a case where voters will see that they had their shot in ’08 and couldn’t close the deal.
This is it – not just for Clinton but Obama. The only candidate who is/was positioning for 2012 was Mike Huckabee. Maybe Romney, but definitely not Obama/Clinton.
BTW I’ll be AWOL for an hour or two. Don’t start the betting without me.
The Disgruntled Chemist
Let’s see…a few of myIQ’s recent comments:
Looks like it’s about whether myIQ can stall long enough for a new thread to start up that makes people forget about this one. I bet he can do it.
BFR – Not true. If Obama loses to McCain, then four years from now, Hillary can make the argument that she would have beaten him. She won’t be the one who couldn’t close the deal, Obama will (thanks to all her efforts to tear him down, of course, but she’s betting that people won’t realize that).
Soylent Green
But Kerrigan won an Olympic medal, and Harding went home crying. Deja vu.
J. Michael Neal
NR, name me the last Democrat that lost in the primaries that was ever a factor in Presidential politics again? The closest I can come is Al Gore, who made a half-hearted run in 1988, and then used the Vice Presidency as a springboard.
About Limbaugh. What Clinton defenders are saying is that the guest host interviewed Clinton on his show, then replayed it while he was guest hosting for Limbaugh.
I can’t vouch for this being true. But one thing is certain if your opponent is raising like hell, then you probably should cool down and really be certain about your own cards.
I don’t think that makes any sense – she started off with a mammoth lead in the polls and in funding and was considered the presumptive nominee for like 2 years. In the span of a few months, her path to the nomination was swamped by a guy who has 2 years experience in the Senate and had little money before campaigning began in earnest – this isn’t going to inspire donors & supporters next time around, regardless of what anyone says.
Add in the minor issue of the bridges she’s burning with blacks, I just don’t see how she would have a snowball’s chance in hell in 2012.
She can say anything that she wants, but I suspect if the Dems loose this time anyone within a million miles of that loss (and that includes both HRC and BHO) will be run out of the party on a rail.
Way OT: awesomely negative movie review.
I think Bennen is on the right track regarding 2012.
So most likely Limbaugh wasn’t sick, he stayed home to help Clinton get some extra votes. But both of the Clintons did seem to mind that it seemed like Bill was a guest on Limbaugh, and they probably didn’t mind the extra exposure.
Name me the last Democrat who had such an entrenched power base within the party. I don’t think there’s been one since the Kennedys in the 1960s. If Obama loses to McCain, Hillary becomes the 2012 Democratic frontrunner by default simply because of her massive institutional support within the party. It’s not guaranteed that she’ll win, but it’s the best shot she has, and she’s taking it.
Oregon guy
It all depends on what your definition of Limbaugh is.
Huh? Wha’?
What’s the action?
Ted Kennedy – 1980. One and done.
No, her best shot is to find a way to beat Obama now because there’s no way she’s going to win in ’12.
Tonya Harding?
At the point that a candidate goes from resentment, to an uncomfortable joke, to outright ridicule, it truly is over. If the ‘Tonya Harding’ label sticks, forget it.
If you are silent for a week for each person that bets against you, and we can agree on what is is and what determines the call on the bet … I’m interested.
OMG. I hope he brings his cricket bat.
Dude. A person cannot live on BSG alone.
What’s with the bad-faith arguments? First you’re saying that he’s going to ban you, and now you’re saying he would be a biased judge. It’s one thing to disagree with your host, but you’re being damn insulting to someone who has indulged and tolerated you for far longer than many bloghosts would.
And once again, for like the fiftieth time, I’m going to ask SOMEONE, ANYONE, who really doesn’t believe Hillary wants to knee-cap Obama to set herself up for 2012 to offer a single other plausible scenario that explains her specific actions – especially her consistent use of attacks that are tailor-made for the GOP to pick up and run with after the primary is over.
Obama has attacked Hillary from the left – his attacks are useless to the GOP (are they going to criticize her for voting for the Iraw War?)
Hillary has consistently attacked Obama from the right and from same positions that the GOP will be attacking him – she is doing their work for him.
Give me a single rational explanation for this OTHER than that she is trying to weaken him before he goes toe-to-toe with McCain.
Furthermore, saying “She just wants to win real bad” is a non-sequiter unless you ALSO explain why she chose THESE attacks over attacks from the left (which she could offer – particularly over health care).
Hillary has had many opportunities to choose among many difference possible messages. She has consistently, and unfailingly, chosen messages that are EXACTLY those one would choose if her objective were to kneecap Obama before the general election. Name ONE OTHER PLAUSIBLE SCENARIO THAT FITS THE DATA AS WELL AS THE THEORY OFFERED ABOVE and still assumes that Hillary is behaving rationally.
Either she is irrationally trashing about trying to win the primaries without a thought to the future of her own party or she is rationally attempting to hurt her own party to further her ambition. Either way she doesn’t deserve to be the nominee much less president.
Seriously, she attacked him on health care mandates and NAFTA. I’m guessing her campaign feels like their getting more traction on the ‘experience’ argument, so they stuck with it.
The Wright stuff is just desperation.
With chopsticks!
I heart Katee Sackhoff. Especially now that the annoying love quadrangle of doom appears to have finally been laid to rest.
i don’t think she’s trying to set herself up for 2012.
since neither she nor Obama is going to be able to put it away on pledged delegates, the outcome of the primary rests with the supers. and i think she’s simply trying to destroy him in the eyes of the super-delegates so that they’ll be forced to choose her regardless of the pledged delegate numbers. unfortunately, she has to pretty much try to completely destroy him for this gambit to work, and that’s what we’re seeing.
The stuff coming out from the Clinton campaign is getting stranger, and more ridiculous by the minute. Andrew Sullivan cites a recent quote from Senator Clinton attempting to explain that sniper fire thing, which is both imperious and nutty:
Trying to stay on point, in which a lie is only just a little “mis-speaking,” Senator Clinton is beginning to look silly, which is devastating for a political candidate.
If history is any indicator, it may not matter. Local Southern California sports maven Rich Marotta, is also tremendously knowledgeable about presidential primaries and has been doing a political blog for radio station KFI (Campaign Stuff).
His latest posting contains this little historical nugget:
Team Clinton’s campaign is in quicksand. The more they squirm, the deeper they sink.
John S.
Bravely bold Sir myiq¼xu rode forth from Clintonland.
He was not afraid to lie, O brave Sir myiq¼xu!
He was not at all afraid to be mocked in nasty ways,
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir myiq¼xu!
He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp,
Or to have his ‘facts’ gouged out, and his logic broken;
To have his arguments split, and his comments burned away;
And his words all hacked and mangled, brave Sir myiq¼xu!
Brave Sir myiq¼xu ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When factoids reared their ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir myiq¼xu turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Sir myiq¼xu!
Since this has come up – a major ice sheet (old blue ice) has broken off antartica (like many before) and this area has seen more warming than just about anywhere … see http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23797247. What would hilary do.
The Moar You Know
DAMMIT! Get to the bet, already – I want to see the puppets dance for my amusement!
Jimmy Carter helped lead the final push to stop McGovern at the 1972 convention. Not quite the same but close. On the GOP side, Reagan 1976 comes to mind. The other factor is that Dean is stepping down as DNC chair.
The Clintons have to be figuring that they can play a silent assasin’s game reshuffling the party apparatus for 4 years with Dean out of the way, to deal themselves a more favorable hand. After all, it worked for Stalin. Expect the early primaries in 2012 to be: OH, FL, NY and AK. All the other primaries will be scheduled at 3 AM on a Sunday morning, with butterfly ballots.
Does anyone know why we have a 400-post thread every time Hillary Clinton farts, but we pay no attention to this?
The bet? I’ll tell you how it turns out: Mikey says: “Ha, ha! The interview was a replay of a phone interview Clinton did earlier in the day with another RWNJ. The RWNJ replayed the interview when he subbed for Rush that day! ZOMG!!1! You lose!”
Ignoring the point that the interview was, in fact, played on Rush’s show, that Rush’s website advertised the interview while asking Repubs to vote for Hillary, and refusing to inquire just why the fuck Clinton was talking to RWNJs at all.
The usual myiq crap—arguing about the meaning of is, and, as someone said earlier, refusing to see the mountain for the molehill.
Would anyone like to place side action on Myx’s defense being some sort of supergenius parsing such as the above?
The Moar You Know
TZ: Moon is old meme.
It’s an interesting enough story, but there’s no urgency to it – we (you and I and the public at large) expect the right-wing to consort with whackos, and Moon is one of the wackiest.
Wingers get held to a different standard. They always have.
Oregon guy
Re: Moon
I see your bet and raise you $20. I’m in a gambling mood. Please keep half-loaded revolvers at a safe distance.
It’s been cropping up on DKos and C&L. But no one has any idea who Moon is, and the media at large prefers it that way.
The problem I have with this explanation is that, in my opinion, it is or at least should be obvious to rational, empirical, people that winning the nomination like this will seriously undermine her chances of winning the general election. Personally, I think it almost garauntees a loss – I’d put her chances against McCain (IF she gets the nomination by tearing down Obama until the supers vote for her) at no more than 10%.
Someone who will turn on their friends and allies for such a small chance to be the nominee, who will in turn have a tiny chance of winning the election, is not a friend or an ally. It is empirical proof that she values even the most remote chance of personal advancement over guaranteed opportunity for team advancement.
I cant read her head, but I cannot find an explanation for her behavior that does not imply either serious moral or intellectual shortcomings on her part.
Well Jack Tapper used it on ABC’s evening newscast. Personally last night while I was watching the news and how they handled Snipergater I started to think that would kill her and she would be out in a few weeks. I think the end is upon her.
In 16 years the only time Clinton is on Limbaugh is the day that Limbaugh is sick?
Anyone else getting a Clark Kent/Superman vibe here?
by the way, in that last post I wrote AK when I should have written AR. I must have been sleep deprived, or something.
This, from Hillary’s own minister, hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves:
The Reverend Jeremiah Wright is an outstanding church leader
whom I have heard speak a number of times. He has served for
decades as a profound voice for justice and inclusion in our society.
He has been a vocal critic of the racism, sexism and homophobia
which still tarnish the American dream. To evaluate his dynamic
ministry on the basis of two or three sound bites does a grave
injustice to Dr. Wright, the members of his congregation, and the
African-American church which has been the spiritual refuge of a
people that has suffered from discrimination, disadvantage, and
violence. Dr. Wright, a member of an integrated denomination, has
been an agent of racial reconciliation while proclaiming perceptions
and truths uncomfortable for some white people to hear. Those of us
who are white Americans would do well to listen carefully to Dr.
Wright rather than to use a few of his quotes to polarize. This is a
critical time in America’s history as we seek to repent of our racism.
No matter which candidates prevail, let us use this time to listen again to one another and not to distort one another’s truth.
Dean J. Snyder, Senior Minister
Foundry United Methodist Church
March 19, 2008
How can she get away with mounting this distorted attack (“Barack should have gotten up an left”) when her own minister recognizes that Wright Is an outstanding church leader whom I have heard speak a number of times [and who] has served for decades as a profound voice for justice and inclusion in our society,” and states that “to evaluate his dynamic ministry on the basis of two or three sound bites does a grave injustice to Dr. Wright, the members of his congregation, and the African-American church which has been the spiritual refuge of a people that has suffered from discrimination, disadvantage, and violence”?
whoopy snorp
Winner take all?
ntr Fausto Carmona
This is the end. The end, my friends. The end.
Impossible. Neither of them wear glasses.
Dug Jay
I’m with Katie Couric (or whatever her name is) on this one. “Which is of more lasting significance to the selection of a President…someone of misspeaks about whether they encountered sniper fire in some foreign country years ago, or someone who spent nearly 20 years in close association with a racist bigoted anti-Semite?”
Steve V
You’d think this is the type of thing that would get more superdelegates off the fence. Richardson stood up. Where the $#&* is John Edwards?
Yeah, I was wondering when someone would bring up McCain.
New Mexico already voted. North Carolina is still pending. If he ever gets back into office, Hillary will be in the Senate and I’m sure he’s not interested in the bad blood picking sides like that would invoke.
I’m more wondering where the hell Al Gore went.
Some help here, please. I know 16 ounces equal a pound, 220 yards equal a furlong and 4 pecks equal a bushel. What the Wickipedia Weights and Measures section is no help with is this: how many misspeaks equal a lie?
Since scrotinizer has let the cat out of the bag before we could agree on terms, this bet is off. I will give full props to zifnab and tbone for having the stones to back up their words with promises.
I give a nod to TZ and John Cole for being too wily to take a sucker’s bet, even though TZ tried to finesse the wager. Demi also gets props for staying out of the crossfire.
Cleek, jen, Neal, shygetz, Laertes, Notorious PAT, horatios, Nick M, OG, and JAFRS get two slaps upside the head with a sloppy feline for pussitude.
Leinie and my dinner with andrei get a “who are you?” for effort.
As scrotinizer revealed, Bill Clinton was interviewed by Mark Davis of WATB (WBAP?)radio, who then replayed the interview while guest-hosting for El Gordo Grande.
The Big Dawg did not knowingly and intentionally appear on the Big Fat Idiot Show.
Your services are no longer required, Dug Jay – our new guy, myiq, can troll circles around you. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Conservatively Liberal
Fixed. WhopperGate rhymes with WaterGate, it sounds catchier that way. ;)
No, I never said John would ban me, although he once threatened to do so. In fact, if he chose to do so, he could easily delete every comment I ever made.
Okay, it would require
hoursdays of effort, but he could do it if he wanted to.tBone
Damn it. I was looking forward to the 500-post flamewar arguing what the meaning of “appeared on” is.
To be honest, I didn’t know the interview was a replay from earlier in the day, so props to myiq. That being said, Limbaugh’s “illness” and the timing were sure convenient.
Blue Raven
I’d like to place a side bet on how long it takes Hillary to quit her church over her pastor’s clearly objectionable remarks in support of Rev. Wright.
I lay claim to “When Hell Freezes Over” at 2:1.
Dug Jay
ed, here’s something with just a handful of examples out of literally dozens that are available that might help with your question of how many misspeaks makes a lie:
i think we have to assume they know that – they can’t all be morons; at least one person in the organization must’ve figured that out. so the question is: do they think November is far enough out that people will forget about it and vote D just to avoid another 4 years of Bush-style GOPism ? i think it probably is.
for starters, Clinton v McCain would be a whole new race; each candidate would get to redefine themselves in light of their opponent.
and the final factor is: for all of us who swore we’d never vote for Hillary when it was a mere hypothetical would be confronted with the reality of another Republican President. and, though it might seem easy now, i think it would turn out to be one hell of a gut-check: punish a Dem and give the Republicans another Presidency, or hold our nose and vote D. Clinton is betting we’ll cave.
Oh right. You werent’ saying that John would ban you. You were just saying that the only reason he hasn’t banned you is because of the hit count, and then you said he would be a biased judge.
Much better, I’m certain.
Doesn’t anyone read what I write or am I just expressing my interest for pie?
If myiq2xu is blocking me, then that’s just fine.
Never be ashamed of expressing your love for pie. Pie-love is the bedrock foundation of this blog.
I’m not scared of differing opinions.
Conservatively Liberal
That is a bet that she would lose with me.
You are hereby awarded the Croix de Weasel for your meritorious service in defense of the Clinton Campaign, and your fellow mustelids, during the Battle of the Burn, Baby, Burn Thread.
Your award includes certificates for a 60-day supply of Oxycontin, a 30-day supply of Viagra, and the services of 2 Costa Rican ladyboys for a 15-day period.
Dennis - SGMM
I’m pretty certain that Obama would not die for his party. I am also pretty certain that Clinton would let her party die for her.
I’d have no real problem voting for Clinton in the general if it came to that. McCain = GWB x 2 if you hadn’t noticed.
Oh, snap!:
Regardless of my feelings about Hillary and Bill during this entire process, I have nothing but respect for Chelsea Clinton. She has always been a class act, and I think we could do much worse than to someday have her in public office.
Just how does someone come to the conclusion that Bill’s screwing around damages Hillary’s reputation?
Slow down there, chief. I never said you were wrong; I asked why the fact that you were “outnumbered” had anything to do with you getting odds. I have read that he was interviewed for another show that was replayed on Limbaugh with his permission, without his permission, and that the whole interview was fabricated from sound bites. Since I had no idea which of these was true, I wanted no piece of this action but just wanted to point out that this wasn’t a 5-on-1 basketball game–no reason for you to get odds.
Has the Clinton campaign commented on what really happened? I know several bloggers inquired, but I never read the results.
Indeed. And it’s interesting to compare her to the Bush twins (the Girls Gone Wild types that they are). I can’t believe Limbaugh, McCain, etc, ever had the utter lack of class or gentlemen’s behavior to viciously insult her. Well, I can, but you know what I mean.
Conservatively Liberal
I like the fact that Hillary’s minister is defending Wright, and Hillary is attacking him. I think she is pissed because Obama did not throw Wright under the bus as most politicians would.
Hillary has been digging a hole throughout her campaign, and every time she hits what we think of as rock bottom, she just gets out the dynamite and starts blasting away. I am hoping that she has not shored up the walls of the hole so that her blasting brings them down.
Well on Olberman they are calling the segment on HRC, Whoopergate and all “the Tonya Harding option”.
I turn my back for five seconds and find myiqplucku had tied himself into a flesh-covered Mobius strip.
Guess I’ll drown my sorrows in a big slice of pie.
Rarely Posts
I saw the video at TPM. Hillary was asked repeatedly what she would do. She said she wouldn’t have Wright as her pastor.
It still mystifies me that anyone disagrees with her stance. Obama himself has denounced what this guy said. Why exactly would anyone expect Hillary to say anything other than what she said? IMO, the further we as Democrats distance ourselves from outrageous religious positions, the better.
Ironically, if McCain’s minister were the one Hillary was saying she wouldn’t have as her minister most Democrats would claim she was going too easy on him.
Let’s not become hypocrites, people.
How do we know that demi’s not Myiq2xamoeba?
It’d be just like him to ask himself to be the judge.
[Oh, and see PeterJ’s comment, above before you take the bet]
If Myiq#$%# is a denizen, or a lurker, who was he before being Myiq@#$@#?? Was he Stormy77’s boyfriend? What is the natural history of this strange multidimensional being?
Now we know he is objectively pro-Tonya Harding, how do we work out the order of descent from the twisted DNA that is in evidence?
get back under your bridge, troll
Just keeping you honest.
In the same way that someone might conclude that your pastor’s crazy idea damages your reputation?
J. Michael Neal
I, for one, am not bluffing. I think that a second President Clinton would be a disaster for both the country and the Democratic Party, whereas McCain will only be a disaster for the country. I’d like for someone to still be standing come 2012 to be able to pick up the pieces.
Besides, I’ve already told my relatives that I won’t vote for her, and they’ll mock me mercilessly if I change my mind.
Oregon guy
Hey, I think OG is me!
::chokes up:::
So proud to be a pussy in your eyes, Mickey’sIQisnot2high.
I figured there was some kind of weasel room there, which is what I was looking for the whole time. It would be interesting to see just what the arrangement between Bill and the guest host was.
Cos’ I don’t buy that Bill had no idea he was going on the Limbaugh show.
But even if that’s true – if you lie with wingnuts, expect to get screwed.
Nicely put. Hillary chose to stay with Bill, so why shouldn’t his actions and statements reflect upon her, if she wants to play it that way? Bill lied about his affair with Monica. Why would Hillary choose to associate herself with a proven liar? She could have just walked away.
I don’t know. If she is going to judge Obama by the company he keeps, she might want to grab some Windex for that glass house of hers.
Well, all I can say is that I’ve never seen myself in the same room as im-2-icky-2 at the same time, so I can’t prove to me that he’s not me.
Conservatively Liberal
Reading around, one thing I am seeing posted by Democrats is their bewilderment at the idea that McCain and Huckabee won’t ‘go there’ in regards to Wright. Hell, Huckabee even defended Wright! And here is Hillary tearing in to Wright with gusto. I agree, it is mind-warping to see this role reversal. She is pissing on the black community with abandon now, she does not care about their vote (heck, or them either IMO).
She has written the black voter off, and that should tell you loud and clear that Hillary has left the Democratic party in regards to her campaign. She is not campaigning with the best interests of the party in mind, IMO it is very clear that the only person she cares about now is herself. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!
If her campaign was put in a cat box, the cat would refuse to use the box.
I for one appreciate MyIQ’s willingness to engage in debate here. Too often these discussions are nothing more than circle jerks. Although I usually disagree with her she can at least dig up a fact or two which is more than the sophomoric ad hominen usually leveled her way. Keep up the good work of pluralism.
“circle jerk” describes any discussion where myiq or pluk is involved: round and round on the same talking points until everyone is chafed and sore.
she was asked a question.
she gave an honest answer.
I’m sure that you think Hillary should have just repeated Obama’s talking points, but not everyone is a MUPpet. Some of us prefer a candidate who doesn’t exploit race as a means of diverting attention from his 20 year association with a political/social radical who happened to black.
1. I never swore I wouldn’t vote for Hillary, but she is pissing me off. Of course, I’m not a Dem partisan and I still respect McCain in general. I’ll probably vote Hillary because I hate what my ex-party has become even if I dont hate McCain.
2. I think you’re wrong about the “whole new race”. You may be right politically, but from a branding perspective you just cannot realistically count on changing your “brand” that fast. Hillary has spent almost a full year telling people “Vote for the candidate with experience and who can handle a crises at 3am …. Me” and I dont think its realistic to expect to be able to convince people, in just 2-3 months, “Nevermind. Actually, a president’s Healthcare agenda is more important than their national security credentials. Who cares who answers the phone at 3am? Vote for Healthcare … and Me.”
Counting on anti-Republican feeling that much is very dangerous and could easily prove to be an illusory foundation for a presidential campaign. I think it is a seriously flawed strategy that can only seem deft to someone with an equally flawed conception of the strength of their party and their ability to change their public image in 2 short months.
… on and Cleek. That last bit was not a dig at you. It was a dig at Hillary and her advisers.
Oh, snap! Even Chelsea Clinton is better at managing questions than Hillary! Too bad they didn’t ask her about the Bosnia trip.
That’s what that meant, right?
p.lukasiak: Some of us prefer a candidate who doesn’t exploit race as a means of
divertingdrawing attentionfromto his 20 year association with a political/social radical who happened to black.FTFY
Hillary Clinton: suicide bomber? Seriously, is she trying to lose here? Somebody get out Bill’s phone sex tapes, and let’s get this thing over with already.
If you’re chafed and sore then you’re doing something wrong.
A circle jerk is where each person gets their neighbor off. Since MyIQ, and I’m only referring to her, isn’t getting anyone off here, I think of her more as a cock block.
well, yeah. i didn’t say it was a success!
How was it she just happened to have a prepared statement in answer to that question? Accident I’m sure.
Is Hillary now going to “reject and denounce” her own paster, who has posted a written defence of Rev. Wright?
Clinton’s minister says:
So, p.huque, when is Clinton going to renounce and reject her minister, who is obviously giving aid and comfort to that dangerous political/social radical who happens to be black?
Sigh, is it fucking September *yet*?
Soylent Green
In that case, when is Hillary Clinton going to renounce her husband, a known adulterer and liar, with whom she has been associated for 34 years? Why hasn’t she left him and found a better, nonadulterous husband?
Some of us prefer a candidate who isn’t a fucking hypocrite.
I have only one minor quibble John:
calling Hillary an asshole… being a female, I just feel that describing a woman as an asshole sounds so masculine, the word just does not mesh with the female reality, in reality she is a sphincter (and if you called her a sphincter, I’d be wholeheartedly inclined to agree). ;)
Did you notice she doesn’t mention that she took her daughter into an active combat zone? Does she not care enough about her daughter to keep her home if it’s so dangerous?
I will not vote for her. If a Repub presidency is the result, so be it, I refuse to award her behavior. No way, no how!
She’s used to that, she didn’t get the memos when she was co-CinC either.
Perry Como
Hillary and Scaife sitten in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Rarely Posts
You mean like a republican chicken hawk would do? Seems to me that the Clintons feel a sense of responsibility for wars they start and a sense of duty to attend them.
Please tell me you never had children, because that is utterly irresponsible. Chelsea WAS A MINOR at the time.
ntr Fausto Carmona
And p.luk has joined the Mighty White caucus alongside Hillary herself. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures…
her campaign stinks so bad families in cars roll up the windows
a dog raises its hackles if hillary’s campaign comes towards it
if hillary’s campaign touches some eggs the mother bird will kill the eggs
hillary’s campaign is a melted down chili pepper nailed to a board
Somebody took Turdblossom’s advice:
Congratulations MUPpets! You’re Rovers!
Tim H.
She sits down with Richard Mellon Scaife to talk and a question about Wright is supposedly a surprise, and she just had to answer? I’m thinking McCain already has all the low IQ voters locked up, so I’m not sure this is going to play.
Straight from Turdblossom’s sphincter:
I’ve said before I smell the stench of right-wing meme.
How often do we see these phrases (or variations) here at BJ from supposed Democrats?:
“her sense of entitlement”
“She is not owed the nomination”
“It does not belong to her simply because her name is Clinton”
“she tries to become a victim”
Those are Karl Rove’s words from a column dated December 2, 2007.
I hope y’all are proud of yourselves. You know who you are.
She plays ball with Richard Mellon Scaife and somehow the MUPpets are right-wing tools? Enjoy voting for McCain in November.
and the devil said that it would be politically expedient for clinton to rehash the wright thingy.
OMG, hillbots – you’re now totally satanists!
I’d rather resemble Rove in my language than Resemble him in your way – by being completely full of shit.
Bob In Pacifica
Just one small point: All the candidates signed a pledge to not campaign or PARTICIPATE in the Michigan and Florida primaries.
Demanding that delegates be awarded based on the voting of the two non-primaries is a violation of that pledge. After all, if trying to get delegates from those states is not participating, what is?
Just another example of Clinton’s character.
w vincentz
“Satanists”…yes. The Clintons are the Anti-Christs.
Look deeper. Bill wants a third term. The only way he can get it is by vicariously putting his wife up.
He’s already proven himself to be a liar.
Now comes Hillary. Her two major lies (that she’s based her entire campaign on)…
1) That she was (is) opposed to the “war” in Iraq. Roll the 2002 Senate debate tape.
2) That she has 35 years of “leadership” experience. Roll the Tuzla tape.
Like Satan (motives are lie, kill, steal), the Clintons are paticipants in the evil one’s complete agenda.
Do you really want another Satan in the White House?
Wasn’t Bush/Cheney enough?